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Chapter 405 True and False Zhou Birthday

Sometimes, the only thing more annoying than a crow is a crow’s beak.

Wang Yue asked Mole to take Qingzhou's more than 10,000 cavalrymen, one man and three horses, to rush towards Zhongzhou quickly.

However, Wang Yue asked some inns from various places to take care of him. He changed horses without changing people in the middle, and galloped towards Xizhou.

However, although Wang Yue moved quickly, when he arrived in Xizhou, there were not many cavalry available from various places.

Although one hundred thousand infantry were mobilized and Zhou Shengchen's apprentice led them to Zhongzhou, it was really too late.

Wang Yue reluctantly took the more than 20,000 cavalry he had barely raised and 'borrowed' more than 10,000 cavalry from Xiaoyao City, and then he rushed to Zhongzhou non-stop.

When Wang Yue led more than 20,000 cavalry to the place agreed upon by Zhongzhou and Mole, Mole, with more than 10,000 cavalry, had been waiting for a long time.

The mole glanced at the red scarf tied to Wang Yue's left arm and knew that the Zhou Shengchen opposite was Wang Yue in disguise. He gave a stylish salute and then said, "King Nanchen, my young master asked me to Waiting here for you to obey King Xiao Nanchen’s orders?”

Wang Yue glanced at Mole and found that he was also forced to hold back his laughter, so he decided not to tease him anymore and said in a deep voice, "When this matter is over, thank your young master for me."

Mole even said he didn't dare. Hearing Wang Yue's plan, he chuckled and went down to arrange for his cavalry to gather with the men and horses brought by Xiaoyao Valley. They quickly formed a formation, as if they had been rehearsed.

The soldiers and horses of Xizhou became solemn when they saw that the Qingzhou Army was so well-organized. After arranging the team, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses rushed towards Zhongzhou City.

But at this time, Zhongzhou City had been besieged for several days. If it weren't for the reputation of King Xiao Nanchen, King Xiao Nanchen and his disciples would lead their cavalry out of the city for raids from time to time, destroying the equipment used by Jin Rong's army to attack the city. , Zhongzhou City may have been in danger for a long time.

On this day, during the siege of the city, Prince Liu Zixing, together with the palace servants, went to the city wall to work for the army again. He arranged for the servants to distribute food. He personally carried the food box, walked to Zhou Shengchen, and handed it over. A pot of water and some dry food, he said with a sad look, "Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Wang."

Zhou Shengchen still remembered the news from Hong Xiaoyu and guessed that Liu Zixing might have something to do with Jin Rong and was originally planning to win. However, he considered that there were not many adult royal families, and Liu Zixing had been granted the title of prince. Zhou Shengchen was afraid that the clan and the ministers would misunderstand him, and it would be difficult to do anything to him.

During the past few days of the siege, Zhou Shengchen had been on guard against Liu Zixing, but according to his observations these days, Liu Zixing seemed to be normal and nothing was wrong. Zhou Shengchen and his disciples also sent people to carefully inspect the things Lao Jun brought, but no problems were found.

It was still like this today. Zhou Shengchen exchanged greetings with Liu Zixing and asked his men to check it. They still found no problems, so they ate it with confidence again.

But this time it seemed to be a little different. After the soldiers ate the laborers' food, many of them were weak and felt discomfort to varying degrees. A small number of them hurried to the latrines.

Zhou Shengchen immediately knew that the situation was not good. He looked at Liu Zixing who had gone away and cursed secretly. He did not expect to be cautious and guarded, but still fell into the trap, so he quickly ordered his disciples to go to the city to find the doctor.

At this moment, as if he had received a signal, Jin Rong's attack came again, and it was not as violent as usual. However, after a while, Zhou Shengchen's defense was crumbling.

By the time Wang Yue arrived with his troops, the capital city had been shattered. The whole capital was in chaos, with soldiers burning, killing and looting everywhere, and the people were crying and wailing. The capital city was like a hell on earth.

Seeing this situation, Wang Yue subconsciously ordered, "General Yan, arrange for people to take your 20,000 war horses and parade around Zhongzhou City. You must make people feel that there are a large number of cavalry, and they are constantly heading towards Zhongzhou. Come from the city."

Mole was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, and quickly agreed, quickly arranged for hundreds of cavalry who were good at controlling horses, and followed Wang Yue's arrangement.

Then, Wang Yue said to Zhou Tianxing again, "Tianxing, you lead a group of people and shout around the city, saying that I, Zhou Shengchen, have brought an army from Xizhou to suppress the rebellion. The rest of the people will follow me and fight in, and go straight to Royal Palace.”

After Zhou Tianxing received the order, he followed Wang Yue into the city and separated at a fork in the road, shouting and killing the rebels all the way.

Wang Yue himself led more than 20,000 cavalry and came straight to the palace. At this time, although Liu Zixing had been captured by Zhou Shengchen, the palace was temporarily safe. Although most of Zhou Shengchen's soldiers were uncomfortable, they shrank to guard the palace. City, Jin Rong really couldn't take the imperial city for a while.

Jin Rong was also a ruthless man. He captured all the royal families in Zhongzhou City and killed them all in front of Zhou Shengchen without saying a word.

Now Zhou Shengchen is very embarrassed. If he accuses Liu Zixing again, then the Beichen royal family will not have a suitable candidate to inherit the throne. Of course, he can also ascend the throne himself.

Zhou Shengchen really didn't want to be emperor. If he had wanted to, he wouldn't have waited until today. You must know that his 700,000 troops could decide the outcome in a single battle before Wang Yue came out of the mountain.

Zhou Shengchen also discovered Liu Zixing's ruthlessness. If Liu Zixing was let go, his life and that of his apprentice would probably be in danger.

Just when Zhou Shengchen was struggling, he suddenly heard many people throughout the city shouting,

"King Xiao Nanchen has led the Xizhou army to suppress the rebellion!"

"King Xiao Nanchen has led the Xizhou army to suppress the rebellion!"

This kind of sound kept coming out, making the two sides of the confrontation confused, especially Jin Rong's soldiers, who were a little panicked.

Because the sound was accompanied by the rumble of horse hooves. It sounded like there were tens of thousands of people.

Liu Zixing thought he was Zhou Shengchen's apprentice and was playing some trick, so he smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, you'd better stop playing any tricks. Either kill me and you and your apprentices will be buried with me, or let me go and I I can still spare your lives, but there is no point in hesitating any longer.”

Feng Qiao had the most fiery personality. After hearing this, she kicked him and cursed, "Bah, you thief, you have killed so many royal families for your own selfish desires, and you still want to live."

Liu Zixing was not angry, he just smiled and said, "If I die, no one in Beichen will be able to sit on the throne. Uncle Emperor, do you want to be the emperor? Do you dare to do it? You are worthy of your emperor." Brother?"

Zhou Shengchen's disciples were all confused. Just because Zhou Shengchen was here, he didn't take direct action like Feng Qiao.

Even Feng Qiao just kicked her feet to vent her anger and didn't dare to actually chop this guy with a knife.

At this stalemate, Wang Yue arrived on horseback. Without saying a word, he drew the strong bow on his horse, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot three arrows in a row at Liu Zixing without mercy.

Zhou Shengchen saw another cold light flashing in the distance, shooting towards Liu Zixing, so he subconsciously rushed towards Liu Zixing.

At the same time, Liu Zixing also saw the flash of cold light and subconsciously jumped back.

The three arrows shot by Wang Yue blocked all Liu Zixing's escape routes, and he was sure that no matter how he hid, he would be hit by the arrows.

However, what Wang Yue didn't expect was that Zhou Shengchen would protect Liu Zixing with his own body.

Unfortunately, there was no turning arrow when he fired his bow, and Wang Yue could only watch helplessly as Zhou Shengchen and Liu Zixing fell to the ground one after another.

Zhou Shengchen's disciples and subordinates, including Liu Zixing, all exclaimed in surprise.

"Your Highness!"


The scene suddenly became chaotic. Jin Rong's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. He didn't care who shot the arrow. What a great opportunity this was to break through the imperial city in one fell swoop. He immediately ordered, "Come on, take it down." In the imperial city, thousands of golds can be traded.”

After hearing this, Jin Rong's men became excited one by one, and they rushed towards the imperial city one by one.

However, at this moment, Wang Yue had already wielded his long sword and was the first to kill. While slashing, he shouted, "I, Zhou Shengchen, am here, why don't you surrender quickly?"

After hearing this roar, everyone subconsciously looked back and saw the familiar King Xiao Nanchen rushing left and right among the soldiers. He was soon cut down in pieces, and the Xizhou cavalry behind him also fell into pieces. They are all very brave.

Everyone looked at Zhou Shengchen who was lying on the ground in the imperial city, and then at Zhou Shengchen who was fighting bravely against the enemy. They were confused for a moment as to why there were two Zhou Shengchen.

It's just that these two groups of people were in a daze, but Wang Yue and the soldiers and horses behind him would not be confused, especially the Qingzhou soldiers and horses led by Mole, who would kill more fiercely and their momentum was very terrifying.

After a while, Wang Yue and his cavalry cleared the rioters at the entrance of the imperial city, and the guards of the imperial city breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this situation, Jin Rong thought that he still had Liu Zizhen in his hands, so he quickly called to his followers, quickly gathered his troops, stopped resistance, and evacuated outside the city.

Wang Yue actually has more than 30,000 troops. If he were in the wild, he could find opportunities to bite and eat Jin Rong's soldiers and horses. But now in the city, the cavalry does not have much advantage. He sees Jin Rong's After all the soldiers and horses withdrew from Zhongzhou, they just pursued it for a few miles in disguise and then immediately returned to the city.

Wang Yue only had time to return to the imperial city at this time to see Zhou Shengchen's specific condition. He didn't know how injured Zhou Shengchen was.

Seeing Wang Yue walking into the imperial city, Feng Qiao looked at Wang Yue suspiciously, and then at the pale Zhou Shengchen on the hospital bed. She really couldn't tell who was her master.

Still clever as a hamster, he had seen Wang Yue in disguise, so he excitedly stepped forward, gave a salute, and said with a smile, "Master, why are you here and dressed up as King Xiao Nanchen?"

Wang Yue saw that the hamster's surprise did not look like he was faking it, so he smiled and said, "Aren't we trying to find a way to save you? My Qingzhou Army did not dare to mobilize a large number of troops for fear of causing misunderstandings, so I could only go to the west once." State, luckily it came in time.”

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