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Chapter 441 What a friend should be like

Guan Hongfeng, the former Changfeng detachment leader who suffers from dark phobia and is under investigation by the Supervision Department, has been dismissed from his position as detachment leader.

With the help of the three parties, Guan Hongfeng was seconded to the Xiguan detachment to assist Wang Yue and Hu Yibiao in handling daily affairs, and adjustments would be made after deputy captain Qin Chi woke up.

Wang Yue and Team Hu held a small welcome ceremony for Guan Hongfeng in the conference room of the Xiguan detachment. The police officers present were very happy. You must know that Guan Hongfeng is the idol of the Beijing-Hong Kong police system.

After the enthusiastic crowd finally dispersed, Wang Yue said to Guan Hongfeng, "Team Guan, our Xiguan detachment, currently has two murder cases in progress, one is the murder case of a lawyer, and the other is Wu Zheng. The family extermination case was led by me and Captain Hu respectively. Which of us will you serve as a consultant first?"

Guan Hongfeng looked at Wang Yue and Hu Yibiao who were looking at him eagerly, then shook his head helplessly and said with a smile, "How about we handle one case first and then concentrate on the other one?"

Hu Yibiao twitched the corner of his mouth. He also knew that Guan Hongfeng didn't want to offend anyone, but Guan Hongfeng was right. It would be better to concentrate on solving one problem first. He thought that the lawyer's case was in the hands of Team Guan. It was estimated that he would be able to finish it in less than two days. He said a little speechlessly, "Then Team Guan and Team Wang will finish the lawyer's case together, and then come and support me."

Wang Yue saw that Hu Yibiao was a little pitiful when he spoke, so he quickly helped to find a way and said, "Captain Hu, you first lead a team to check all the cameras and the driving recorders of some vehicles near Shuguang Community. We will try to get the lawyer in during this time. Once the case is settled, I'll go over and support you."

Hu Yibiao rolled his eyes at Wang Yue and said angrily, "Captain Wang became a lot louder after the help from the relevant teams. That's not what you said a few days ago. I remember someone said that all the possibilities of Xue Dong's You have made a grudge, but you have investigated and still haven’t found the murderer.”

Wang Yue was a little embarrassed when Hu Yibiao exposed his thoughts. He pretended to have a plan and said, "I have already thought of a good idea. Since I can't find the murderer among my enemies, I am going to do the opposite and kill him among his friends." If you start, you will definitely gain something."

Hu Yibiao was speechless for Wang Yue. Wang Yue's investigation in these two aspects was equivalent to checking all of Xue Dong's contacts. When would the case be solved? He was still waiting for support.

When Hu Yibiao thought of this, he held his forehead and sighed, "Captain Wang, Commander Guan has just arrived, please don't be embarrassed. How could a friend hire a murderer to kill someone?"

After listening to what the two said, Guan Hongfeng suddenly said, "Captain Wang's idea is good. In fact, many of the murders were hired because he knew the victim."

Lu Mingjia had a different view. He asked doubtfully, "Xue Dong bought Liu Haotian's shares from Liu Haotian's wife at a low price. Is there anything related to this?"

Wang Yue knew what Lu Mingjia was thinking, so he shook his head and said, "When we went that day, we asked Liu Haotian's wife. She seemed to have a bad impression of Xue Dong. She probably didn't want to have too many interactions."

Lu Mingjia understood immediately after being reminded by Wang Yue. He nodded and said with a smile, "That's right. That Xue Dong is too flowery. If he doesn't figure it out early, his reputation will be ruined."

Guan Hongfeng looked at the Xiguan detachment's handling of cases, but the atmosphere was very good, which made him relax a lot. This was much better than Changfeng. His two deputy detachment captains had long wanted to be promoted. . It's not that Guan Hongfeng likes the position of detachment leader, so he can always find a position for him.

Guan Hongfeng couldn't help but chuckle. When he saw everyone's puzzled looks, he coughed quickly and said, "Since Team Wang suspects that he hired a murderer, why don't you withdraw all the people sent to protect Xue Dong, Xiaolu, you and me?" They take turns protecting each other secretly, and there may be unexpected results."

Wang Yue was reminded by Guan Hongfeng and understood immediately. He smiled and said, "Guan's trick of luring snakes out of their holes is quite good. That's it, Xiaolu, go and call all the brothers back. Anyway, Xue Dong is being followed by us." If he’s tired, let’s untie him.”

Lu Mingjia has a strong execution ability. He quickly stood up and said, "I will make arrangements right away. How will the three of us arrange the follow-up?"

Wang Yue thought about it and quickly arranged, "You go to the scene first and withdraw with great fanfare. Team Guan and I will follow you for the day shift after a while, and then we will work the night shift with you in the evening. Tomorrow, you will work with Team Guan on the day shift during the day." Rotate like this.”

Lu Mingjia nodded, approved the arrangement, and immediately rushed to Xue Dong's law office.

Guan Hongfeng saw Lu Mingjia leaving, chatted with Hu Yibiao and Wang Yue for a while, and then asked, "Captain Wang, when are we leaving?"

Hu Yibiao saw that the two of them were about to withdraw, so he smiled and reminded, "Captain Guan, the scar on your face is simply the symbol of our Tianjin port. It is too conspicuous. Why don't you let Captain Wang take any of them with you?"

Guan Hongfeng touched his cheek, looked at Wang Yue and asked, "Otherwise, I won't go? I have to go to the Legal Affairs Center twice a week, and it's not suitable for squatting."

Wang Yue rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Come with me and I'll put some makeup on you to cover up your scar. It won't be a problem."

Hu Yibiao grinned and then said, "What do you plan to do with Captain Guan's face?"

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows and said mysteriously, "You guys wait a minute, I'll go out to buy some materials and try it when I get back."

Under the suspicious eyes of Hu Yibiao and Guan Hongfeng, Wang Yue left the detachment excitedly. Not long after, when the two were discussing the case, Wang Yue hurried back with something.

Wang Yue met the curious eyes of the two and said with a smile, "Today I want you to experience one of the four great magical arts in the East."

Hu Yibiao saw that Wang Yue was very embarrassed, so he acted as a flatterer and asked doubtfully, "What are the four great magic arts?"

Wang Yue didn't know whether Hu Yibiao really didn't know or was just pretending to be stupid, so he continued, "Korea's plastic surgery, Japan's cosmetics, Thailand's sex reassignment, our domestic PS surgery."

Hu Yibiao had never heard of it, but he understood it after thinking about it for a while. He smiled and said, "Okay, it seems to be the cosmetic technique. I will let the brothers from the technical team investigate first, and I will see it before I leave."

It didn't take Wang Yue long to make up the scar on Guan Hongfeng's face as if it had never been a scar.

Hu Yibiao looked at Guan Hongfeng and said with a smile, "Captain Guan, without this scar, you and your brother will be indistinguishable."

Wang Yue also met Guan Hongyu once. He said with a smile, "There are some differences in temperament, but only those who are very familiar with them and are relatively keen can tell them apart."

Guan Hongfeng looked in the mirror and found that he really couldn't see it anymore. He smiled and asked, "Captain Wang, can you teach me this?"

Wang Yue was not afraid of leaking secrets, and said casually, "No problem, let's follow Xue Dong. I happen to be bored, so I'll use that time to teach you."

Hu Yibiao rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "If you don't teach me, I'm not willing to learn."

Only then did Wang Yue react. He said with a smile, "All the people on the path have been withdrawn. I have to go there quickly. If you want to learn, I will teach you at any time."

Seeing that Wang Yue was subdued, Hu Yibiao ate his bun with satisfaction and said, "Well, seeing that you are so sincere, I won't argue with you anymore."

Wang Yue and Guan Hongfeng and Hu Yibiao left the detachment together, and Hu Yibiao led the team to continue the visit. Wang Yue and Guan Hongfeng went to the vicinity of Xue Dong's law firm, monitoring Xue Dong's situation and teaching Guan Hongfeng to disguise himself.

Because it is easier to simply cover the scar or draw a scar, it is more likely that the students are smarter and Guan Hongfeng learned it in a short time.

Time passed quickly, and it was getting dark. Lu Mingjia also quietly rushed over and replaced Guan Hongfeng.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, Lu Mingjia looked at the lights of Xue Dong's house that had just been turned on and said depressedly, "This Xue Dong is also very energetic. He is busy all day long and fools around at night to come home so late. How does he cope with it?" It’s a case during the day.”

Wang Yue rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "This guy is the boss. He sleeps until he wakes up naturally before going to work, and he is not afraid of being deducted from his salary."

The two were chatting when Wang Yue saw a dark figure approaching Xue Dong's villa. He quickly patted the sleeping Lu Mingjia awake and whispered, "Here we go, let's go get some work."

When Lu Mingjia opened his eyes, he also saw the man in black, prying open the door. He asked in a low voice, "Captain Wang, what should I do?"

Wang Yue smiled and said, "For a while, you stay outside the door to prevent him from escaping. I will climb in and catch him from the inside."

Lu Mingjia knew that Wang Yue was very skilled, so he nodded and said quickly, "Captain Wang, be careful."

Wang Yue nodded, and after the black shadow broke into Xue Dong's house, he quickly climbed up to the second floor.

Xue Dong was still drinking with a woman at the moment. Both of them were a little high, and neither of them knew the danger was coming.

The killer came to the second floor. Seeing this situation, he lost his nervousness and slowly walked towards the two of them.

The woman was disheveled and distracted. Suddenly she saw the man in black appearing behind Xue Dong. Her lust and drunkenness were immediately frightened away. She pointed behind Xue Dong and shouted in horror, "Yes, there is someone!" "

Xue Dong saw that the woman didn't seem to be cheating, so he rushed out and hid far away.

When the man in black was swinging the dagger, Wang Yue had already rushed over, took down the man in black neatly, and quickly fastened the hand button.

It was only at this time that Xue Dong and his female companion realized that someone was really assassinating them.

After Xue Dong came to his senses, he glanced at the killer with some fear and asked doubtfully, "Team King, didn't you withdraw?"

Of course, Wang Yue couldn't leave anything to say. He smiled and said, "Although I withdrew as you requested, I thought I still wanted to come over and have a look. I didn't expect to catch up."

After catching the murderer, they quickly followed the clues and found the person who hired the murderer, Xue Dong's good friend Gao Tansheng.

So far, Xue Dong's only two good friends were one who was accidentally killed because of him and the other who was caught because he wanted to kill him.

Lu Mingjia went through the follow-up procedures and returned to the police force. Seeing Wang Yue asking questions to the Guan Team, he interrupted rudely, "Guan Team, you will talk about it later, and I will learn from it. The case of Xue Dong that I followed has been settled, but Xue Dong is heartbroken this time, and I don’t know if he can change his personality."

Guan Hongfeng shook his head and said in a cold voice, "Saying that Xue Dong has no friends is just Gao Tan Sheng's own excuse. Xue Dong's only friend has been killed by Gao Tan Sheng."

Wang Yue also didn't expect that Guan Hongfeng would solve the case less than 12 hours after joining. He was sighing. Hearing Lu Mingjia's words, he nodded and said, "Gao Tansheng and Xue Dong have known each other for so many years. I think I already knew Xue Dong's character. He wanted to ask Xue Dong to help contact a specialist to perform an operation on his son, but he was not willing to urge him a few more times, and even put down his face and dragged Xue Dong to find that specialist. I think with Xue Dong's character, he would have to scold him at most. If he was delayed in picking up girls, things would still be handled. But what Gao Tan Sheng did was related to his son's life and death. He just said hello. That was his own son, not Xue Dong's son. Gao Tan Sheng himself didn't care. If you don’t care, why should you expect others?”

Lu Mingjia felt a little uncomfortable, and he immediately questioned, "As friends, shouldn't we help each other? Is it reasonable for Xue Dong not to help?"

Wang Yue laughed dumbly, shook his head and said, "Didn't Xue Dong help his friends? Gao Tansheng has no money at the moment, so he doesn't pay for the lawyer's fees at all. He will pay them back when he has money. It seems that he has no intention at all. I mean, isn't this enough of a friend? It would be even more funny to say that Xue Dong plays with his mobile phone while eating with his friends. Nowadays, there are many young people who don't use mobile phones. The first thing they do when they enter a friend's party is to ask for the network password. With Xue Dong's personality, if you have something important to do, if you reach out and grab his phone and throw it aside, he will not fall out with you. Have you forgotten the person who beat him? After the beating, Xue Dong will still be the same. ?”

Lu Mingjia was a little angry, and he said depressedly, "What you mean is that Gao Tansheng wants to ask his friends for help, but he still wants to ask Qiao for help, which is too small."

Guan Hongfeng saw that Lu Mingjia was a little angry, so he quickly said, "This is a character problem. When Gao Tansheng is in trouble, the first thing he thinks of is his friend who has the ability to help. Why don't you help me? This means you don't regard him as a friend."

Wang Yue followed Guan Hongfeng's words and said, "That's what I mean. Gao Tansheng may still be thinking that Xue Dong is his friend, why didn't he come crying and begging to help him!"

Guan Hongfeng was amused by Wang Yue and said cautiously, "Narrow-minded people tend to go to extremes. They either complain about others or are complained about others, so many crimes occur."

Wang Yue also nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, most of those who commit crimes on impulse are like this."

Lu Mingjia was convinced, and he said helplessly, "I can also understand Xue Dong. He is really not good at making friends with others. He cannot understand the true meaning of the word friend. People who are immersed in their own dreams cannot be friends with others." A bunch of superficial friends.”

Wang Yue disagreed, and he quickly reminded, "That's because others won't be friends with others. Look at Liu Haotian, who was accidentally killed. He knew Xue Dong very clearly. He never fooled around with Xue Dong, but the two of them never fooled around. There has been no problem since we started a business together after graduating from university, and the two of us have always been happy to work together.”

Lu Mingjia rolled his eyes, thinking that Xue Dong was pitiful and hateful at the same time. His only friend was killed because of him, and he bought the shares left by his friend at a low price.

Not wanting to bring up this troublesome matter again, Lu Mingjia changed the topic and said, "Let's not mention this anymore. How can people nowadays have so much time to understand other people's personalities first before making friends? If Liu Haotian wasn't Xue Dong's A college classmate would probably not become friends with him.”

Wang Yue agreed very much with this. He nodded and said, "That's good. There are more than twenty classmates in a university class. If you still have one or two friends after graduation, it is not considered a failure. Many of them are friends with the university after graduation." All my classmates have lost contact.”

Guan Hongfeng saw that the two were ready to chat again, so he quickly said, "Captain Wang, since it's over here, why don't we hurry up and support Captain Hu."

Wang Yue slapped his forehead. He really forgot about it, so he said with a sneer, "I'm really sorry. I'm going to close the team. Let's go right away."

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