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Chapter 483 I have a book, do you want it?

Fan Sizhe felt that since Fan Xian couldn't go to a brothel to be cool, it would be better to go to a higher-end one and let this country bumpkin from Danzhou see the world, so that he could be more peaceful in the future.

After carefully thinking about the places he knew, Fan Sizhe decided to take Fan Xian and the others to the famous Yipinju. He felt that only by going to a place like Yipinju could he not only let me know how much money he spent, but also let Fan Xian know how difficult it was to live in Kyoto.

Because Ye Shiyi and Zhu Ba didn't know the road, Fan Sizhe didn't mind squeezing in between them to guide them. It took them a long time to reach Yipinju.

In front of Yipinju's door, Wang Yue, Fan Xian, Fan Ruoruo and Fan Sizhe had just gotten off the carriage, when a woman stopped a few people. She looked around furtively, as if she was afraid of someone finding out, and then said cautiously, "I have Book, do you want it?"

Wang Yue looked at the woman holding the milk baby, but she looked like a book seller at the school gate. The obscene expression on the woman's face looked very strange.

The atmosphere was so heightened that Wang Yue forgot about the plot for a while, and subconsciously asked, "What book?"

The woman looked around again, and after making sure no one else was paying attention, she took a few steps closer and whispered, "Forbidden books!"

Fan Xian also listened curiously. He couldn't believe what he heard. He thought he had met a time-traveling sister. He rolled his eyes and asked again, "Banned books? In this public place? Isn't it appropriate?"

The woman didn't know why Fan Xian was so surprised. Isn't this kind of thing normal in Kyoto? You must know how difficult it is to apply for a formal ISBN. The eight departments of the Appraisal and Inspection Institute are too strict in their approval process.

However, the woman was just doing business. Seeing that the customer seemed to have doubts, she patiently explained, "Red Mansion! Master, have you heard about it? This book is very difficult to find. One volume is eighty taels, so there will be no counter-offering."

Fan Xian was still in a daze, why did the Red Mansion he wrote spread out? He quickly took the book from the woman's hand and read it several times to make sure it was not the one with the same name, then turned back to look at Fan Ruoruo.

Fan Ruoruo was also a little confused. After she read this book, Princess Roujia discovered it. Unable to bear the princess's request, she asked the princess's female history to copy a copy. However, she didn't expect that it would be circulated among the female relatives of various mansions. , why sell it on the street? Who is so shameless as to do such a thing?

That was not what Fan Sizhe was concerned about. He widened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "What book? Eight taels? Is this book made of gold?"

The woman was so surprised when she saw Fan Sizhe's luxurious clothes. She was afraid that Fan Xian was as stingy as Fan Sizhe, so she snatched her book and asked angrily, "Do you want it or not?"

Fan Xian had already reacted. He wanted to know the origin of the book, or he was just trying to find out. He pretended to be embarrassed and asked, "What if I want to buy a few more books? Can you make it cheaper? I see you holding the child. , you can’t bring a few copies with you.”

The woman's eyes lit up when she heard that Fan Xian wanted to buy in large quantities. She also forgot about Fan Sizhe's stinginess and her eyes were full of money. However, she also knew that such a noble man would not be able to wait for her to drive home. She gritted her teeth and said, "If you really want me, master, just come to the back alley with me."

Fan Xian saw that there was something going on and was ready to see who was so shameless. He quickly turned around and said to Wang Yue and others, "You guys go up and wait for me. I'll go take a look."

Fan Sizhe felt that he might not have woken up today because his mother, who never wanted to see Fan Xian in her hometown, actually asked him to take Fan Xian out to play. There are eight books in one volume, and the country bumpkins from my hometown in Danzhou are actually planning to buy a few more.

Fan Xian didn't know what Fan Sizhe was thinking, but seeing the idiot look in Fan Sizhe's eyes, he didn't explain or pay any attention to this idiot brother. After all, he had already seen it yesterday, so he turned around and said to the woman, "Please lead the way." .”

Wang Yue thought for a while, thinking about this unimportant plot, Gou System must be too lazy to change the salted fish attribute, and the book seller must be Wang Qinian, and there will be no problem, so he didn't say anything, just looked at Fan Xian followed the woman. It's just that the two of them were sneaky and didn't look like they were doing anything good.

Fan Sizhe looked at Fan Xian as if he had no future, so he followed the woman into the alley. He pointed at Fan Xian's back and said to Fan Ruoruo, "Look at him, he followed the woman to the alley. How weird." So decent!”

Fan Ruoruo was a little worried at first, but when she heard that Fan Sizhe actually slandered Fan Xian, she became very unhappy and angrily said, "What do you know? That book was written by my brother. Of course he wants to read it."

Fan Sizhe's first reaction was to rub his eyes. There were a lot of things today, and they were all strange. He had to make sure he was not dreaming. He looked at Fan Ruoruo seriously and asked cautiously, "Did he write it?!"

Then, after Fan Ruoruo nodded, Fan Sizhe's second reaction was that his eyes were filled with copper coins. He was calculating how much the land could be sold for if he did this business by himself. One eight equals eight, two eighty six, three eight.

Thanks to Ye Qingmei, the aristocratic children of Qing Kingdom basically know this algorithm, but they will only think of that woman when they use it.

The three of them found a table and sat down to wait for Fan Xian, but Fan Sizhe fell into the eyes of stars. He looked at the bookseller downstairs and drooled. He didn't know what he was thinking. Wang Yue and Fan Ruoruo ordered a lot of special dishes, and the prices were quite expensive. Fan Sizhe didn't even come back to pay attention, and he wasn't even worried about his little money.

The three of them were leaning against the window, Fan Sizhe was wandering in the sky, Wang Yue and Fan Ruoruo were chatting about old things, and the scene was very harmonious.

Fan Xian walked in at this moment. After he sat down, he said helplessly, "Guess who is behind these women selling books?"

Wang Yue rolled his eyes, and without giving Fan Xian a chance to show off, he pointed directly, "Wang Qinian."

Fan Xian looked at Wang Yue in surprise. He didn't know how Wang Yue knew so well. Could it be that Wang Yue had some information channels.

Thinking of this, Fan Xian became serious. He asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

Fan Ruoruo also thought the same as Fan Xian, but she had always known that Wang Yue was very low-key. Why did he suddenly show his strength today?

Wang Yue saw that Fan Xian seemed to be playing tricks on her, and he cursed in his heart. If your mother had half as many tricks as you, she would have become the queen.

In order to dispel Fan Xian's wariness, Wang Yue said helplessly, "You have only been in Kyoto for a few days, and you have met a few acquaintances. It's not the Wang Qinian you met yesterday. Could it be that she is still your chicken leg girl?"

Only then did Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo realize that this was indeed the case. After Fan Xian came to Kyoto, these two seemed to be the only important people he had met.

At this moment, Fan Sizhe seemed to have finally stopped playing. He suddenly pulled Fan Xian's hand with some excitement and said affectionately, "You know when you and the woman entered the alley just now, Yipinju How many copies of The Red Mansion were sold downstairs? There are more than a dozen copies. At eight liang a copy, excluding the cost, we can probably earn 7 taels and 8 cents. If we start selling, we can sell at least 100 copies a day. Then But seven hundred and sixty-eight taels."

Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth. Fan Xian's younger brother was indeed just like the one on TV. He was definitely a math genius. His mental arithmetic speed was really fast. He had just followed Fan Sizhe's opening and closing of his mouth and calculated, and he was even slower than half a beat. . This made Wang Yue admire the power of genetic genes, and he was worthy of being a money-managing son.

You must know that his brain has been developed for more than ten worlds. In terms of calculation, he actually lost to Fan Sizhe who was talking and calculating casually. Could it be that the nuclear radiation affected this guy's brain and caused special mutations?

Just when Wang Yue was slandering, chaos suddenly broke out in front of Yipinju's door, and it became like a vegetable market.

A group of guards who didn't know the residence snatched all the books from the book seller in front of Yipinju, and kept driving away the crowd, freeing up a large space.

After all the book sellers were dispersed, a young man came out of the sedan chair. He took a copy of The Red Mansion that he had snatched from the bookseller from the guard, and said loudly, "I'm so talented. But it was also compiled for the palace. Guo has been practicing prose since he was a child, and he attaches great importance to etiquette. As scholars, you should read from the saints. Such filthy and miscellaneous books are insulting to elegance."

After saying this, the young official named Guo threw the Red Mansions book on the ground, raised his leg and stepped on it. Then he glanced at Fan Xian upstairs with great force, and then said disdainfully, "In my opinion, , starting from today, this book will be banned!"

Fan Sizhe was counting his little money, and finally got his sister's approval. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to ban the Red Mansion in a blink of an eye.

You know, how could Fan Sizhe, a young playboy, stand up to the hatred of killing his father and killing his parents? He jumped to his feet in anger and shouted, "Nonsense? Guo Baokun, you are talking nonsense!"

Guo Baokun only had Fan Xian in his eyes. He got the order from the prince in the palace and wanted to attack Fan Xian. Unexpectedly, someone suddenly interrupted and scolded him when he was posing in his most handsome pose. How could Guo Baokun endure this.

However, in public, as a court official, Guo Baokun was not as direct as Fan Sizhe. He could only turn around and scold him, hoping that Fan Sizhe would retreat when he saw the difficulty, so he pretended not to recognize him and said, "Which kid can speak so rudely?"

Who would have thought that Fan Sizhe would not accept this trick at all. You must know that Fan Sizhe's uncle's family is in the Duke's palace, and he has an aunt who is the favored concubine in the palace. She is also used to being arrogant in Kyoto. In addition to his parents, he is also his sister. If Fan Ruoruo can restrain him a little, he won't be afraid of other people.

Seeing that Guo Baokun dared to talk back, Fan Sizhe immediately cursed, "I'm grandpa!"

After Fan Sizhe said that, he immediately rushed downstairs, ready to teach Guo Baokun a lesson.

Wang Yue, Fan Xian and Fan Ruoruo all thought it would be a good idea to let Fan Sizhe, a naughty kid, make trouble, so they didn't stop him.

After Fan Sizhe went downstairs, Fan Xian asked, "Whose is this Guo Baokun?"

Fan Ruoruo was very familiar with this, and he said seriously, "Guo Baokun was once the companion of the East Palace, and he was considered to be the prince's person, right?"

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly and said with great disdain, "Is this prince a fool? By targeting Fan Xian so blatantly and with such low means, has he been deceived into lameness?"

Fan Ruoruo was also a little suspicious. Seeing that Wang Yue seemed to have guessed something, he quickly asked, "Then why did the prince target my brother?"

Wang Yue saw that Fan Ruoruo really didn't understand, so he smiled and explained, "There is no love without reason, and there is no hatred without reason. He targeted your brother, presumably because your brother has cut off other people's wealth."

Fan Ruoruo still didn't understand, so she asked doubtfully, "What way of making money?"

Wang Yue saw that Ruoruo, unlike other women, was actually curious about the affairs of the court, so he patiently explained, "Isn't it rumored that whoever marries the daughter of the eldest princess will accept the inner treasure?"

Fan Ruoruo immediately understood what it meant. He looked at his brother with some worry. He was the prince, and things were a little troublesome.

While the three of them were chatting, Fan Sizhe had already rushed downstairs, but the others were too weak to squeeze through, so he could only curse angrily from outside, "Guo, what do you know about you?"

After Fan Sizhe shouted, the crowd of spectators immediately moved out of the way. They were still waiting to watch the excitement. After all, jokes among the nobles in Beijing were not very common.

Fan Sizhe saw the crowd parting, and rushed in to pick up the Red Mansion without much thought. He dusted it twice distressedly, and then said angrily, "So many people like to read The Red Mansion, it means it is a good book. You I still want to ban you. What kind of official position do you have? You are a small official with a bigger size than sesame seeds and mung beans. I will give you a yamen. Do you dare to enter?"

Guo Baokun originally wanted to anger Fan Xian, but he didn't expect the rightful owner to be angry. Instead, the rightful owner's younger brother rushed forward. He had never heard that the Fan brothers had such a good relationship. Could it be that the information was wrong?

Just thinking of Fan Sizhe's rude words, Guo Baokun was severely humiliated, so he retorted disdainfully, "I thought I was the bad guy in that house, but it turned out to be you, a stupid pig."

Fan Sizhe didn't expect that Guo Baokun would dare to talk back. Do you think he, a dandy in the elite circle, is so easy to mess with? He yelled back angrily, "You are a pig, your father is a pig, and your whole family is a pig!"

A child and an official quarreled in the street, which made the official look very embarrassed. Guo Baokun was very ugly for a while.

At this time, a man dressed as a scholar came in and said, "Master Guo, please calm down. I am He Zongwei. I have always heard that Master Guo has excellent literary talent and a rich family background. I didn't believe it at first. Today, Master Guo has made a case for scholars all over the world." "Ming Fei"

Wang Yue felt a little sore after hearing this. Before He Zongwei finished speaking, he leaned on the railing and said loudly, "Hey, that scholar, please go home and pat your ass. We onlookers don't like this, so why don't you, Master Fan?" The scolding with the surname Guo makes people feel even more comfortable!"

Everyone burst into laughter after hearing Wang Yue's words. They didn't mind the excitement because they didn't mind the big deal, so they all started to boo.

Moreover, He Zongwei, a good scholar, actually spoke up for people who bullied common people like them. He really didn't look like a good person.

However, these people in the Qing Kingdom may have forgotten that a woman who hoped that all of them would become dragons more than ten years ago was killed because of this hope.

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