It's just that Fan Xian ignored one problem. After all, he had just been promoted to the ninth rank not long ago. Although the domineering zhenqi was very powerful, he had not yet adapted to the many mysteries of the ninth rank. He really couldn't defeat Haitang Duo, who had already been on the ninth rank. Duo.

Just when Fan Xian resorted to rogue tactics again to stop the fight, a cold arrow flew over with violent energy and headed towards Fan Xian's face.

Haitang Duoduo was fighting with Fan Xian. She subconsciously split the arrow with an axe, and the two quickly hid behind a rock.

Fan Xian looked at Haitang Duoduo who was hiding with him, and asked with some confusion, "That arrow was clearly aimed at me, why did you stop it?"

Haitang Duoduo rolled her eyes. She had already been exposed. If Fan Xian died at this time, she would not be able to explain it even if she was justified. Moreover, she was not a murderous person.

It's just that Haitang was very unhappy looking at this effeminate Fan Xian, and she didn't give him a good look either. Feng Qingyun said calmly, "I did it subconsciously. I didn't know how to kill you until I chopped him off. You don't need to thank me. "

Fan Xian looked at Begonia Duoduo, who seemed to be very calm, and wanted to show off. He took out a firework given by Wang Yue from his arms and said proudly, "Don't look at Yan Xiaoyi acting like this right now." Niu, wait until I set off these fireworks, and Yan Xiaoyi will become Yan Xiaodi in no time."

Haitang Duoduo looked at the fireworks in Fan Xian's hand and felt a little weird. Can this small move defeat a ninth-level long-range shooter? He asked doubtfully, "Just this gadget? Can it hurt a ninth-grade master?"

Fan Xian saw that Haitang finally gave three points of color, and immediately prepared to open a dyeing workshop. He immediately said in a very arrogant manner, "You haven't heard of it. This is an arrow that pierces the clouds. Thousands of troops are coming to meet me." Really? This is the signal!"

Haitang Duoduo thought Fan Xian had some help, so she nodded and asked curiously, "What grade is your helper?"

After Fan Xian lit the fireworks, he said proudly, "If I don't tell you now, I'll scare you to death when he comes."

Haitang Duoduo was a little suspicious. Could it be that the blind man was here? She had the urge to take the first step, but she immediately thought that if the blind man came, wouldn't her master come too? Then what else does she have to fear?

What made Fan Xian embarrassed was that after the fireworks flew out for a while, there was no movement outside, and Wang Yue did not appear at all.

Haitang Duoduo stared at her cute big eyes and looked around. She just spread out her ninth-level perception, but still found nothing. She asked doubtfully, "Where is your helper? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Fan Xian was also muttering in his mind, what is going on? Why hasn't Wang Yue come yet? How could the Grand Master be so slow! Not giving up, he pulled out another firework and lit it, but this time it was shot down by an arrow just as it flew halfway.

Yan Xiaoyi was not stupid. The fireworks were a signal for help. He shouted loudly, "Fan Xian, you'd better come out and die. Your fireworks will definitely not be set off today."

At this time, another wave of people came running over with their horses whipping up. Listening to the sound of horse hooves, it seemed that there were quite a few people.

Fan Xian saw that something was wrong. The people coming here might be from Northern Qi. He casually threw a firework and flint in his hand to Haitang Duoduo, and rushed out with a dagger to protect her. In front of Sean.

After a while, the visitors rushed over. Shang Shanhu, a famous ninth-grade general from the Northern Qi Dynasty, came closer and surrounded Fan Xian and others.

Fan Xian quickly put the dagger down on Sean's neck. He subconsciously shouted, "Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll kill him."

But Fan Xian's tone didn't seem to have any effect. Uesugi Tiger didn't listen to him at all, and charged forward with a spear in full force.

Fan Xian cursed in his heart, none of these Northern Qi people care about Sean's life or death?

First it was Begonia Duoduo, and then this inexplicable guy. Did Northern Qi really not want this famous Northern Wei official to go back?

Fan Xian really couldn't understand the situation, so he asked Sean reluctantly, "Is this person here to save you, or is he here to kill you?"

Sean rolled his eyes at Fan Xian and did not answer this ignorant question. How could he, a man who had been imprisoned for more than twenty years, know the news from the outside.

Originally, Sean wanted to learn a little bit about the situation in the outside world through the people in the mission, but he didn't expect that after Fan Xian tapped him a few times, the energy around him could no longer circulate.

This also resulted in Sean not knowing any news along the way.

While Fan Xian was distracted asking questions, Uesugi Tiger pierced his weapon like a javelin towards Fan Xian's face.

Fan Xian subconsciously used Qing Gong to fly out, and easily dodged the blow. What he used was Lingbo Weibu, but when Fan Xian used it, it was always weird and lacked some elegant feeling.

Uesugi Tiger was unyielding when he gained the upper hand, so he rushed out on horseback, leaped high with his war horse, and stamped towards Fan Xian with his iron hooves.

Fortunately, Fan Xian had been practicing Qinggong diligently recently. His figure dodged away like a ghost, and with his backhand, he stabbed the tiger in the back of the mountain with a dagger. His speed and power were surprisingly accurate.

However, Fan Xian had fought with Xiao En first and had just fought with Haitang Duoduo a few times. His energy had not yet been fully recovered, so his response now was a little slower than usual.

Uesugi Tiger has been on the battlefield for a long time. He saw this opportunity and reacted quickly. He retrieved the spear and quickly thrust it towards Fan Xian, not intending to give Fan Xian a chance to breathe.

The advantages of long weapons soon became apparent, and Fan Xian was left in a panic for a while. However, he could still cope with it. After all, Lingbo Weibu automatically increased his internal strength when he used it.

Haitang Duoduo, who was hiding and watching, knew that Fan Xian would definitely not fall behind today. She looked at the useless fireworks and flints that Fan Xian gave her, and she casually dropped them on the ground. She was not stupid. What if it really happened? There are reinforcements.

It's just that Haitang Duoduo was just watching, and it was a coincidence that the place where she threw the fireworks happened to be next to Guo Baokun and the killers he brought, that is, the group of veterans.

It turned out that after Wang Yue released this group of people, they still didn't give up and followed Fan Xian's footsteps until they got here.

A veteran saw something thrown over him. When he picked it up and saw that it was fireworks, he immediately thought of calling for help. He also saw the fight between Uesugi Tiger and Fan Xian in the middle of the field. The veteran thought that the famous Northern Qi general's deep penetration into the Qing Dynasty might be an opportunity, so he lit the fireworks casually.

This time Yan Xiaoyi did not shoot the arrow again. After all, the Qing soldiers who followed him had already rushed over. When the fireworks took off, they coincidentally surrounded the Shangshan Tiger.

When the veteran saw this scene, he said excitedly, "I knew this was a signal for help. I didn't expect our Qingguo to respond so quickly. Let's go ahead and kill Uesugi Tiger together."

Guo Baokun was a little confused. He saw that so many reinforcements from the Qing Kingdom had arrived, and he thought that Fan Xian would definitely not die today. But if he took advantage of the chaos and killed Shangshan Hu, it would be a great achievement, and he might be able to save his father's life.

Thinking of this, Guo Baokun couldn't care so much and said quickly, "Okay, you guys hurry up and kill Uesugi Tiger. It would be better if you can kill Fan Xian while taking advantage of the chaos."

After hearing this, several veterans said proudly, "We have told you many times. We are all veterans and we are all above the level. It is still okay to kill a Uesugi tiger."

Guo Baokun felt dizzy after hearing this. He thought that these people were still selling vegetables when they set out, and they were just like beggars on the way to Cangzhou. He really didn't believe it, but things were already like this, and he couldn't help it. If you don’t believe it, you can only place your hope on these people.

What surprised Guo Baokun was that after hearing his order, this group of old soldiers rushed out subconsciously. Their momentum was very powerful, completely different from the original vegetable farmers, as if they were a different person. .

They ran wildly, shouting "Kill Uesugi Tiger", and instantly rushed into the ranks of Northern Qi soldiers, causing chaos in the ranks.

The Nanqing soldiers who came were originally prepared to wait for Yan Xiaoyi's order, but when they saw this scene, they didn't care so much and rushed forward to help. Soon the two sides were fighting together.

It is impossible for Yan Xiaoyi to separate the two armies at this time. He has also been a general for many years. Seeing that his side has the advantage, it seems that he can kill Uesugi Tiger in one fell swoop.

If Fan Xian accidentally died in the rebellion due to Tiger Uesugi's contribution, Yan Xiaoyi felt that not only did he fail, but he actually made a contribution.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiaoyi also subconsciously bent his bow and set it up. Seeing the right moment, he shot Uesugi Tiger with an arrow.

Uesugi Tiger was fighting fiercely with Fan Xian and wanted to kill him after Fan Xian was exhausted. However, Fan Xian was not only like an invincible weakling, but those soldiers rushed very fast on horseback and rushed over in the blink of an eye.

Uesugi Tiger swept away Fan Xian with one spear, then looked back at Mochizuki with another move, flying away two cavalrymen who were rushing towards him. Just when he was about to continue chasing Fan Xian, Yan Xiaoyi's arrow came at this moment, making him too late. He dodged and was hit by an arrow in the shoulder.

Fan Xian's eyes lit up. He didn't think this was the opportunity to capture Uesugi Tiger, but he felt that he could take advantage of this opportunity to escape first.

Thinking of this, Fan Xian quickly prepared to withdraw from the chaos, wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

But as soon as Fan Xian took a few steps, Yan Xiaoyi, who noticed his movement, originally wanted to continue shooting Uesugi Hu with an arrow, so he turned around and shot at him.

Fan Xian subconsciously blocked it with his dagger. The huge force made him take several steps back. Only then did he miss the powerful arrow, but his dagger also flew away.

Fan Xian secretly thought something was wrong the moment the dagger was released from his hands. He started looking around for a place to hide, hoping to save his life first.

At this moment, Wang Yue hurried over. He kicked the dagger and used it to change direction and fly towards Yan Xiaoyi's heart.

This dagger, carrying the Grand Master's violent energy, seemed to cut through the void and was in front of Yan Xiaoyi in an instant.

Yan Xiaoyi hurriedly dodged. Although he escaped the vital point, he still didn't have time to dodge, and the dagger penetrated his shoulder.

Coincidentally, Yan Xiaoyi was injured in the same position as Uesugi Tiger. He saw that the person coming was Wang Yue. Thinking that Wang Yue seemed to be at the ninth level of strength, he knew that there was nothing he could do today, so he decided to take advantage of it. After entering, he subconsciously reined in his horse, turned around, and ran towards the distance.

Seeing Yan Xiaoyi escape, Nanqing's cavalry were in chaos and almost lost their advantage when the Northern Qi soldiers counterattacked.

At this moment, Fan Xian thought of Wang Yue's guards, who seemed to be proficient in battle formations. He suddenly shouted, "I am Fan Xian, Yan Xiaoyi has escaped in front of the formation, Nanqing soldiers obey my orders!"

The Nanqing soldiers, who were a little confused at first, looked at Fan Xian who was climbing up the hill with confusion. They didn't understand how he wanted to command, and they just saw Fan Xian's ability as a poet.

Fan Xian was also anxious. He saw the people from the envoy arriving from a distance, so he looked around for traces of Zhu Ba.

At this moment, Fan Xian suddenly saw Yan Xiaoyi's horse coming back, and the person riding on the horse was not Yan Xiaoyi, but Zhu Ba.

However, Zhu Ba's white robe was stained with bright red blood. Fan Xian hesitated for a moment and then shouted quickly, "Soldiers of Nanqing, charge into the battle with the knight in blood."

Following Fan Xian's shout, Zhu Ba had already entered the chaotic formation. With him taking the lead, Nanqing's team was slowly gaining the upper hand.

Uesugi Tiger saw that nothing could be done today, so he quickly gathered his soldiers and left quickly. As for rescuing Sean, he could only talk about it later.

It was only then that Fan Xian breathed a sigh of relief. He awkwardly walked to Wang Yue and asked depressedly, "Why are you here? I just set off two waves of fireworks, but you didn't come."

Wang Yue was also quite embarrassed, but he had to make it clear at this time. He explained helplessly, "Brother, I'm going to see your sister off."

Fan Xian was stunned for a while, and then he immediately realized what he was doing. He asked anxiously, "You mean Ruoruo ran away from home?"

Wang Yue was very satisfied with the result of this diversion of attention. He nodded and said, "Yes, when I met her, he was caught by Guo Baokun, but for the sake of Guo Baokun not hurting Ruoruo, I let him go. I took Guo Baokun and sent Ruoruo to Peach Blossom Island, and then I hurried over here."

Fan Xian rolled his eyes at Wang Yue. He didn't believe that Wang Yue would be so kind, so he pointed it out directly, "Ruoruo must be asking for mercy. Otherwise, would you be so kind to let Guo Baokun go?"

Wang Yue didn't care if he was exposed. He said casually, "This is not the point. The point is what to do now. Ye Shiyi and your hundreds of guards I met on the way here, now Zhu Ba is here." , Ye Shiyi didn’t come, I don’t know what happened.”

Fan Xian understood what Wang Yue meant, shook his head and said, "Forget it about Uesugi Tiger. If he dies, Northern Qi will be a little weaker. It's not necessarily a good thing. Let's go see Eleven. I I'm a little worried about his safety, Zhu Badu is covered in blood, and I don't know how badly he was injured."

Wang Yue nodded and said with a smile, "These soldiers need to be gathered first. I think you will also gain the favor of the army."

Fan Xian didn't care, he nodded and said, "I don't like the court, I prefer to be at ease."

Wang Yue looked at Fan Xian, but thought of Ye Qingmei. He thought of what his subordinates reported that Zhuji, who had made a fortune in Dongyi in Northern Qi for more than ten years, seemed to be extending his tentacles to Qingguo recently. He always felt that the timing was a coincidence. It seems that Ye Qingmei is behind the scenes. After all, Zhuji and Wuzhu really make people have to think about it.

If Ye Qingmei is really starting a new business, then why is she making so much money?

Rich Ye Qingmei has already done it, so she definitely doesn't care, so what's wrong with her?

Unify the world?

It seems that only this is more tempting. Could it be that Ye Qingmei wants to be a queen?

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