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Chapter 608 He Minhong, the King of Strong Mouth

But it wasn't Brother Zhu and Sister Zhu who made Zhu Zhe even more speechless. After all, they were used to it, and they would be done with it after a while at most. What made Zhu Zhe almost vomit blood was the critical hit from He Minhong.

Zhu Zhe went out with Ye Zhenzhen in the morning and didn't come back, which made He Minhong very curious. He came to 2203 after dinner and happened to hear about Brother Zhu and Sister Zhu calling Zhu Zhe.

After returning to 2203, He Minhong was there when Zhu Zhe was cooking at noon. She heard that brother Zhu called Zhu Zhe to tell him that he had broken up with his girlfriend. Seeing Zhu Zhe's dull reaction, she complained directly to Zhu Zhe, "Your brother and his girlfriend broke up. You are so irresponsible as a sister."

Zhu Zhe had a black line on his forehead, and she murmured in her heart, no wonder Wang Yue didn't like He Minhong, how could he like him based on this alone.

But Zhu Zhe still didn't say anything, so he looked at He Minhong very depressed, and said with suppressed anger, "How can I fulfill my responsibility? Do those who sell blood and kidneys buy houses and cars for them? I can't live with it myself?"

He Minhong saw that Zhu Zhe was a little angry, but he couldn't understand why Zhu Zhe was angry, so he asked incomprehensively, "But after your brother and sister had conflicts, they have already found you here. As a sister, you can't say anything." A word?"

Zhu Zhe patted his forehead. She knew that she couldn't explain it to this girl, so she said speechlessly, "You have also met my younger brothers and sisters. Do you think I am qualified to mediate in front of them?"

He Minhong still insisted on his opinion and said stubbornly, "But didn't they call you two mornings? They finally came to see you. Does that mean they approve of you?"

Zhu Zhe was a little helpless. She knew that she couldn't speak to this girl. Thinking that this girl was a little scared of Wang Yue, she quoted Wang Yue's words and said, "I think Wang Yue is right. What my brothers and sisters approve is my money. If I take If I pay them, they will recognize me as their sister. If I don’t take the money, I am nothing.”

He Minhong was not a fool. As soon as she heard what Zhu Zhe said about Wang Yue, she didn't dare to continue talking. After all, she could feel that Wang Yue didn't like her, very much.

When Wang Yue and Ye Zhenzhen were preparing to have lunch, they met Fang Zhiheng and a young man at the elevator entrance as soon as they left the room.

Ye Zhenzhen looked at the two of them and greeted Fang Zhiheng enthusiastically, "Xiao Fang, is this your boyfriend?"

But Ye Zhenzhen came closer and immediately saw that Fang Zhiheng's nose seemed to be uncomfortable. She quickly walked over, supported Fang Zhiheng, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with you? Are you allergic or have a cold? I have medicine over there, do you want it?" Try it?"

Fang Zhiheng glanced at Ye Zhenzhen gratefully, but did not mention her condition and said seriously, "This is not my boyfriend."

After she finished speaking, she turned to the boy with a smile and said, "Look, our neighbors can take care of me, so you should go back."

The boy felt relieved when he saw that Wang Yue and Ye Zhenzhen seemed to be very kind. He said politely, "Then you go to bed early and I'll come see you later."

After Wang Yue waited for the man to get on the elevator and leave, he asked Fang Zhiheng suspiciously, "Xiao Fang, didn't you go to the gym? Why did your nose get so irritated? Did you spray pepper spray?"

Fang Zhiheng was stunned. She didn't expect Wang Yue to notice it. She was a little embarrassed, but immediately asked vigilantly, "How did you know?"

Ye Zhenzhen also looked at Wang Yue suspiciously. She didn't know what was going on. Could it be that someone really irritated her nose? If this doesn't happen, something big will happen.

Wang Yue met the eyes of the two beauties and said calmly, "I have studied Chinese medicine, and I seem to be pretty good at it."

Ye Zhenzhen didn't expect that Wang Yue had something to hide from her, so she kicked Wang Yue hard, which made her feet hurt. She glared at Wang Yue again unwillingly, and then asked Fang Zhiheng He said, "If you are pretending to have a cold, I have a potion that I prepared myself. People will sneeze if they inhale it. It is harmless to the body."

Fang Zhiheng glanced at Wang Yue and Ye Zhenzhen. She asked her cousin to inquire about Wang Yue and Ye Zhenzhen. She knew that Wang Yue was very capable and that Wang Yue must know her identity, but she never revealed it. She probably didn't want to interfere. She nodded.

As for why Fang Zhiheng thought Wang Yue knew her identity, it was because like Qu Xiaoxiao, she always liked to inquire about the backgrounds of people around her. When she entrusted her cousin to rent a house, her cousin investigated Wang Yue. But she didn't expect that her cousin would be warned by Wang Yue just after he made a move.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhiheng said to Wang Yue sincerely, "Thank you."

Ye Zhenzhen thought Fang Zhiheng was thanking her, so she quickly said no thanks and went home immediately to get her own potion.

In fact, Wang Yue was speechless about the potions made by Ye Zhenzhen. He felt that Ye Zhenzhen was very talented in playing this. If it were in a magical world, Ye Zhenzhen must be a genius alchemist.

After Ye Zhenzhen left, Wang Yue looked at Fang Zhiheng seriously and said, "Actually, you don't have to go through so much trouble. There are many ways to take revenge."

Fang Zhiheng heard what Wang Yue meant, but shook his head stubbornly and said, "No, I can do it. What I just said was thank you for hiding it for me."

Wang Yue didn't care about this, as long as Ye Zhenzhen was happy with the misunderstanding, he said very nonchalantly, "No need to thank me, I just let your cousin go because of your pity. Zhenzhen is such a warm person, you can Enjoy her help, just don’t let her get hurt because of you.”

Fang Zhiheng laughed when she heard what Wang Yue said. In her opinion, men who care about their wives are not bad, so she nodded and said, "Actually, I also want to do good deeds and be carefree like Ye Zhenzhen, but to Just wait until I finish my own thing."

Wang Yue saw that Fang Zhiheng could still listen, so he gave a suggestion and said, "Actually, you can do it too. You don't have to do the revenge yourself. After all, dogs can't change from eating shit. You guys can pool your money to hire a private detective." , let the private detective follow you for a period of time, and you will get results soon, why do you waste your time on this kind of scum?"

Fang Zhiheng was stunned? Over the years, she had only focused on how to find evidence and bring down that scumbag Li Xun. She never thought about the private detective. But after thinking about it, she asked doubtfully, "Isn't it illegal for a private detective?"

Wang Yue patted his head, well, it is illegal in China, so he said helplessly, "It is illegal in China openly, but there are many secretly. Of course, if you are really worried, you can go to Hong Kong and Taiwan to ask for help. My cousin also knows some businessmen there, just ask them to introduce a reliable one, just to prevent the detective from taking advantage of both sides."

Fang Zhiheng nodded, feeling that what Wang Yue said made sense. She suddenly felt a lot more relaxed, and she laughed and said, "Thank you, I'll ask my cousin to invite one. Before I achieve my goal, I still We have to continue for now, after all, like you said, if we hire someone unreliable, everything will be over."

Wang Yue doesn't force people. Since the other party has made up his mind, he won't say anything.

The two of them were embarrassed, and Ye Zhenzhen came back first. She saw that Fang Zhiheng seemed to be smiling, so she took a deep look at Wang Yue and found nothing wrong. Then she handed the thing to Fang Zhiheng, who smiled harmlessly. He said, "Don't worry, this thing is just for sneezing and it's harmless to your body."

Out of a woman's intuition, Fang Zhiheng felt that it was better to get out of the way as soon as possible. She took it without being polite, thanked you quickly and said, "Excuse me, I'll go back and wash my nose first. It's too uncomfortable."

Seeing Fang Zhiheng leaving in a hurry, Ye Zhenzhen didn't take it seriously and said with a smile, "You're welcome, just do one good deed every day!"

Fang Zhiheng smiled when Ye Zhenzhen said this and gave Ye Zhenzhen a hug. Then she smiled and said, "Thank you."

It was only after Fang Zhiheng left and Wang Yue and Ye Zhenzhen entered the elevator that she stretched out her magic claw towards Wang Yue.

The game part of Wang Yue's brainwave project has already been improved by Zhiyi Technology's Glory project team. After all, the brainwave game cannot use Wang Yue's simple King of Fighters. That thing is most often placed in arcades in shopping malls. After all, online game companies are still I need online games.

It would be fine if it wasn't Wang Yue. To produce gaming helmets in large quantities, you need to contact a company. However, Wang Yue was worried about leaks about this thing, so he had to buy one by himself.

However, there was no similar company on the market for Wang Yue to acquire. After thinking about it, he planned to acquire a helmet manufacturing factory, a circuit board manufacturing factory, and a factory for assembly and debugging.

It's just that the first two of the three factories are easy to handle and easy to acquire. The last factory with assembly and debugging is a bit troublesome, which consumes Wang Yue's time.

During Wang Yue's busy period, 2202 still had constant problems, and his small life was full of excitement.

Yu Chuhui saw that Yu's mother was really bored and always wanted to go back to her hometown. Finally, at her mother's request, she agreed to let her mother work as a nanny in a household in the same community. She thought it would be fine as long as her mother did not go home.

Zhu Zhe even solved a hotel bed sheet footprint problem, and asked Ye Zhenzhen to help identify the water quality problem in the company's pipes. Ye Zhenzhen, who does good every day, took an opportunity to do good every day.

He Minhong and her editor-in-chief met Song Li, a well-known writer and cartoonist, and finally transformed from a clerk into an editor.

This is of course not because of He Minhong's ability, but because she and Song Li are netizens who have known each other for five or six years.

As the king of strong words, He Minhong is not only a very good keyboard warrior, but also very open-minded. When the two first met online, she often left comments about Song Li's articles in the comment area, and she often guessed Song Li's words. For the follow-up content, Song Li was forced to change his writing ideas several times, and even wanted to switch to drawing comics later. In fact, he was actually drawing, but because of the insistence of his book friends, he started drawing and writing books at the same time.

The two have known each other for several years, and they were good friends for several years. They had such a good conversation this time that He Minhong forgot about the signing of the contract that the editor-in-chief told him. You must know that the reason why He Minhong's editor-in-chief brought He Minhong here was because He Minhong said that he would make peace with him. This was brought about by knowing the author.

Song Li came with the purpose of cooperation. During the conversation with He Minhong, she took a look at the book that He Minhong was pursuing and said that she intended to adapt these people's books into comics.

He Minhong glanced at the catalog and forgot about the business again, only to hear her exclaim, "Yan Zhengyi's The Ocean's Journey?"

As soon as Song Li heard this voice, she knew it was acquaintance, and she couldn't wait to ask, "Do you know Yan Zhengyi?"

He Minhong was a little confused. She was frightened by David at the time. No, she was persuaded by David, so she agreed to help sign the contract. Mainly because she thought it was a good thing and would not have any impact, so she agreed. I had to help David hide it.

The editor-in-chief also saw that He Minhong definitely knew Yan Zhengyi. He was secretly annoyed that this kid didn't sign such an awesome author to his company, and helped Song Suo and said, "Xiao He, if you know Yan Zhengyi, please help him." Let me introduce it to Song Shu, it’s not a bad thing.”

He Minhong was a little confused. She looked at the editor pitifully and said, "But I promised others to keep things secret. I can't just keep my word."

Song Li did not embarrass He Minhong. After several years of contact, she had her own judgment on He Minhong's character. She felt that He Minhong's willingness to keep secrets was very good, and she would be more assured of future cooperation. She quickly comforted him and said, "That's it, you Go back and ask Yan Zhengyi, if the other person is willing to draw, you can recommend it to me. I draw comics for his book, which can be regarded as helping him promote the book."

He Minhong thought it made sense, so he quickly nodded in agreement, and the meeting finally ended on bad terms.

After He Minhong went back to contact David, he talked about today's situation. David thought about it and felt that since He Minhong had already signed a contract, it would be good to sign a cartoonist for Mianzi, so he nodded and agreed that He Minhong would bring him and Song Shu into one. Chat in the group about cooperation.

Song Li wanted to discuss the contract signing with David, but considering that the money issue would hurt her feelings, she didn't want to speak first. Whoever speaks first would definitely lose, and would need to make a big concession, so she was patient Discussing the plot with Stanley Ho was actually a reminder that Stanley Ho, the introducer, could mention the signing of the contract between the two.

It's just that He Minhong didn't understand Song Li's thoughts and thought she really wanted to discuss the plot of the book. She opened her mind and left David alone.

As a result, the cooperation was not reached for the time being. The face-loving second-generation rich man David felt that Song Li was not sincere, and Song Li also felt that David asked He Minhong to hold him back. In fact, he just did not want to sign the contract and could not refuse, so the matter was delayed. .

After Wang Yue acquired several factories, he was busy designing a lot of drawings. After finding the construction party to explain, he took some time and waited for the various tooling to be rectified according to needs.

Wang Yue, who was free, had time to go to Ye Zhenzhen's laboratory to pick up Ye Zhenzhen after get off work. Only then did he hear what happened recently from Ye Zhenzhen.

After Wang Yue heard this, he criticized David without hesitation. He complained bluntly, "David cherishes feathers and is unwilling to be lonely. If he wants to talk about money, he can talk about it. He also expects a middleman to help him." Talk? It’s not that he doesn’t know He Minhong’s character, but He Minhong is also okay. She could obviously sign the contract for David, but she didn’t tell it. "

Ye Zhenzhen shook her head and said helplessly, "Although He Minhong has some of the double standards you mentioned, he is still an upright child. He will definitely not sign a contract behind David's back just for money."

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