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Chapter 622: Slightly Insufficient in Combat Power

Yu Chuhui and Zhu Zhe both looked at Wang Yue with intention. How could this man have everything? How could anyone have this thing? The two of them asked in unison, "Where did you get this medicine? Is it reliable?"

Wang Yue didn't expect that he would fall into Zhu Zhe's beauty trap. Although Zhu Zhe obviously didn't mean it, he really did it because Zhu Zhe said the wrong thing.

However, now that the words have been spoken, Wang Yue will not go back on his words, but he cannot directly say that he came from other worlds, so he quickly found an excuse and said, "During the years when Zhen Zhen went abroad, I was really bored. I hacked many laboratories in Japan and found many formulas from them. According to their introduction, it is indeed relatively easy to use. They have already conducted clinical trials, so you can use it with confidence."

Zhu Zhe opened his mouth. He didn't expect Wang Yue to have such a hobby, but why did he hack the island country? She unconsciously thought of that kind of movie. When she looked at Wang Yue again, her eyes turned unconsciously. The meaning becomes unclear.

You know, although Zhu Zhe was drunk and unconscious yesterday, she had a vague dream for a long time. In the dream, she fought for a long time. She woke up early this morning with backache, and she was muttering in her heart. , I don’t know how Ye Zhenzhen coped with it. Could it be that she went abroad a few years ago just to slow down?

Wang Yue didn't know that Zhu Zhe was thinking wrongly. He noticed some inexplicable changes in Zhu Zhe's eyes when he looked at him, and he unconsciously became suspicious. Could it be that Zhu Zhe was still thinking about how to compensate? But what does it have to do with the medicine he mentioned? Could it be that he was planning to use it for himself?

Yu Chuhui didn't think so much. She had long disliked her father. She didn't expect such a thing to exist. Who thought of such a good thing?

Originally, Yu Chuhui was just talking casually. After hearing Wang Yue's explanation of the origin of the formula, she immediately thought of traditional Chinese medicine, which was lonely in China but popular in island countries. If the formula really came from island countries, it might be true.

When Yu Chuhui thought of this, he looked at Wang Yue and carefully confirmed, "Is this medicine you mentioned really just for weakness and not fatal?"

Wang Yue scratched his head and pretended to be a little unsure and said, "I have never used it, but there is no death in clinical experiments on islanders. I don't know if this will be the case in our country. After all, the physical fitness is different. In case someone It is possible that an individual may have some disease and accidentally trigger it.”

Yu Chuhui has been in society all year round and has her own judgment on the surrounding cognition. If Wang Yue insists that there are no side effects, she is not sure whether there are really no side effects. After all, Wang Yue has never used it.

But now Wang Yue actually said that it might be special circumstances that led to the deaths of individual cases, which only increased Yu Chuhui's confidence. She gritted her teeth and asked, "How many times should I take that medicine and how much does it cost?"

Wang Yue didn't expect that this little girl was still a ruthless person, and she made up her mind to kill her father so easily. He made an estimate and said, "I guess it will cost about 100,000? I can make more than a dozen at a time. One pill lasts for three years, and you have more than a dozen pills, enough for your old man to last until his death."

Yu Chuhui didn't expect that what Wang Yue said was so expensive. It was not in line with the temperament of the big boss at all. Shouldn't 100 million be the big boss's small goal? With this amount of money, after she changed jobs, she would be able to buy a set with a few months' salary. She didn't expect that the problem would be solved so quickly, which made her relieved.

After Yu Chuhui made up his mind, he couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't wait and wanted to go back and change jobs quickly. It happened that Ye Zhenzhen woke up at this time smelling the aroma of food and came out of the room in a daze. Her eyes lit up and she immediately went to Ye Zhenzhen to borrow money.

Ye Zhenzhen was in a daze, but after hearing Yu Chuhui's words, her eyes immediately lit up. The hangover after drinking and the exhaustion from working for so long were all gone in one fell swoop.

Ye Zhenzhen was originally engaged in biochemical research and was very interested in this field. She immediately cheered up and trotted to sit next to Wang Yue. She looked at Wang Yue with her sleepy eyes. How dare you not Tell me to try it?

Seeing Ye Zhenzhen's state, Wang Yue felt weak in his heart, so he told her the formula without any principles. Anyway, this thing couldn't cause any big trouble.

After Ye Zhenzhen got the formula, she couldn't wait any longer. She took a few bites and then took Yu Chuhui out. It seemed that she went to the Chinese medicine store to buy ingredients.

However, where Wang Yue stopped, Zhenzhen Pharmaceutical's laboratory was well-equipped. It was estimated that the two of them would go to the company to use the decoction machine to cook medicine. When the finished product was made, they would do clinical experiments and never come back. Know when.

Yu Chuhui was even more speechless. She was afraid that Yu’s mother would leave while she was away, so she locked her mother in the room of 2202 and followed Ye Zhenzhen away without looking back. It seemed that this little girl’s murder was The urgency of the father's heart is simply obvious.

Wang Yue was also glad when he saw this scene. Fortunately, he was talking about this kind of formula that can make people temporarily weak. If what he came up with was a colorless, odorless and undetectable poison that can cause death, he would probably This little girl will try it too.

Wang Yue silently lit a candle for Father Yu. With such a daughter, why can't she live an honest life? If she has to be in a life-and-death situation, why bother with such a girl!

Wang Yue was still dazed, but the direction of his gaze was in the direction of Zhu Zhe. Zhu Zhe watched Ye Zhenzhen and Yu Chuhui leave happily, and she was also ready to go back as soon as possible, but Yu Chuhui locked Yu's mother at home. It made her homeless in disguise, and she could still feel Wang Yue's burning gaze, which made her feel a little restless.

At this moment, Zhu Zhe happened to think of Wang Yue's suggestion, which was to pretend to be pregnant first, then quit his job to get a degree, and at the same time trick his parents into taking care of him, and maybe he could restore the family relationship.

Zhu Zhe automatically filtered out the thought of tricking his parents over. After all, that was unrealistic, because as long as his parents came, his younger siblings would definitely follow. Her family knew about her family affairs. She felt that her parents wanted to sell her and her sister to buy a house for her brother to get married. She simply did not believe that they would come all the way to the magic city to take care of her for a daughter of hers. As for her younger siblings, they were two white-eyed wolves who didn't care about her life or death at all. They only cared about whether she could give them money.

And Zhu Zhe doesn't really believe in love. The main reason is that she has low self-esteem after being hurt by her first love. She feels that she is not pretty enough and has a relatively low education. She is older now and has no love to speak of. She also I don’t want to find a man who will lower my quality of life.

However, Zhu Zhe really wants a relative of his own, a real relative.

Since the existing relatives have no family ties, Zhu Zhe feels that the only way to have a relative is to have a child. However, under normal circumstances, if she is allowed to get vaccinated to conceive a child, and then raise a child by herself, the quality of life will definitely deteriorate. Reduced.

But what if this child is Wang Yue's?

Zhu Zhe felt that if this child was Wang Yue's, her quality of life would not only not decline, but would also be a blessing in disguise. At least with Wang Yue's character, those who raise the child would probably take it.

She didn't want to get involved in Wang Yue's marriage, but because she and Wang Yue had slept together and he was her man, and she didn't hate Wang Yue, why couldn't she have one?

Although I will still have to live alone in the future, I now have a relative and someone who will always think about me.

Sometimes people are like this. You don't want to be fine, and the more you think about it, the more obsessed you become. As Zhu Zhe thought about it, it made more and more sense. She felt that it was the same once and several times. Since it happened, why couldn't she take advantage of the situation and get one? Where is the child?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhe made up her mind to get vaccinated. She blushed and said, "Wang Yue, you promised me a condition and let me make my request, right?"

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Zhu Zhe to mention this at this time. He didn't know what she was planning to do, so he nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, I keep my word. If you have any requests, just ask."

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he quickly took a sip of milk. At this time, the milk was already a little cold, after all, it had been sitting for a long time. He didn't care much about this. Whether it was milk or tea, he just used the coolness to suppress the hot air in his heart and relieve the embarrassment.

When Zhu Zhe saw what Wang Yue said, he bit his lip, hesitated for a moment, and then made up his mind and said, "I want a child! When I get pregnant, we will be settled from now on."

Wang Yue had just taken a mouthful of milk, and it spurted out before he could swallow it. This was too shocking. Is this what the rational Zhu Zhe said?

Wang Yue always felt that it was a bit untrue. If this was what Yu Chuhui, who was eager for quick success, wanted to do, he would still be willing to believe it, but Zhu Zhe shouldn't be like this.

Zhu Zhe didn't know what Wang Yue was thinking. She happened to be opposite Wang Yue. She couldn't dodge for a while and was sprayed all over her body. She looked a little embarrassed and ambiguous.

Wang Yue didn't expect this to happen, and he had no time to think about it. He quickly went around the table to wipe Zhu Zhe, but as soon as he wiped it a few times, he immediately felt something was wrong. After all, Zhu Zhe was wearing The pajamas are still Ye Zhenzhen's silk pajamas.

Ye Zhenzhen likes thin and light ones. Although the one Zhu Zhe chose is a little thicker, it is already transparent and visible when it gets wet, and the spring light is presented in front of Wang Yue.

Zhu Zhe was in a daze from being sprayed all over her body to this moment. She realized that Wang Yue had reached out to press her body, and then she reacted. However, she misunderstood and thought that Wang Yue was anxious and wanted to start now. Woolen cloth.

But after she thought about it, it seemed that today was really an easy day to conceive a child, and Ye Zhenzhen happened to be not at home, so it seemed like it was a good time.

But Zhu Zhe had forgotten that Wang Yue had already had sex with her once last night. There was no need to do this today. After all, it was not a day away. She could wait until the next month when she was more likely to be pregnant to confirm that she was not pregnant again. Find someone to borrow seeds from.

But Zhu Zhe, who was in a daze, didn't expect this. She took the initiative to wrap her arms around Wang Yue's neck. She was a little nervous and quickly closed her eyes.

Wang Yue felt the strength of Zhu Zhe's arm and didn't understand. He immediately hugged Zhu Zhe and walked towards the room.

Due to the continuous battles, Wang Yue was actually quite tired and his combat power was slightly lacking, so 50,000 words are omitted here.

Ye Zhenzhen and Yu Chuhui came back in the evening. Not only did they make pills, but they also fed one to the little white rabbit. The poor little white rabbit didn't know who had offended whom. It was already in high spirits. Eating grass, but being caught and stuffed with a pill that melted in the mouth, it was a smaller version of Ye Zhenzhen who controlled the dosage.

Even so, it only took a short while for the little white rabbit, who was still anxious and uneasy, to collapse on the test table with all its limbs. Anyone with a discerning eye would know that the drug has taken effect at a glance.

You must know that Ye Zhenzhen still gave the little rabbit a small amount of medicine according to its body size, and the little rabbit became like this. After examination, it was found that there was no abnormality in the physical characteristics, but that the limbs were weak and lacked energy.

Although Yu Chuhui didn't understand biochemical technology, when he saw the little rabbit's reaction, he immediately thought of his father. Wang Yue said that it was the same for any animal.

Yu Chuhui felt that if she could control the dosage and let her father take it, she would no longer have to worry about Father Yu hitting Mother Yu. Anyway, what Mother Yu needs is a man who can accompany her until she grows old, no matter who she is with. It was Mother Yu who was busy taking care of him. Whether Father Yu was a soft-footed shrimp or not, it made no difference at all.

Thinking of this, Yu Chuhui quickly grabbed the medicine bottle from Ye Zhenzhen's hand and immediately put it carefully into her bag. She happily followed Ye Zhenzhen back home.

Yu Chuhui had a plan and couldn't wait to implement it. She changed jobs with her two friends without much entanglement. There just happened to be a buffer period, so she asked for a few days' leave from the new company leader and was ready to take it with her right away. Mother Yu returned to her hometown together.

After Ye Zhenzhen sent Yu's mother and Yu Chuhui to the train station, she rushed back immediately. She was thinking about Yu Chuhui's matter, and looked at Wang Yue and asked, "Aside from this kind of debilitating medicine, do you anything else?"

Wang Yue looked at Ye Zhenzhen's hopeful expression, and there was a black line on his forehead. He quickly shook his head and said helplessly, "Do you think this formula is easy to find? I also traveled all over the island country, and then Finding this one for fun, I highly doubt they have a special purpose.”

Ye Zhenzhen stared at her cute big eyes. He didn't know why Wang Yue said that, so he asked in confusion, "What is it used for?"

Wang Yue blinked. He found that when he picked someone to take the blame, he seemed to have fallen into a trap. He didn't believe that Ye Zhenzhen, a biochemical researcher, would not understand what he was talking about. This girl must have got it wrong. , there are so many idiots compared to island countries.

Even though Ye Zhenzhen wanted to pretend to be confused, Wang Yue rolled his eyes and pretended to be very angry and said, "Imperialism is bad, and maybe it wants to use it against us. We must be more vigilant towards them."

Ye Zhenzhen didn't expect Wang Yue to be so capable of talking nonsense. She punched Wang Yue and then asked seriously, "Is there an antidote for this thing? It can't take three years to recover, right? There's that in my laboratory The little white rabbit is still paralyzed there!"

Wang Yue didn't expect that Ye Zhenzhen wanted to ask him about the antidote. He suddenly realized that his feelings were complicated by his thoughts. In order to prevent Ye Zhenzhen from seeing his embarrassment, he hurriedly said, "You told me earlier, you scared me." Just jump, I will give you another antidote prescription, you can prepare the medicine and try it again."

Ye Zhenzhen waited for Wang Yue to send her the prescription, then nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Wang Yue casually, "By the way, where is Jiji? I haven't seen her since I came back today."

Wang Yue's heart suddenly twitched. Could it be that Ye Zhenzhen had already discovered it? He quickly said, "Sister Zhu had something to do at the hotel, so she went to the hotel. I don't know when she will come back. If you have something, just call her quickly."

Ye Zhenzhen seemed to be really asking casually, so she shook her head and said casually, "Oh, it's okay, I just asked casually, their hotel is really busy, Sister Zhu is on call 24 hours a day."

Wang Yue observed Ye Zhenzhen for a while and found no problems, so he didn't say anything more. When he found an opportunity, he immediately went to his laboratory downstairs and continued his research. He would never admit that he wanted to find a place to quiet down. .

Seeing that Wang Yue was busy, Ye Zhenzhen drove to Zhenzhen Pharmaceutical again. She was a kind person and needed to rescue the little rabbit.

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