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Chapter 626 Another revenge script?

When Luo Youyou heard what Wang Yue said, she was very curious about what Wang Yue wanted to do. She quickly looked at Wang Yue and asked curiously, "Then what do you want to do? I won't tell my brother. , can you just tell me secretly?"

Wang Yue rolled his eyes at Luo Youyou and pretended to be easy to deceive. His eyes clearly told Luo Youyou, "Do you think I will believe your lies?"

Luo Youyou didn't expect that Wang Yue would dare not believe her words, so she took her small hand out of Wang Yue's big hand and hit Wang Yue's shoulder hard twice. The intention was to vent her anger, but the effect was almost the same as a slap on the back. On the contrary, Wang Yue hummed a ditty with great enjoyment, which made her so angry that she wanted to twist her hands twice.

But now that Wang Yue was driving again, it was not the time to take action. Luo Youyou could only sit up straight and look ahead. That way she told Wang Yue that I was angry and you had to coax me.

Wang Yue didn't expect Luo Youyou to be able to act like a little girl, so he was embarrassed to tease him again. He quickly laughed and joked, "There are many ways, for example, when Brother Peng wants to go to bed with his sister-in-law, I will definitely let Xiao The assistant called and reminded him that he needs to go to the toilet before going to bed and not to wet the bed at the critical moment!"

Luo Youyou was stunned for a moment and immediately understood what Wang Yue meant. This was simply worse than waking someone up in the middle of the night and changing their position before sleeping again. She didn't expect that Wang Yue wanted to punish her brother like this.

However, this also made Luo Youyou feel relieved, not having to worry that Wang Yue's methods would go too far, which would make it difficult for the two of them to meet each other in the future. After all, one side is her eldest brother, and the other side is her future husband. Luo Youyou hopes that both parties can coexist peacefully, otherwise, it will be too difficult for her.

Seeing that Wang Yue was not really angry and had no intention of quarreling with Luo Peng, Luo Youyou ignored it. She asked casually, "Aren't you afraid that he will retaliate in turn when you do this?"

Wang Yue didn't expect that Luo Youyou really believed this nonsense. He understood what Luo Youyou meant after thinking about it for a moment.

Luo Youyou just wanted Wang Yue's attitude towards this matter. Now that she knew Wang Yue's thoughts, she would not care about the childish game between the two men.

Looking at Luo Youyou who was in a relaxed mood, Wang Yue said nonchalantly, "Brother Peng doesn't have that kind of communication technology, but I do! If Brother Peng turns off his phone, I can still let my drone factory Customize a drone and knock on Brother Peng’s bedroom window regularly.”

Luo Youyou was speechless. Then she remembered that Wang Yue's computer skills were so powerful, and it seemed that the assistant was slowly improving. Although it was not very intelligent, it was still possible to set up a separate wake-up service for her brother. And Wang Yue also has a drone factory. If you want a drone, it can be delivered to your door in minutes.

Thinking of this, Luo Youyou unkindly lit a candle for her brother. Offending such an unscrupulous brother-in-law would be bad luck for eight lifetimes. The key is to suppress it with force, but he can't beat Wang Yue.

As for his uncle's complaint, Wang Yue could only wait until Luo Peng got married or got engaged before he bothered his uncle. He only needed to prepare the drone and program it in advance.

While watching Wang Yue's serious programming and drone design, Luo Youyou still enjoyed the excitement and did not mind the fuss. While eating pecans, she reminded Wang Yue of the flaws in his design. After all, she was familiar with the terrain at home.

After the design was completed, Wang Yue's life returned to normal. He was still a diligent coder and constantly improved his assistant. As for the company's affairs, he no longer had to worry about it.

As for the meeting with Luo Youyou's parents, something unexpected happened, and what was supposed to be a better day was forced to be postponed.

It's not that Luo's father and Luo's mother have any objections to Wang Yue, but that a vicious incident suddenly occurred in the local area. Luo's father was tripped up by this incident and could only wait until the matter was resolved before meeting Wang Yue again.

Wang Yue listened to Luo Youyou's somewhat embarrassed explanation and asked curiously, "Do you need my help for this vicious incident? You know my abilities."

Luo Youyou shook her head. The solution to this kind of matter must be through official and formal channels. Wang Yue's small methods can only be used to assist. She said helplessly, "The bad guy has been caught. The rest is a matter within the system." , this must be solved in Dangdang’s way and dig out the moths in the team, otherwise there will be no way to explain it to the public.”

Wang Yue immediately understood what he meant. Today's media is very developed. Now that the general public has paid attention to this matter, it must be handled properly to avoid unnecessary trouble and being used by foreign forces to cause internal emotions. Unstable.

In this regard, Wang Yue didn't ask any more questions. After all, Luo Youyou would not hide what he should know. He had no choice but to pick up the phone and report the matter to his parents.

Of course Wang Yue's parents have no objection to this. After all, work matters are very important, not to mention government matters. Their only regret is that the day of holding their grandson has to be postponed again.

Wang Yue didn't know his mother's complaints, and he still did his own thing step by step. He and Luo Youyou were still your friends. Since the bet at Wang Yue's house was lost and Luo Youyou fulfilled the bet, The two also became closer.

Time passed quickly and it was time to travel again.

On this day, Wang Yue picked up Luo Youyou when he got home. He was still flipping through the TV to find the last two categories. When he turned to the Big Penguin video, he saw Xinghan brilliant, who was number one on the list, at a glance. Look at the promotional picture. The clothes of the two people seem to be in ancient costumes. Thinking of the dramas that the male protagonist has starred in, they seem to be relatively tough. It seems that they should fit one of the categories.

Now that he had a choice, Wang Yue did not hesitate and immediately asked his assistant to play it.

As for the idea of ​​watching it again, Wang Yue is useless. After all, after watching it, the plot has been magically changed by the system, so it is better not to watch it.

Luo Youyou sat aside and trimmed her nails, watching Wang Yue's movements all the time. Wang Yue actually chose this drama, which made her wonder. Could it be that her inspirational boyfriend of Jin Mailang was ready for a change of taste? ?

For a moment, Luo Youyou felt so stressed. She felt that she might as well just fall in love with Jin Mailang.

Wang Yue didn't know what his dear girlfriend was thinking. The moment the video played, he heard a "beep" sound.

"Hey, it's detected that the host is watching the TV series Stars and Stars, the system is loading..."

"Hey, the loading is successful, the time-travel function is starting..."

After Wang Yue completed his time travel, he felt weak and lying on a pile of hay before he even opened his eyes. He could feel that this time, like Zhou Shengru, he might starve to death soon.

Is it possible that time-travel costume dramas like this have this kind of starving rhythm, and starving to death is the standard feature?

Fortunately, although Wang Yue's state after traveling through time is very similar, his body functions are hundreds of times stronger. You must know that Wang Yue's body has opened up the Ren and Du meridians, and can spontaneously absorb the undetectable spiritual energy of heaven and earth. .

In the same state of starvation, Wang Yue before being transported could only wait for death in despair, but Wang Yue who had traveled through time could still persist for a while, such as imitating sheep to eat grass.

It's not that Wang Yue thought about it himself, but this place was just a field. Wang Yue didn't even know what kind of place it was. There was no one around, and there was no place to beg for food. He felt that if he didn't want to die, he would probably die. Really want to be a herbivore.

For a moment, Wang Yue thought he had received retribution. He spent every moment twirling his wool, and as a result, he almost turned into a grazing sheep.

Sometimes, just like this, when Wang Yue was complaining that there was no one around, two people slowly walked up from a distance. He felt that God also felt that a systematic person like him should be imitated like a lamb. Eating grass is really a bit unjustifiable.

But as the two visitors, older and younger, approached, Wang Yue was immediately disappointed. Looking at the clothes of these two people, they were not much better than him. They were also in ragged clothes and had sallow complexions.

Wang Yue looked at the two people who were staggering, and he was speechless and pulled a few ears of wheat that looked like wheat from the field ridges. He rubbed them with both hands and blew off the dander, leaving behind those that were not yet mature, or even He said that he stuffed the newly formed wheat into his hungry mouth, chewed it twice and then swallowed it.

With food in his stomach, Wang Yue finally felt a little more comfortable, and it also gave him some time to think about, how did this body faint from hunger in the fields? Don’t you know how to pull wheat and eat it yourself?

Wang Yue quickly absorbed the memory, and he found that of course the Wang Yue in this world still had this name. His father in this world is called Wang Xuan, who is the cousin of Wang Chun, the son-in-law of King Qian'an, and his mother is the cousin of Queen Xuan's family, which can be regarded as a noble status.

Back then, Grandpa Xuan married the sister of King Lao Qian'an. After Grandpa Xuan died, Queen Xuan's mother took her daughter and her young son to defect to King Qian'an.

Later, unable to stand the persecution of the violent emperor, both King Laoqianan and the emperor rebelled. In order to form an alliance with the current emperor, King Laoqianan married Queen Xuan to the then emperor. The emperor was already married, and her For the sake of the overall situation, the wife reduced herself to concubine and allowed the emperor to complete the marriage.

Later, when the emperor led a large group of troops to go on an expedition, Emperor Wu sent 200,000 troops to besiege Gucheng. The emperor was worried about the safety of the Gucheng defender, his sworn brother General Huo, so he ordered several groups of people to go to the rescue. King Qian'an was one of them. One.

King Qian'an actually sent troops to fight elsewhere. After receiving the letter asking for help, he had to lead his own troops to rescue. Before he set out to rescue Gucheng, Wang Lao unexpectedly learned that there was an internal agent of Emperor Ru in the palace of Qian'an, so he hurried there. The Prince of Qian'an is planning to inform his brother Wang Chun, who is the son-in-law of the Prince of Qian'an, and ask him to help inform the old Prince of Qian'an.

It's just that when Wang Wang went there, his brother and King Qian'an were not in the palace. Because the matter was urgent, when he was going to go to the military camp to search, King Qian'an's trusted general happened to come out of the city.

Thinking that the general had been following King Qian'an for a long time, Father Wang felt that this man must have no problem, so he asked the general to tell King Qian'an about the traitor. But when he came out of Prince Qian'an's Mansion, he didn't know he was being followed.

Father Wang and Mrs. Xiao Xuan returned home together, and everything was fine along the way. However, on the night they arrived home, a large number of men in black attacked Wang Yue's home.

Because they were unprepared, the servants were killed and wounded numerous times before they could resist. Knowing that they might be doomed this time, Wang Yue and his wife hid Wang Yue in the secret room. Then he set fire to the house and led the remaining servants in the house to continue to resist while shouting in peace, hoping to attract the attention of the clan elders and neighbors and save Wang Yue's life.

Seeing that there was a fire in the house, the thief sped up his actions without getting hurt. Before the rescuers from afar came, Mr. Wang and his wife died tragically in the hands of the thief. Because the thief had no time to carefully check the secret room, Wang Yue escaped. One calamity.

Wang Yue didn't know who the enemy was, and he didn't even know what Father Wang did, which caused the thieves to wipe out the family. Wang Yue only knew that after his family was exterminated, he was sent to the home of his uncle Wang Chun by the clan elder. After all, as an uncle, it is his duty to raise his nephew.

However, Wang Chun was a bit cowardly, so Wang Yue was humiliated at Wang Chun's house.

It turns out that King Qian'an died of a miasma on his way to rescue Gucheng. Wen Xiujun was already very sad because of his father's death. He also heard that before King Lao Qian'an set off, Wang Yue's father had been to the palace. He must have known something. , not only did she not notify her father, but her family was exterminated.

Wen Xiujun felt useless when she saw how useless her man was, and her man's clan brother was even more useless. He even blamed Father Wang for the death of King Qian'an.

As for Wang Yue, as the son of Mr. Wang, it is needless to say how uncomfortable it is to make a living in the hands of Mr. Wen Xiu. It was better when he was in the capital. Later, after Wang Chun was assigned to garrison, everyone went to the garrison, and Wang Yue's life became even more miserable.

So, Wang Yue, who couldn't stand it anymore, found an opportunity to escape from the Wang family and was going to find his aunt, Queen Xuan. However, he was young and the money he brought with him was used up before he reached the capital, so he had no choice but to start wandering around. life.

Fortunately, there are wars everywhere now, so the area ruled by the emperor is more stable. Although there are still many refugees, they can barely survive. Wang Yue, a little child, was not captured and eaten.

Wang Yue, who knew his own life experience, knew that he had taken the revenge script again, how could he say it?

Wang Yue knew what he would do next, but the question now was, how could he go to Kyoto alive to join his aunt, Empress Xuan?

As for uncle Wang Chun, forget it.

Just when Wang Yue was thinking wildly, a child's voice said, "Mother, this person stole unripe ears of wheat from other people's houses. Emperor Gao made a rule, and you will be caught for stealing!"

The woman glanced at Wang Yue in confusion, then looked down at the child, and suddenly retorted, "What do you know, a freeloader? Taking without telling anyone is stealing. After this person took it, he didn't do anything." Escape is not considered stealing.”

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