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Chapter 877 You don’t have to hold on alone!

After Wang Yue said goodbye to Tian Jingjing, he followed Xuan Mo to the classroom of Class 13. He was still thinking about whether it was really time to start, but he didn't think about it for a while. As soon as the class started, their physics teacher directly overturned it. His view of teachers.

Wang Yue has been to so many worlds and met so many teachers. Of course, there are also some who are dawdling, but there has never been a teacher who cannot teach well because his students are stupid.

After the physics teacher came to the classroom, he saw that the classmates in Class 13 were very angry because the class's physics test was so poor. So, he expressed his dissatisfaction unabashedly and said angrily, "You 13 The class is the worst in the school. How many times have I told you? You have to memorize the formulas well when you go home. For this test, if you just memorize the formulas well, how can you fail?"

A boy wearing glasses sitting next to Xuan Mo looked at Honest and said honestly, "Teacher, I really tried hard to memorize it, but after memorizing it, I still can't learn it."

The physics teacher didn't expect that in this scumbag class, there would be people talking back, so he took the pointer, walked up to the student, and said disdainfully, "You don't know how, that only means you are stupid! What's in your head is What? Tofu pudding?"

The boy originally just said that he wanted the teacher to explain the question to him, but he unexpectedly aroused the teacher's anger. He was immediately frightened and lowered his head tremblingly, and did not dare to say anything more.

The physics teacher saw that the child had been tamed. Although he was very satisfied, he still refused to give up. He knocked on the table with a pointer and said to all the students in the classroom, "Everyone, please stretch out your hands and give me five blows." .If you fail next time, the penalty will be doubled.”

The students in the class looked at the physics teacher's pointer and were too scared to speak. The physics teacher was very satisfied with the result. He didn't know if other children were so tame, so he looked at the boy who just spoke and was very stern. Said, "It starts with you, hold out your hand."

The boy seemed to be used to the harshness of this honest man and was very obedient. Although everyone could see that he was very scared, he still stretched out his hand obediently and closed his eyes, not daring to look at the pointer in the teacher's hand.

The physics teacher was very satisfied with the boy's performance. He just wanted to scare the monkeys. When he struck, he showed no mercy and wanted to hit him hard.

When Wang Yue saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly. He did not expect that there was such a teacher. Although he did not object to the teacher picking up the pointer, he objected to using the pointer casually. This was very contradictory.

While Wang Yue was watching on the wall, Xuan Mo suddenly stretched out her little hand, grabbed the pointer that was being used, and said in a very cold voice, "The way to spread knowledge is very important. Hitting and scolding are just It will be counterproductive, and you will only make everyone hate the subject of physics even more."

The physics teacher didn't expect someone to prick him, which challenged his authority. However, he tried hard to pull out the pointer, but when someone else beat him, he found that he couldn't pull it out at all.

Xuan Mo saw that the physics teacher was very insistent on wanting the pointer, so she let go of the pointer and looked at the teacher inexplicably.

The physics teacher almost fell down when Xuan Mo let go. When he stood firm, his lips were trembling with anger. He looked at Xuan Mo and sneered, "You are the worst in the class, and you still have the nerve to criticize me." Not taught well.”

Xuan Mo, the alien marshal, liked to speak with facts. After all, facts speak louder than words. She walked to the podium regardless, picked up a marker and started writing on the blackboard.

After she finished writing, she looked at the whole class, including the physics teacher, and said expressionlessly, "Does anyone understand this formula?"

Wang Yue looked at the formula for calculating the total mass of the dark matter universe and frowned. He also studied college physics and even conducted ion collision experiments, but he still felt a little confused about this formula. After all, the universe , people on earth are all guessing, and the calculation formula is also guessing. It may be a complete joke in a few decades.

Of course, no one among the classmates present answered Xuan Mo's words, and she was not surprised, so she continued, "In this universe, the galaxies we can see only account for about 4% of the entire universe, and the remaining 96% of matter. It’s something we can’t see or understand, it’s dark matter. I say this, do you understand?”

After hearing what Xuan Mo said, the students understood the meaning of the formula even though they did not understand it. Thinking that the physics teacher just asked them to memorize the formula by rote and did not explain it in a way that they could understand, they felt that this was a At the opportunity to ridicule, everyone was so excited that they pretended to understand and said, "Understood, we understand."

Xuan Mo was very satisfied with the performance of her classmates. She didn't know that many students were actually making fun of her. She felt that she had proved the physics teacher's lack of teaching experience with facts, so she looked at the physics teacher with disdain and said indifferently, "Your knowledge The structure is far beyond that of these students, but they don’t know how to teach them knowledge in a way they can understand. You should also learn from it.”

As soon as Xuan Mo finished speaking, the students in the class thought that since someone was taking the lead anyway, they would not be punished, so they all shouted in unison,



Although the physics teacher was not good at teaching, he understood the children's ridicule. He immediately became angry and roared at Xuan Mo, "You lied in the last exam and said you were not feeling well. The doctor in the infirmary already told you You’re fine, you have to ask your parents, please ask your parents!”

Wang Yue looked at the physics teacher who was repeatedly asking for parents. He felt that the physics teacher had offended a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness. Who gave him the courage? Was he really not afraid of Xuan Mo lying down on the spot?

He shook his head helplessly. Thinking of the alien black technology, he couldn't help but wonder, would Xuan Mo use black technology to rectify the teacher?

Wang Yue actually just thought about it and didn't say anything at all, because he knew it was impossible, and Wang Yue also knew that this teacher was in trouble. After all, with Xuan Mo's mother's protective character, the physics teacher was definitely asking for it. Not interesting.

The fact is exactly as Wang Yue said. When Xuan Mo’s mother heard that the physics teacher asked Xuan Mo to invite parents, she took the diagnosis certificate issued by the doctor from the Second Hospital and angrily came to the physics teacher’s office and held the certificate in her hand. I slapped it on the physics teacher's desk.

Then, Xuanmo's mother angrily scolded, "The doctors have said that Xuanmo needs to recover slowly, slowly. How is she getting better? Are you a doctor? Then why are you still a teacher? In a sense, you are discriminating against a recovering patient. Also, why do you insult my child? Do you still want to beat him? I will go to the Education Bureau to file a complaint against you."

The physics teacher has been teaching for so long, and this is the first time he has seen such an aggressive parent. No matter what the other parents are, they are very polite in person. The reaction of Xuanmo's mother really made him at a loss.

Seeing the dumbfounded look of the physics teacher, Xuanmo's mother knew that she had achieved her goal. She was also afraid that it would be difficult to perform if she continued. After she finished speaking, while her momentum was still high, she held out the diagnosis certificate in an aggressive manner. Go outside.

Wang Yue originally came to see the fun, and he specially dragged Xuan Mo over, just to show Xuan Mo that the meaning of the mother of the earth was not comparable to that of emotionless reproduction.

Seeing that Xuan Mo's mother was about to come out, Wang Yue grabbed Xuan Mo and ran to the classroom quickly. He knew that parents would definitely go see their children after meeting the teacher. He was in the office Catching bags at the door is really not fun.

Sure enough, just as Wang Yue thought, Xuan Mo's mother came to Xuan Mo decisively after meeting the teacher. She happened to see Wang Yue in the classroom, so she squeezed out a smile and greeted Wang Yue.

Wang Yue was bored and quickly called Xuan Mo for Xuan Mo's mother. He also wanted to know what this alien soldier would look like when he felt the maternal love of an earthling.

So, Wang Yue waited for Xuan Mo and Xuan Mo's mother to go out, then followed them quietly, focusing on his ears and eavesdropping on the conversation between the two people from a distance.

Xuan Mo's mother took Xuan Mo to the garden outside the classroom, looked at Xuan Mo carefully, and asked as she walked, "So many things have happened to you recently, why didn't you call and tell your mother?"

Xuan Mo seems to have adapted to the presence of Xuan Mo's mother, but she is confused why she is calling? He asked out of curiosity, "Do I often do this kind of thing like making phone calls?"

Xuan Mo's mother gradually got used to the fact that her daughter didn't understand anything. She immediately put on a warm smile and said very gently, "Mo Mo, mother wants to tell you that no matter what the situation is, as long as you think you can handle it, You can come to me for anything you can’t solve?”

Xuan Mo frowned delicately and looked at Xuan Mo's mother on this earth. She found that the combat power was definitely not more than five, which was several levels worse than Wang Yue. She was a little confused as to why she went to her mother instead of Wang Yue when something happened. Asked, "But you are very ordinary, how can you help me?"

Xuan Mo's mother felt a little embarrassed after hearing Xuan Mo's words. After all, as a mother, saying this for her daughter is somewhat embarrassing.

But thinking that her daughter didn't remember any common sense now, she smiled and said, "It's true, mom is very ordinary, but mom can come to take you home, she can do her best to help you, and she can also listen to you. I want you to relax a little, so you don’t have to hold on alone.”

Xuanmodui's mother was a bit unaccustomed to her concern, but she could feel her mother's kindness, so she couldn't bear to refute, so she nodded and agreed. As for what to do then, let's talk about it later.

Xuanmo's mother was relieved when she saw that Xuanmo agreed. She got a call from the teacher while she was busy with business, so she hurried over. Now it seems that the matter has been resolved, and her daughter looks good. , she was ready to continue busy with business matters.

So, she helped Xuan Mo tidy up Xuan Mo's hair lovingly, and said seriously, "Okay, then mom will leave. You go back and have a good class."

Xuan Mo nodded and watched his mother, who turned back three times, walk out of the school. Then he shouted to Wang Yue in the corner, "Come out, don't hide anymore."

Wang Yue was not surprised to be discovered by Xuan Mo. After all, he learned his mental power from others. He walked up to Xuan Mo, looked at the back of Xuan Mo's mother side by side with Xuan Mo, and asked curiously, "You are such a strong mother." Okay, she only has you in her heart, can you feel it?"

Xuan Mo nodded and said melancholy, "This is the first time someone has told me that I don't need to support you alone, I can help you."

Wang Yue listened to Xuan Mo's words and asked curiously, "Isn't it right? As long as you have relatives, friends, parents and brothers, no one will say this to you? You have been miserable, right?" "

Xuan Mo glanced at Wang Yue, calmed down his emotions, and said indifferently, "We have long got rid of this troublesome method of reproduction. And in our era of the Grand Alliance, everyone of us is thinking about expanding resources for the galaxy. How can we Time to think about this mess."

Wang Yue was speechless. Although he had already guessed that Xuan Mo didn't understand emotions, maybe because of the alien lifestyle, but now that it was confirmed, he still felt a little incredible.

Wang Yue has experienced so many worlds, and even if he can put down his pursuit of power, he cannot see through the so-called love relationship. People in this Scorpio Galaxy seem to be heartless and loveless from birth.

Does that mean that as long as this Xuan Mo travels to the world of fairy swords, he will definitely achieve enlightenment?

But Wang Yue suddenly thought of a question. It seemed that if he wanted to achieve enlightenment, he must first pick it up and then put it down. Suddenly I feel more balanced.

Wang Yue, who was very clear-minded, said to Xuan Mo casually, "Then your life is too boring. Is there nothing else to do besides fighting?"

Xuan Mo frowned. In the world, the strong are always respected. Once they become stronger, if they don't plunder others to develop themselves, is it possible to wait for others to become stronger to rob themselves?

Since she couldn't figure it out and Xuan Mo didn't want to argue with Wang Yue, she changed the subject and said, "Although this mother can't help much, please be loyal to me."

This was the first time that Wang Yue regarded maternal love as a sign of loyalty. He had just heard a concept from Xuan Mo's words, that is, Xuan Mo's world is similar to a very aggressive world. Many people have cultivated a kind of loyalty since childhood. With aggressive thoughts, there is no time for love.

Just thinking of Xuan Mo once saying that she was a marshal made Wang Yue a little cautious. After all, people who can achieve that position probably have no love in their hearts.

Wang Yue and Xuan Mo were talking when Tian Jingjing suddenly ran over. She gasped and said excitedly, "Why did you two come here to whisper? You didn't even call me?"

Although Xuan Mo has adapted to getting along with Tian Jingjing, she does not have rich emotional cells, or the information conveyed by the emotional cells of this body that the alien Xuan Mo cannot contact, for a while did not know what to say.

Wang Yue saw Xuan Mo's embarrassment, so he casually came to the rescue and said, "You are in the elite class there, and Yi Hailan is here. We don't want to be embarrassed, so it's better for you to come to us."

Tian Jingjing nodded in understanding. She also felt that Xuan Mo's appearance at the door of their class would attract other people's attention, so it was better not to go there, so she agreed with Wang Yue's statement.

Tian Jingjing, who had been deceived by Wang Yue, felt that she had found the truth. She felt a little pity for Xuan Mo and felt that she should tell the good news, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "Mo Mo, do you know? You are now a celebrity in our school."

After hearing Tian Jingjing's words, Xuan Mo thought of Wang Yue's words asking him to keep a low profile, and frowned and said, "But I don't want to be famous. I just want to be an ordinary high school student."

Tian Jingjing couldn't keep up with Xuan Mo's brain circuit. She reached out and touched Xuan Mo's forehead. She didn't find any change in the temperature, so she said very puzzledly, "But, you are a high school student, and you have a problem?" What nerves?”

Xuan Mo was stunned by Tian Jingjing's words. Yes, Xuan Mo is a high school student now, but what should high school students do?

When the alien Xuan Mo found out from the original Xuan Mo's memories, most of them were useless things, and most of them were Yi Hailan. This made Xuan Mo a little confused. Is the life of high school students so messy? She frowned and muttered, "But, what should high school students do?"

Tian Jingjing thought of what her parents and teachers said, and was afraid that she might have said something wrong and affect her best friend's future, so she said sternly, "As high school students, our first goal is to study hard and get good grades. With good grades, I will get into a good university in the future.”

Xuan Mo looked at Tian Jingjing's serious face and found that when her friend spoke, she was more solemn than when she took the oath when she went to war. She nodded subconsciously and said, "You are right, Wang Yue also told me , High school academics are more popular and can do whatever they want."

Tian Jingjing nodded quickly and said in agreement, "In high school, grades are everything. If you have good grades, you can do whatever you want."

Xuan Mo seemed to be inspired after hearing these words. She didn't expect that being a high school student would be so easy. All she had to do was study hard and get good grades.

Thinking of the competition with Wang Yue, it seemed that he was lagging behind only in terms of grades. Xuan Mo looked at Wang Yue and said seriously, "I won't lose to you in the next exam."

Wang Yue saw the change in Xuan Mo's expression and felt good about it. After all, it was quite fun for him to study an alien. But hearing Xuan Mo's words that were almost a declaration of war made her a little confused.

What the hell logic? Apart from competing with Xuan Mo during military training, he had no intention of comparing.

In fact, in Xuanmo's mind, Wang Yue came first in this exam. She wanted to get a good score in order to surpass Wang Yue.

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly. He knew high school knowledge very well, and he had been through so many senior years, and yet there were still people competing with him. It was just looking for abuse.

However, Wang Yue saw that Xuan Mo was so confident, so he also wanted to see how aliens learn and how they can surpass him. In order to let the school girl perform well, he said in a rare second, "You If you want to fight, I will fight!”

Seeing Wang Yue's words, Xuan Mo not only didn't feel angry, but nodded in appreciation. She felt that a strong person must look like this and have this momentum, and then said in words that Tian Jingjing couldn't understand, " Your momentum is enough to be my opponent, it's been a long time since anyone has spoken like this in front of me."

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