But what was different from Luo Youyou's imagination was that after she clicked Create, she suddenly appeared on a planet. There were no other people on this planet. They were all busy robots, and hers A prompt sounded in my ears, "Welcome to your base, please create your fleet."

Luo Youyou subconsciously clicked Create, and then, a transparent interface appeared in front of her eyes. On the interface, various star warships were presented in front of her. She didn't understand what was going on, so she randomly clicked on a warship. .

As Luo Youyou clicked, the mechanical prompt sounded again, "You have insufficient funds and cannot purchase."

Some people say that girls will not be addicted to games. If Wang Yue hears this, they will definitely beat him to death. After all, everyone is curious about novel things.

As for how long this curiosity can last, it depends on each person's personality. Different personalities and self-control will lead to different durations.

After Luo Youyou learned to lie down in the game room and play StarCraft, she would play games every time she came back from get off work. Wang Yue would have to urge Luo Youyou to eat and force her to turn off her games before she would come out to eat.

Wang Yue was speechless about this, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, it was the trouble he caused himself, and he could only endure the consequences. He just hoped that Luo Youyou would not remain addicted.

However, Luo Youyou was addicted to playing games, and Wang Yue also had time to work on his work. He quickly designed the helmet version of StarCraft and handed it over to Mr. Hu for mass production, asking him to help make the parts for the two sets of equipment.

It's just that this time Wang Yue didn't have time to wait for the parts to be processed. On the third day after the drawings were sent out, the time to travel was up. He glanced at Luo Youyou, who came back to play games after work, and felt helpless, so he went to watch TV.

Wang Yue still remembered that when he first came back, he wanted to watch Xuan Mo in high school. He was a man of his word. He thought Classmate 200 Million was about high school life, so he would look for a TV series about Luo Yan's high school life. .

So, after Wang Yue sat down on the sofa, he casually said to the TV, "Assistant, help me open a high school TV series like Xuan Mo."

The assistant was very used to Wang Yue's vague words. He replied quickly, "Okay, Master, we are screening for you. After the screening is completed, we are opening the little joy for you."

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, what kind of name is this? Little joy? Did you feel a little happy after seeing him? .

Just when Wang Yue was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard a "beep" sound.

"Hey, it's detected that the host is watching the TV series Xiao Huanxi, the system is loading..."

"Hey, the loading is successful, the time-travel function is starting..."

After Wang Yue traveled through time, he felt a lot of noise in his ears. He started looking around before he could absorb the memory. He wanted to see what the situation was now.

But when he looked around, he found that he was surrounded by a group of young faces, all of whom seemed to be high school students. Many of them were carrying schoolbags, as if they had just arrived at school, which made him a little confused.

Could it be that today is the first day of school?

Originally, Wang Yue wanted to take the initiative to take a look at the environment, but did not immediately understand the background. He never expected to meet so many students. He felt that since he could not find the relevant person at a glance, he closed his eyes helplessly and prepared to accept it. Memorized.

In this world, Wang Yue is a student preparing to enter his senior year of high school. Although there are still two weeks left before school starts, they have already made up two weeks of classes, which makes students who have not yet entered their senior year feel a little tired.

Fortunately, after tomorrow's swearing-in meeting for the third grade of high school, school will be on vacation, and we will have to wait for the real start of school again.

This was originally a very important thing to do at the beginning of the school year, but after the actual start of school, the placement test will be conducted immediately, which makes the students very depressed.

However, Wang Yue thinks it's normal. No matter where they go, don't students before the college entrance examination enjoy the same process?

After all, the college entrance examination is a very important hurdle in life, and it is also an important opportunity for transformation. What kind of life you will live in the future will be greatly affected by the college entrance examination.

In order to prepare for the college entrance examination in the future, Wang Yue had just finished a full summer of cram school classes in his sophomore year of high school, and he had to take extra classes at school, which made him feel really stressed.

In this world, Wang Yue is like a salted fish throughout the first semester of high school. He has been failing and failing. If he had not been admitted to Chunfeng Middle School in the third year of junior high school, he would have been in this school with a 100% undergraduate rate. There is no doubt that his life will definitely be gloomy.

It's not that Wang Yue is not smart enough, but Wang Yue's registered residence is not in the capital, but in Jinling, which is known as the most difficult exam question.

In order to prevent Wang Yue from playing around with the children in the capital, Wang Yue's parents were very tight on Wang Yue. Wang Yue was squeezed so hard in elementary and junior high school. Compared with all other students, Wang Yue's mentality almost collapsed. .

But imagining what his parents said about the difficulty of Jinling's exam questions and the hard work of Jinling students, Wang Yue gritted his teeth and persevered. This persistence lasted nine years.

As a result, what made Wang Yue a little devastated was that when he was in the third year of junior high school, his father suddenly succeeded in settling in with points, and he also successfully obtained a household registration in the capital along with the move.

This was originally a happy event, but for Wang Yue, it was very aggrieved.

If he had known about today's settlement, wouldn't it be a joke that he had studied intensively in cram schools for more than eight years and had specially signed up for the Jinling version of the course?

You must know that the difficulty of the test questions in the two places is very different. As a result, seeing his peers playing crazy and just studying like crazy, for a child, it is already torture enough.

But now he realizes that he doesn't actually need to work so hard. Isn't this just kidding?

So, after Wang Yue's father and mother Wang canceled the intensive extracurricular tutoring classes, he spent some time in a daze, and even then he was admitted to Chunfeng Middle School.

But after going to the Spring Breeze Center, Wang Yue suddenly felt that he had missed something?

So, after entering high school, Wang Yue insisted on making up for the time he had not played before, and then his grades plummeted. Fortunately, the speed of his decline was not very fast, and the teaching quality of Chunfeng Middle School was good and the management was relatively good. Strict, he is still in the class of the famous Strict Teacher Iron Rod, so his grades are not bad either.

This summer vacation was the same. Wang Yue still had a good time playing games during the summer vacation. Well, it should be said that he played games during the summer vacation. He mainly felt that there was nothing to play. After playing for two consecutive years, he even felt like playing games. Is boring.

No, he relaxed a lot and suddenly made up two weeks of classes. Wang Yue was very uncomfortable. Facing today's hot weather, he fainted without any accident, and then Wang Yue traveled through time.

Therefore, Wang Yue, who had traveled through time, suddenly thought of a question: Why does Wang Yue in this world look like him?

Except for the different places where it happened, their personalities seemed to be very similar. He was just such a salty fish back then, okay?

Thinking of this, Wang Yue fell into memories for a while, thinking of his senior year in high school and Yu Xiaowei who went abroad.

Just when Wang Yue was lost in memories, he suddenly heard someone gasping and shouting, "Stop, you, stop."

When Wang Yue heard this voice, he knew that someone was arresting someone. Considering that this was a school, it was probably a student who had violated school rules and was being chased by security guards.

Wang Yue didn't care about this. He still bathed with his eyes closed. In the sunshine, he consciously felt that he was very free and unrestrained. After all, he was also very comfortable.

It's just that several classmates around him unconsciously stayed away from him. After all, Wang Yue's appearance looked too bad.

You said, it’s okay for you to be so intoxicated by the sunshine in winter, but you still enjoy the heat of summer. Isn’t this abnormal?

However, Wang Yue didn't care. He was thick-skinned anyway. As long as he wasn't embarrassed, someone else would definitely be embarrassed.

What Wang Yue didn't expect was that while he was still looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he suddenly heard the sound of a car engine, and the sound sounded like it was getting closer and closer to him.

This made him feel a little surprised. What the hell happened?

Is there someone driving at the school?

Is this going to make the news?

He was still despising it, but when he heard the sound of the car, it seemed that it was coming from him. Wang Yue quickly opened his eyes and looked towards the sound.

It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. He was startled when he looked at it. A fiery red sports car kept dilating in his pupils and drove right in front of him before he was forced to stop.

Wang Yue looked at the distance between his legs and the front of the car. It was less than 10 centimeters. He didn't have to think about whether he should fall down and show off his acting skills. Instead, he secretly thought with doubts, this guy has good driving skills, could he be an experienced driver for more than 10 years?

Just when Wang Yue was thinking this, the security guard who had been shouting saw that the car finally stopped and ran to the car door and said excitedly, "Get down, get down, get down quickly."

Seeing that he couldn't leave, the driver turned off the engine, opened the door, and got out of the car. His attitude seemed to be indifferent.

Wang Yue looked at the person who came down, and his name was automatically announced in his mind, and he also knew his identity.

This cheating guy is called Ji Yangyang, and he is a second-generation official. Wang Yue has not had much contact with this guy. After all, he is a salty fish who is too lazy to stand up, and he has not been hanging out with him all the way.

Seeing that he was almost hit, he muttered to himself, no wonder he was so arrogant, but he didn't know if this person would say something after hitting him, "His father is Li Gang."

That Ji Yangyang Shaobao didn't wear a refreshing school uniform in this hot summer, but wore a black racing suit. He just didn't know whether it would be hot under such a hot sun.

After he got out of the car coolly, he ignored the security guard who followed him and yelled at Wang Yue, "What are you doing standing there? Didn't you hear the horn, didn't you see the car coming??"

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows. Is this his arranged opponent? But it won’t look the same based on IQ, right? After all, with such a big bad like, he could easily trick his father with this car on Weibo.

Before he could speak, the security guard stepped forward, grabbed Ji Yangyang's collar aggressively, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you yelling? You blame others? Who asked you to drive in?" On campus, only faculty and staff can drive in.”

When Ji Yangyang saw that Wang Yue ignored him and the security guards around him were so arrogant, he was very dissatisfied and said, "I'm a student here, why can't I drive in? I'm going back to school today. I went to put my luggage and I'll be there soon." Just drive out."

The security guard probably didn't know Ji Yangyang. He didn't expect that a student who violated school rules would be so arrogant, so he roared angrily, "You are a student, why don't you wear a school uniform? You almost hit a student with your car just now, are you still reasonable? You Which class are you in and who is the class teacher?"

Ji Yangyang didn't expect the security guard to be so disrespectful. You should know that there were several of his classmates in the crowd. He also felt angry. He looked at the security guard grabbing his hand with dissatisfaction and said coldly, " Let me go, let go of your hands."

The security guard didn't expect that Ji Yangyang was not afraid of him. You have to know that children who make mistakes in general are not afraid of them. He felt that such a person must be the kind of person with the background the captain mentioned, so he immediately let go of his hand and backed away with a stern expression. He said, "If you don't wait, don't leave."

Wang Yue twitched his mouth when he saw this scene. He was speechless. It seemed that Ji Yangyang had not thought about the college entrance examination at all this time. He felt that since these children of powerful families would go abroad sooner or later, they would do nothing. Why don't you go out early, improve your foreign language proficiency, and occupy public resources here? Just to let the children show off their wealth?

He didn't understand Ji Yangyang's character, so he just felt that he wanted to know whether this arrogant Ji Yangyang would continue to find fault with the other party's family problems. It’s also a good way to decide how to get along in the future.

Who would have thought that after Ji Yangyang saw that the security guard had left, he walked to Wang Yue. He looked at the car and Wang Yue's legs and found that they were very close. He was not sure whether he had hit him or not. After hesitating for a moment, he said stiffly, "Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to see a doctor?"

Wang Yue twitched the corner of his mouth. He thought he was an old driver. But looking at Ji Yangyang's reaction, he knew that Ji Yangyang was wrong. Did he bump into Wang Yue?

But looking at Ji Yangyang's arrogant look, he knew that this child was not bad in nature, but he didn't want to get too close to the other person, lest they make mistakes together and he would have to take the blame.

So, Wang Yue shook his head, refused to care about a child, and was about to turn around and leave. He felt that if he had the time, he would go find his Qiao Yingzi.

Xuan Mo in this world is called Qiao Yingzi.

At this time, Wang Yue saw Fang Yifan in the class holding a mobile phone and a selfie stick. After he drove around the sports car, he pointed the mobile phone camera at Ji Yangyang. He looked like Live broadcast.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yue was very speechless. He was thinking just now that he didn't have to argue with Ji Yangyang. Maybe some bad guy posted the incident about the sports car running into the campus on the Internet. After all, it was too public. .

Unexpectedly, it happened so quickly. There happened to be a student live broadcasting, which reminded him of Lin Miaomiao who wanted to live broadcast during a critical period.

He examined Fang Yifan and murmured in his mind, could this idiot be the protagonist?

Otherwise, is there any need to show up and walk around with a selfie stick? Is this telling Ji Yangyang that as long as there is information about this car on the Internet, it was Fang Yifan who did it? Is this an attempt to enmity?

Not mentioning why Wang Yue was watching the fun, Fang Yifan took a picture with his phone and said to Ji Yangyang, "He's not wearing school uniform, he drove his car in, and he almost hit someone just now. This is Serious violation of school rules and disciplines.”

Ji Yangyang later realized that he was in trouble. He quickly covered Fang Yifan's camera with his hand and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you taking a picture of?"

Fang Yifan was not afraid of him at all. He blocked Ji Yangyang's big hand and continued filming calmly, "Don't move, don't move. Oh, your car is not bad."

Ji Yangyang had heard that Fang Yifan had done a live broadcast, and he was a little panicked at the moment. How could he explain it clearly if it was broadcast live? So he rushed forward, trying to grab Fang Yifan's cell phone.

Fang Yifan ignored Ji Yangyang at all. While hiding and circling the car, he said to his mobile phone, "In this senior year of high school where every second counts, anything can happen here. This is a great pencil case with pens inside." Pencils and everything.”

When Ji Yangyang saw that he couldn't catch up with Fang Yifan, he threw his bag at Fang Yifan. He roared, "Fang Yifan, who are you scolding?"

It's just that Fang Yifan is such a thief. When he saw Ji Yangyang getting angry, he quickly hid aside. The schoolbag didn't hit Fang Yifan but hit a girl behind him.

Fang Yifan was proud that he had escaped, but when he looked back, he saw that the girl who was hit was actually his goddess Huang Zhitao. How could he bear this? Why did he have to show off in front of the girl?

So, he roared and rushed forward, pushed Ji Yangyang down on the car and roared, "Ji Yangyang, how dare you hit my goddess."

Ji Yangyang was a little annoyed with Fang Yifan for taking pictures of his car, so he started a fight with Fang Yifan without hesitation.

Wang Yue shook his head. He didn't care about the two people fighting. He accidentally found Qiao Yingzi through the way Fang Yifan casually handed over the selfie stick.

Qiao Yingzi was holding a selfie stick, looking at the two boys fighting on the ground, and shouted excitedly, "Fang Yifan, stop fighting, stop fighting."

Wang Yue struggled to squeeze through the crowd and squeezed to Qiao Yingzi's side. He happened to see the mobile phone on the selfie stick in Qiao Yingzi's hand still recording, facing Fang Yifan and Ji Yangyang who were rolling around on the ground.

Wang Yue was a little amused when he saw this scene. He walked close to Qiao Yingzi and said with a smile, "Are you here to break up the fight, or are you with Fang Yifan?"

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