After Wang Yue and Qiao Yingzi left Teacher Li Meng's office together, he looked at Qiao Yingzi's depressed look and asked Qiao Yingzi with a smile, "Actually, half of what Teacher Li said is right, that is to say, cooling down is really needed." When I look at those schools, I want to tell them that it is they who beg us to go to their schools, not us who beg them to go to their schools. You must know that we are different from other students."

When Qiao Yingzi heard what Wang Yue said and thought of the two people's achievements, she nodded. She felt that it was also like this, and it could only be like this.

Whether she is applying for college entrance examination in the future or going to winter camp now, she will need her parents' signature, but she knows that her father can't make the decision, and her mother will definitely not sign.

Therefore, if she wanted to go to Nanyang University or other schools with good aerospace majors, she could only take the special admissions route, but she was quite confident.

She had seen the patents applied by Wang Yue, and each one had their two names on it. Under normal circumstances, they should have been specially recruited, but the other party has been evading it until now. She doesn't know what he is thinking. What.

So, after hearing what Wang Yue said, Qiao Yingzi nodded and said seriously, "That's okay, but what should I do with these invitations?"

Wang Yue thought about it and said casually, "Take it and take it all back to your home. It can also prove to your mother that you will not go secretly behind your mother's back."

After hearing Wang Yue's words, Qiao Yingzi kicked Wang Yue lightly in shame, and then hurriedly jumped towards Shuxiang Yayuan.

Wang Yue looked at the lively appearance of Qiao Yingzi's little girl and recalled the Qiao Yingzi he had just met. He found that Qiao Yingzi looked like a little girl at this time. In the past, she always felt that something was missing, although she was well-behaved and obedient. , but lacks a kind of vitality?

He felt that his hard work for several months had finally yielded results. After all, how could an 18-year-old girl be always worried?

Therefore, he suddenly felt that he might have come here to save Qiao Yingzi. Thinking that he had done it so easily, he felt quite proud.

But Wang Yue hadn't been proud for long. He was still talking to his parents at home about not going to the winter camp, when he suddenly received a call from Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi waited for Wang Yue to answer the phone and immediately said, "Wang Yue, come up here! My mother wants to see you for something."

Wang Yue listened to Qiao Yingzi's voice on the other side of the phone and could tell that Qiao Yingzi, who was very happy just now, had become a little lonely now. He felt that something must have happened, so he quickly comforted and said, "Okay, just wait for me for a while, I will go up to you right away, don't worry."

After Wang Yue hung up the phone, he stood up and walked out. When he passed the door, he casually picked up a coat and prepared to go out.

Seeing that Wang Yue was not wearing a winter coat, Mrs. Wang guessed that Wang Yue could not go far, so she asked doubtfully, "Where are you going? What happened? You look very serious."

"Yingzi has something to do with me. I'll go upstairs. Don't worry, it'll be fine." Wang Yue didn't elaborate, but said it casually and hurried upstairs.

After Wang Yuefeng went out in a hurry, Wang's father pulled Wang's mother who wanted to chase him out, and quickly comforted his wife and said, "It's not like you don't know what our child is thinking. The one who can make him so serious is probably The girl upstairs is gone, it’s okay, let her go.”

Wang's mother followed Father Wang's pull and sat back down. She rolled her eyes at her father and said with a sigh, "The pigs that have finally been raised are now able to grow cabbage. This is actually a very happy thing." . But looking at the current situation, it seems like he was just taken away."

Wang Yue didn't know what his father and mother were talking about him. When he went out, he was still wondering why Youyingzi was so depressed. After he went upstairs, he realized what was going on.

It turned out that after Qiao Yingzi took the invitation letter to the winter camp, she didn't take the initiative to find her mother like Wang Yue said. She thought it was stupid, so she casually put it in her drawer, thinking she could keep one. To commemorate, after all, so many schools invite winter camps, it is also a matter of pride.

Although the one she wanted to put was not hidden, it was still in the drawer. Under normal circumstances, it would not be seen by others. After all, she was already so big, and the drawer was considered a private place.

Unexpectedly, Song Qian opened the drawer openly and saw so many invitations. At first, she was actually quite happy. After all, this proved that her child was very good. She even forgot about the cold war with Qiao Yingzi, and asked happily, "Yingzi, there are so many winter camps in schools, which one do you most want to go to?"

Qiao Yingzi didn't think much about it. After all, it was Song Qian who asked where she wanted to go the most. In a chatting tone, she relaxed her vigilance and said casually, "Nanda, their astronomy major is the best in the country, so I I want to go there, and since I’m on it, I’ll go on the best one.”

Song Qian didn't think so. She was still chatting, but after all, she had lived with Yingzi for so many years. She immediately saw that Yingzi seemed to want to take the exam at Nanjing University, and she quickly wanted to correct Qiao Yingzi's idea.

It's just that she and Qiao Yingzi were still in the cold war, and it was not easy to continue fighting with her daughter. She happened to see Wang Yue in the invitation, so she quickly said, "I think Wang Yue also likes the aerospace major." . You are a team again. He may not necessarily go to Nanda University. It would be great to go to Tsinghua University."

Qiao Yingzi didn't think much about it. While looking at the study materials Wang Yue gave him, he casually said, "Wang Yue said he was the best wherever he went, so he didn't think about where to go to school, so we teamed up It doesn’t matter where I go, he just lets me make my own decision.”

After hearing this, Song Qian immediately felt that something was wrong. After all, how could a student not care which school they went to? She felt that something was wrong with the two children, so she said angrily, "Are you and Wang Yue dating?"

Looking at Song Qian's expression, Qiao Yingzi knew that her mother had misunderstood what she just said, but she couldn't explain it at the moment. After all, although she didn't have a date with Wang Yue, it was almost the same.

So, she felt very unsure and said dryly, "No, we are not in love."

Song Qian is a very controlling person. In her plan, Qiao Yingzi has a set time for dating. She must wait until she graduates from college, or even after college. She must wait until her job is stable. Only then could she find someone with similar aspirations, otherwise, she would be like her and Qiao Weidong, so she immediately started preaching to Qiao Yingzi.

Seeing Song Qian and Qiao Yingzi quarreling, Qiao Weidong quickly came over to mediate. After hearing about this, he said casually, "I know about this, and it doesn't matter much. That kid has already admitted it to me." , saying that they will never delay their studies, isn’t it because the two children have very good grades?”

After Song Qian heard what Qiao Weidong said, she immediately pointed the finger at Qiao Weidong. She said dissatisfiedly, "You knew it and didn't tell me, but you asked me to stupidly let Yingzi go down to study with Wang Yue? They are so old. What do you think we should do if we do something stupid?"

So, it turned out to be just a quarrel between Qiao Yingzi and Song Qian, but later it turned into a quarrel between a family of three. Then, Qiao Weidong decisively passed the blame, and Wang Yue, the culprit, was called out.

After Song Qian saw Wang Yue, she said angrily, "I think you are a good boy. Your relationship was only for Yingzi from the beginning, right?"

Wang Yue frowned and looked at Song Qian. He didn't expect that Song Qian would say it so carelessly in front of Yingzi. He said displeasedly, "Aunt Song, Yingzi and I were just classmates studying together. At most It's just a bit ambiguous, we have never thought about falling in love during our senior year of high school, but why do you insist on breaking this window?"

Seeing that Wang Yue was still so confident, Song Qian said even more angrily, "You are in your third year of high school. This is a critical moment. You should not be in love in the first place."

Wang Yue shook his head, knowing that there was no way to reason with Song Qian. After all, he was thinking about his daughter. In order to prevent Qiao Yingzi from being punished after he left, he looked at Song Qian patiently and said, "Since I care about Yingzi, Having known both Uncle Song and you, I feel that in terms of your control, it is not a question of whether Yingzi should fall in love, but whether she should violate the rules you set. Yingzi is just an 18-year-old girl, You have also grown up like this, and you were also asked to strictly implement everything you do every minute and every second?"

Song Qian was a little surprised to see that Wang Yue dared to refute her. In her impression, those children who fell in love, especially the boys who were caught by the girl's parents, were not frightened.

But looking at Wang Yue's appearance today, he didn't seem to be afraid of her at all, which made her very dissatisfied. If Wang Yue was with Yingzi in the future, wouldn't it be equivalent to flying away, and he would definitely listen to her own words?

So, Song Qian turned cold and said seriously, "I don't allow Yingzi to fall in love when she is in high school, so the review you go downstairs every day is cancelled. As for my physics class here, do you want to take it?" ? That’s up to you.”

When Wang Yue saw Song Qian say this, he shook his head helplessly. He wanted to refute, but Song Qian was Qiao Yingzi's mother after all. He couldn't say much, so he said seriously, "Aunt Song, I don't understand. How many times did your so-called plan succeed? I heard that you also made plans for Uncle Qiao in the same way. Then uncle and auntie got divorced. Uncle, even an adult, couldn't stand your plan, but you let Yingzi from I started to strictly follow your requirements when I was 12 years old. Do you think she can handle it? I know you love Yingzi very much, but do you think this is really good? If you love her, you should let go appropriately. Instead of holding it tightly in your hand and almost making you depressed. How about I make a plan for you and you try it as required?"

Seeing Wang Yue getting louder and louder, Song Qian's face became a little worried. She opened the door angrily and said to Wang Yue, "Get out of here. This is our family's business, you don't need to worry about it."

Seeing that Song Qian couldn't listen, Wang Yue shook his head helplessly. Before he left, he looked at Song Qian again and said with a serious face, "I don't know if you have discovered it yourself. Yingzi has been taking extra classes since the second year of high school." Until now, I have always been reluctant to take the initiative to participate in social activities. Except for being energetic when discussing astronomy every day, I am depressed at other times. This situation is very abnormal for a teenager. I originally You can also wait until after college to get close to Yingzi. After all, we have the same hobbies, but just because I saw Yingzi's performance, I was a little worried, so I hope to give her some relief."

After hearing what Wang Yue said, Song Weidong asked suspiciously, "So you took the initiative to find Xiaomeng and asked him to break up with me, just because you wanted to give Yingzi a complete family?"

Seeing that Qiao Weidong had listened, Wang Yue turned away from Song Qian and looked at Qiao Weidong and said seriously, "On the one hand, I think Yingzi might be very happy if you get remarried. On the other hand, I actually have selfish motives."

Qiao Weidong glanced at Qiao Yingzi. He thought Wang Yue was trying to please Yingzi. He didn't want to give Wang Yue a chance to show off, but looking at Yingzi's crying face and looking hopeless, he still asked, " What selfish motives do you have?"

Wang Yue glanced at Song Qian, then at Qiao Weidong, and said seriously, "I know Aunt Song is very controlling. I think Uncle Qiao can at least help Yingzi share some of the pressure after returning to the family. In fact, Although you haven't resisted much pressure, Yingzi has indeed gotten better during this time."

Qiao Weidong felt a little embarrassed after hearing Wang Yue's words. When he was with Song Qian, he really liked to pursue her. Later, he really couldn't stand Song Qian's perverted control desire in Jinghu, so he took the opportunity to escape from the family.

But now that I think about it, his behavior is really sorry for Yingzi. He knew that Song Qian was very controlling, but in order to escape from Song Qian as quickly as possible, he did not fight for Yingzi to be by his side, and just left Yingzi to Song Qian. Qian is so controlling.

He also vaguely understood Wang Yue's hint, which meant that Yingzi was tormented by this almost perverted desire for control and was emotionally disturbed. It seemed that she was somewhat depressed.

Thinking of this, Qiao Weidong regained his strength and said seriously, "Wang Yue, I know you are a good boy. I agree in principle with the matter between you and Yingzi. After all, you have the same interests and hobbies, but I don't agree. You fell in love in high school."

When Song Qian heard these words, she said disdainfully, "What do you agree with? He is now coaxing Yingzi to take the exam at Nanjing University. What might happen in the future?"

After Qiao Yingzi heard Song Qian's words, her emotions completely burst out. She didn't expect that her mother would be so unreasonable and didn't care about her face at all. She said angrily, "I just want to be with Wang Yue. We will be together in the future." We also want to study aerospace together and go to NTU together!”

Song Qian didn't expect that Qiao Yingzi would talk back to her again because of Wang Yue, so she said angrily, "Don't even think about going to Nanda. I will definitely not sign it for you. There will definitely be no chance of applying for the college entrance examination. Nanda You don’t even want to go to winter camp.”

Qiao Yingzi was originally a child. She had been strictly controlled by Song Qian for so many years, and she had a natural feeling of fear towards Song Qian. When Song Qian said this, she cried subconsciously.

In the past, Qiao Yingzi would have stood there crying, not daring to move her legs out. However, after being influenced by Wang Yue for so long, she now had the desire to resist, so she followed Fang Yifan's example and pushed away Wang Yue, who was blocking the door, ran out.

Wang Yue saw Qiao Yingzi running out, and he shook his head helplessly. He felt that he must not be able to persuade Song Qian, so he patted Qiao Weidong on the shoulder helplessly, and said with a sigh, "Uncle Qiao , I think you should have more children with Aunt Song and divide Aunt Song’s motherly love into several parts, so that Yingzi might be more comfortable."

Qiao Weidong didn't know if it was an illusion. When Wang Yue patted his shoulder, he didn't feel any discomfort at all. Just thinking of Wang Yue's words, he looked at Song Qian awkwardly, his old face turned red, and he immediately laughed and said, "No matter how old or young you are, help me look after Yingzi quickly and don't let anything happen."

Wang Yue hurriedly ran out. When closing the door, he ignored Song Qian's sullen face and quickly warned her, "I'm serious. Aunt Song is so controlling. You and Yingzi can't do it." I must be able to withstand it, and I will have to have more children to share his attention."

Just as Wang Yue finished speaking, he saw a black shadow coming towards him. He quickly closed the door and ran away. When he ran to the elevator, he heard the door slamming.

Qiao Weidong looked at the ceramic cup that smashed against the door, and then watched helplessly as the cup fell to the ground and broke into several pieces. He helplessly picked up the broom and swept it, and then said to Song Qian, "Song Qian Qian, I think Wang Yue is right. The child is getting older. Do you think Yingzi is disobedient? How about we practice trumpet?"

Song Qian rolled her eyes at Qiao Weidong, and then said disdainfully, "What a virtue you have! You and Yingzi have made me so angry, and you still want another one? Don't even think about it. Besides, you have to remember that we are Fake marriage, not married yet.”

Wang Yue didn't know how Qiao Weidong communicated with Song Qian. After he caught up with Qiao Yingzi, he quickly comforted him and said, "Yingzi, you forgot, we originally wanted to defeat those schools, isn't this just right? "

After listening to Wang Yue's words, Qiao Yingzi calmed down her emotions temporarily, but she still said depressedly, "But after my mother made such a fuss, my original patience disappeared instantly. I even want to take the exam to a faraway school now." , stay far away from this home and never come back again."

Wang Yue looked at the girl's crying face, and said with distress, "Don't worry, I have recently developed a new thing, which is also about aerospace. When the thing I made comes back, we will test it. New technology, send a video to Professor Liu, I don’t believe those schools can still stand.”

Qiao Yingzi knew that Wang Yue was often busy and didn't know what to design, but she trusted Wang Yue very much, so she stopped crying and asked Wang Yue pitifully with tears in her eyes, "Really? Then I want it too Learn this technique.”

Seeing that Qiao Yingzi had diverted his attention, Wang Yue quickly raised his hand and said in assurance, "Don't you trust what I said? Maybe everything will be ready in two days, and I will teach you while assembling it. "

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