Unlike other people, Jiang Yichen entered the stage of preparing for a rainy day very quickly after being happy.

Because Jiang Yichen is a reborn person.

He was originally a takeaway deliveryman for Meituan.com and had read relevant news and reports.

In 2010 in his previous life, there were more than 2,000 group buying platforms of various types, and more than 1,300 of the larger ones were collected.

What about Manzuo.com, Lashou.com, Juhuasuan, Dazhehui, Wantuan.com, etc.

A large number of investors treated funds as running water and invested them in the process of thousands of group buying hegemony. Some group buying websites even set spending tasks for the team every day, and deducted performance if they did not spend all the money.

But no matter what, there are very few group buying companies that survived in the end.

Even Meituan.com finally survived by transforming to takeaway.

Group buying, like a gust of wind, blew through 2010 and then dissipated.

In front of the initial entrepreneurial team in front of him, Jiang Yichen raised this question and wanted to see everyone's strategic vision.

Although Zhang Yang is a marketing talent here, the other three are technicians.

But strategic vision is not something that can be determined by identity division alone.

Some of the management team members are also technical.

Everyone at the table was silent for a while. After hearing the boss's question, they had to think it over carefully.

Although Jiang Yichen is young, everyone has already felt how powerful he is from this first event.

Lian Suo spoke first,"Mr. Jiang, I think the key is to have more abundant activities and product selection."

"Yes, I also think product selection is important. In addition, the audience publicity is also very important."

"Mr. Jiang, I think it is inevitable that there will be competitors in the market in the future, but we cannot be afraid, nor can we be chaotic. We must steadily do our own things, just like what Mr. Jiang just said, find problems, constantly improve and perfect, and create a good platform for both quality and reputation."

After talking to the waiter, Xiao Yating turned back to answer this question.

Jiang Yichen's eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded imperceptibly.

This Xiao Yating is quite knowledgeable.

If there is a chance, she can be trained.

At present, there is no one in Jiang Yichen's company who can act as a deputy. He has to arrange all the big and small things.

However, the company is just starting out, and there are not many things that can be handled.

But with the launch of Meituan.com, there will be a huge number of offline salesmen needed in the future, and the relevant departments and personnel in the company must also be strengthened.

Especially if we want to speed up the pace of promotion and expansion, the few people we have now are simply not enough.

Zhang Yang also expressed his views

"Mr. Jiang, I also have a few small ideas, which are not very mature."

"I think our model is a very simple one to be honest. There are no technical barriers. As long as there are people, money and businesses, there will be no big problems in its development."

"In the future, we may still fall into vicious competition. So for us, how to win is not enough just by activities and product selection."

"It still requires sufficient service quality and excellent user experience to form strong user stickiness"

"Just like QQ, social networking is indispensable to everyone; we must also make Meituan indispensable to everyone’s life, then we will win."

Jiang Yichen stretched out his hand to applaud.

As a marketing talent with many years of experience, he has a relatively deep understanding of these things.

Of course, Jiang Yichen believes that the answers of several people just now are also helpful to him.

Jiang Yichen said,"Everyone said it very well. The key is that we must have a sense of crisis and teamwork, and build our platform step by step. As for money, within a year, we will have more money than we can spend."

"Mr. Jiang, it’s true!"

"I have never experienced the feeling of not being able to spend money!"

Amid the heated discussion, the pot was served and the dishes arrived.

Jiang Yichen took a special look and found that both the meat and the dishes were relatively fresh.

Come to think of it, with the current volume of group purchases, how could this hot pot restaurant have any stock?

The dinner ended with a casual chat about the future.


When Meituan went online, the popularity of the site immediately attracted the attention of social media and self-media personnel.

They wrote in news on Tencent and Weibo,

【Online group buying may become a new favorite among young people】

【The L'Oreal 5-piece set originally priced at 260 yuan was sold for only 130 yuan, and the hot pot set originally priced at 229 yuan was sold for only 98 yuan. More than 5,000 people rushed to buy it on the online platform, and the first group buying activity of the newly launched website Meituan.com achieved an"explosive" effect. 】

Some of these were soft advertisements that Jiang Yichen spent some money on, but more were interesting phenomena reported by the media.

On the second day, Jiang Yichen appointed Xiao Yating as an assistant to assist in the digestion of subsequent group buying orders and the preparation of new activities.

For now, although it is difficult to organize a hot event a day, one every two days is barely possible. As for the lack of people, Jiang Yichen is still continuing to recruit staff.

In any case, before the angel round, Jiang Yichen planned to basically push this company back on track.

After handing over the affairs of Meituan, Jiang Yichen followed his roommate Zhang Ping to have a hot pot meal, which was considered a bit tired of eating.

What followed was a normal two-line career of study and company.

"Yichen, why don't you go to class?"

On Tuesday, Meng Deqiang asked in confusion.

"I have a lot of things to do. I will only come to the important professional courses a few times. Forget about the other classes. I will just take a look at your notes later." Jiang Yichen shrugged. Zhang

Ping tried to persuade him,"Brother Jiang, I know you were great in high school, but this is college, especially Peking University, where the study requirements are very strict. If you fail too many courses, I will really persuade you to drop out."

"Failing a course? Not possible, unless the teacher���I am more handsome than him.

Jiang Yichen didn't care.

"Of course, if you can nod, just help deal with it."


Jiang Yichen took the Principles of Economics and sat in front of his calligraphy, reading carefully page by page.

He was very fast, reading a page in just over ten seconds.

Sometimes he would close his eyes and think, as if he was digesting the knowledge.

"I'll go to the School of Computer Science to register this afternoon, and I'll double major in these two subjects for now." Jiang Yichen ignored his roommate's shock and continued. Meng

Deqiang opened his eyes wide,"Damn, how come you're so happy that you can study two majors?"

"Hmm? When you were recruited by Peking University, you didn't mention these conditions?"

Jiang Yichen was a little surprised.

"How is that possible? We are not the top scorers in the province."Zhang Ping shook his head.

As for the top scorers, there are only a few provinces in the country. Every university is trying to recruit them, and some of them will go to Hong Kong to study.

Jiang Yichen should be one of the few top scorers who come to Peking University to study economics.

If he is not the top scorer, Peking University will not give him such generous conditions as Jiang Yichen.

After all, for famous universities, the real purpose of competing for the top scorer is not to compete for the talent, but to compete for the reputation.

"I only have a 30,000 yuan scholarship, nothing else." Qin Tian said leisurely.

His understanding of Jiang Yichen, this pervert, deepened.

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