After a quick wash, Jiang Yichen returned to his room.

Jiang Yixin followed him in.

"Brother, tell me the truth, do you know magic?" Jiang Yixin stared at Jiang Yichen seriously and asked.

Jiang Yichen was stunned for a moment,"What nonsense is that?"

"Then why can this gift you gave me improve my learning efficiency?"Jiang Yixin took out the green lotus jade pendant from her chest.

Jiang Yichen was not surprised. His sister was so smart, how could she not think of the reason for the improvement of grades and learning efficiency.

However, Jiang Yichen would not admit it.

"That means it has been blessed by a magician, so it is very effective. You should wear it carefully and don't lose it." Jiang Yichen smiled.

Jiang Yixin blinked,"If you don't want to tell me, forget it. I won't ask you. Hehe, I will keep this secret for you."

Jiang Yichen shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

"By the way, brother, isn't your second novel almost finished? What new book are you planning to write?"Jiang Yixin pestered Jiang Yichen, wanting to talk to him.

《The Blue Lotus Sword Song is now nearing its end, with only 300,000 words left.

According to Jiang Yichen's update frequency, it will be finished in a month.

"Aren't you going to come and make some plans during the winter vacation?" Jiang Yichen said with a smile,"Do you often read online novels?"

"No way, you set a password on the computer at home, so I couldn't even open it. I downloaded it using my best friend's MP4 to watch it."Jiang Yixin explained

"Download it? Pirated?"Jiang Yichen was speechless.

"I don't know. After I told her, she downloaded it for me." Jiang Yixin shook his head. He didn't know anything about the Internet. Jiang Yichen said unhappily,"You will be preparing for the high school entrance exam next year. Don't read these online novels."

"I didn't read anything, I just read what you wrote."Jiang Yixin pouted, a little unhappy.

"You should wait until after the high school entrance exam to read my novel. I will buy you a Kindle and pack my novel for you to read. Those pirated ones are a mess and full of typos." Jiang Yichen thought for a while and said.

Jiang Yixin nodded and agreed very much,"That's right, I thought you often made typos!"

"How was your final exam result this time?"

Jiang Yichen didn't want to talk more about the novel, so he asked about it.

"Of course she is the first, and the first in the whole school. How about your sister, is she amazing?" Jiang Yixin proudly raised her head, her long hair looked very beautiful.

This little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.

Jiang Yichen smiled and pinched her face,"Not bad, you are making progress, and you may surpass my record in the college entrance examination."

Jiang Yixin shook her head,"I can't surpass you, you have magic"


Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at her. I cheated, but I also cheated for you!

Jiang Yixin then asked about Jiang Yichen's life in college. Although she was only in the third year of junior high school, she was already looking forward to college life.

You know, the teachers always say that everything will be fine once you get to college!

"College life is really good, super free, the teacher never calls the roll in class, you can go to school or not." Jiang Yichen coughed lightly and boasted,"Studying is also very easy, you can easily get high scores, there is no pressure at all!"

"Really?" Jiang Yixin showed a bright and hopeful look.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"Of course not. The better the school, the more freedom you have. You have to study hard."

"Yes! Brother, don't worry, I will do better than you in the exam." Jiang Yixin clenched his fist to cheer himself up.

"great, good luck!"

"Let's go, have a good rest."

Then he went out happily.

Jiang Yichen looked at his sister and smiled helplessly.

After a simple wash, he went to rest.

As for the novel, he hadn't thought of a new story yet, so he would take his time.


Life at home was much more monotonous.

Although his high school classmates invited Jiang Yichen to play basketball or go out to play during the holidays, Jiang Yichen would come back very late, so he was happy to have some quiet time as the New Year was approaching.

However, his mother, Liu Yuanxiu, was very persistent and took him shopping and bought him a new set of clothes for the New Year.

On the way, Jiang Yichen remembered the incident with Principal Liu Youxi and called him.

"Hello, Principal!"

"Hey, classmate Yichen." Liu Youxi's voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little different.

However, Jiang Yichen didn't think much about it,"I came back late yesterday and didn't call you. I happened to have something to do today. Where can we meet?"

"Okay! How about we go to Yongxing Tea House?" Liu Youxi tried to ask


Jiang Yichen readily agreed, and then said to Liu Yuanxiu,"Principal Liu wants to see me for something, so I'm leaving first. You and dad can take the things back. I won't go shopping anymore."

When Liu Yuanxiu heard that it was the principal who wanted to see him, she immediately agreed."Okay, go ahead."

Jiang Yichen, who had escaped from the sea of suffering, immediately rode his scooter away.

Yongxing Tea House.

Liu Youxi's house was right next to it. When Jiang Yichen arrived, he had already arrived.

""Yichen, come, come, sit down." Liu Youxi, with her big belly, happily pulled Jiang Yichen to sit next to her.

Zhang Yunlong, the head of the grade, smiled and made tea opposite.

"This is the best tea in this shop, please don't despise it."

Jiang Yichen looked at the two of them with a strange look in his eyes,"Principal, what are you hiding? Why are you so polite today?"

Liu Youxi smiled awkwardly,"No, I just want to invite you to sit down and chat."

""Okay, let's talk." Jiang Yichen suppressed his laughter and drank his tea.

He was very patient, since he didn't ask for help.

But he knew what Liu Youxi meant.

"Yichen, I heard that you have joined the Calligraphy Association?" Liu Youxi asked tentatively.

Jiang Yichen nodded,"I guess so. Zhong Bingwen, the president of the Kyoto Calligraphy Association, is my teacher."

"……Your calligraphy is really good. I used to think I was better than you in Lishu, but now it seems that I was superficial."Liu Youxi touched his almost nonexistent hair.

Zhang Yunlong grinned and said,"Of course, a piece of calligraphy by classmate Jiang Yichen can be auctioned for a sky-high price of 15 million. Principal, your calligraphy level cannot compare to this."

Jiang Yichen understood, it should be that the two of them saw the news

"This kind of calligraphy is difficult to write. The ones I write usually cost only a few million."Jiang Yichen waved his hand.

Also? Just? A few million?

Liu Youxi was a little choked by the tea, then sighed and said,"Then speaking of it, the few calligraphy works you gave to our school are a great bargain for us."

Jiang Yichen's mouth corners slightly raised,"It's good that they can be used. I'm also very happy that our Anyuan has more talents."

"That's right! This year, our No. 2 High School's college entrance examination rate is expected to be twice as high as yours last year!" Liu Youxi said with emotion,"This is all thanks to you!"

Jiang Yichen smiled,"Principal, do you want some more words?"

"If you want it, it costs several million. I can’t afford it!" Liu Youxi sighed with regret.


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