After returning home, Jiang Yichen changed out of the clothes he had just put on. Liu Yuanxiu washed his hands and looked at the blood-stained

"You kid, it's New Year's Day, why are you so impulsive?"

Although she knew that Jiang Yichen was saving people, as a mother, Liu Yuanxiu was more worried that he would get hurt or get into trouble because of saving people.

Jiang Yichen simply changed his clothes and smiled to comfort him,"I'm fine. You can't just pretend you didn't see it, right?"

"We just need to make a phone call and you go up to save him. What if you fail to save him?"

"Just try your best."

Liu Yuanxiu paused,"Anyway, don't be so impulsive next time."

"Got it."

Jiang Nanning said,"How come you are so strong?"

"Mom and Dad, don’t you feel better after practicing bodybuilding exercises?"

"That's right. I used to have backaches every winter, but this year it's much better, and I only had backaches once." Liu Yuanxiu thought for a while and said.

The two of them didn't practice fitness exercises very often. They just practiced every one or two days under Jiang Yixin's supervision, but they could clearly feel that their physical fitness had improved.

However, because they were both old, they didn't practice very often and their understanding was not good enough. So far, they have only practiced the second set of movements.

"So, you two should practice regularly. Starting this afternoon, I will teach you the third set of movements. Practice them every morning, and your back pain will get better in no time."Jiang Yichen reminded

"OK, got it."

Seeing that Jiang Yichen's physical fitness had improved so much, the two of them also paid more attention to him.

"Xinxin, you have to supervise well."Jiang Yichen reminded Jiang Yixin again.

Jiang Yixin pouted,"Oh."

Liu Yuanxiu washed briefly, and then the family went back to their hometown.

When they arrived, it was more than half an hour late.

The relatives had already worshipped their ancestors, and Jiang Nanning became the last one.

As one of the few relatives guarding the hometown, the great uncle Jiang Lifang was still at the door, watching the people coming and going.

After the Jiang family branched out, he, an old man, didn't recognize many of the younger generations.

But no matter who passed by him, they would greet him respectfully.

However, there were a few younger generations that left a deep impression on him.

"Yuanxiu, this is the newly revised family tree. I took a special copy for you to keep."After seeing Jiang Nanning coming, Jiang Lifang went back home and took out 5 thick family trees. After they had paid their respects to their ancestors, he leaned on the ground with his cane and spoke.

Liu Yuanxiu was a little surprised,"So thick?"

"It has been hundreds of years since our family came here."However, there are not many famous ones. I hope your child will bring honor to our Jiang family in the future."

Since the migration to the south, very few people in the Jiang family have achieved great success.

The best one only became a county magistrate in Qianzhou Prefecture.

Jiang Yichen smiled and said,"Grandpa, you have too high expectations of me."

"You are the first person in our Jiang family to be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, and you will definitely become a high-ranking official in the future." Jiang Lifang said happily,"When the time comes, we will renovate our Jiangfang Village. Over the years, our small village has been too dilapidated, and people have fled outside."

Jiang Lifang was already feeling a little emotional as he spoke.

As a left-behind person, he watched the population of this village decrease.

He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In his eyes, this was because this small village was outdated compared to the outside world, and people could not make money, so they left one after another.

He would not stop other people's choices, but he became more sentimental as he watched the increasingly lonely village.

Perhaps, if the village becomes more beautiful and farming can make more money, everyone will come back.

By that time, the bustling small village will regain its original atmosphere.

Jiang Yichen didn't know what the old man in front of him was thinking, but he could vaguely feel that no matter how beautiful the village was built, those who should leave would still leave.

Those who stay will still be a minority.

The process of urbanization is accompanied by the agglomeration benefits of education, medical care and other life services.

In this small village, no matter how beautiful it is, people will not come back.

Unless this is a well-known tourist ancient town.

But at that time, the commercialized village did not have much breath of life.

Jiang Nanning smiled and said,"Achen, are you planning to take the civil service exam?"

""No." Jiang Yichen shook his head repeatedly.

He was no longer short of money, so why should he run into the system and restrict his freedom?

While talking, Jiang Yichen helped to take the family tree.

He walked and read, and soon turned to his page.

Sure enough, it was a good thing.

A single page was opened, which wrote about Jiang Yichen's situation.

It actually started with the (fabricated) vision when Jiang Yichen was born, saying that when Jiang Yichen was born, it was just in the afternoon when the sun was setting, and there were auspicious clouds in the sky. After he was born, the surrounding birds were singing...

Jiang Yichen shouted 666 in his heart.

But reading on:

Yichen was smart since childhood, he could speak at the age of 1, knew numbers at the age of 2, read poems at the age of 3, and recited articles at the age of 4...

When he was in high school, Yichen turned to study literature, his talent was fully displayed, and he won the first place in the county for a long time. He was admitted to Peking University with a college entrance examination score of 737. Li Fang asked everyone for their opinions, recorded his deeds, and recorded them in the family tree to promote the name of farming and reading.


Jiang Yichen looked a little embarrassed. When he was a kid, he was still playing in the mud at the age of 4, and he was also reciting texts?

Being able to count from 1 to 100 at the age of 5 was already pretty good.

How could it be so amazing?

It seemed that no one knew who had edited this material of deeds.

Most likely, it was made based on the materials provided by Jiang Nanning, and a template was found from somewhere.

Jiang Yichen even boldly guessed that the auspicious sign from heaven at the time of birth must have come from some emperor's record?

Jiang Nanning saw Jiang Yichen looking at the page, and chuckled,"How about it, Yichen, have you opened one page of your order?"

"It's open, but is this really written by me?"

Jiang Yichen handed him the book.

As for Liu Yuanxiu, she couldn't read very well, so it was useless to ask her.

Jiang Nanning looked at it very carefully, with a smile on his face,"Ahem, Achen, you were still young when you were a child, you must not know how smart you are, but your mother and I know."

Liu Yuanxiu agreed,"Of course, my son has been smart since he was young. He can count before he goes to preschool!"

Other children can count at the age of 2, but I can count with my fingers at the age of 5. Is it really worth showing off?

Jiang Yichen closed the family tree speechlessly,"Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

Jiang Yichen also figured it out, this thing is just exaggerated.

Maybe in the future, when his status is higher, this family tree can make up some stories for him to show his advantages!

"Our Achen is really amazing. Look, among all of us from the same clan, who has opened a single page?"

Liu Yuanxiu didn't care about anything else. When she saw the full page, she was already grinning from ear to ear and showed off proudly. She walked along the old houses, entering each one, and didn't forget to mention this.

Jiang Yichen felt helpless.

Okay, just pretend that I didn't hear it...

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