There are more and more life skills, but art skills are lagging behind!

Looking at this attribute panel, Jiang Yichen feels a little biased.

Especially since everything else has risen to the D level, but this art skill is still E-level and weak.

If it weren't for calligraphy (hard pen) to support the facade, Jiang Yichen would probably be evaluated as a weak chicken again.

Speaking of singing, Jiang Yichen's voice is actually not bad, but he has never received systematic training and has never opened his voice. Skills like these would be displayed in the summary, and I really don't know why they are specifically displayed.

Could it be that Jiang Yichen has a very strong talent in this area?

I can learn some art skills.

Jiang Yichen thought to himself before going to bed.

Like practicing musical instruments, Go, painting, etc., at least it can be used to pretend.

In his previous life, Jiang Yichen also liked to browse Douyin, Bilibili, etc., like Bird Brother and Suona Brother. They have a skill and can gain a lot of fans in the era of mobile Internet.

Although he has not yet decided what path he will take in the future, he has to live a carefree life. He needs money, and no matter how many skills he has, he can become a freelancer.

He does not have the pressure of working 996, the anxiety of promotion, or the worries of the boss's hard work and the intrigues of the business war. He can just be a carefree, happy and fulfilled person.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Yichen finally fell asleep.

---(っ˘зʕ•̫͡•ʔ ----

After having his own laptop, Jiang Yichen can choose to type at noon and in the evening, and no longer needs to use a notebook to write novels by hand.

Jiang Yichen has written nearly 500,000 words of novels so far, and 4 notebooks are placed on the side of his desk.

This can be used as a commemoration of his start of novel writing.

Written in cursive script, with the improvement of calligraphy skills, there is a hint of calligraphy charm in the rapid writing.

This made Jiang Yichen read a book"PS from Beginner to Mastery" borrowed from the county library in the morning. When he was studying, the Chinese teacher Li Qiuxia came over.

"Yichen, the county is collecting calligraphy works. I see that your hard pen writing has reached a certain level. Please submit one or two works in the next two days."

Li Qiuxia was not angry when she saw Jiang Yichen reading other books.

Because she had tried it, Jiang Yichen was a genius.

He didn't need to spend too much time reviewing now, and high school knowledge was basically not difficult for him.

Good students always have privileges, and Jiang Yichen is no exception.

Jiang Yichen paused and felt the learning crit of PS skills brought by the system in his mind. The small burst rate was 25 times, but after one class, it also gave 1237 points of progress.

"I'm a bit short on time lately."

What a lie. He writes novels and reads miscellaneous books every day.

Well, but the online novel he wrote,"Eternal Life of Creation", is really well written. Although I can't appreciate it, it seems to be doing well.

"The county will select outstanding works. If you win the first prize, you will receive a reward of 3,000 yuan, and the second prize will be……"

"Teacher Li, I will give it to you tomorrow."

Jiang Yichen interrupted her immediately. Well, it was definitely not because of the reward, but to show his talent.

Jiang Yichen has now come to terms with it. As long as it can make money, he can do it.

After all, Jiang Yichen is just a high school student and his family is poor!

Li Qiuxia was a little surprised by Jiang Yichen's decisive agreement, but soon laughed,"That's good, you can write some poems and the like. I have some writing paper on hand, I'll give it to you later."

""Okay, thank you, teacher." Jiang Yichen expressed his gratitude.

Then he went back to reading.

Li Qiuxia was very fast. She took 10 pieces of paper of different styles and gave them to Jiang Yichen before leaving.

Pan Yun saw the teacher leave and then said,"Awesome, Chen. Lao Li came to ask you for a work. However, your handwriting is very good. Your copybook is really useful. I also want to practice it."

"Take it." Jiang Yichen directly took out the book"30 Days to Learn Beautiful Running Script" from under the books and threw it to Pan Yun.

"I just practiced four or five pages and I got it. It's not that difficult to practice calligraphy."

"Can it really be that fast?"

Pan Yun licked his lips, very excited.

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him,"That's for a peerless master like me who has opened up the Ren and Du meridians. For you, it will probably take you two and a half years to practice."

"……"Pan Yun looked at Jiang Yichen with disdain,"Damn, you look down on me so much?"

Jiang Yichen smiled and put away the PS book.

With the current nature of learning the critical strike system, Jiang Yichen's one point of effort is equivalent to a hundred times the effort of others.

Pan Yun wanted to be as"quickly successful" as him, but that was really too much.

Li Qiuxia didn't know where she got the exquisite stationery from. There were both round and oval shapes in different forms.

After taking a quick look at the grid, Jiang Yichen took out a piece and started writing directly.

Jiang Yichen's hard pen calligraphy, which has reached the high level of C-level, has not been limited to the original Jianghu style he learned, but has mastered other mainstream calligraphy fonts.

"The scenery of the north is covered with ice for thousands of miles and snow for thousands of miles."He picked up the pen and wrote in a majestic hard pen cursive style, which was completed in one go and was so powerful that it could penetrate the back of the paper.

After signing"Written by Jiang Yichen in Wu Zi and Gui Hai", Jiang Yichen felt that something was missing.


Yes, a red seal was missing.

Speaking of which, calligraphy masters all have some personal calligraphy seals, many of which are carved by themselves. The fonts are carefully designed and unique.

For example, Qianlong in history left many seals on his calligraphy works.

He can be regarded as a master of stamping.

Next, Jiang Yichen took an ordinary Morning Light black neutral pen and wrote a few classic poems, which took only 20 minutes.

After writing one, Pan Yun took one very solemnly. Finally, when Jiang Yichen finished writing, he immediately snatched his pen.

"Achen, tell me the truth, is it because you use a different pen?"

"Nonsense, you just covet my slender hands."

Jiang Yichen sneered.

"Well, I think your work will win a prize if you submit it. Pan Yun smiled and said,"Send me a copy later.""

"Of course, no problem. Jiang Yichen nodded.

In the afternoon, when Jiang Yichen handed over ten pieces of calligraphy to Li Qiuxia, the surprise in the teacher's eyes was beyond words.

"You wrote all of this?!"

Li Qiuxia looked at the ten works one by one. Each one had a different font.

There were official script, regular script, regular script, and cursive script. The font styles of famous calligraphers could be seen in them. From a distance, the structure was beautiful and generous, and it was exquisite and natural when you looked closely.

Li Qiuxia couldn't really tell, but she felt that it had the style of a famous calligrapher!

Jiang Yichen nodded,"Without my own seal in my hand, it lacks a little soul."


All ready to be stamped, the standard for a calligraphy master!

"By the way, teacher, if there are other competitions with financial rewards, please let me know in time,"

Jiang Yichen said before waving his hand and leaving."Of course, I'm not doing this for the money, I'm doing it to improve myself!"


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