[Ding! Learning generates a critical hit, the critical hit multiplier is 10 times! Your English (high school) learning progress has increased by 30 points】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, your English has been upgraded to E level, and the current learning progress is 1/1000. 】


Jiang Yichen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this pleasant voice. He threw away the high school English book in his hand and prepared to stretch his body.

But his left hand immediately hit an obstacle.

Fatty Pan Yun stared at him with burning eyes,"What's the matter? I don't like this."

"Go to hell!" Jiang Yichen said with a spit.

"With your body shape, I don't know how Zhang Ya could like you.……"

"" Damn!"

Before Jiang Yichen could finish, Pan Yun's old face turned red, and he directly put his right hand around Jiang Yichen's shoulders, and covered his mouth with his chubby hand.

Then he said awkwardly,"Don't talk nonsense.……"

Zhang Ya is a classmate of their class nine. She is less than 1.55 meters tall, petite and cute. After graduating from junior college, she became a teacher in Anyuan.

I don’t know how, but she married the fat guy Pan Yun in her previous life.

One weighs 80 kilograms and the other weighs 200 kilograms. Just thinking about the scene is exciting.

Of course, more importantly,

Jiang Yichen was a single dog in his previous life!

Seeing Pan Yun’s situation, Jiang Yichen knew that this guy had bad intentions for a long time.

Pulling Pan Yun’s palm away with all his strength, Jiang Yichen chuckled,

"Okay, I'll keep it a secret for you, but a barbecue is a must."

Pan Yun shook his head hurriedly,"You think too much."

They are all high school students, and they usually don't have much pocket money.

Although Pan Yun's family is good, his father is afraid that he will get fat if he eats more, so he basically doesn't give him pocket money.

But Jiang Yichen feels that this kid has a genetic mutation.

He doesn't really eat much on weekdays.

Jiang Yichen has only been in Class 9 of Grade 3 for one year, so he doesn't know many classmates.

In addition, he has always sat in the last row, so he didn't think about deliberately getting to know other people.

In his eyes, after graduation, everyone will go their separate ways and it will be difficult to see each other again.

Even when they meet again, it will be of an impure nature.

At this time, the bell for evening self-study rang.

"Huh! Call it a day."

Jiang Yichen didn't like reading English books at all. He forced himself to read them just to learn how to hit critical strikes. Now that he had broken through to level E, he could just read a few pages occasionally.

He didn't believe it. It wouldn't be possible that there wouldn't be a critical strike with a multiplier of 50 or more in one minute.

Pan Yun did the same. He got up and left immediately.

"Hurry up, it will be hard to walk when there are too many people."

When the class is over, there are so many people that it is hard to ride a bike.

Therefore, Pan Yun usually leaves first, and today is still late.

Pulled by Pan Yun, Jiang Yichen also hurried downstairs before the large group of people who leave school arrives, and went straight to the parking area.

Pan Yun rode a scooter, and it was too difficult for him to ride a normal bicycle.

Jiang Yichen rode a no-name bicycle, and put one hand on Pan Yun's trunk to use the force to walk, while chatting.

"Hey, Achen, you said Zhang Ya likes me, is that true?"

On the way, Pan Yun asked a little embarrassedly.

""It's just a blind guess." Jiang Yichen teased,"Did I guess what you were thinking?"

"Hey, hey, hey"

"……But don't think too much, it's useless, with your figure, you should prepare well for the college entrance examination."

Jiang Yichen let go of his hand,"Isn't that so-and-so interested in her?"

"Are you talking about Chen Hao?"

"Right, the skinny little white face"


Pan Yun felt depressed when he heard the word"thin"

"Oh, no more talk."

When I got home, my parents were still watching TV.

Jiang Yichen's mother was Liu Yuanxiu, a very simple rural woman.

She had been farming in the countryside. Considering the studies of Jiang Yichen and Jiang Yixin, she transferred them from the village primary school to the junior high school in the county.

His parents rented a house, and Liu Yuanxiu worked on the construction site with Jiang Yichen's father Jiang Nanning.

At the beginning, the salary was only 10 or 20 yuan a day, and then it slowly increased, and life was not so tight.

You know, Jiang Nanning brought When the family came to Anyuan County, they could only rent one room, where they cooked, ate, and slept.

When Jiang Yichen was in the second year of junior high school, they moved to a room with a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

The rent is 1,800 yuan a year.

The landlord is also very nice and has not raised the rent for many years. The parents live in the small room, while Jiang Yichen and Jiang Yixin live in the living room, which is separated by a curtain. There is a small TV on one side and a desk next to it.

Jiang Yixin is in the first year of junior high school and does not have much academic pressure.

After finishing his homework, he also watches TV.

"Are you back?"

Hearing Jiang Yichen coming in, Liu Yuanxiu stood up and told Jiang Nanning to turn off the TV.

""Hmm." Jiang Yichen looked at the two elders, his nose slightly sour, and he responded in a low voice.

In his previous life, due to his personal reasons, he achieved nothing while working outside, and after returning, he had no proper job. He could only deliver takeout and became a courier boy in a yellow robe.

Liu Yuanxiu urged him to go on blind dates and get married many times, but it was useless.

As he got older, he didn't have a formal job, and he couldn't find a wife.

Those girls who went on blind dates all wanted a house and a car.

When Jiang Yichen was 30 years old, Jiang Nanning finally borrowed money to buy a house, but still couldn't help Jiang Yichen find a wife.

This also led to frequent quarrels between Jiang Yichen and his parents, and later they even ran out to rent a house.

Thinking of the things in his previous life, Jiang Yichen's heart was a little rippled.

But it soon stopped.

Jiang Yixin ran over and said depressedly,"Every time you come back, there is no TV to watch."

"You just know how to watch TV, don't you know how to read books and do homework?" Jiang Yichen said with a stern face.

In his previous life, his sister's academic performance was not good, but it was slightly better than his. She was admitted to a junior college and later became a teacher, which was not bad.

But now that he was reborn again, he wanted Jiang Yixin to study hard.

Jiang Yixin pouted,"Why didn't you say anything when you were watching TV?"


Jiang Yichen was speechless.

That's true. I really liked watching TV at this time before.

Especially on weekends, if I didn't have to go to class, I would choose Jiangnan Channel 4, which would broadcast TV series all day long.

I enjoyed watching them.

But after I started working, I didn't like watching TV anymore. I just watched Douyin and checked BI.

Even if it was a popular TV series, I would watch the speedrun version or 2x speed and watch it slowly. I didn't have the mood to watch TV series like before.

Liu Yuanxiu coughed lightly.

"Your brother is right, watch less."

Jiang Nanning glanced at Jiang Yichen,"How do you feel about switching to liberal arts? Can you keep up?"


He couldn't keep up at first, but now that he has learned the critical hit system, he is not afraid and casually replied.

"That's good, wash up and go to bed early"


After his parents left, Jiang Yichen took a simple shower and returned to his room.

Jiang Yixin, who was behind the curtain, had already fallen asleep.

Coming to his desk, Jiang Yichen turned on the desk lamp and prepared to try his critical hit again.

The critical hit rate for learning English was too low, which made him a little unhappy. He didn't know whether Jiang Yichen's foundation was too weak or the system looked down on the English course.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen opened the geography textbook for the first year of high school and began to read word by word.

Although he felt a little dizzy, with the sound of the system"ding ding", Jiang Yichen felt that everything was different.


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