Jiang Yichen did not comment on the"crazy words" of the book fans, and continued his career of writing.

The next day, he sent out the revised contract.

Before the class bell rang, the Chinese teacher Li Qiuxia came early.

As an older middle-aged woman, Li Qiuxia usually has a stern face, but today, I don't know why, she became a little more glamorous.

Her face was full of smiles.

""Ahem!" Li Qiuxia went to the podium and coughed heavily,"Everyone, be quiet for a moment."

The noisy voice soon dissipated, and everyone looked at Li Qiuxia and the stack of things in her hand.

"Today I want to announce a good news here. Jiang Yichen, a student in our class, won the prize in the county student group for his hard pen calligraphy works. Three works were selected, and one won the first prize and two won the second prize, and received a reward of 6,000 yuan!"

Li Qiuxia smiled very brightly,"Let us congratulate Jiang Yichen with warm applause!"

As soon as the announcement came out, everyone"wowed"!

Not because of the award, but because of the prize money!

6,000 yuan!

This is already an astronomical figure for an ordinary high school student.

If you buy ice cola, how long can you drink it!

Jiang Yichen smiled slightly, enjoying the envious and jealous eyes of his classmates around him.

Well, there was a light from Chen Hao, with resentment.

But Jiang Yichen ignored it at all. He was just a little kid who had not grown up, so he could only look at his own taillights.

Jiang Yichen stood up and took the award certificate from Li Qiuxia, and asked softly,"Didn't the other 7 articles win any awards?"

Li Qiuxia was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded,"You want to take all the awards by yourself?!"

Jiang Yichen blinked, thinking that it was true. It was impossible for him to win all the awards in one competition. It was already a big concession to be able to select 3 works to win awards.

As for other awards, it was not easy to give them. Once announced, Jiang Yichen's calligraphy works would be completely a dimensionality reduction attack compared to other students, and other students would not want to live.

So, he simply selected three works, one of which was"沁园春·雪", which was ranked first.

It is magnificent and beautiful, and pleasing to the eye.

"Are there any other competitions?"

"……No more. I'll check online to see if there are any essay contests or national calligraphy contests. If there are any, I'll tell you."

Li Qiuxia dismissed Jiang Yichen with a speechless look on her face.

The money was in cash, in two thick envelopes.

Jiang Yichen strode back to his seat with satisfaction.

Then he took away 20 red bills and gave the rest to Pan Yun.

"Here, I'll return the money for the notebook to you now."

"Hey, you pervert, you actually won first place!"

Pan Yun didn't pretend to be hypocritical and took the money directly.

Ever since he read Jiang Yichen's book, he knew that his deskmate made money easily. It was just the money for a laptop. Now, without waiting for the manuscript fee, he made a lot of money just from the calligraphy competition.

As expected, people with a skill can be popular no matter what.

"Your book yesterday gained 30 alliance leaders. I think you can get 150,000 just from rewards, you pervert!"

Pan Yun slapped Jiang Yichen's arm heavily.

Jiang Yichen said calmly,"The contract was just changed today. I can get 70% of the rewards and subscriptions."

"70% of it is yours? Damn, you are awesome!"

Pan Yun raised his middle finger."If you become rich, don't forget me!"

"Don't worry, I'll take you to show off and fly."

Jiang Yichen smiled softly.

Li Qiuxia on the podium saw the two talking and coughed softly.

"This Saturday will be the second mock exam. Please prepare carefully and try to get a good grade."Is it time for another mock exam?

Jiang Yichen looked at the time. It is already December 4th, Thursday.

There is another month before the holiday.

Taking the second mock exam at this time is to replace practice with exam. When the final exam comes, there will be another exam. In short, the purpose is to test people to be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

At this time, Jiang Yichen saw Li Qiuxia's eyes looking at him again.


Is the spotlight on me?

Why are all the teachers staring at me ?

If I hadn't been sitting in the last row, I would have wondered if the teacher's human-shaped aiming was broken.

However, after reading miscellaneous books for more than a month and writing novels for such a long time, it is time to take some time to"consolidate" the high school knowledge points I have learned.

When the class was over, Zhang Ya and Zhong Ling surrounded him,"Jiang Yichen, you are awesome!"

"Can I see your work?"

In addition to receiving a certificate and cash reward, Jiang Yichen also received a collection of award-winning works.

It contains more than 30 calligraphy works collected by adults and students.

"Take it and have a look." Jiang Yichen stretched out his hand and handed it over.

Zhong Ling blinked her eyes like a fangirl,"Jiang Yichen, is this the one you drew? It's really well drawn."

"Hey, just writing it casually."

Pan Yun clapped his hands,"Yes, I can testify that this person spent less than 10 minutes to write ten articles, and they are in different font styles. He is simply not a human being."

Zhang Ya looked at it very seriously,"I really envy you for being able to write well."

"Writing is not difficult, as long as you have hands."Jiang Yichen waved his hand

"It's just writing a few words, why are you so high-profile? People who don't know would think you have won a national award!"

While several people were talking, Chen Hao, who was standing aside and watching coldly, suddenly sneered.

He was very unhappy. Zhang Ya, whom he had always liked, could actually chat with Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun.

Although it seemed that the two of them did not have any intimate behavior, and it was just that Zhong Ling, who was in love, was chasing Jiang Yichen, but he was unhappy.

Originally, he was the teacher's favorite, but now it has become Jiang Yichen.

No matter which teacher, they all treat Jiang Yichen as a treasure.

Even Liu Ming, the geography teacher who has always"loved" him, now ignores him and praises Jiang Yichen every day.

Other students read miscellaneous books in class, and they have to say a few words, but Jiang Yichen just chats in class, they will pretend not to see it.

This is so unfair.

Pan Yun laughed,"Oh, who is this, talking so sourly"

"Pan Yun, you lackey, what does it have to do with you?" Chen Hao blushed and said stubbornly

"What, looking for practice?"

Pan Yun immediately stood up, rubbing his hands, and walked towards Chen Hao.

Zhang Ya hurriedly stopped Pan Yun,"Fatty, don't bother with him."

"Humph, you're lucky."

Pan Yun listened to Zhang Ya and came back immediately.

Chen Hao gritted his teeth and said,"Jiang Yichen won the award for calligraphy, not you. Why are you so proud? Even my left hand can write better than yours, even if your handwriting looks like claws." What a joke. I can't write as well as Jiang Yichen, so can I be better than you?

"Oh, did you not buy enough Bingkuoluo last time?"

Pan Yun has been practicing the calligraphy that Jiang Yichen practiced, and Jiang Yichen usually teaches him how to write well, so he has made rapid progress.

Zhang Ya laughed and said,"Chen Hao, if you want to make a bet, just like last time, give me the money first."

Jiang Yichen took out two 100-yuan notes,"Here, Fatty, I'll pay your bet today."

Chen Hao's face flushed, he snorted coldly, and turned away.

Humph, I'm the eldest son of the Chen family, how could I play such childish games with you every day?

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