It is said that after Jiang Yichen's second mock test score came out, the principal of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School took off his shoes at the meeting and was about to throw him, but fortunately he was stopped by his colleagues.

The reason was that Anyuan No. 1 Middle School had found another vice principal and went to Jiang Yichen's home in person to persuade Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu to transfer Jiang Yichen to Anyuan No. 1 Middle School.

Therefore, the principal who knew the news was angry and lost his temper at the meeting.

Finally, the director of the Education Bureau made a clear statement that he respected the student's choice and asked Jiang Yichen to stay in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School and not to use means to poach people. Only then did he calm down.

But it is obvious that Anyuan No. 1 Middle School was very embarrassed.

In Qiu Ping's liberal arts rocket class, the highest score was 635 points, which was a world of difference from Jiang Yichen's score. They were simply not in the same IQ team.

If someone in her class could score 635 points, that was the best she could do.

But Jiang Yichen scored 706 points, which showed that his ability might be far more than that.

The subjectivity of liberal arts is too strong.

Jiang Yichen still lost a lot of points in politics.

If he improves a little more, he may be able to go further.

Because his knowledge system is too solid, so solid that he is not human.

The teachers who graded Jiang Yichen's papers were all amazed. It was a kind of enjoyment to read the papers.

The handwriting was beautiful, and the answers were smooth and standard. It was hard to bear to deduct points!

Qiu Ping was very depressed because she couldn't get someone, so she took her anger out on the students in the class. This group of rocket class students are about to usher in their most terrifying half year of senior high school.

However, Jiang Yichen didn't know about these situations. What he knew was that after rejecting the recruitment of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, his life became peaceful again.

On the weekend, he took time to see the newly bought house and measured it himself with a ruler.

When he came back, he made a drawing in CAD. In the evening, when discussing with his parents and sister, he quickly carried out interior design and soon came up with a design plan.

There were no walls, and the decoration was also simple in style.

Liu Yuanxiu was a little dissatisfied,"I still want to get some wooden sofas. Besides, isn't this TV background too simple?……"

Liu Yuanxiu frowned as she looked at the design renderings on the computer screen.

The current design is to put some white bookcases on both sides, leaving some space for vases, ornaments, etc.

It's too deserted.

Jiang Yichen was a little helpless, so he opened Baidu and searched for TV background wall.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuanxiu was immediately happy when she saw one of the pictures.

""Look, this is good."

Jiang Yichen looked at it carefully. It was a microcrystalline stone TV background wall with a huge peony flower and the words"Harmony and Wealth" written on it.


Jiang Yichen couldn't accept such an old-fashioned aesthetic.

Jiang Nanning coughed lightly,"I think this looks good too."

Jiang Yichen thought about it and agreed."Okay, let's do it like this."

This is Jiang Yichen's first house in Anyuan, and it is more for his parents to live in.

The key to the decoration style is to get the approval of Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu.

Of course, as for his second master bedroom, it is designed completely in his own style.

Very simple.

After the other designs were decided, Jiang Yixin begged Jiang Yichen to design her small room for her.

It took some time again for her to find some classic designs on the Internet. Jiang Yichen combined the actual situation and threw away the fancy things like tatami, and finally designed a room for his sister. Then it was decoration.

Jiang Yichen didn't need to worry about these things. Jiang Nanning was professional and he was responsible for everything.

Now it is the beginning of December, and the decoration has to be rushed.

The only good thing is that the Chinese New Year this year is on January 26. If the speed is fast enough, most of it can be decorated, and the remaining minor problems can be solved after the first month of the year.

At this rate, they can move in after the first month of the lunar year, saving the money of renting a house.

For the sake of his own house, Jiang Nanning decisively stopped the work (the other party was not in a hurry), and started to decorate his house with Liu Yuanxiu. After working in Anyuan County for many years, he finally had his own house.

Jiang Nanning saved 20,000 yuan for decoration, plus the 50,000 yuan from Jiang Yichen, which was basically enough for the materials. There would be some shortage left, and Jiang Yichen would receive royalties next month, so it was not a big problem. What

's more, at this time, building materials are still relatively cheap. With 100,000 yuan, he could have a good decoration.

---(= ̄ω ̄=)---

In the following December, life was simply repetitive.

Jiang Yichen continued to write and save his manuscripts. In the evening, he spent time to guide the students who were interested in learning.

As for those who were not interested, he did not force them at all.

Because they did not come to the evening self-study class...

The family was busy with decoration from morning to night, but Jiang Yichen did not need to worry about it.

That night, Jiang Yichen logged into QQ and it rang.

【Canglang: Mr. Jiang, the Qidian Annual Writers Summit is about to be held. I would like to invite you to come to Shanghai to participate. Do you have time?

Jiang Yichen paused, then replied: What is the specific time?

Canglang: January 14.

Jiang Yichen: OK.

Canglang: The invitation letter will be sent to you. Please collect the tickets by then. The company will reimburse you.


Jiang Yichen calculated that it was a good time for the holiday and going out.

Moreover, he also wanted to go to Shanghai.

He could not stay in Anyuan County and do nothing as before. He would have a wider world.

Therefore, he also wanted to go to Shanghai and see the outside world.

The December manuscript fee arrived soon.

This time it was not as much as last month, but it reached 280,000 yuan after tax.

But for Liu Yuanxiu and others, it was already very high.

"If there are so many every month, wouldn't there be more than 1 million per year?……"Liu Yuanxiu was secretly shocked.

Jiang Yichen shook his head,"This novel is just well written, I can't guarantee that the next one will be as popular."

"That's true."

"No matter what, the college entrance examination is the most important thing. You can't give up studying. When you pass the college entrance examination and get into a good university, you can do whatever you want. When you grow up and can make money on your own, we don't have to worry about you."

Jiang Yichen responded,"I'm going to Shanghai on the 14th. The website is holding an annual meeting. I'm going to communicate with the website masters."

""Go ahead." Liu Yuanxiu agreed directly.

She didn't understand these annual meetings, but she knew that Jiang Yichen would definitely not stay in the small Anyuan County.

It would be better to let him fly.

"Shanghai, that’s a big city!" Jiang Yixin was very envious and said,"I want to go there too!""

"Then I'll take Xinxin with me, since we don't need that little bit of money anyway." Jiang Yichen thought for a moment and said directly.

Jiang Nanning glanced at Liu Yuanxiu, waiting for him to make a decision."You've never been far away, and we're worried about you taking Xinxin with you."

"It's not far, don't worry." Jiang Yichen waved his hand,"I won't get lost."

Liu Yuanxiu finally agreed,"Then buy a mobile phone so that you can contact me when you are outside."


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