When it was almost time for dinner, Tomato sent a message to tell Jiang Yichen that someone was making trouble for no reason and he had restrained his fans.

At the same time, with his intelligence, he quickly figured out who was behind it. Fans from Tomato and Jiangshan immediately turned their guns around and went to the book review section of"Records of God Cultivation" to blast it. Soon, the book received a lot of negative reviews.

It seemed that there were more hits, but the recommendation votes and subscriptions did not increase by half, but decreased instead!

Shura Xiaodao was even warned by Tomato in private, so he could only pretend to be a grandson and say he knew nothing.

But who would believe this!

A small episode quickly dissipated.

This incident also further confirmed that Jiang Yichen had reached the standard of the True God of Qidian.

Although the number of his"Royal Guards" was not as good as the three supreme gods, the centripetal force was rising.

Of course, what Jiang Yichen didn't know was that the saying that he was the descendant of ancient martial arts had slowly spread, and many people swore to it.

After dinner, Jiang Yichen and his party also went to take a night cruise on the Pujiang River to experience the night view of the Magic City. In the afternoon, Jiang Yichen bought a Canon camera, Canon 5D2, with a 24-105 F4 lens. The price of nearly 20,000 yuan made Jiang Yixin stunned.

In his previous life, Jiang Yichen also envied those old wizards who had long guns and short guns. Sometimes he would go online and look at the landscape blockbusters and character samples taken by those people. He felt very shocked and always fantasized about how many cameras he would have.

But Jiang Yichen at that time was just a poor loser. Where could he afford to buy a camera worth thousands or tens of thousands of yuan?

Now it is different. For Jiang Yichen, even if all the three big yuan are spent, he will not panic if he has money in his hands.

But buying a 24-105 lens is more for travel photography.

After reading the instructions for a while and watching a few operation videos in the store, Jiang Yichen's mind did not stop learning critical strikes.

In the end, the photography technology stopped at the E-level stage

【--Photography: E-level (340/1000)】

With the photography knowledge of E-level, Jiang Yichen has a certain understanding of aperture, sensitivity, and shutter, and is very familiar with the operation of this camera.

He raised the camera, focused slightly, and pressed the shutter button to record a lot of good times.

However, at night, because there was no tripod and no lighting equipment, basically no good photos were taken.

It can only be used as a record.

Pan Yun kept complaining,"Why do you know everything as soon as you get started?!"

"This is talent, you know?"

"Bullshit, I always feel like you are just pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger." Pan Yun was indignant and took the camera, wanting Jiang Yichen to teach him, but when he took a picture, it was all black or blurry.

"Your hands are shaking, how can you take a good photo? Fatty, you have to take care of yourself!" Jiang Yichen reminded

""Get lost, I'm in good health!" The two joked for a while, and then went back to the hotel after the cruise.

When the annual meeting officially started the next day,

Jiang Yichen attended in the new clothes prepared by Liu Yuanxiu.

However, after a look, the process was a bit cumbersome and not very interesting.

The only thing that interested Jiang Yichen was that there were also some female authors here, writing female articles.

Many of them were dressed up and quite beautiful.

After the introduction, many people looked at Jiang Yichen.

It turned out that he was the rising god-level figure on Qidian.

He was quite handsome.

And yesterday at noon, the news that Jiang Yichen killed Shura Yidao in one move also spread. From Jiang Yichen knowing kung fu to being a descendant of ancient martial arts, it was later spread that Jiang Yichen had cultivated dark energy and was a peak acquired master...

Fortunately, Jiang Yichen himself did not hear this rumor, otherwise he would have fallen headfirst.

Can this be spread so mysteriously? Will there be an innate master later?

The annual meeting program is still quite rich There were discussions and exchanges, and there were also some stage performances during the period. Everyone gathered together, which seemed to be full of talents.

After all, online literature is not traditional literature. At this time, many people are repulsive or disdainful of online novels, and think that they are vulgar literature.

Qidian, as an early literary website, has been continuously gathering the strength of online writers. Of course, more importantly, it wants to retain these big, medium and small gods.

Nowadays, websites such as Zongheng Tianxia have also been established, and they are eager to poach people.

What's more, they have already set their sights on the Supreme God.

Jiang Yichen didn't know these secrets, nor was he interested in knowing them.

Instead, several great writers on the side had been chatting with him in a low voice to understand Jiang Yichen's background.

But Jiang Yichen's face was flat, neither close nor distant. He answered questions briefly and didn't care about anything else, which made the people at the same table a little embarrassed. It wasn't until someone on the field called his name that Jiang Yichen, who had closed his eyes to rest, suddenly woke up.

"……In fact, it cannot be said that if you do not have martial arts skills, you will not be able to write the fighting scenes of martial arts or fantasy novels well, but what is certain is that if you have martial arts skills, you can write the details of martial arts in great detail and make them more realistic."In the interview, Shen Ji talked about this point of view, and then changed the subject,

"Just like an author who just emerged on the website,"Look at the Kingdom I Conquered", he should have a foundation in Wing Chun."

After saying this, many people looked at Jiang Yichen who was resting.

Jiang Yichen also opened his eyes and looked at the stage.

"So, Jiangshan also knows martial arts?"

"This is Chinese martial arts. The steps and postures of martial arts training in Jiang Shan's"Eternal Life of Creation" all have certain principles of Chinese martial arts, so it looks very real. Therefore, I absolutely believe that he knows martial arts, and I hope to have a chance to fight with him."

Shen Ji is good at martial arts, this is something many people know.

Not to mention how high his martial arts level is, but it is more than enough for ordinary people.

The host deliberately made trouble,"Then why not wait for a day, let's invite 'Look at the Kingdom I Conquered' to perform with you?"

Shen Ji was a little eager to try,"I have no problem."

Oh, there is a fight?!

Everyone's spirits were aroused at once, and they were no longer sleepy, and they looked at Jiang Yichen with burning eyes.

Jiang Yichen was about to refuse when the system in his mind made another voice.

【Ding! Random task generated】

【Shen Ji wants to challenge you to test your martial arts skills. You can choose to accept the challenge or refuse. If you accept the challenge, you can get a random reward after winning.

Jiang Yichen was stunned,"What if you don't accept the task?"

【No reward, no punishment.

Although there is no punishment, Jiang Yichen is somewhat interested in this random reward. You know, the comfortable jade pendant he wears has a very good passive buff!

Maybe there will be more awesome things later.

"I will not refuse Shen Ji's invitation."Jiang Yichen stood up and walked slowly to the front of the stage.

The lights and eyes were all focused on him.

Well-proportioned figure, tall stature, confident and delicate face, with a faint smile.

Jiang Yichen walked steadily to the front of the stage.

A contest between writers is about to begin!

But can the D-level (541/1000) level of national martial arts (Wing Chun) defeat the legendary Shen Ji, the writer with the highest martial arts value?

Stay tuned!

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