[Ding! Congratulations on completing the random task. Now draw a random reward.]

Jiang Yichen returned to his seat and didn't pay attention to the"auntie" in front of him. Instead, he listened to the beautiful prompt sound of the system.

In front of him was still a big turntable.

6 reward options, similar to the last time

1. A random skill upgraded to C level

2. A random skill upgraded to B level

3. A random skill upgraded to A level

4. A Hanzhen brush

5. D-level fitness technique

6. B-level stock trading technique

Hey, this reward is almost the same as last time. It's just that I exchanged the comfort jade I got last time for a B-level stock.

"Hey, system, your random rewards are very average. Aren’t they randomly changed?"

【In addition to skill improvement rewards, other physical or new skill rewards have only one chance to be obtained, and will not appear again after being obtained.】

"I think you just save trouble." Jiang Yichen complained,"Besides, the probability of your random skill is too small. If you want to draw it, it will take a long time. Look at other systems, you can sign in and get rewards every day, what about you? Nothing."


The system was short-circuited by Jiang Yichen's complaints, but fortunately it did not crash. The turntable pretended to turn a circle and directly gave Jiang Yichen a reward.

【Ding! Congratulations on receiving a random reward: a random skill is upgraded to level A】

"Damn, so awesome!" Jiang Yichen almost jumped up when he heard it.

No, no, I have to try it out.

Just like winning a big prize or receiving my favorite package, Jiang Yichen's heart could no longer be restrained.

He left directly on the pretext of going to the toilet.

As for this annual meeting, it was not interesting at all.

After listening to the exchanges for half a day, my writing ability only improved a little.

But now Jiang Yichen's writing ability has risen to B level, and it is difficult to improve it easily.

Carrying the tea set gift, Jiang Yichen went straight back to the hotel room.

Jiang Yixin was taken by Fatty to buy souvenirs and did not come back.

It happened that Jiang Yichen had time to think about how to use this reward.

Host name: Jiang Yichen

Age: 18

System space: 1 piece of comforting warm jade

Knowledge and skills: D level (ordinary)

--Language: D

--Mathematics: Grade D

--English: D level

--Others: Expand to search

Life skills: C level (somewhat)

--Cycling: Class C

--Cooking skills: D-level

--Writing: Grade B

--Keyboard typing (Wubi): Grade A

--Photography: D-Class

--Others: Expand to search

Art skills: D level (ordinary)

--Singing: E-level

--Calligraphy (Hard Pen): Grade B

--Drawing (sketching, painting): D-level

--Others: None

Martial Arts Skills: D-level (normal)

--Basketball: D-level

--Running: D

--Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun): D-level

--Others: Expand to search

This is Jiang Yichen's current attribute panel.

You can see that his life skills are far ahead of others, and have generally reached the level of C grade.

In addition, the progress of knowledge learning is not great, mainly because the knowledge of high school has reached its limit, and if you want to learn deeper knowledge, you must go to college or study college textbooks.

As for artistic skills, they are more about self-cultivation, and Jiang Yichen did not spend too much time and energy to improve them.

Otherwise, Jiang Yichen would be able to master everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

It can be seen that these skills in front of him are generally very good, and most of them have reached the level of D grade.

D grade is said to be ordinary in the system, but in fact it has reached the upper-middle level of ordinary people.

As for B and C levels, they have reached a height that ordinary people can hardly reach, and they can be masters in this field.

As for A grade, Jiang Yichen has only reached this level in keyboard typing.

It can be said that almost no one can type faster than him.

Random rewards, upgrade a skill to A grade. If you can choose freely, Jiang Yichen must hope to take a skill that has just been upgraded to A grade at once, which saves a lot of trouble!

But the word"random" is written in front of this reward.

This means that the initiative is in the hands of the system.

"System, can I designate the reward for upgrading to A-level?" Jiang Yichen was ready to discuss this with the system.

【Ding! No, the system must randomly select one.】

"Can I claim this reward later?"

【You must use it within 24 hours.

This is a bit unfair. Jiang Yichen wanted to save it for later use, but this means that Jiang Yichen has no initiative and is completely blind.

The sense of anticipation is gone, and Jiang Yichen is a little bored."Everyone knows that the system is random, you can give it whatever you want, hurry up and give it to me."

【Ding! Using the"Randomly upgrade a skill to level A" reward, the system has selected:】

【Basketball! The current grade is A (1/10 million)】

""Fuck!" Jiang Yichen was speechless.

How could this skill be acquired randomly?

Jiang Yichen was not a professional basketball player. He had practiced for two and a half years since high school. It was enough for him to know a little bit.

After all, for high school students, it was enough to play on the court.

Can he really play in CBA and NBA?

Jiang Yichen's mind and limbs were filled with countless basketball knowledge and experience, but his face was bored.

When Pan Yun brought Jiang Yixin back, he couldn't help asking about the annual meeting.

"Annual meeting, not interesting, just got a gift."Jiang Yichen curled his lips.

He got a small gift, and got to know two supreme gods, Shenji and Fanqie.

As for other people, Jiang Yichen had no special intention to get to know them.

Literary people look down on each other.

As authors of Qidian Literature Network, most of them are in a competitive relationship.

Some have mysterious self-confidence, thinking that their books are very well written, and others can succeed and make money because they have taken some shortcuts.

Jiang Yichen's sudden dark horse made everyone unconvinced. It is definitely not just Shura Xiaodao who looks down on him. However

, Jiang Yichen did not care about other people's eyes, and did not even eat lunch, and left early.

"I think so. Let's go traveling.���We have made a plan. There are still 5 places we haven't visited. We can go there in the afternoon and tomorrow, and then we can go home."

"Go back and buy a plane ticket." Jiang Yichen didn't want to sit on the train for more than 10 hours, so he hurriedly reminded

""Okay, I'll make the arrangements."

Jiang Yichen took Pan Yun and Jiang Yixin to visit Shanghai for a day before going back. His photography skills also improved rapidly during this period, from E level to D level, and the probability of taking good pictures was much higher.

When he was about to leave, Tomato called.

"Jiangshan, are you going back?"

"On the way to Hongqiao Airport."In the taxi, Jiang Yichen answered truthfully.

Tomato paused,"I have already told the senior management of Qidian about the matter of Shura Knife. Qidian will punish him accordingly for maliciously provoking disputes among book fans."

"However, this guy already had a way out, and just announced that he would switch to Zonghengtianxia.com"


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