Anyuan County Gymnasium.

The temperature of the entire gymnasium was not high, but compared to the temperature outside which was close to 0 degrees, it was very pleasant.

Lin Jun, wearing a jersey, was warming up with Zhou Xiaofeng.

Li Lei, who was good at science, was also invited by him this time.

Lin Jun and Zhou Xiaofeng were both tall and strong. Standing on the court, they did not look like high school students at all.

Li Lei was 1.84 meters tall, a little taller than Zhou Xiaofeng, and had a more robust body.

"Is Jiang Yichen here?"

"It will probably be soon, he said he would come over." Zhou Xiaofeng said after taking a breath.

Li Lei shrugged,"He is still a little short, but his skills are OK. But, Lao Lin, was it really that bad yesterday?"

"Don't mention it, damn, we lost 30 points, and in the last minute Chen Shou let us win, mocking us for being trash. It makes me angry every time I think about it." Lin Jun was still very annoyed when he talked about it.

He couldn't swallow the humiliation in words and actions.

Zhou Xiaofeng encouraged him,"It's okay, we came prepared today, and we called in some good players, and we will definitely get back at them."


Just as Zhou Xiaofeng finished speaking, a shrill whistle sounded.

Seven or eight sturdy men in blue basketball uniforms came in. The leader was 1.9 meters tall, a sports student named Chen Shou.

"You are really brave enough to come and ask for trouble, great!"

Chen Shou's voice sounded a bit like a duck's voice, very unpleasant.

Zhou Xiaofeng threw a ball, turned around and snorted,"I'm afraid you will have to kneel down and beg for mercy today."

"Are you still bragging? Didn't you say the same thing during the fight yesterday? What happened in the end?" Chen Shou sneered.

The others also laughed.

"That’s right, your level is so poor, yet you still dare to come here. I’m afraid there’s no one left in No. 2 Middle School!"

"I don't know why Lin Jun didn't kick him out."

"Let's teach him a lesson today."

Zhou Xiaofeng's face turned pale, and he was about to explode, but Lin Jun stopped him.

"Ignore them."

Seeing that they didn't respond, Chen Shou clapped his hands again,"Today, we are not the only grown men here. The cheerleaders from our No. 1 Middle School are here too. They will use cameras to help record your wonderful performances."

After clapping, a dozen girls came in from the entrance and sat on the opposite side. They took off their down jackets, revealing the cheerleaders' custom-made clothes.

""No. 1 Middle School, No. 1 Middle School, success in everything you do!"

Damn, they were still shouting slogans!

Zhou Xiaofeng cursed in his heart, not happy with Chen Shou's behavior.

But Lin Jun ran to the side, took out his cell phone and made a call,"Zhang Ya, call some cheerleaders to the gymnasium... We are playing basketball against No. 1 Middle School, and they have more than a dozen cheerleaders!"

"Okay, hurry up!"

"Jiang Yichen? He will come!"

After just a few words, Zhang Ya on the other end of the phone readily agreed.

Then Lin Jun came over like a victorious rooster,"Humph, don't think you are the only ones who have cheerleaders!"

Chen Shou sneered,"Let them come to see you make a fool of yourself?"

"It's hard to say who will win or lose!"Zhou Xiaofeng was not convinced

"Just you guys? Oh, you also invited some foreign players!"

Chen Shou looked up at the people on Zhou Xiaofeng's side. There were 6 people in total. He was not familiar with the tall man Li Lei.

""Sorry, I'm late!"

At this moment, a loud voice rang out.

Jiang Yichen, wearing the yellow jersey No. 22, came in from the entrance and waved from a distance.

Zhou Xiaofeng jumped up,"Achen, here."

Chen Shou sneered,"Which foreign aid is this?"

""Foreign aid, this is our celebrity, Jiang Yichen!" Zhou Xiaofeng said proudly,"He is the first in the county in liberal arts!"

His pride made people feel that he was the one.

When Zhou Xiaofeng introduced him loudly, several girls who had just glanced at him in the audience stopped and stayed.

"Jiang Yichen, you are Jiang Yichen!"

Chen Shou was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his emotions became very unstable, staring straight at Jiang Yichen.

Jiang Yichen's face showed strange color,"Do you know me?"

"Humph, I guess everyone in No. 1 Middle School knows your name now, right?"

"Oh! Then I really didn't know I was so famous." Jiang Yichen shrugged,"It's not your nightmare, is it?"

Chen Shou pouted and raised his head,"Don't think you are great just because you have good grades, I will beat you down on the court later!"

Jiang Yichen tilted his ear slightly,"What did you say?"

Zhou Xiaofeng repeated,"He said he would beat you up"

"Don't go home crying." Jiang Yichen pouted.

"Everyone can brag, come on!"

""Where's the referee?" Lin Jun asked.

Chen Shou sneered,"We are just playing a game, why do we need a referee? A scorekeeper is enough.""

"That won't do. Everyone knows that you guys love to commit fouls."Lin Jun shook his head

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, or I'll sue you for defamation." The person behind Chen Shou said unhappily.

"I'll be the referee."

A clear voice sounded, and along with the clear voice, a beautiful figure walked forward.

Jiang Yichen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This person looks familiar!

The one who blocked the road last time, Anyuan No. 1 High School's first place in liberal arts, Leng Qingxue.

From a distance, she was about 1.65 meters tall, quite tall, with half-tied hair, oval face, and light makeup.

She was wearing a khaki plaid sweater and beige casual trousers, which made her peak look a little tall.

In high school, with this size, she is not inferior to others.

Last time at night, Jiang Yichen really didn't see it clearly, but this time, after a closer look, it was indeed a beauty.

"Jiang Yichen, we meet again." When they arrived at the venue, Leng Qingxue smiled faintly.

Chen Shou glanced at Leng Qingxue, swallowed slightly, and said,"Is it okay for you to have Leng Qingxue as the referee?"

""She knows basketball?" Lin Jun asked contemptuously.

"Of course she knows basketball." Chen Shou snorted coldly,"When she was in junior high school, she was on the women's basketball team."

Zhou Xiaofeng was anxious to start the game,"Okay, come on!"

Lin Jun then nodded and turned to Jiang Yichen and said,"Don't play in the first quarter, let's see their bottom line."


As he spoke, Jiang Yichen walked out of the court.

Beside him, Leng Qingxue was there, holding a whistle. She glanced at Jiang Yichen first, and then looked directly into the court without saying anything.

The match was about to begin.

The whistle sounded, and the court immediately became lively.

Various voices came one after another.

The Anyuan No. 1 Middle School students in blue uniforms were taller than Lin Jun and his team. The only ones who could compare with them were Lin Jun and Li Lei.

However, high school basketball is not determined by height and body shape.

Technology is very important.

Not only that, but coordination is also a problem.

In Jiang Yichen's eyes, the two teams in front of him were a bit like chickens pecking at each other.

A-level basketball, watching them play, they didn't even improve their learning progress at all!


Chen Shou shouted loudly, then took the ball, rushed forward with the ball, made a fake move, and scooped the ball in. The basketball hit the backboard and turned in the blue frame and went in.


In the first quarter, the energetic players played much more aggressively.

It was just the beginning, and No. 1 Middle School had a 7:2 lead.

By the end of the first quarter, 23:15, No. 2 Middle School was still 8 points behind!

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