"Oh my god! Fatty is awesome!"

"The voice of an angel, the figure of a devil, the gender of a pervert!"

"Is this sung by Pan Yun?"

In front of everyone's jaw-dropping eyes, Pan Yun sang the chorus proudly and raised his orchid finger.

"Another drink, please!"


Zhou Xiaofeng's face flushed as he came over with a glass of beer,"Give me a glass!"

He was not shy, but had drunk too much.

Pan Yun raised his eyebrows very proudly, took the glass and drank it all.

Zhang Ya was also confused. She couldn't imagine that the fat man next to her could actually make a female voice.

And it sounded pretty.

Jiang Yichen was even more stunned. He thought of a guy who sang"Liangliang" in his previous life.

The body shape and voice made him feel that he was somewhat similar to Pan Yun in front of him!

Soon, the song ended.

Pan Yun held the microphone with his hands open, as if enjoying the glory of this moment.

Applause rang out

"Thank you, thank you listeners!"

Pan Yun laughed triumphantly and then handed the microphone to Zhang Ya.

"Okay, okay, it's an eye-opener."


Pan Yun became shy again and walked to Jiang Yichen's side to listen to the praise.

Damn, I can't compare with you in study, and you can't beat me in singing, right?

"Okay, Fatty, God bless you with that voice!"

"That is."

Pan Yun, who showed his singing skills in front of people for the first time, seemed very happy,"I was afraid that everyone would laugh at me!"

Taking advantage of being drunk, Pan Yun finally let go of himself and released his talent.

Jiang Yichen remembered that he had never been to places like KTV in his previous life. After passing the exam for township civil servants, he worked overtime every day and went home very late at night, which made Zhang Ya complain.

It seems that many people's talents were buried early.

"Do you plan to be a singing star?"


"What? I want to ask you a question."

"Can I?"

"I think you have the conditions." Jiang Yichen nodded,"But it depends on you."

Pan Yun scratched his head,"Forget it, my parents just want me to study, and then I can become a civil servant after graduation, so that I can have a stable life."


Alas! Poor child, he has been bound since childhood.

Jiang Yichen shook his head and sighed.

Zhang Ya ordered some songs and sang with the group of girls. Lin Jun, Zhou Xiaofeng and others could not sing at all, were tone-deaf, were playing dice, and continued to drink.

This karaoke was just background music.

"If you have the chance, you should find a professional teacher to guide you. You will not suffer any loss if you have some special skills in the future."Jiang Yichen then reminded him.

At this moment, Pan Yun was somewhat tempted.

The RMB is the real attraction.

Jiang Yichen in front of him just wrote a novel, and now he has a lot of money every day, which is more than his parents who are both working. He is very envious.

With money, there is freedom.

You can buy whatever you want and eat whatever you want.

There is no need to ask parents for pocket money every day!

"I don’t want to be a singer. Is it useful to learn singing every day? Pan Yun was tempted, but still had some doubts.

"As the mobile Internet develops, the advantages will be greater."

Many people envy the natural voice of Pan Yun.

It also means that he has something different from others and can attract people's attention.

Whether it is curiosity or addiction,

"By then you will have more choices for what you want to do, and there will also be a way to retreat."

Jiang Yichen remembered that when he communicated with Pan Yun in his previous life, he also said that he had a hard life, was exhausted every day, and was getting fatter and fatter. He was really worried that he would die suddenly one day.

Jiang Yichen asked him why he didn't resign.

Pan Yun said,"I have worked in the township for a long time. I can't do anything else except those chores. I will starve to death if I quit!"

Having no way out is also a manifestation of helplessness.

Starting over in this life, if Pan Yun wants to take a new path, Jiang Yichen doesn't mind helping him.

For example, make"Liangliang".

Some classic songs can allow them to come out in advance.

As for the original authors, I'm sorry, I believe that with their wisdom they can create better works...

Pan Yun nodded seriously,"I'll think about it later"

"Jiang Yichen, can you sing a song?"

"No, I’m just an average singer."

Zhang Ya shouted to Jiang Yichen with the microphone. After all, he was the one who paid, so how could he not give it to the lead singer?

But Jiang Yichen immediately waved his hand to refuse. His current singing level of E-level is actually okay, just above average.

But many of Jiang Yichen’s skills are now at D-level or even above. If he wants to go on stage, he still wants to improve them a little bit and make a big splash.

Zhang Ya refused,"Here, I’ve ordered a song for you!"

"Jiang Yichen singing"

"OK, let's have a male and female duet, let them finish this song."Jiang Yichen saw that everyone was joining in the fun, so he immediately agreed.

After a few minutes, it was almost time.

【--Singing: E-level (799/1000)】

"That's the beautiful myth》?"Zhang Ya glanced at the songs on the song request stage and asked with a smile

"No problem."

While speaking, Jiang Yichen took out his mobile phone and prepared to look at singing skills.

As for listening to this group of people singing, the critical hit system did not respond.

It is estimated that the level is too low and nothing can be learned.

After a while, a beautiful voice rang out.

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 99 times! Your singing learning progress has increased by 425 points. Your singing level has been upgraded to D level, and the current progress is (224/1000)!】

【Congratulations, your singing skills have improved.

A burst of singing skills entered Jiang Yichen's mind.

It made him more confident.

In terms of timbre, Jiang Yichen himself is still good, but his talent and hardware conditions are not as good as those singers, and he has not received music education since childhood.

But now, in just a moment, all the basic theories and techniques of music are instantly mastered.

Zhang Ya smiled and gave the microphone to Jiang Yichen,"Come on, change the song, everyone come and listen to our talented Jiang Yichen singing!"

Then, she gave another microphone to Zhong Ling who was sitting next to her.

Zhong Ling was completely stunned.

"Yaya, I can't sing……"

"What a great opportunity, you really don't want to take it?" Zhang Ya was speechless and whispered to her


Zhong Ling was forced to sit up.

At this time, the prelude was over, and Jiang Yichen started to speak.

"The familiar face of the person in my dream, you are the tenderness I am waiting for, even if my tears drown the world,

I will not let go.

Although the voice is not particularly amazing, it is also good to listen to, and the technique is also in place.

Applause broke out immediately.

When it came to the male and female chorus,

"The familiar feeling between you and me, love is about to awaken."

Zhong Ling's voice interrupted timidly.

And because of nervousness, she was out of tune...

Jiang Yichen was almost led astray by her singing, and he finally saved it with a frown, but he also heard that her voice was weird and not pleasant.

When it came to Zhong Ling's solo, it was even more terrible.

The others also widened their eyes, at a loss.

Zhang Ya was also dumbfounded.

It's not that she can't sing, she really can't sing! She is tone-deaf and really not suitable for singing.

She wanted to persuade Zhong Ling to take the microphone back, but seeing that she was singing very seriously, she had to give up.

Fortunately, Zhong Ling herself felt that she couldn't sing at all when she reached the climax, so she quickly threw away the microphone."Can't sing……"

The next moment, a sweet female voice followed

"Hold your hands tightly so that we can never be separated again."

The voice was lingering and he stretched out his hand.

Jiang Yichen turned his head and saw the fat Pan Yun immediately grabbed the microphone and began his performance...

His voice and actions went hand in hand.

Jiang Yichen immediately covered his face and sang out of tune.

Pan Yun immediately changed his voice and sang Jiang Yichen's part.

Well, let him perform alone!

A two-tone microphone master was born.

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