During the Chinese New Year, people usually visit relatives and friends in the morning and relax in the afternoon. The adults get together to play cards and mahjong, while the young people get together to chat in milk tea shops and barbecue restaurants.

Jiang Yichen asked Pan Yun to have barbecue together.

After seeing the motorcycle Jiang Yichen just bought, the fat man immediately became excited.

"Damn, Jiang Yichen, you are a rich man, why did you buy such an expensive motorcycle?!"

"Eleven thousand, is it expensive?"

"Isn't this expensive?! I took advantage of the last year of this year to ask for a lot of red envelopes, and only got 2,000 yuan."

As he spoke, Pan Yun sat on it.

Jiang Yichen looked painful,"Don't sit on it and make the tire burst!"

"Go away, I've lost a few pounds"

"How many kilograms are a few kilograms?"

"0.3 catties"

"Come on, stop talking nonsense and come in and sit down. Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him and took the two of them to the second floor of Yuanqi Xiaohou.

Pan Yun only saw Jiang Yixin at this moment.

"Oh, Xinxin, Happy New Year! You are dressed so beautifully today."

"What's the use of being pretty? You still have to study hard."

She took out a few brand new tutorial books she had just bought and went upstairs.

Pan Yun scratched his head, not understanding the situation.

Jiang Yichen opened a small private room with a mahjong table, which was for those people to have fun while drinking milk tea. Of course, the price was expensive.

When the door was closed, the noisy sound outside quickly faded.

Pan Yun was a little shocked,"I said, brother, what are we doing here? Play mahjong?"

"Play mahjong for fun, read books and do homework!"Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him


"Jiang Yichen, are you kidding me? It's New Year's Day and you brought me here to read?"

"What, do you have any objections?"

Jiang Yichen looked at him with burning eyes.

"Oh, I don't have any objection. You can read books anywhere else. Why come here?"

"I'm here to guide Xinxin, and I'll take you with me. If you have something to do, forget it, just drink your milk tea and go." Jiang Yichen thought for a moment and said to him.

Pan Yun frowned,"How about, let's go to my house?"

"Besides, the smell in my new house is still spreading these days, otherwise I could just go there." Jiang Yichen shook his head

"Don't be afraid of what I'm going to tell you."

""Well, tell me, are you going to lead us in a revolution?" Pan Yun said seriously.

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes and continued seriously,"Next, I will teach you a set of movements. You must practice them every day in the future. It will be good for you."

Pan Yun was stunned,"Are you learning some kind of Falun Gong?"

"Fatty, what are you talking about!" Jiang Yichen said with a straight face.

"I just ask"

"It's a fitness technique." Jiang Yichen shook his head and explained.

Jiang Yixin was different, looking at her brother beside her in amazement.

It was amazing.

When did Jiang Yichen learn fitness techniques?

【--Physical Fitness: C-level (119/100,000)】

【Fitness Technique: The system comes with fitness techniques. Regular practice can enhance the vitality of body cells and achieve the effects of strengthening the body, fitness and disease prevention. 】

The fitness technique rewarded by the system in the New Year gift package is of C-level.

After obtaining the C-level fitness technique, Jiang Yichen's physical strength and endurance have increased significantly. Now it is easy for him to run 5 kilometers.

Not only that, he was originally a little nearsighted, but now he has clear ears and eyes, and his vision of 5.3 is perfect.

Knowing the magical effect of fitness techniques, Jiang Yichen plans to take the opportunity of the New Year to teach the first set of movements to his sister and the fat man Pan Yun. It is natural to teach his sister.

Teaching Pan Yun is still considering that this brother is really too fat. Through fitness techniques, he should be able to achieve the effect of healthy weight loss.

Just because he was still friends and brothers with him after graduation in the previous life, Jiang Yichen also planned to help him.

As for his parents, Jiang Yichen plans to teach them after the effect is obvious.

After all, they are old, so it would be best if they could learn some movements to help strengthen their bodies and cure diseases.

As he spoke, Jiang Yichen began to demonstrate the first set of movements.

There are a total of 7 sets of movements in the whole fitness technique. Jiang Yichen is currently at the C level, and he directly learned the 5th set.

"Brother, where did you learn this?" Seeing Jiang Yichen stretching in some strange movements, Jiang Yixin couldn't help but ask

"In the dream, the gods touched my head and taught me"


Pan Yun looked at him and tried not to laugh,"Achen, is this really going to work?"


After a while, Jiang Yichen finished a set of movements."This fitness technique is similar to the Eight-Part Vajra Kungfu. If combined with breathing techniques, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"Why don't you come and test my strength?"

Seeing that the two did not believe him, Jiang Yichen stretched out his hand, put it under the mahjong table in front of him, and lifted it up easily!

Lifting a fully automatic mahjong table with one hand?

Pan Yun licked his dry lips,"Awesome, I want to learn!"

""Brother, you are so awesome!" Jiang Yixin's eyes were full of stars.

It's over. The brother in front of her is no longer the brother she used to be. He has become her idol!

After the store served milk tea, barbecue and other things, Jiang Yichen locked the door again and began to explain step by step.

Jiang Yichen has a soothing warm jade on him, which can increase the learning rate of friendly forces within a one-meter range by 10%.

When he was guiding them step by step, the two people's receptive ability was significantly improved.

Especially Jiang Yixin, as his sister, she also wore the Qinglian Jade Pendant given by Jiang Yichen, which can increase her learning efficiency by 30%.

The combination of the two, plus Jiang Yixin's original talent, led to her learning very quickly.

In just half an hour, Jiang Yixin was able to complete the first set of movements.

The posture is standard and the breathing is coordinated.

But Pan Yun still took more than an hour to barely learn it.

After practicing, Jiang Yixin felt a lot of sweat on her body, but her body was warm.

"Hehe, this fitness technique is really effective! Now I feel full of energy and not tired at all."Stretching out his little fist, Jiang Yixin was overjoyed.

Pan Yun had a harder time.

He was fat to begin with, so practicing this technique was not up to standard, but it was also very energy-consuming.

After learning it, unlike Jiang Yixin, he almost fainted.

"Your foundation is too poor. You need to keep practicing."

"Practice for half an hour every morning from 6:30 to 7:00, and practice for half an hour every night before taking a shower. As long as you stick to it for a month, you will see obvious results."

Jiang Yichen reminded the two with a smile.

Of course, it was mainly for Pan Yun.

As for Jiang Yixin, he would supervise her practice next.

He also believed that after the two of them got used to practicing every day, they would feel uncomfortable if they didn't practice one day in the future!

In the box, Jiang Yichen guided Jiang Yixin in a few more courses.

Perhaps because of the practice of fitness techniques, Jiang Yixin felt that her IQ was rising rapidly.

"Brother, I feel like I've finally gotten the hang of it!"

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