Drawing maps by hand is not a very rare thing.

As a geography teacher, Liu Ming can also draw a rough outline.

But it is far from being as accurate as Jiang Yichen.

"As we all know, the Kra Canal is located in Thailand and is about 100 kilometers long. After it is built, it will save the detour through Malacca and reduce the sea journey by about 1,200 kilometers."

Jiang Yichen drew a picture with a red pen.

"By then, the oil will be imported through the China-Myanmar oil pipeline, which will have even greater advantages."

"First, it saves time and costs; second, road transportation is free from the control of Malacca; third, pipeline transportation is all-weather; fourth, it is safer."

Jiang Yichen talked about four advantages, which is almost the"reference answer" of the questioner."

"However, these are just ideas. Ideas are beautiful, but reality is not so beautiful."After Jiang Yichen finished speaking, he smiled evilly,"The complexity of Southeast Asia will exceed our imagination."

"Instead of pinning our hopes on something hopeless like the Kra Canal, we should look here."

Jiang Yichen drew a circle on the edge of the country with a piece of blue chalk.

"Gwadar Port in Pakistan"

"Isn't it simpler to transport natural gas and oil directly from here to Xinjiang Province through pipelines?"

Jiang Yichen shrugged, stretched out his hand, and flicked the chalk into the chalk box.

He glanced at Liu Ming, who had opened his mouth for a long time, and said,"Teacher Liu, you should explain it next time. I'm afraid I've said too much." He went back to his seat while speaking.

Pan Yun licked his dry lips,"Achen, you are so awesome!"

The students in the audience were also very shocked.

Not only did he give the correct answer, but he also proposed a new point of view.

Too bold.

Chen Hao sneered,"Jiang Yichen, what Gwadar Port, don't mislead the students. Where did you get these things that are not in the textbooks? It's nonsense!"

Jiang Yichen raised the corner of his mouth slightly,"Frog in the well!"

"You! Who do you think you are?" Chen Hao was furious, and stood up and pointed at Jiang Yichen, ready to confront him.


Suddenly, there was a loud slapping sound on the table.

Liu Ming slammed the table heavily, immediately put his hands behind his back, and then shouted,"Chen Hao! What are you doing? Jiang Yichen's score is the first in the class, and even in the whole county. Do you have the qualifications to refute him?"


"What's more, what Jiang Yichen said makes sense. I have read some experts' papers, among which there is the Gwadar Port plan. Moreover, Pakistan and China have good relations, so it is indeed very likely to be realized."

Liu Ming said approvingly

"Of course, the question we are asking now is just to analyze the advantages of the Kra Canal and the China-Myanmar Oil Pipeline. You can answer the question according to the key points Jiang Yichen just answered."

"In this regard, most people only answer one or two points."

"I hope everyone can learn from Jiang Yichen. Look, this map he drew by hand is delicate and beautiful. His painting skills are really good, and his memory of maps is also very good.……"

There was another round of praise, and Jiang Yichen felt numb.

It was as if the disgust towards Jiang Yichen in the first month of last semester was not him at all.

The boring geography class finally ended. After the exercise, the head teacher Li Qiuxia came early.

Behind her, there was a girl following.

She had a smile on her face again.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

After getting on the podium, Li Qiuxia stopped smiling and said loudly,"This is the new student who has just transferred to our class, Leng Qingxue."

He was thinking about the plot design of the next stage of"Eternal Life of Creation", but he frowned and looked up at the podium.

Leng Qingxue, who was tall and well-developed, was wearing a beige down jacket and staring at him straight.

The students in Class 9 were also confused.

Many people knew Leng Qingxue, and knew that she was from Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, the rocket class of liberal arts, and she often ranked first in the exams. She was the seed player of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School for admission to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

But how could she come here?!

And this figure and this face are simply amazing.

When she stood here, the most beautiful person in the class immediately changed.

Immediately, the class started to talk and make noise.

Li Qiuxia coughed heavily,"Everyone, be quiet! Leng Qingxue is the first in liberal arts in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. It is not easy for her to come to our class. Everyone applaud and welcome her!"

""Pa pa pa!"

Chen Hao took the lead and immediately clapped vigorously.

""Student Leng, why don't you come sit next to me." Chen Hao said, and then looked at the male classmate next to him,"Why don't you move to the back row?"

Male classmate: ??? Are you polite?

"No, I'll sit next to Jiang Yichen." Leng Qingxue said in a cold voice.

Jiang Yichen was in the last row, sitting in the second group. In this row, besides Jiang Yichen and Pan Yun, there was only one person sitting in the third group.

He was Zhou Xiaofeng. He had the worst grades in the class, and apart from playing basketball, his only hobby was playing games.

After hearing what Leng Qingxue said, Zhou Xiaofeng's eyes lit up immediately,"Teacher, I'll go move a table over."

In the corner, there was another table, which Zhou Xiaofeng had left there because no one was sitting there.

But he ran over to move it over, put it together with his own table, and brought a towel to wipe it carefully.

Li Qiuxia saw that Zhou Xiaofeng was so enthusiastic, and it was Leng Qingxue's wish, so she agreed,"Okay, then Qingxue, you sit over there"


Leng Qingxue responded indifferently, then stepped towards the back row.

Pan Yun swallowed his saliva and whispered,"Achen, this is not directed at you, I will never believe it."

"Are you mentally ill?"

Jiang Yichen concluded this woman.

Leng Qingxue glanced at Jiang Yichen, and then went to the table Zhou Xiaofeng had prepared for her.

Zhou Xiaofeng laughed and said,"Sit down, everything is cleaned."

"Thank you."

Leng Qingxue replied calmly, stretched out her hand to grab the table and moved towards Jiang Yichen.


The two tables were pressed tightly together.

Leng Qingxue sat next to Jiang Yichen, very close to him.

"Nice to meet you again, my name is Leng Qingxue."

Leng Qingxue stretched out her hand.

Her fair and slender hand was waiting for Jiang Yichen to shake hands with it.

Zhou Xiaofeng on the side widened his eyes, completely confused.

What's going on?!

Li Qiuxia also helplessly rubbed her forehead.

This classmate is really unconventional!

First, she used her connections to force her way to Class 9 of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, and now she sits directly next to Jiang Yichen.

Is Jiang Yichen so charming?

Although Leng Qingxue's student status is still retained in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School with her hard work, they have already seen that Jiang Yichen is a black hole that has sucked away all their talents.

They themselves wanted to pull Jiang Yichen to No. 1 Middle School!

Now, their own people have run away first.

Jiang Yichen looked disgusted and did not shake hands with her,"Excuse me, move your seat a little bit, it's very crowded"


Leng Qingxue nodded and then moved the table very slightly.

There was a tiny gap.

Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at her and said,"You are sick."

"You have medicine"


Jiang Yichen had a series of question marks in his mind. What the hell?

"My grades have reached a bottleneck, I hope to get your guidance���"Leng Qingxue gently lifted her hair beside her ear and slowly told her true purpose.


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