Jiang Yichen's study group was quickly formed.

Led by Pan Yun and Zhang Ya, the first batch of members consisted of 6 people.

In addition to Jiang Yichen, Pan Yun, Leng Qingxue, Zhang Ya, and Zhong Ling, Zhang Ya also specially called Qin Xiaoxin.

The reason was that she also wanted to improve her math and geography scores.

The actual reason was that among her good friends, only Qin Xiaoxin's figure could barely compete with Leng Qingxue.

She didn't want to be physically beaten by Leng Qingxue every day.

From Monday to Friday, the study group's base was at Jiang Yichen's seat.

During breaks between classes, at noon, and in the afternoon, Zhang Ya and the others would come to ask questions.

For some questions that were not difficult, Jiang Yichen asked them to think and discuss them by themselves.

If it was a difficult question, Jiang Yichen would explain it.

When it was a weekend day off, Jiang Yichen moved his study place to the Anyuan County Library.

A group of 6 people concentrated on studying, and Jiang Yichen would also talk about some problem-solving techniques, memory methods, etc.

But it was obvious that several people here had their own ulterior motives and were unwilling to accept each other.

Sometimes they compete with each other openly or secretly.

Jiang Yichen couldn't understand why women would have so many questions and topics to talk about when they were together, and they would be very sharp when talking!

But these girls also felt something more.

That is, the closer they were to Jiang Yichen, the more obvious the improvement effect would be.

This led to the other girls being a little more reserved, at a normal distance, but Leng Qingxue always got very close to Jiang Yichen. They got a consistent target to the outside world.

Leng Qingxue was actually a little isolated, but she didn't care.

She was like a robot pursuing grades, without more emotions, just to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University.

For this goal, she could transfer to Anyuan No. 2 Middle School regardless of everything.

Time passed like a white horse, and two weeks passed in a blink of an eye.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, students who wanted to take more exams attached great importance to reviewing.

Even those who had no hope of getting into a junior college were affected by this trend.

After dinner in the afternoon, Jiang Yichen's study group would go to the playground for a walk, and then return to the classroom to start reviewing together.

At the beginning, there were only six of them, but gradually other students gathered around.

At most, there were 20 people, asking Jiang Yichen questions one after another.

It gave him a headache.

Oh my God!

Why do you want this reward?

It's tiring and troublesome.

Maybe there won't be any good rewards later!

When he was complaining, Li Qiuxia came over.

She knew that Jiang Yichen had set up a study group and she agreed with it very much. She praised him several times.

"Dear students, it's almost time for evening self-study, please go back to your seats."

Zhang Ya and others ran back to their seats one after another.

Everyone held a book or tutorial in their hands.

Li Qiuxia smiled,"The day after tomorrow, the 26th, is the Hundred Days Oath-taking Ceremony. This year, Principal Liu said that it should be more grand, so please go to the stage and speak as a representative of outstanding students."

Jiang Yichen was a little resistant when he heard this,"No, let's arrange someone else."

"You are now the top student in the county, where are the others suitable?"

"I think Leng Qingxue is suitable"

"But her student status is still at Anyuan No.1 Middle School"

"Isn't that better? The outstanding representatives of Anyuan No. 1 Middle School come here to cheer us up, and the effect will be better."Jiang Yichen shrugged.

Leng Qingxue looked calm and glanced at Jiang Yichen,"I can"

"this……"Li Qiuxia was a little confused, not knowing why Jiang Yichen would not want such a good opportunity.

You know, for ordinary students, it is an honor for the school to arrange representatives to speak.

But Jiang Yichen didn't care about this false reputation at all.

Li Qiuxia pondered for a while,"I'd better talk to the principal first."

After a pause, she looked at the white paper in Jiang Yichen's hand,"Then Jiang Yichen, the blackboard painting in the back is about to come out, you take the lead."

Jiang Yichen turned his head to look.

The blackboard in the back was released last year's National Day, and it is now very faded.

It's a good opportunity to try out the C-level painting skills that he has practiced. Jiang Yichen nodded and agreed,"Okay."

As soon as Li Qiuxia left, Pan Yun dared to speak.

"Damn, Achen, going up on the stage and speaking, such an impressive thing, and you guys don’t agree!"

"There is no way, he is too handsome, and now there are a group of girls around him. If he goes on stage, they will all squeeze over."

Jiang Yichen shook his head and sighed.

Leng Qingxue turned her head away,"Narcissistic ghost"

"Stop talking so much and go wipe the blackboard." Jiang Yichen ordered.

Pan Yun immediately stood up and started to wipe it vigorously.

Jiang Yichen stared at Leng Qingxue again.

Leng Qingxue snorted indifferently, then stood up to help wipe the blackboard.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than people.

The first mock exam of this semester is coming soon.

We still have to rely on Jiang Yichen for guidance!

As soon as the blackboard was clean, Jiang Yichen already had a ravine in his heart.

He took the colored chalk and started painting.

Pan Yun was ready to shout"666" on the side.

But after a while, with the blessing of Jiang Yichen's"acceleration gloves", the image of a brick-moving man with a slightly hunched back emerged.

Pan Yun was stunned,"Achen, what are you going to draw?"

It's a waste of energy

"Draw a future theme"

"It's too abstract. You can draw it yourself. I'm going to read a book." Seeing that the evening self-study time was up, Pan Yun decisively ran back to his seat."When you finish your drawing, I will applaud you again."

"Just don't affect me."

Jiang Yichen didn't look back, immersed in his own world of painting.

What he was painting was called"Your Future Tense".

Taking advantage of the rainbow bridge of the college entrance examination, one side was upward and the other side was downward.

On the short blackboard, he drew everyone's future life.

Whether it was moving bricks, working, delivering goods, doing business, or being a teacher, there were also fields, cities, high-speed railways, ships, rockets and the sky palace.

The higher the place, the sea of stars.

On the rainbow bridge, Jiang Yichen wrote,"The college entrance examination is on the way, and life is at the right time."

It took Jiang Yichen a whole night to finally make this blackboard newspaper.

When the bell for evening self-study rang, Jiang Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he turned around, he touched something soft.

Leng Qingxue was standing next to him, looking at the blackboard newspaper in front of him with surprise.

It was not just her, almost everyone in the class gathered around to watch the completion of this painting.

Leng Qingxue was touched by Jiang Yichen, but she was not annoyed at all,"You draw really well."

At this moment, the students watching also applauded.

Jiang Yichen stretched out his colorful palm and waved it,"I just drew it casually, sorry for the embarrassment!"

"Wow! Such a beautiful blackboard painting. I want to turn around and look at it every day."



There are also some people with low education who say"Wow!"

""Jiang Yichen, you are so amazing! I love you!"

Some even confessed their love directly. He is invincible in study and even in painting.

Oh my god, how can there be such an excellent person in the world!


Why is he not my boyfriend!?

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