The days that followed were much more dull.

Li Qiuxia did not return to class as early as she wished, but was sent to Changcheng for treatment by her son Li Xiangwen.

There has been a shortage of Chinese teachers.

Principal Liu Youxi had always wanted to arrange a new Chinese teacher for Class 9.

But at the suggestion of Zhang Yunlong, it was postponed.

The Chinese teacher is still Li Qiuxia, but Jiang Yichen will be in charge of the class in the future.

As for the head teacher, Zhang Yunlong will be in charge temporarily.

This move made many teachers who wanted to come to Class 9 to pick peaches very depressed.

You know, Class 9 of the third grade of senior high school is the strongest liberal arts class in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

Even if the average score is not as high as that of the rocket class, the two with the highest scores, Jiang Yichen and Leng Qingxue, are in this class.

They were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University in the college entrance examination, which is an extremely glorious achievement, and every teacher is proud of it. There are many more rewards.

It is precisely because of this that some teachers are active.

Isn't Li Qiuxia sick?

Then I will recommend myself to Class 9, and I will help Teacher Li Qiuxia.

But how could Zhang Yunlong not know the little thoughts in my heart?

What's more, Li Qiuxia is about to retire, and she has a strange disease. It's too hurtful to replace her at this time.

Of course, the students in Class 9 don't know some of the inside information.

They only know that Li Qiuxia hasn't come back to class for a long time, and Jiang Yichen has become their Chinese substitute teacher whom they hate and love.

Jiang Yichen's method is also very simple.

One class is self-study, and one class is small exercises.

Improve their level bit by bit.

Jiang Yichen, who was sitting on the podium, looked at the countdown on the blackboard, which was decreasing day by day.

For the college entrance examination, even Jiang Yichen began to concentrate.

He took the high school courses and went through them again.

The small critical hits that kept appearing in the system reminded Jiang Yichen that he had learned the high school courses very well.

As for the update of"Eternal Life of Creation", it is still very stable.

Jiang Yichen also felt the pleasure of becoming a god.

That is, the number of subscriptions every month is very high.

Jiang Yichen's monthly income is an average of 200,000 yuan after tax.

By the time May was over, Jiang Yichen had more than 1 million yuan in cash in his account.

With a book, Jiang Yichen almost achieved financial freedom!

Although this freedom is still very superficial and cannot compare to those who do big business.

But Jiang Yichen already has his first pot of gold, and it will be easier for him to achieve higher levels of financial freedom and enjoy life freely in the future.

In the final mock exam, Jiang Yichen still scored 710-720, which was extremely stable.

Jiang Yichen's paper score has reached the peak, but it is nothing more than subjective questions, and the examiner deducted some points appropriately.

There is no way around it.

No matter how correctly Jiang Yichen wrote, it is still difficult to get full marks like in science.

Leng Qingxue scored 668 points in the fourth mock exam, which made her happy for a while.

And now, the college entrance examination is coming soon.

This tension surged up again.

No matter how well they can do in the exam, many people are full of tension about the upcoming college entrance examination.

It's nothing more than worrying about performing poorly.

Or she read a question wrong, or encountered an answer she didn't know.

You know, there are so many people who usually get high scores in mock exams, but perform poorly in the college entrance examination, and even score 40 or 50 points less than usual.

The closer the college entrance examination is, the more nervous Leng Qingxue becomes.

She is afraid that she will perform poorly and her dream will be ruined.

Zhang Yunlong has issued admission tickets to everyone.

But there is no Leng Qingxue.

"Qingxue, your student status is still at Anyuan No. 1 Middle School. I have asked the teacher to get your admission ticket. It will be a little later."Zhang Yunlong arranged to send the admission ticket.


Leng Qingxue responded, feeling a little disappointed.

After half a year in Anyuan No. 2 Middle School, she had already considered herself as a student in Class 9 of Senior 3.

But at this moment, the admission ticket reminded her that he and Jiang Yichen were not from the same school.

Jiang Yichen was too lazy to care about her feelings, and he also got his admission ticket in his hand.

The seat was in Anyuan No. 1 Middle School, Examination Room 36, No. 22.

Pan Yun was in Examination Room 7, No. 1

"Damn, it's number one. I can't do anything tricky."

"What else can you do?" Jiang Yichen rolled his eyes at him.

This kid has made great progress in the past few mock exams and can already steadily get into the first-tier line.

Although he can't get into a key university, it shouldn't be a problem for him to get into an ordinary university.

Pan Yun curled his lips and said,"If I were sitting behind you, I would definitely copy you, copy someone who graduated from Tsinghua University or Peking University."

"……You think too much."

Pan Yun shook his head,"No, I think you'd better not reveal where you are sitting, otherwise your classmates around you will find ways to copy you."

"It’s even possible that someone could snatch your test paper away!"

"I'm very low-key, okay."

Jiang Yichen said, but he immediately put away the admission ticket, not wanting to show it to anyone.

Then he packed up his things.

Zhang Yunlong then coughed lightly,"Your teacher Li Qiuxia wants to talk to you, please be quiet."

Hearing this voice, everyone stopped.

Zhang Yunlong then dialed the phone and turned on the external speaker.

"Director Zhang."

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Qiuxia's voice came from the other end.

Her voice was far less powerful than before.

"Teacher Qiuxia, I am in Class 9 and today is the last class. Do you have anything to say to the students?"

"Teacher Li!"

"Teacher Qiuxia!"

For a while, voices rang out in the classroom one after another.

Li Qiuxia hasn't appeared for half a year.

Many classmates realized that she might be suffering from a serious illness.

Jiang Yichen had contacted her several times and knew some news.

Cervical lesions and some other complications.

But these are not the real causes of the disease.

The real cause has never been found out.

Jiang Yichen didn't see the specific symptoms, so he didn't know.

But it can be felt that Li Qiuxia's physical condition is getting worse.

Hearing the calls of these students, Li Qiuxia's voice was a little choked,"Classmates, the college entrance examination will be the day after tomorrow, come on everyone! You are the best!"

"Got it, Teacher Li!"

"We will"

"Teacher Li, are you well again? When will you be back?"

"Teacher Li, we miss you!"


There were some sobbing sounds coming from the external speaker, and then it quickly hung up.

Li Qiuxia's words made everyone feel heavy again.

Seeing this, Zhang Yunlong hurriedly said,"Everyone cheer up, work hard for the college entrance examination, and bring your college entrance examination transcripts to your teacher Qiuxia to report the good news!"



Only by doing well in the college entrance examination can we repay our teachers in the best way.

It is also a reward for our own life.

Jiang Yichen felt a little sad, then he put on his schoolbag and prepared to leave.

Leng Qingxue suddenly grabbed him."Jiang Yichen, I feel so panicked now. I don't know if I can break through my limits.……"

Jiang Yichen frowned, thinking that this girl was really troublesome.

It wasn't a life-and-death battle, so why be so nervous?

Besides, even if the score was a little low, so what if she couldn't get into Tsinghua or Peking University?

Could it be that she couldn't get into other schools?

How would other people who were taking junior college entrance exams or even failing to get into university think of you?

"Just keep calm and go over what you usually teach in your mind."

"What is the college entrance examination? It is just an ordinary exam. I estimate that it is not as difficult as the questions I have given you. Just go for the exam without worry."

"Okay! Jiang Yichen, as long as the scores come out, I will do what I promised you."

Jiang Yichen waved his hand, pulled the fat man and turned away.

Tsk, I just care about the system reward.

Walking out of the classroom door, the setting sun silhouetted the figure.

The college entrance examination is coming.

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