Jiang Yichen had never expected that he would meet someone who was looking for trouble just now when he was just saying that he didn't want to get into trouble.

Of course, he didn't know if it was Leng Qingxue's pursuer or someone else.

He actually took advantage of the day after the college entrance examination to come and cause trouble for Jiang Yichen.

""Is there anything I can do for you?"

Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly and asked politely.

Pan Yun looked at the gangsters in front of him, feeling a little flustered, and held Jiang Yichen with his fleshy hands, fearing that he would run away without him.

The leader, Brother Liang, snorted,"Leng Qingxue is the goddess of our No. 1 Middle School and also my woman. I heard that you are the one who is pestering her, right?"


Jiang Yichen was a little puzzled,"She's your woman, why are you looking for her?"

"Nonsense, who else should I look for if not you? I was wondering why she went to No. 2 Middle School, it turns out it was because of you, a pretty boy."

Brother Liang said, and looked at Jiang Yichen carefully from head to toe.

He thought he was indeed a handsome guy.

For a moment, he felt ashamed of himself.

Seeing that Jiang Yichen was not afraid at all, Pan Yun felt a little relieved,"You are from No. 1 Middle School? Aren't you afraid of being expelled for fighting?"

"Shit, the college entrance exam is over, and you tell me where your mom is!"

A thug on the side glared at him.

"Did you get your diploma?"Pan Yun looked at him with disdain.

"Not yet." The little gangster was a little weak.

"That's it, it would be fine if you got your diploma, but don't get expelled." Pan Yun threatened.

Liang Ge snorted,"Don't talk about anything else. I came here today to warn you, don't get entangled with Leng Qingxue again, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

Jiang Yichen was not the kind of person who would be threatened,"Well, sorry, we are going to have a midnight snack tonight, and the night will be long and we won't be able to sleep... it's hard to say what will happen!"


"You guys went out for a midnight snack?!"

""Wow! I don't believe it! Why would she go to eat supper with you?!" Liang Ge said in an exaggerated tone, as if he had been hit by a thousand critical hits.

Jiang Yichen saw that this was Leng Qingxue's licking dog.

"Then I'll pay for it, can I eat with you guys?!"

Liang Ge then asked Jiang Yichen very seriously.

Jiang Yichen's eyes widened, almost unable to believe it,"Are you stupid?"

Pan Yun couldn't help laughing,"That's right, you'd better not be a light bulb."


Liang Ge suddenly became furious, and then attacked with his fist.

Jiang Yichen slightly bent his feet, stood in a two-character clamp sheep horse, and calmly watched the other party rushing over.

Then he blocked it with one hand, and attacked directly with his right fist, with a strong fist wind, straight to Liang Ge's cheek.

The right foot went up and stepped into the position to block the opponent's footsteps.

Liang Ge didn't react at all, he just felt the sandbag-sized fist coming straight at his left face.

It was too late to defend.

Fortunately, Jiang Yichen didn't want to hurt anyone, so he held back, retracted his fist, and pushed the man away.

The younger brother next to Liang Ge reacted at this time

"Damn, anyone dares to hit Brother Liang? Come on, everyone!"

"Damn it, teach him a lesson!"

""Get your weapons!"

One of the gangsters even took out a brick from somewhere, and the other one took a stick, and they were ready to rush over.

Pan Yun was shocked and his face turned pale. He pulled Jiang Yichen and prepared to run away.

What a joke, no matter how good your kung fu is, you are afraid of a kitchen knife.

No matter how good your martial arts are, you can be knocked down by a brick.

Don't leave your best youth at the age of 18 forever.

But he didn't move at all.

Then, he saw a shocking scene.

Jiang Yichen started with Wing Chun, and dodged the attacks of these gangsters very easily, and then slapped them on the side of their foreheads with one palm each.

It was only a few seconds, and the unarmed ones were dizzy and hit to the side.

The others with sticks and bricks were caught by Jiang Yichen with his bare hands, and he unarmed them and knocked them down with one push.

Jiang Yichen's face was cold,"Why, you want to fight?!"

"No, I don’t dare anymore."

Several hooligans were so scared that they didn’t dare to fight anymore. Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is their character.

Seeing Jiang Yichen so strong, he really looked like the real Kung Fu in"Ip Man", and they were very confused.

Besides, the bricks and sticks are in Jiang Yichen’s hands now.

This is the truth.

You have to accept it even if you don’t want to!

Liang Ge swallowed a long saliva, and when he saw Jiang Yichen looking at him, he immediately became timid,"Brother, we are just kidding"


"Yes, yes, yes, we are here to get to know you. I heard that you have good grades and are handsome.……"

Jiang Yichen felt a little amused,"Okay, now that we've met the person, let's go if nothing else happens."

""Thank you, big brother!"

The gangsters all thanked him honestly.

Only Liang scratched his head and asked with courage,"Brother, was that Wing Chun you used just now?""

"You have some knowledge." Jiang Yichen raised his lips slightly, and then posed, using his hands to attack and defend,"Wing Chun, Jiang Yichen!"

With a plop!

As if frightened by Jiang Yichen's shout, Liang Ge immediately knelt down.

"Brother, can you teach me boxing?"

Jiang Yichen frowned and refused decisively,"You don't have the talent, forget it, and leave now. If you do anything weird to me again, I'll beat you up next time we meet."

Liang Ge stood up with regret, and shook his long hair,"Then let's go, don't worry, we will never compete with you for your sister-in-law!"

"Get lost!"

Jiang Yichen cursed angrily.

"Hehehe!" Liang Ge smiled and quickly asked everyone to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Jiang Yichen suddenly said in a stern voice.

Liang Ge was frightened and turned back with a bitter smile,"Is there anything else, brother!"

"Take the things away." Jiang Yichen looked disgusted and threw the brick and stick in his hand over.

"Hey! Okay, brother!"

The group ran away in shame.

Pan Yun swallowed and said,"Jiang Yichen, you are really good at martial arts!"

"That's not true." Jiang Yichen shrugged."Okay, see you tonight."

"Hehe, should I really not create an opportunity for you tonight? I think Leng Qingxue wants to date you alone. Maybe, if you wave your hand, she will go to get a room with you."Pan Yun said with a grin. Jiang

Yichen kicked him and said,"It's ready for you."

The two said goodbye and left.

The college entrance examination also means separation.

Friends and classmates who were studying hard together will eventually go their separate ways in life with the end of the college entrance examination.

Even Pan Yun and Leng Qingxue, who were sitting next to Jiang Yichen, were just passers-by in life no matter how close they were.

For Jiang Yichen, he did not have much freedom in high school. He also had no chance to enjoy a free life.

But the end of the college entrance examination also meant that he had more choices and directions.

When he returned home, Liu Yuanxiu had already prepared a sumptuous meal for him.


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