A young man walked in from the door. He was a little fat, with a round face and squinty eyes.

But it was not Jiang Yichen.

Deng Jianguo was stunned. He was not familiar with this person.

But whether familiar or not, it was good to have someone to help. Deng Jianguo had a relieved look on his face.

"" Zhu Mingjie, what are you doing here again?!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Qingshu on the side asked directly in a cold voice.

Deng Jianguo's face was tense again, and he looked closely at the three people in front of him.

Zhu Mingjie in front of him narrowed his eyes and said,"Qingshu, I'm here to help you, don't be so angry."

Then, he turned to the two men on the side,"Hey, isn't it just that you owe some money? Do you have to come to the hospital?" The tall and thin man sneered,"Young man, why are you sticking your head in? What is your relationship?"

"She, she is my girlfriend!" Zhu Mingjie smiled and glanced at Mu Qingshu

"Who is your girlfriend, Zhu Mingjie, listen to me carefully. If you keep talking nonsense, I will call the police now."Mu Qingshu was extremely angry and immediately retorted���

Zhu Mingjie coughed lightly,"Qingshu, I just want to help you!"

"I don't need your help. If you have nothing to do, please leave immediately. You are not welcome here!" Mu Qingshu shook his head with a very determined look.

Deng Jianguo understood the situation and said,"Young man, go ahead. We will handle any problems ourselves.""

"No, who are you, old man?"

Zhu Mingjie felt that this old man with white hair was very annoying. He stood in front of Mu Qingshu, which made him very unhappy.

"I am a clear teacher"

"Teacher, what's wrong with the teacher? Qingshu has graduated, what does she have to do with your teacher? Are you here to pay her back?" Zhu Mingjie sneered. He didn't take the teacher seriously at all.

"Zhu Mingjie, keep your mouth shut. I told you I don't welcome you. Get out of here!"

Mu Qingshu was obviously irritated, his voice became a little sharp, but you could hear the helplessness in it.

""Who among you will pay back the money? I tell you, if you don't pay back today, we will stay here and not leave!"

The two debt collectors looked at each other and sat down on the ground, looking like scoundrels.

Mu Qingshu's body trembled slightly, and he bit his lower lip tightly, clasping his hands tightly.

Zhu Mingjie twisted his mouth and said,"Qingshu, if you promise to be my girlfriend and marry me, I will regard this money today as a betrothal gift!"

"You're dreaming!" Mu Qingshu shook his head angrily.

Zhu Mingjie in front of him was from the same village and had been pestering him for a long time. He never expected that he would come and force himself in this way.

But now facing these debt collectors, Mu Qingshu felt helpless.

"Taking advantage of someone's misfortune is extremely shameless!"Deng Jianguo snorted coldly and looked at Zhu Mingjie with contempt.

"Damn, if you have guts, pay it back. If you don't have guts, stop talking!"

Zhu Mingjie was very upset. He had originally thought of using this opportunity to win over Mu Qingshu with 50,000 yuan, but he didn't expect Mu Qingshu to disagree. Teacher Deng Jianguo was here to stop him.

Deng Jianguo turned to look at Mu Qingshu and took out an envelope.

"This is a letter from a friend of yours."


Mu Qingshu was stunned for a moment, took the letter, and didn't know what was going on.

"Open it and take a look."Deng Jianguo encouraged with a smile.

This little girl has had a hard time. Fortunately, she met a kind person. I hope he can really give her confidence in life.

Mu Qingshu lowered his head, thought about it, and opened the envelope.

The envelope was very clean, with"Qingshu" written on it.

The words were in regular script, as if they were printed by a printer.

He was strong and powerful, and he was an upright person.

After opening the letter, he looked at a page of letter paper, which contained a bank card.

【Xiao Shu:

It’s nice to see your letter.

We have never met, but we have known each other for a long time. I am very sorry to hear about the great changes.

Fate can be unfortunate, but life is not short.

After the storm, there will be a rainbow.

May you see sunshine and encounter brilliance.

PS: The password is your date of birth. If you achieve something in the future, please pass on your love. 】

It was a very simple letter. There were not many words written on it, but it was full of encouragement.

More importantly, there was a bank card left.

But who is this?

Mu Qingshu fell into deep thought.

Deng Jianguo did not read the letter, but he could guess something.

"Teacher, who is he?" Mu Qingshu reacted, holding the letter tightly, and asked anxiously.

Deng Jianguo shook his head,"I don't know either. He said he met him through your friend. He must be a kind person!" Zhu Mingjie, who didn't understand the situation at the back, frowned and asked,"Hey, what are you doing? Can you pay back the money? If not, just agree to my conditions."

"What's wrong with you? Which school are you from? Who are your parents? Why are you so rude?"Deng Jianguo immediately got angry and shouted in a deep voice.

The series of questions made Zhu Mingjie instinctively step back a few steps!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"You keep saying you want to help people, but you have bad intentions in mind. How disgusting! Bah!"Deng Jianguo spat directly, almost spraying it on Zhu Mingjie.

Zhu Mingjie was stunned,"Huh! Mu Qingshu, my kindness is in vain. Let's see what you will do next time I am chased for debt?"

"That's none of your business!" Mu Qingshu shook his head.

""Okay, then you'll see!"

Knowing that he would not get any good things today, Zhu Mingjie said bitterly and went out in anger.

The two debt collectors who were left behind also looked at each other.

Deng Jianguo was a shrewd man. He had already known that these two people were hired by Zhu Mingjie with the purpose of putting pressure on Mu Qingshu. He immediately said,"We can't tell the authenticity of the IOUs between the two of you. Qingshu's father has had a successful operation and will wake up soon. Then we will settle things with you."

""Okay, but you have to return it to me as soon as possible." Seeing that Zhu Mingjie had already run away, there was no point in staying. The two middle-aged men stood up and walked out of the ward arrogantly.

Outside the ward, people were coming and going in the corridor, and no one noticed that there was a Jiang Yichen wearing a mask and sunglasses on the side. Zhu Mingjie left the ward, but did not walk away directly. Instead, he lit a cigarette and waited for the two men.

"You asked us to come and collect the debt, and we have already collected it. Didn't you ask us to accompany you to perform a play, will you pay us?" The tall and thin man said with an unhappy look on his face.

"You two have artificial and exaggerated expressions, and you can't even act, but I don't feel any pressure at all." Zhu Mingjie was also very unhappy.

In his opinion, it was better not to force it, otherwise Mu Qingshu would have to agree to it.

The other man was not polite and sneered,"With your image, if I were that girl, I would not agree either."

"You!" Zhu Mingjie was furious."If the matter is not done well, the previous agreement will not count."

"Damn it, are we two here to make fun of each other? You bastard, you have to pay me the performance fee, not just 1,000 yuan, 500 yuan each! ?"The tall and thin man asked for money directly.


Zhu Mingjie screamed

"Hehe, it seems that you also want to stay in the hospital for a few days!" The two men rubbed their hands and pressed forward.

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