In addition, there is a reward for improving the class average score.

Jiang Yichen received a B-level sensitivity buff.

【Sensitive (B-level): With this Buff, you are more sensitive to numbers, pictures, and colors, and it is easier to find the patterns in them. 】


So it's this sensitivity!

When Jiang Yichen saw it for the first time, he also shouted that this system was not serious.

After equipping the"Sensitive" Buff, Jiang Yichen obviously found that he had a clearer judgment on the trend of stocks.

However, in China's A-share stock market, many stocks are not based on rules.

But anyway, Jiang Yichen found that he could have a rough estimate of the trend. Although it cannot be said that there is a 100% accuracy rate, at least 60-70% accurate judgment ability is still there.

This is still based on Jiang Yichen's C-level stock trading skills.

Jiang Yixin stayed in Changcheng for a full 20 days until July 14, when Jiang Yichen got up and returned to Anyuan.

At this time, the reporters also slowly dispersed. They had been looking for Jiang Yichen, the national champion in liberal arts, for so long but couldn't find him. Finally, they found Jiang Nanning and Liu Yuanxiu to learn about the situation, and interviewed Zhang Yunlong, Liu Youxi, Liu Ming and other teachers before returning home in disappointment.

With two students who ranked third in the province in liberal arts, the reputation of Anyuan No. 2 Middle School soared immediately.

It is said that this year, the admission score line for the first year of high school at Anyuan No. 2 Middle School was not based on the order of priority for the first time, but many students with good grades chose Anyuan No. 2 Middle School.

Even students in the third and second year of high school, many people tried to transfer to this school.

This made Principal Liu Youxi very happy.

During the 20 days in Changcheng, Jiang Yichen read all kinds of books in the library. Through continuous learning, 3 of his professional knowledge were improved to the B level.

Host name: Jiang Yichen

Age: 18

System space: 1 Hanzhen brush, 1 Ruyi aromatherapy

Wearing items: Comfortable warm jade

Gains: Sensitive (B level), Convinced (D level), Calm (D level)

Knowledge and skills: C level (slightly stronger)

--Mathematics: Grade C

--Economics: Grade C

--Computer: C-level

--Others: Expand for details

Life skills: B level (little expert)

--Writing: Level A

--Keyboard typing (Wubi): Grade A

--Driving (Motor Vehicle): Class B

--Stock trading: C-level

--Others: Expand for details

Art skills: C level (small show)

--Calligraphy (hard pen, brush): Grade B

--Drawing (sketching, painting): Grade C

--Singing: C level

--Dancing (street dance): D-level

--Others: Slightly

Jianwu Skills: C-level (slightly powerful)

--Basketball: Class A

--Physical Fitness: C-level

--Chinese martial arts (Wing Chun): C-level

--Others: Omitted

Mathematics, economics and computers are the books that Jiang Yichen focuses on reading in the library. Currently, his critical hits have been improved to the highest level, reaching the C level.

C level means that Jiang Yichen is already a strong man in this field.

The latter two subjects are the main courses that Jiang Yichen specializes in at university. As for mathematics, it is entirely because this subject is the foundation of other subjects.

Especially economics, it is not easy to learn well without knowing some mathematics. As for other skills, Jiang Yichen has also improved very quickly, and the overall evaluation is all above C level. Thinking of the evaluation of mentally retarded and half-disabled at the beginning, the evaluation given by the system is much better now. A man of learning is naturally elegant.

Nowadays, Jiang Yichen's every move already has a hint of the flavor of a university scholar.

That is the feeling of being well-read and knowing everything.

Jiang Yichen's number one little fan girl Jiang Yixin already regards him as an absolute idol.


After returning to Anyuan County, Jiang Yichen received Liu Yuanxiu's dissatisfaction

"You kid, you got the top score in the exam, why are you hiding here, and why are you hiding for so long?" Liu Yuanxiu scolded him, but she was still very happy and prepared a sumptuous meal for the two of them.

Jiang Yixin pouted,"Brother took me to the library to read books."

"Then don't work so hard no matter how serious you are."

"No way, I even took her to Tengwang Pavilion!" Jiang Yichen shrugged.

"Let me recite the whole text, and I can go up for free……"

Hehe, this is true.

Under Jiang Yichen's guidance, Jiang Yixin is learning high school knowledge.

And with the help of the Green Lotus Jade Pendant's buff, Jiang Yixin's learning ability will be very strong.

Although he is not as good as himself, Jiang Yichen believes that when Jiang Yixin goes to high school, in terms of learning ability and talent, he will not be worse than Leng Qingxue and others.

Jiang Nanning took the key and took out the envelope from the drawer very carefully.

"Ah Chen, this is your admission letter."

Jiang Yichen took it and found that Jiang Nanning had not opened it yet, so he tore it open with a tearing sound.

In a big red express package, a big"He" was stacked on a cloud.

After opening it, the letter turned out to be a warm brown landscape painting, with the Boya Tower, the landmark building of Yanyuan, in the painting. There was a heavy red on the monochrome landscape.

It said:

【Jiang Yichen:

Our university has decided to admit you to the School of Economics (Department) to study economics. Please report to the university on September 5, 2009 with this notice.

Peking University

July 12, 2009

Jiang Yixin was very envious and looked at it carefully,"Wow! This is the admission letter from Peking University, so beautiful."

Liu Yuanxiu and Jiang Nanning also looked over, their eyes full of joy.

Peking University!

The family tree should be on a separate page!

Jiang Yichen pouted,"It's just this piece of paper, so tacky."

In his impression, Tsinghua University's admission letter looked better.

Liu Yuanxiu tapped Jiang Yichen's head with amusement,"You kid, how many people dream of having this letter!"

"That's right." Jiang Yichen nodded, then asked,"Did the school say how much money the award was?"

Jiang Nanning said,"Your principal Liu came several times and told me about this. The school is going to give you 100,000 yuan, the county will give you another 100,000 yuan, and there's also a real estate boss who wants to give you a house."

"What does he want?"

"His neighborhood is called Zhuangyuanfang, and he wants to use your fame." Jiang Nanning explained.

Liu Yuanxiu smiled brightly. In the past, she worried about not having a house to live in, but now Jiang Yichen has earned enough money to buy her a bigger house, and someone even gave her a house as a gift after he passed the imperial examination."Achen, what do you think?"

"No. If I agree to this, he can continue to use my image rights." Jiang Yichen thought about it and shook his head to refuse.

Jiang Yichen is not only outstanding in the college entrance examination. When he shines in the world in the future, the real estate boss will make a fortune.

If he uses it in some bad places, it will also be detrimental to Jiang Yichen's reputation.

"That's right, we already have a house, why do we need so many houses?" Although Liu Yuanxiu was very tempted, she also agreed with Jiang Yichen's words.

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