Not only did Jiang Yichen copy the idea, he also took the name directly out of spite.

The main reason is that compared to some messy names, the name Meituan is still very good overall.

Of course, this may also be because Jiang Yichen is used to working in Meituan, and it sounds so ingrained in his mind and feels very smooth.

The next step is to let Lian Suo and the others build the website platform.

During this period, Jiang Yichen will also follow up and guide the whole process, and strive to make the first officially running website high-quality and functional.

In addition, there is offline promotion.

Jiang Yichen plans to take time to survey the businesses around Peking University, and at the same time do a market research on the things that students in the school want to buy in groups.

However, the school has just started, and Jiang Yichen needs to recruit some students who work and study.

The company set sail, and time passed quickly, and it was time to start school.

Jiang Yichen had prepared the beds and quilts needed for his dormitory early, and now he was typing quickly at his desk.

《The novel"Eternal Life of Creation" has been completed, and Jiang Yichen has started updating his second novel"The Song of the Green Lotus Sword".

Although the style of this novel is different from the first one, the overall language style is consistent.

In addition, with the blessing of Jiang Yichen's current extremely high writing level, the plot is becoming more and more attractive, and the rhythm and strength are just right, making people climax one after another.

The existence of two books at the same time has also increased Jiang Yichen's monthly income a little.

Almost every month, the after-tax income is about 220,000 yuan.

If you give these rewards, it will exceed this income.

This money comes relatively steadily and is the most important source of funds for Jiang Yichen in the early stage of entrepreneurship.

Jiang Yichen naturally will not throw all the money into Meituan, which he is about to establish.

The money that this platform really needs to burn is at least tens of millions of yuan.

Why should this money be burned by yourself?

Isn't it better to burn investors through a round of angel rounds?

Of course, Jiang Yichen must control the equity of the entire Meituan, especially the voting rights.

Some shares can be taken out appropriately, but he will never lose control.

In just 3 hours, Jiang Yichen coded more than 30,000 words.

Just as I was about to stop and rest, the door opened.

"I said to mom, I can handle these things about checking in by myself"

"How can that be possible? You can’t even fold a quilt!"

"Yes, let your mother see your accommodation conditions too!"

It can be heard that it was the parents who brought their children to register.

When the door opened, a slightly plump woman in red clothes and a gold chain came in first.

When she saw Jiang Yichen, she was also stunned.

But she reacted quickly,"Hello, classmate, you come so early!"

"Hello, uncle and auntie, my name is Jiang Yichen."

Jiang Yichen stood up and smiled.

He looked at his roommate for the next four years.

A thin boy a little over 1.6 meters tall, wearing thick black-framed glasses and a light blue short-sleeved T-shirt.

His face was a little long, but his eyebrows were extra thick.

The woman smiled and pulled the boy over,"My son Qin Tian."

A pillar of support, what a good name.

Jiang Yichen smiled and stretched out his hand to shake it.

Qin Tian was a little shy,"Hello"

"Do you want me to help you?" Jiang Yichen said politely.

"No, no, we can do it ourselves."The woman smiled cheerfully.

Then the family entered the dormitory.

Looking at the somewhat simple environment, they were more or less disappointed.

""Student Jiang, you're here so early!" The woman found her son's bed and immediately went up to make it, while trying to find topics to talk to Jiang Yichen. She wanted to find out more about Jiang Yichen's personality and temper so that she could give Qin Tian some reference.

Jiang Yichen closed his laptop and said,"Yes, I came here a few days early."

"Coming alone?"


"Oh, you are really independent, Tiantian, you should study hard with your classmates, and don't make us worry in Kyoto."

Qin Tian blushed,"I can take care of myself."

The man in the navy blue shirt also spoke,"Where are you from, young man?"

"People from Anxi Province"

"That's quite far. We are from Shancheng."

Jiang Yichen nodded,"I've been to Shancheng once. It's a magical city. It's the first time I've seen a bus parked on the eighth floor."

"Ha, right? Come back and have a chance. Then let Tiantian take you around. We have great food and scenery there."The woman said with a smile.

Then she continued to chat and busy herself. She almost understood Jiang Yichen clearly before she stopped talking.

"Xiao Jiang, do you want to go eat together?"

"No, I have other things to do later."Jiang Yichen shook his head and planned to go for a walk.

It was time to report, and he didn't want to stay in the dormitory all the time. He had to ask questions to each roommate who came.

Jiang Yichen would have to repeat it three times.

It was too tiring. It would be better to wait until the roommates arrived and then get to know each other. It would be much easier for people of the same age to get in touch with each other.

According to the previous life, it was the relationship between a father and several sons.

"Lao Qin, what do you think of Tian Tian as your roommate?"

Seeing Jiang Yichen leave first, the woman asked in a low voice

"He's a nice guy, he looks steady and has a good temper."The man said truthfully

"I think so too, but Tiantian, you also have to be careful, don't let conflicts arise between classmates, you all live in the same dormitory, so it's better to be friendly." The woman reminded.

She has paid attention to a lot of news.

Wasn't there the incident with Ma a few years ago?

As parents, what they worry about most is that their children will be separated from their own wings and face these roommates and classmates alone. They have to spend four years together, so they hope nothing will happen.

If they really run into those weird people, the two of them will try their best to change dormitories or even move out.

Qin Tian was a little helpless,"Okay, Mom and Dad, who can be admitted to Peking University is not an elite, I will get along well with everyone, don't worry."

"That can't be said. Who says bad people can't learn?"


"Your mother is right."The man said so.

It was a good time to report. The campus, which was a little quiet before, soon became lively.

Both sides of the road, various college buildings, and dormitory buildings were full of youthful and lively flavor.

Young men and women came to school with the immaturity and purity of high school.

At the welcome office, seniors were welcoming the new students who had just arrived.

Although handsome men and beautiful women were a topic of conversation, it was only an occasional topic of conversation.

After all, handsome men and beautiful women are not everywhere on the street. There are more ordinary people in the world.

Jiang Yichen read some novels, and there were girls with a beauty of more than 90. It seemed that in the protagonist's world, they were surrounded by extremely beautiful beauties.

From his surroundings, it can be seen that this is not the right reason.

But the next moment, Jiang Yichen turned his head and circled back.

In front of him, a girl dragging a large suitcase appeared on the main road into the school, which made him a little distracted.

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