Jiang Yichen was not drunk, but it was obvious that he did not want to be a dormitory leader.

Not only was this a thankless job, he also did not have enough time to take care of the dormitory affairs.

So when he heard Meng Deqiang's drinking challenge, he immediately pretended to be drunk and admitted defeat.

However, except for Qin Tian from Shancheng who was even more drunk, the others were able to control themselves well and supported each other back to the dormitory.

Meng Deqiang opened his mouth and raised his right hand,"To celebrate our reunion today, I will take out the good things I have collected for many years and share them with my brothers!"

Qin Tian was climbing onto the upper bunk to sleep with the help of Jiang Yichen,"No, I can't drink.……"

Zhang Ping came over with a stool.

"Damn, what girl?"

"Have you seen Mr. Mikami's?"

"Are there any horses?"

"What I treasure is the infantry, of course! I don't treasure the cavalry!"

"666, where did you find the resources? Tell me."After drinking, Zhang Ping became more and more coquettish. He didn't even blush when he talked about these things.

Jiang Yichen was about to go to sleep when he was immediately pulled back.

"Qin Tian is drunk, don't pretend to be drunk. It's more fun to watch it together!" Meng Deqiang pulled Jiang Yichen over with a strong hand.

Jiang Yichen was speechless.

To live his life again, he had to start to be self-reliant again?

When he was in high school, he was either reading or writing books, and he didn't have time to think about these things.

Who knew that as soon as he entered college, these guys used this to test the cadres.

Isn't this challenging his weakness?

As the sound of the film sounded,"Fast forward?"

""No, take your time." Zhang Ping stopped Meng Deqiang and laughed.

Jiang Yichen gave him a thumbs up in his heart. This is a warrior.

After a while, Jiang Yichen heard the voice of the system.

【Ding! Learning produces a critical hit, and the critical hit multiplier is 100 times! Your *art learning progress has increased by 770 points. Your *art level has been upgraded to E level, and the current progress is (660/1000)! 】

Some inexplicable gestures emerged in Jiang Yichen's mind.

His mind, which had just been drinking, became hot again.

"Shit, I'm going to take a shower."

"The best is yet to come! You're not going to watch it so soon?"Meng Deqiang laughed at him.

Jiang Yichen didn't bother to pay attention to him, for fear that if he continued to watch with them, who knows what kind of critical hit this skill would have.

The current situation is already unbearable enough. If the progress increases a little more, his mind will be full of this matter. After a quick shower, Jiang Yichen came out calmly,"Go to bed."

While speaking, he ignored the two friends, lay on the bed for a while, and prepared to sleep leisurely.

Only then did he realize that Qin Tian was covered with a quilt on the bed next to him, watching intently.

Well, everyone has the same hobby!


The school had just started, so there wasn't much to do.

Military training was not at the beginning of the school year, but during the summer vacation of the first semester of the freshman year.

The most important thing was to elect class committee members.

As a freshman counselor, graduate student Chen Xiaoqiang seemed to have a very good impression of Jiang Yichen, and he directly named him at the freshman meeting.

"As for the class monitor, I plan to recommend Jiang Yichen. If anyone else wants to apply, please come up to the stage and introduce yourself."Chen Xiaoqiang, wearing a plaid T-shirt, said this on the podium.

But before others could react, Jiang Yichen stood up first.

"Director Chen, although I think I am handsome, I may not be suitable to be the class monitor because I am an introvert. Let's give this opportunity to other students."

While speaking, Jiang Yichen also gently arranged his hair.

This sentence made the other students chuckle.

They all looked at Jiang Yichen.

Wow, he is quite handsome!

As for being introverted, he can't be extroverted.

Chen Xiaoqiang had not communicated with Jiang Yichen before, and he was embarrassed when his nominee was directly denied by him.

At this time, a slightly plump girl stood up.

"Hello everyone, my name is Liang Lu, from Jibei Province. I am an outgoing girl, and I have always been a class leader. I can serve my classmates carefully, seriously and responsibly. I hope that during my university years, I will have the opportunity to serve everyone."

Well, that's really well said.

For many people, they know that if they are a class leader in college, there are more or less advantages.

For example, the relationship with the teacher will be better.

Of course, in the School of Economics of Peking University, most students are guaranteed to be admitted to graduate school or study for a master's degree.���At this time, the key is to speak with academic performance.

After a while, several people came to the stage to introduce themselves.

Meng Deqiang whispered,"How about I go up and shout, if I become the class monitor, let's go out for a meal?"

Good guy!

He even knows how to bribe voters.

There is a future.

Zhang Ping chuckled,"Don't worry, brother, I absolutely support you."

Meng Deqiang immediately raised his hand and stood up and walked to the podium.

As the tallest and strongest guy in the class, Meng Deqiang showed off his muscles as soon as he went up.

This move made the girls cover their mouths and exclaim.

Of course there was some laughter

"My name is Meng Deqiang. I have never been a class monitor before, but I have been a sports committee member. However, I would like to take this opportunity to run for election. If you vote for me, I promise that I will take the lead when fighting with other classes."


Everyone laughed and applauded.

Soon, the voting results came out. Liang Lu

, who had good popularity, was elected monitor with one more vote than Meng Deqiang.

Zhang Ping scratched his head,"Sorry, brother, it's my fault. I voted for Liang Lu just now."

"Damn, you bastard, you forget your principles for the sake of beauty."Meng Deqiang���The middle finger

"I think Zhang Ping thinks that others are more reasonable!"Jiang Yichen said with a smile

"Fat girls, I don't understand why you think they are beautiful"

"You are still young and don't understand that being slightly plump is the best."

Meng Deqiang shrugged,"Forget it, it doesn't matter if I can't be elected, it's less of a worry."

Chen Xiaoqiang looked at the votes and finally announced the list of class leaders.

Liang Lu was elected monitor, and Meng Deqiang was the league secretary.

There were also some other class leaders. Although the class was small, the officials were complete.

After dinner, Jiang Yichen went to the supermarket and bought some rice paper, ink, ink cartridges, pen holders, etc.

He took the things back to the dormitory, but found that there was no one there.

Jiang Yichen was happy to be quiet, poured ink, and took the Hanzhen brush from the pen holder.

The small desk was a bit restrictive.

After thinking carefully, Jiang Yichen started writing.

It was running script.

It was also written by Wang Xizhi's"Lanting Preface".

This work is Jiang Yichen's favorite It is one of Jiang Yichen’s favorite calligraphy works. The sentence"Those who come after will look at the present as we look at the past" is a dialogue that transcends history.

For the reborn Jiang Yichen, this experience is even more profound.

Using a large brush to write small characters still requires a lot of skill.

But for the current B-level calligraphy level, Jiang Yichen can write this with ease.

Frequent writing can maintain the strength of the brush, and Jiang Yichen also hopes to make good use of the characteristics of this brush.

With the enhancement of the Buff, Jiang Yichen feels that he can just stay in the dormitory to study.

There is no need to go to the library or study room.

Just as he took his seal and stamped it with a red seal, the dormitory door opened.

"Damn, Jiang Yichen, did you write this?"

Meng Deqiang, who had just come in, was very surprised. He looked at the words and they looked like the original works of Wang Xizhi.

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