was like a depth charge, it suddenly went online.

That afternoon, many schools such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Renmin University arranged part-time students to start distributing flyers.

These people are indeed college students, not to mention their high quality, but also very hardworking in distributing flyers.

There is no falsehood at all.

Although Lin Shan was the organizer, she did not separate herself from the masses, but followed several part-time students to distribute flyers at Peking University.

"Beauty, group buying is online. Tomorrow, L'Oreal set meals are 50% off. It's a great deal. Don't miss it."Lin Shan smiled sweetly with dimples, not at all embarrassed. Her confident and generous smile, coupled with her good figure, made many men and women stop and listen and take a look.

"What is Meituan?"

"A group buying website has group buying activities every day. Many big-name products are 50% off, which is impossible to buy normally."

As a part-time sister, Lin Shan has mastered these words very well.

The part-time college students who just came to participate immediately admired them.

And applied them in the next step.

A girl who was holding the arm of a handsome guy took it and looked at it carefully.

L'Oreal's 5-piece set is usually 260 yuan after the discount. Can the group purchase price be 130?

"Is this true?"

"It's very real, the founder of this website is from our school, and it's trustworthy for college students to start their own business."Lin Shan explained.

Then she didn't introduce any more, and immediately turned to other people to distribute flyers.

From 4 to 6 o'clock, there are the most students in the school, and handing out flyers at this time will have the best effect.

Especially at the entrance of the cafeteria, the entrance of the playground, the entrance of the dormitory, etc.

For these, Lin Shan and her team already have a mature mechanism.

The girl who was holding the boy's arm was immediately moved when she saw this.

The boy understood her thoughts very well,"Okay, let's go to that website tomorrow to have a look. If it is reliable, we will buy a set too. Let's see what the quality is like and whether it is reliable."

It was just 130 yuan, so he decided to give it a try.

""Yeah, this set can be used for a long time!"

Normally, they are reluctant to buy expensive things.

After all, they are all students, not rich second-generations, so where can they get so much pocket money?

And girls are always different from boys. They need some necessary cosmetics to maintain smooth and fair skin.

Even the ugliest ugly duckling in high school will have certain makeup skills by the time they are sophomore.

It's just the difference between thick or thin.

Of course, at this time, these girls have also changed a lot, and each of them has become young, beautiful and attractive.

Mu Qingshu, who just passed by the Weiming Lake, also received a flyer from Lin Shan.

She couldn't help but stop.

"Classmate, this group buying website is very cost-effective, you can save the URL." A part-time boy next to him saw Mu Qingshu who was in a daze, his eyes lit up, and he walked over to explain.

Mu Qingshu shook his head,"Thank you. Can I ask how can I do a part-time job distributing flyers like you guys?"

The short boy scratched his head,"Well, you can talk to senior Lin Shan."

While speaking, he pointed to Lin Shan who was working hard to distribute flyers.

""Hello, Senior Lin! Can I do part-time work as well?"

Lin Shan turned her head and saw Mu Qingshu.

She first looked at his face, which was delicate but a little thin; then she looked at his figure and clothes. He was wearing ordinary clothes, and his figure was well-proportioned.

He was a little beauty.

"If you want to work part-time, please add this QQ, 11876XXXX." Lin Shan just glanced at it, then smiled and replied,"I can't add you this afternoon. There is still one day tomorrow, which happens to be Sunday. If you are willing to come, register in the QQ group and then be assigned to my group."

Perhaps it was because of their eye contact, Lin Shan directly put her in the same group as herself to distribute flyers.

"The price is 10 yuan per hour, 4 hours a day. Settlement on the same day"

"Yeah, thank you, Senior Lin! I'll be there on time tomorrow."

"Okay, you can save it on the Meituan website. It’s a very good activity!" Lin Shan reminded again


It's good to be able to work part-time and earn a little more for living expenses.

Mu Qingshu went through the green channel to study at Peking University, and got an interest-free loan for her tuition.

As for living expenses, Mu Qingshu didn't ask her parents for a penny. Of the 150,000 yuan reward, she left 100,000 yuan for her family and took 50,000 yuan for herself.

But Mu Qingshu wanted to use the 50,000 yuan more for charity, to convey the love of"Mr. Jiang".

Therefore, in life, Mu Qingshu is still a very frugal and simple girl.

As for cosmetics, although it is a group purchase price of 130 yuan, she will not be tempted to buy it.

For her, having a Safeguard soap is enough.


Inside Jiang Yichen's company, in the workstation office.

Everyone else has been arranged to go out, and currently only the operation and maintenance personnel Luo Cheng and the programmer Lian Suo are here.

They are responsible for checking the background data and making final preparations for the group purchase event to be launched tomorrow morning.

After hanging the calligraphy and painting"Diligence can make up for lack of talent" on the wall, Jiang Yichen was afraid that Luo Cheng sitting on the other side would not be able to enjoy the buff bonus, so now a chicken soup calligraphy and painting"Success is 99% sweat and 1% inspiration" is hung on the other wall.

The main point is a large amount of labor to squeeze chicken soup

"The number of visits to the website is increasing."

Luo Cheng, the operator, said with great surprise while looking at the backstage.

Lian Suo was a little bored,"Isn't this normal? Now that we have started large-scale publicity, it would be abnormal if there were no visits at this time."

"Hey, I've been looking at this website for more than ten days, and I'm so bored that I'm going to make a fool of myself"

"How many have been added to the shopping cart?"

"There are more than 300 now." Luo Cheng took a look.

Lian Suo curled his lips,"That's still not enough. We still have to make some achievements for our first order, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to President Jiang!"

In order to facilitate users, Jiang Yichen guided them to design the website, adding a prompt"Do you want to add to favorites" and the function of adding a shopping cart.

Not only that, a user login database was also added, using the mobile phone number login form.

By improving the relevant information, it will be convenient for users to pay and place orders directly during group buying tomorrow.

This shopping cart is just a reference for Jiang Yichen and others, and it really represents the payment volume when the event goes online tomorrow.

The actions taken before this were based on Jiang Yichen's needs, and they are also what Lian Suo thinks are very appropriate.

"Wait, the data is soaring again……"

"Damn, 500 of them.……"



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