Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 113: (Minor repair)

On the day Zhou Feng was bitten by a snake, he was taken to a hospital in the county to be coated with medicine. The doctor looked at the nervousness of the family and said, "This is not serious. It's okay, just apply the medicine for a few days."

Father Zhou Feng's face was ashen as he hugged the child and said, "This is not serious! He has passed out!"


"Then he was probably frightened, very frightened."

The Zhou family’s dissatisfaction with Zhou Xiu reached its culmination. If Zhou Xiu was there, Zhou Feng’s mother might have swallowed her alive.

Zhou Feng's mother said with a sullen face: "A dead girl's film, she will be sensible when she is married."

On Tuesday, my aunt complained: "She is so awkward now that she is so defensive that she would not even go home and would like to go on a blind date? I heard that she is still in the village elementary school as a substitute for lessons, and the village chief must take care of it."

Zhou Xiu's cousin Zhou Yi thought of the three hundred thousand, and he was tickled, "As long as she still has the surname Zhou, she can't help her willing or not! The village chief is in charge of heaven and earth, and can he manage the marriage of her daughters?"

People from the Zhou family thought of 300,000 beauties. They probably had never seen so much money in their entire lives.

Zhou Yi flicked the soot, "It is her blessing to be able to marry such a rich boss. I must thank me when I look back!"

He described to his family how rich Boss Huang is. “He is the richest boss in the county. The factory is bigger than the elementary school in our village. There is a whole factory building. There are two cars in the family. A bowl. If Xiu gets married, our family will be able to follow along in the future."

The others had to froze for a while, and their mouths grew in surprise. What is the concept of eating one bowl and pouring one bowl? No matter how rich the Xi family is, can they be richer than the boss who opened the factory? Zhou Feng's mother grinds her teeth, and even the idea of ​​letting her daughter overcome the beauty.

Zhou Yi gave Zhou Xiu's most recent photos to the owner of the feed factory. Huang Boss saw Zhou Xiu's photos so haunting and obsessed with him, he immediately agreed to come to the countryside to meet Zhou Xiu.


In the hot summer, Zhou Xiu drew a basin of well water and put it on the ground, writing test papers intently. She finished writing the three test papers given by Lao Huang, and her purse grew.

Lao Huang called. He smiled and asked on the phone: "Zhou Xiu, I heard that you have been very busy recently. Have you finished writing the test paper?"

Zhou Xiu replied: "It's finished."

He laughed mysteriously, "I see."

Zhou Xiu put down the phone and found someone calling her outside. She went out and glanced at Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi smiled at Zhou Xiu, and didn't care about the behavior of turning his head and leaving. He looked at the white and delicate face of the little cousin, becoming more confident.

He took out a handkerchief and covered Zhou Xiu's nose, hugged her, and carried her onto the oncoming van.


On the weekend, the scumbags had a full nap, and when they woke up they didn't find Zhou Xiu's shadow, leaving only the test papers that were blown all over the floor by the wind.

Du Feiyang picked up Xueba's test paper and yawned and murmured: "Xiuxiu was too careless, all the test papers were lost."

Lan Xin called to Zhou Xiu: "Xiu Xiu, where are we going to play today?"

Xu Qing glanced away, and suddenly withdrew his lazy gaze. He took off his glasses and said, "No, she never did that."

The tidbits were suddenly taken aback.

Zhou Xiu's desktop is always clean and tidy, and the finished test papers are always well organized, and now not only the mobile phone is placed on the table, the test papers are also scattered all over the place.

"How is this going?"

The scumbags searched the entire inn and found no one. Reminiscent of the corner words they heard a few days ago, they were shocked. They went to Zhou's house for the first time to find Zhou Xiu.

Trivia asked: "Where is Zhou Xiu? Where did you take Zhou Xiu?"

Zhou Feng’s mother sat at the door of the house shaking her fan to enjoy the cold, and laughed scornfully: “The feet are on her, where did she go and ask me what I’m doing?”

A relative of the Zhou family said: "Zhou Xiu hasn't been home for a long time."

The tidbit winked, Du Feiyang took out a stack of money from his pocket, and the wind blew the money and fell into Zhou's yard, "Oh! Excuse me, I'll go in and pick up the money."

They broke into Zhou's house and found Zhou Xiu from room to room.

When the scumbags saw Zhou Cheng, they told Xiu Dad and Xiu Mom the news that Zhou Xiu had disappeared.

Zhou Cheng and Liu Mei were shocked, their eyes were splitting, and they couldn't even talk, "What, what?"

The tidbits walked to Zhou Feng's mother and said: "Tell you the truth, if Zhou Xiu is gone, you are the most suspicious!"

Xu Qing paused and analyzed: "After all, we have heard Xiuxiu's cousin make her look good. There is nothing new under the sun... What will happen if you call the police?"

Tan Ming said: "Since we are her classmates, we are here, we will help her to the end."

The Zhou family heard that they were going to call the police... Zhou Feng’s mother concealed her guilty conscience with her loud voice: "You can't slander people like this!"

The brother in the Zhou family’s lobby sneered, "Oh, why did Zhou Xiu find us if he is gone? Find out that we are Zhou Xiu’s family. Where did you get Zhou Xiu?"

Aunt Zhou leaned on a cane all the way and looked at the young people coming from the city with a calm face. She said in dialect: "It's not a bunch of boys yet."

"Get out!"

Zhou Cheng stood in the yard and glanced, looking at the family around him who seemed to have nothing happened. They were indifferent, they ridiculed, they held up the news of Zhou Xiu's disappearance as a joke.

Zhou Cheng suddenly thought that when Zhou Xiu was forced to leave with tears a year ago, everyone had nothing but joy and expectation of waiting for the gift money. But after all, getting married was a happy event, and Zhou Cheng didn't think anything was wrong at the time.

But at this time he shivered, and a chill came from the soles of his feet.

Looking at it again, only Liu Mei begged his wife, sister-in-law, nephew and niece one by one, "Xiu'er is gone, everyone help find!"

"Hurry up and find it!"

He looked at Granny Zhou in silence and asked, "My Xiu'er, where are people?"

Granny Zhou pulled out her crutches to beat Zhou Cheng, she said with a cold face, "Okay, even you ask me! I don't know!"

The scumbags searched Zhou's house but couldn't find Zhou Xiu. Xu Qing called all the people out to discuss countermeasures.

Trivia called home, but before dialing the number, she thought about getting through Xi Shaoyuan's phone.


Xi Shaoyuan's cell phone rang.

The crackling sound of the tidbits came out intermittently through weak electrical signals, "Xiu...no see... Yuan... help find Xiuxiu."

Xi Shaoyuan hung up after hearing this.

Trivia called again anxiously, "Young Master Yuan! Can you hear me? Xiuxiu is gone, can Shao Yuan help us find a way to find Xiuxiu?"

Xi Shaoyuan let out an "Um" and said calmly: "Um, I know."

He took out his phone and clicked on a program, and the pink love dot was slowly moving. The butler took a look and told the driver to turn around and drive in the opposite direction.

Zhou Laidi, who was sitting in the back of the car, looked anxious and said, "Hey! Why did you turn your head? This is not the way back to our village!"

The housekeeper of the Xi family glanced at them indifferently. On Tuesday, the uncle slapped his daughter's ears quickly, and quickly said to please: "It's okay, it's okay, you can go wherever Master Xi likes to go."

The faces of several other fellows also showed humble and pleasing expressions, and they were about to be so stupid as to cry by Zhou Laidi. When they saw Xi Shaoyuan as if they had seen a ghost, they didn't even dare to breathe for a while, but Zhou Laidi yelled at him, didn't he think he was dead?

Xi Shaoyuan scratched his phone aimlessly, and asked faintly: "You seem to be very unfriendly to Zhou Xiu?"

On Tuesday, the uncle shook his head quickly, "Dare not dare."

Others wanted to kill Uncle Tuesday, and they shook their heads quickly.

Xi Shaoyuan said again: "If... let me discover this kind of thing?"

On Tuesday, the uncle looked at the expensive young master in front of him with a face full of disbelief. He said angrily: "Who dare? I was the first to kill him! Zhou Xiu is my good niece, she is smart and sensible, who treats her badly? The first one does not agree!"

Xi Shaoyuan let out a cry.

After the car drove for half an hour, Xi Shaoyuan dialed a call and handed it to Uncle Tuesday, coughing slightly, "Let the car in front stop."

"Zhou Xiu is inside."

What do you mean... Zhou Xiu is in it?

At this moment, Zhou Yi was smoking a cigarette, rolled down the window and threw the cigarette **** out of the car window.

The fellow sitting in the back seat of the car heard these words and saw the faces of Zhou Yi and Zhou Xiu like a ghost. They looked at each other at a loss: Although they didn't understand what had happened, they also subtly felt something was wrong?

On Tuesday, the uncle saw his nephew through the window, and he felt a little bit in his heart. On Tuesday, the uncle knows the virtues of his nephew the most. He can get along with Zhou Xiu like this, and he has seen a ghost.

He said angrily on the phone: "A Yi, you little bastard! You stop!"

At this time, Zhou Yi was leaning against the window of the car and lit a cigarette again. He asked in surprise, "Uncle, what's the matter? What am I stopping?"

He looked around, and then he saw Uncle Tue's angry face, as if he could feel the feeling of wanting to devour people from a long distance.

Zhou Yi asked unexpectedly: "Uncle why are you here?"

Zhou Yi was still sitting in a luxurious big car. Zhou Yi was shocked. If it wasn't a good time to reminisce about the past, Zhou Yi would want to ask Uncle Tuesday if he caught this luxurious car.

Zhou Yi hesitated and said, "Uncle, I'll talk about it later, I won't say it beforehand."

Xi Shaoyuan glanced, and the Xi family's entourage told the driver, "Let it stop."

The driver severely stepped on the accelerator to chase the van in front of him. The car chased and blocked the van. After chasing for three kilometers, the van came to a halt.

As soon as Zhou Yi opened the car door, on Tuesday, his uncle went up and slapped Zhou Yi's ear scrape vigorously, and scolded him harshly in his native dialect.

"Drafting, you're stupid, do you know what you did? Huh?"

He hated iron and steel and took off his shoes, twitching Zhou Yi's cheek with the sole of the shoe.

Xi Shaoyuan got out of the car, opened the door vigorously and found Zhou Xiu, who was lying on the seat with her eyes closed.

The moment the car door was opened, the strong light forced Zhou Xiu to close her eyes, and after a while she opened her eyes. Against the strong light, Zhou Xiu saw a person who would never appear.

It was Xi Shaoyuan... stood in front of her.

The hostility in Xi Shaoyuan's eyes disappeared without a trace, and replaced with gentleness. He looked at her seriously for a while and asked, "Zhou Xiu, how are you?"



good night.

*Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-0423:59:42~2020-03-0523:58:35~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Guan Mengche 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 111llling 7; Yanyan, Zhanyunhun, I am Shuangshuang 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of Xiaonan is not difficult; 50 bottles of summer sleep; 47 bottles of Dudu LaLa; 39 bottles of Anzhensheng; 30 bottles of juvenile mustard; Shengzi red clothes, ears and ears, I am Xu’s ears, 20 bottles; 18 bottles; Guangling Jiaowei, janeeexxx, Jinqin 10 bottles; Lianchengday, Wanchuan 6 bottles; aunt, 2 T_T 5 bottles; puppets, children who love to drink milk 3 bottles; Anling, Xinyu, 25986049, I Shuangshuang, I like freedom, Caicai loves oranges, and a bottle of clear;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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