Zhou Xiu followed his father to the county public security bureau and recorded a statement.

After recording his confession, Zhou Cheng silently followed his daughter home. When passing by the county middle school, Zhou Xiu's former teacher happened to ran into the father and daughter.

The teacher greeted Zhou Xiu enthusiastically and asked concerned: "Zhou Xiu, are you still studying?"

Zhou Xiu nodded, "I am studying in City C."

The teacher was pleasantly surprised: "C city? This is a big city. Zhou Xiu, you have to study hard! I said that you are so smart and it is a shame not to go to school."

The teacher chatted with Zhou Xiu about the old days for a while, and by the way mentioned something to Zhou Xiu. She said: "The Erhua is from your village. I used to play together before seeing you. You help me ask how she dropped out..."

As Zhou Xiu listened, the smile on her face faded.

After the teacher finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Xiu's father with complicated eyes, "You parents..."

One or two of the girls at home drop out of school, which is a net cause of trouble for the teacher. Obviously, the conditions of the family are not so difficult that they can't afford to study, and the thinking is so feudal in what age.

Zhou Cheng was so ashamed that he could hardly lift his head.


When Zhou Xiu returned to the village, the books sent by Xi Shaoyuan had been sorted out by the villagers, and the principal temporarily vacated a classroom to put the books out.

Because of this kind of book donation, the village is very lively.

The village chief never dreamed that it was a teenager who donated books to the village, and he also donated an entire library.

Before he came, the village didn't even know what the library was, not to mention these brand-new books that could not be finished in a classroom.

The village chief laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, and his eyes were deep. He patted Zhou Xiu on the shoulder enthusiastically, "Xiu, uncle did not mistake you!"

Although these books were donated by the rich Young Master Xi, if Zhou Xiu hadn't had it, or if Zhou Xiu hadn't remembered the people in the village, they wouldn't have come to such a place in this life. The village chief knew this very clearly in his heart.

Zhou Xiu returned to the inn and went to Song Erhua's room. Then took out the rag and wiped the table, tidying up the hygiene without saying a word.

The village chief's eyes fell on her, and the girl slightly pursed her mouth and sat down without speaking. The sun fell on her thin body, and half of her face was plunged into shadow.

The village chief noticed that she was not very interested, and he sighed inaudibly when he thought of the things about Zhou Xiu's house.

"We all know about your family, they have done too much. You can rest assured, this time Uncle will stand by your side..."

Village Chief Zhou picked up the rag and said, "Xiu, don't work, save it so Erhua will wipe it later."

The village chief knows that Zhou Xiu is poor and has no money to study. Every winter and summer vacation, she will let her work part-time in the inn to earn some pocket money to subsidize her. This time is no exception.

Zhou Xiu said happily, "Uncle, you should go out to work."

The village chief was paying attention to the book donated by Xi Shaoyuan. Before he had time to do many chores, he happily went out to organize the elementary school library.

Zhou Xiu took out a crumpled piece of paper from her arms, which she found from Song Erhua's room. The words "Application for dropout" were written on the paper, and the signature was Song Erhua's three words.

Zhou Xiu called Song Erhua.

Song Erhua took the rag and wiped the table earnestly. After wiping the table, she drank a basin of water again, knelt down, and carefully wiped the floor with a rag.

Her shoulders were slightly humped, her face was stained with age and maturity, but her mouth was slightly pursed.

"Soo, let me do this kind of rough work in the future, you hurry up and study! I hear you, you have... what kind of competition next semester."

Song Erhua happily recalled the letter Zhou Xiu wrote to her. There was a lot of content in the letter. Zhou Xiu wrote to Song Erhua in detail. The letter stated that she went to the competition, got full marks in the test, and wrote that she got a scholarship...

Song Erhua pursed her lips, Zhou Xiu wrote too detailed, closing her eyes seems to be able to imagine those happy and beautiful scenes.

"What was your academic record last semester?" Zhou Xiu asked calmly.

Song Erhua's pursed mouth became stiff, and the expression on her face was not correct.

She wrung out the rag, wiped the floor harder, and tried to break back the topic, and then said: "I heard your dad say that showing you is great. You should go to study, and come back for a better exam to be **** off by those dogs. Low people..."

Zhou Xiu's entire face fell into shadow, and she repeatedly asked: "I ask you, what was your academic record last semester?"

The smile on Song Erhua's face froze. After a while, she said, "I didn't do well in the exam, don't ask. I'm not as smart as you."

Zhou Xiu snatched the rag from Song Erhua's hand, took a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket and threw it in front of her.

"Application for dropout" was written impressively on the paper.

Song Erhua closed her mouth, she finally raised her head to look at Zhou Xiu, smiled silently, and said, "Hi—"

"I told you not to go into my room without a problem. It's not polite at all. I don't need you to clean the room for me."

Zhou Xiu looked directly at Song Erhua, both puzzled and distressed, and her whole heart felt as though she had been repeatedly cooked and fried in a pan.

She frowned deeply, "Why?"

After a long time, half of Song Erhua's face fell into the shadow. She slowly tore off the application form, trying hard to face Zhou Xiu with a smile, but she couldn't draw a smile.

She pursed her lips and said, "Zhou Xiu, leave me alone."

Zhou Xiu became angry: "I ask you why!"

Song Erhua clenched his hands into fists and shouted, "You **** leave me alone, you take care of yourself!"

She turned around and ran out of the inn.

The two yelled at each other, and they stunned the students who were watching the excitement at the other end of the inn. Song Erhua ran into Du Feiyang when he hurried past them.

The tidbits turned around and asked with a confused look: "Just now... Xiuxiu lost her temper?"

Tan Ming noticed it, and Xu Qing heard it too.

The sun came out from the west, and these scumbags had never seen Zhou Xiu angry. Even a person like Senior Jiang's mother has never made Zhou Xiu lose her temper.

Anger made Zhou Xiu red from the root to the neck.

Yu Qingyan walked over, Zhou Xiu bent over and was picking up scraps of paper on the ground.

She found that Zhou Xiu's mood was not right. After hesitating for a while, Yu Qingyan couldn't ask what happened. She just said: "Xiu Xiu, let's go out and check out the new library, they are done!"

Zhou Xiu silently picked up the shredded paper on the ground and put it in her pocket.

"You go."

Yu Qingyan pulled her out, and everyone went to see the new library of Xiushui Primary School.

The new library was temporarily squeezed out of a classroom. The light was dim and the space was cramped. The bookshelves were acquired by Xi Shaoyuan. Brand-new books were neatly placed on the shelves, filling the whole room, and the air was filled with the scent of book ink.

The villagers who helped move the books thanked them one after another.

Zhou Xiu often ran the library. She looked around and frowned unconsciously.

Du Feiyang and the other scumbags were totally unaware. Xu Qing glanced at it, and his obsessive-compulsive disorder made him feel uncomfortable.

After a long while, Xu Qing said: "The book is not displayed like this."

A series of question marks slowly appeared on the face of the village chief who was full of accomplishment and full of pleasure: "..."

Xu Qing corrected the glasses. "The library is not just a room for books. How to classify and place books is a very important knowledge. It is related to the future management of borrowing and reading. It is more scientific according to the Chinese Library Book Classification..."

"Without effective library management, the library will soon be abandoned, and the original donated books will also be wasted."

The headmaster of the elementary school heard this point of view and looked at the group of teenagers in awe.

When the village chief heard this long string of words, his brain was sore. He scratched the back of his head and said, "We don't know how to be so particular!"

When the villagers heard that the dolls had to move out the books on the shelves again, and the whole time, their brains were sore.

Xu Qing was halfway through, "Forget it."

"You go back."

The scumbags slapped their heads, and touched their chins in the tidbits, "No wonder...I always feel something is wrong."

The scumbags said: "The monitor is right!"

"Then the question is, do you understand the book classification method, monitor?"

Xu Qing simply admitted: "I don't understand."

Tan Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes, he took out his phone and started Baidu search.

Zhou Xiu found glue, double-sided tape, notebooks, and scissors. She said, "I understand."

She directed the scumbags to move to the table, and everyone cut papers and wrote labels in batches. Zhou Xiu asked a local name for the book. She listened for a bit and quickly reported the labels that should be posted. Her brain is like a sophisticated computer, displaying hundreds of classification labels one by one, without a mess.

Xu Qing is responsible for reading the title of the book, "Three Hundred Tang Poems."

Zhou Xiu listened and said: "I222.742-1."

Tan Ming also found a copy, "Zhu Guangqian's "Talking Cultivation""


The tidbits quickly wrote the label, and Yu Qingyan was responsible for posting it. Du Feiyang took the book and returned it to the shelf after it was posted...Everyone was very busy, but they turned around in an orderly manner.

In the cramped and cramped new library, in addition to the sound of paper-cutting, there were also a few unhurried voices of teenagers and girls. Xi Shaoyuan walked over and saw the scene inside, his eyes flashed slightly, his reason made him want to turn around and leave subconsciously.

Jealousy made him stay.

He saw the scene where Xu Qing and Zhou Xiu cooperated tacitly. It was really eye-catching. After a while, Xi Shaoyuan walked in, interposed between Xu Qing and Zhou Xiu, and sat directly beside Zhou Xiu.

The voice of Xu Qing reading the title of the book suddenly paused, "..."

The tidbits held the pen for a long time and did not wait for the classification number of Zhou Xiubao. She couldn't help but urged: "Squad leader, you read it."

Xi Shaoyuan took a few books, ""Andersen's Fairy Tales", "Collections of Chinese Folktales", "Chinese Traditional Virtues Stories"..."

The voice is not fast or slow, the clearer and more mellow, mixed with a trace of hoarseness unique to the juvenile voice change period, slammed the famous male broadcaster of Yude Broadcasting Station.

The girls were heartbroken and exuberant.

Zhou Xiu also quickly reported the serial number of the classification label.

Time went by little by little in the hectic, and in the blink of an eye it soon arrived in the evening. Song Erhua finished the meal and went to the elementary school to inform everyone to eat.

Song Erhua walked to the window of the new library. Through the window, everyone was chatting about you and me. After finishing their work, several beautiful girls were enthusiastically discussing the stars, discussing Xi Shaoyuan’s watch, and discussing. tasty food……

People who are as happy as two worlds. Song Erhua looked enviously for a long time and reminded: "Let's eat, the meal is ready."

The scumbags stopped the discussion when they heard the words. They were hungry and hungry all day, and happily ran back to the inn for dinner.

Song Erhua walked into the new library, touched the brand new books, and put them back.

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