The rain was getting bigger and bigger, and after a long time, Zhou Xiu heard the shout of "Xiu-Xiu -" from a distance.

Zhou Xiu quickly responded.

Song Erhua ran over cautiously from the pouring rain holding the umbrella. She held the umbrella to look at Zhou Xiu and Xi Shaoyuan. She anxiously attached to Zhou Xiu's ear and whispered:

"Xiu! Go and see your dad! I don't know what happened, he and he are now kneeling in your yard..."

Zhou Xiu frowned, she opened the umbrella Song Erhua handed over and hurried to Zhou's house.


Old Zhou's house.

Zhou Yi was finally sentenced to eight years in prison. Aunt Zhou fell ill when she received the news. All her sons and daughters-in-law had to serve her in front of the hospital bed. Fortunately, the busiest autumn harvest has passed. The younger generations dare not complain no matter how the old mother is tossing.

Granny Zhou loves to toss Zhou Cheng and his wife. After a period of time, Liu Mei's whole body becomes haggard.

Grandma Zhou once again asked Zhou Xiu to release her grandson from prison in the yard. Zhou Cheng, who had been silent for a long time, finally raised her head and said, "Ama, A Yi wants to kidnap Xiu'er."

"Xiu'er is my daughter. She is not your granddaughter, but the daughter of me and Mei."

"You still know it's a daughter!" Aunt Zhou puffed, "She is an outsider! Just for an outsider! Do you still have a conscience. Who will you rely on in the future?"

Other relatives also pointed and pointed. Uncle Zhou said: "You are old and rely on A Yi, A Kai and A Feng!"

When Zhou Xiu came to Zhou's house holding an umbrella, she happened to bump into Granny Zhou who was cursing someone.

Grandma Zhou turned her head and found Zhou Xiu. She raised her crutches and hit Zhou Xiu. Zhou Cheng hugged his daughter, and the old mother's crutches fell on him.

Zhou Cheng snorted, not dodge or dodge, letting Granny Zhou beat him.

Auntie Zhou stared at her son without a word with a cold face.

Zhou Cheng's voice was very hoarse and said, "Xiu'er does not owe her grandma. I owe you."

Zhou Cheng said sadly: "I didn't protect my Xiu'er before, and I regretted it. I didn't realize until I went to the city that I used to delay her and the family delayed her."

He looked at his mother earnestly and said: "She is not a recruiter, nor is she a girl who loses money, she is my baby and Amei's."

He hugged his daughter, picked up the umbrella that fell to the ground, and held Zhou Xiu's hand to prop up the umbrella.

Liu Mei, who watched her husband being beaten in silence on the side, couldn’t bear it anymore. She said, “We don’t have to rely on anyone to raise it! We have hands and feet, and rely on the sky and the ground to rely on ourselves. Why must we have a son? Roots?"

"Even the people in the city say that there is no difference between a boy and a girl. Both boys and girls can do the same job... They go to school, get paid, and are equally competitive. We Xiu'er is really smart and sensible, many times better than Ayi. , We work hard and we are earning money to eat, so why... want to be despised like this?"

"Xiu'er is our only Miaomiao. Mom..."

Liu Mei's lowered head suddenly lifted up, "Don't worry. A hundred years from now, she will hold our ashes, so you don't need outsiders to worry about it."

Zhou Cheng said: "The tree has big branches, and the children have big branches..."

Granny Zhou leaned heavily on crutches and said: "You have to divide this family, you have to be an outsider, but you don't want your mother!"

Zhou Cheng stiffly let out an "um".

At this moment, Zhou Xiu was stunned.

Zhou Xiu didn't expect Zhou Cheng, who always respected Granny Zhou and regarded her more importantly than herself, would say such things for herself one day.

She never expected that Liu Mei, who was always timid and hoped that she would adopt a child, would say "boys and girls are the same".

Granny Zhou smashed the hukou book on Zhou Cheng's face, and turned back to the house with a cane with a cold face.

Zhou Cheng knelt on the ground, all wet, he carefully put the hukou book in his arms.

Zhou Xiu stared at Zhou Cheng's rain-filled face, his face covered with wrinkles. Zhou Cheng wiped the water off his face and asked his daughter, "Is Xiu'er still angry with her father?"

Zhou Xiu was really angry in the past and never even wanted to go back to the country after going to the city. But in that dream, she received the news that Zhou Cheng had disappeared in the countryside. When she saw "Zhou Xiu" crying out of breath and saying, "I don't have a father anymore," Zhou Xiu lost her breath.

He is her father. He will get up at three in the middle of the night and return home at eight in the evening, earning her high tuition fees; he will put the roasted pig's knuckles in his arms in the winter and warm the pig's feet Bring her to eat; when she is sad, he will peel a bowl of chicken feet to make her happy.

"Don't be angry anymore, you have asked many times." Zhou Xiu said.

The lines at the corners of Zhou Cheng's eyes grew deeper, and he touched his head embarrassedly, "Xiu'er, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, don't say anything. Let's go back to the inn, or where do we go?" Zhou Xiu said.

Zhou Cheng went back and packed his luggage, "You go back first, I will pack up, and tomorrow will go through the household splitting procedures with your mother."


After Zhou Cheng completed the household splitting procedures, he went to the Four Seasons Inn to concentrate on working as a back kitchen.

During this period of time Granny Zhou was ill, Zhou Cheng was forced to barely go out. He went to the inn for a long time and didn't see the children from Yude High School. When Zhou Xiu came to the inn, at first glance a few of the children lost weight.

Zhou Cheng didn't feel sorry for the food expenses, so he went to the county to buy the freshest fruits, vegetables and meat every day.

Zhou Cheng not only cooks dishes of various cuisines, but also buys many courses online to hone his skills this year. After Zhou Cheng took root in the kitchen, all kinds of food poured out from the kitchen like water, delicious food was available 24 hours a day, and the aroma of the food never ceased.

After a few days, he moisturized the hungry and thin students so that they were radiant, hydrated and delicate.

The scumbags discovered that this is the wonderful teaching life they imagined!

I can’t be happier anymore, the sweet and waxy chestnut scooped out from the spoon is wrapped in amber-like chicken juice, the fish head with chopped pepper is fresh and refreshing, the red spicy crayfish is crispy and springy, and there is fruit ice after the meal. Yogurt jelly, fruit fish...

The fruit pieces are cut to the same size, which is a boon for obsessive-compulsive disorder. The gourmet scenery, and the cool breeze after the meal, makes it so pleasant.

"Uncle, you are so kind!" said the scumbags.

In the last few days at the end of the month, Zhou Cheng’s arrival gave the students a perfect ending to this teaching life. It reminds them of these days, not just the bitter memories of eating eggs, fried pork, and steamed buns mixed with sauerkraut every day.

There are also delicious foods that cannot be eaten every day.

Du Feiyang praised the venue very much and said, "It's the uncle's craftsmanship."

Xu Qing picked up the camera and recorded a VCR where everyone was reunited and gathered at a table for dinner.

Zhou Cheng smiled, "No, Xiu'er's craftsmanship is quite good, Xiao Du is also good, but there is nothing delicious in the mountains, it is too troublesome to go to the county to buy vegetables every day, you have no time to make trouble."

"Tell Uncle what you want to eat. I will cook everything you can. Xiu'er usually thanks you for taking care of..."

The classmates in Class 24 laughed together, "No, it's all Xiushen taking care of us."

"Uncle is so kind."

Zhou Xiu glanced at the calendar on the wall. It was August 26th, and there were not many days before school started.

After eating, she briefly discussed the "last lesson" for Xiushui Primary School with everyone. Several black heads were gathered together.

Blue Core usually plans 24 classes of activities, and the organization is used to it. After half an hour of discussions, they quickly discussed the results.

Tan Ming took the list and bought some "gifts" in the city.

Zhou Xiu is following up on the progress of "Love Lunch", and teaches the principal of elementary school how to log in to the website to upload daily food expenditure data, upload photos, and keep in touch with "Love Lunch".

Lan Xin was in the writing class, but was later taken by the tidbits to take a look at it, crumpled and torn off.

The tidbit blinked, "No need to plan, is this trivial hard for us?"

On August 28th, the Xiushui Village Primary School ushered in their most memorable "last class".

Their versatile teachers sang and danced on the playground and sang a song "I Believe".

The youthful and energetic song cuts through the sky:

"I want to fly to the sky side by side with the sun,

The world is waiting for me to change.

The dream I want to dream is never afraid of others seeing it,

I can achieve it here. "

Although their young faces are still green, their eyes are confident and dazzling, and every face facing the sun is so beautiful.

Xu Qing took a camera and recorded it professionally. It was the first day that Xu Qing came to this small mountain village and saw this group of children for the first time.

Tan Ming swept the strings, remembering the busy figure of everyone in the elementary school library.

In front of Yu Qingyan appeared a child who was holding up a lunch box and was so moved that he was about to cry; before the tidbits appeared Song Erhua loudly berating them for wasting food and reading carefully by the lights of the corridor at night; Lan Xin thought of the six o'clock in the morning in the inn. A lamp that lights up for learning.

In Zhou Xiu's mind, there was a scene of Zhou Cheng holding her hand many years ago and sending her back to school after she dropped out of school.

Song Erhua watched the boys and girls confidently singing on the playground, tears falling down.

She remembered a box of colorful candy she had received that night, and saw the note Zhou Xiu wrote, "In our hearts, there is a place that cannot be locked. It is called hope."

The scumbags sang confidently in unison: "I believe in freedom, I believe in hope, and I believe in reaching out to reach the sky."

For a better life, we are willing to believe: all efforts will not be disappointed!

Finally, Zhou Xiu gave a class meeting to the pupils in the playground. She said something like a big sister chatting, and said at the end:

"Boys should never discriminate against girls, but learn to respect them. Girls must be self-reliant and do not give up the opportunity to study.

Children in Xiushui Village, you must go out and take a look, you will know how big the world is when you go out; you have to work hard, and you will know how far you can go after you work hard;

You should read more, let go of prejudice, never forget hope, and be a positive, kind and warm person. "

The pupils clapped vigorously, and the principal of the elementary school nodded with a smile.

Xi Shaoyuan unexpectedly announced: "The Xi's Huanyu Love Foundation will include the Xiushui Village Primary School as a funding target to support children who are out of school due to family difficulties."

Although the primary school students did not understand what Brother Xi said, the others were in an uproar. Du Feiyang opened his mouth and looked at Xi Shaoyuan with a "fuck" face. The girls wowed and said, "Yuan Shaoyuan is really awesome!"

Tan Ming gave a low pitch, then laughed, "Why is your highest profile again."

The principal of the elementary school smiled slightly, and the smile instantly narrowed.

Before the students left, they worked together to give the pupils some small gifts: exquisite card envelopes, and sent them a letter "To Myself in Ten Years";

Everyone has a schoolbag, so that they no longer have to carry schoolbags sewn by their families to go to school;

Everyone has a large gift package of school supplies, a lot of pens, pencil cases, erasers, rulers, compasses, calculators, dozens of draft paper... Don’t buckle and save pens and draft paper in the future.

The primary school students gave them the gifts they prepared, including paper-cuts, poems written by themselves, wallets embroidered by hands, melons picked in the morning before dawn...

When the little teachers got in the car and left, the pupils wiped their tears and cried and shook their hands to see them off.

The principal touched their heads, "Don't look, they are all away. Study hard, and visit them in the city when you have time."

Although he didn't know where these high school students came from, the principal even worried that they were just playing for fun, but he didn't expect them to be so careful.

They can easily speak music, dance, and painting, and they can speak fluent and standard English. They are confident and generous, and they are outstanding in conversation. The children in the mountain village are completely shocked when they open their mouths.

The village head and principal stared at the car they were leaving for a long time, grateful.

This group of high school students who have received good educational resources are like a link connecting two worlds, conveying love, hope, and warmth to another group of children who lack educational resources.

From the first day they came to this elementary school, they personally described to the children in the mountains another completely different and vivid world. They told the children in the village: The outside world is wonderful, and you are welcome!

The scumbags sat in the car, leaned back in the conversation, and said silently: "There is a car here, why did we take a boat in the first place?"

Zhou Xiu shrugged and said, "Because you don't know the road, you came from the other end. This is the only road in the village that is accessible to cars."

Xi Shaoyuan coughed lightly and couldn't help laughing.

Du Feiyang suddenly remembered, "Oops, I didn't write all of my mathematics, physics and chemistry homework!"

A scumbag said calmly: "Stay steady, as long as you have a good time, make up your homework on the last day."

Qi Yaguang and Xie Cheng, who finished their homework in the first week of the holiday, had a smile in their eyes. Qi Yaguang found that the students from Class 24 were also very cute.



Oh, good night everyone~ Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-2623:04:18~2020-03-2823:42:45~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: 40380234, 1 watercress soup;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 87 bottles of fairy and fairy; 20 bottles of the disappeared Lyra; 10 bottles of Liuli Prince Together, 10 bottles of Ji Ze; 6 bottles of Lyu; 5 bottles of T_T, Jiu Jiu Ji, Xiao Tian Mushroom, Tiger; Xing Yu Xingchen, His Royal Highness Qi Qi, Buried Ji, Li Ke, 40380234, The Unknown, Jiu Lizi, I like freedom, □□ile——M1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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