Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 124: 124

Zhou Xiu told the tidbits: "We can't control the opinions of others. But we are very strong this year."

"Really?" asked the tidbits.

Zhou Xiu nodded and said, "Xuxu's physics is very good. If your math scores improve, physics will make a qualitative leap."

The tidbits were a little surprised. I didn't expect Zhou Xiu to see through her **** physics results that she has a little potential?

She knows how many tidbits are, but she still can't help but curl her mouth.

The tidbit said with a sullen mouth, pretending to be cold: "Is that so, I think it's very ordinary."

After finishing the tidbits, he immersed himself in writing about physics.

Zhou Xiu took out his mobile phone to place an order and ordered a few books. Zhou Xiu had no intention of buying this kind of information book to expand his horizons. The 18 tutorial books and the written test booklet ordered by the previous competition class are more than enough to cope with the competition.

In order to rank these is far from enough, the content and fields involved in biology are too broad. Zhou Xiu bought another stack of new books.

Zhou Xiu's new book arrived the next day. The newly purchased book Zhou Xiu planned to spend ten days reading it. She vacated the self-study class to read the book.

MissLi visited the self-study class, she frowned when she passed by Zhou Xiu's position.

The subject teachers of various subjects generally reported that Zhou Xiu liked to study mathematics and biology too much, which led to serious partial subjects, but this is not feasible.

MissLi originally thought that Zhou Xiu would take good English tuition, but she didn't expect that the enthusiasm for learning English had just been heated up for a couple of days, and she returned to her previous state. The peaceful head teacher of the Buddhist Department rarely falls into anxiety.

She coughed heavily, "Have you finished your English homework?"

Zhou Xiu took out her English homework for the teacher to check.

During this period of time, Zhou Xiu's English homework was completed under the guidance of the highlights and Xu Qing. In addition, she harassed Qi Yaguang from time to time on Q.Q. Recently, the quality of English homework is surprisingly high.

MissLi reviewed Zhou Xiu's English homework and was barely satisfied with nothing wrong.

MissLi said to Zhou Xiu seriously: "Your English is very poor. You should have been a fool to fly first. Let's spare some time for English in future self-study classes."

Zhou Xiu nodded.

But after the head teacher left, Zhou Xiu took out "Genetics" and read it.

The head teacher visited the classroom again in the second self-study class. She stood silently outside the window and noticed that Zhou Xiu was looking at extracurricular books again.

MissLi caught Zhou Xiu reading extracurricular books on the spot. She narrowed her eyes and said in a bad tone: "Zhou Xiu——"

Zhou Xiu changed her posture, took out English from the drawer and started to read and write. After the head teacher left, Zhou Xiu finished her English and took out the biology book. Switching so repeatedly makes it feel like a thief. 78 Chinese whole network

The tidbit put her hand on the table and smiled with her lips curled up.


Zhou Xiu: [Calm and calm. I will make up for it later. 】

Time passed unconsciously like quicksand, Zhou Xiu put the book on the table and started reading with high concentration.

The class bell rang, and the get out of class bell rang again. In the radiation area centered on Zhou Xiu, as usual, many students asked Zhou Xiu with the exercise book, but they did not get a response.

Zhou Xiu seemed to abandon all interference from the outside world and read the book fascinatingly.

Her eyes scanned the past at an average speed of a few seconds, turning one page a minute, maintaining the same posture as a machine.

Du Feiyang covered his mouth. He shook his hand in front of Zhou Xiu's eyes, and whispered, "Xiu Xiu will recover soon..."

There was silence all around.

This section is English class.

Zhou Xiu was so bold to read extracurricular books in English class.

Du Feiyang called several times and found that Zhou Xiu was still ignorant, and she did not find the head teacher standing behind her with a black face. She lowered her head to read the book, did not even blink her eyes, and did not notice the changes in the outside world.

"Fuck~www.readwn.com~ can you look so seriously? What a god..."

Xu Qing raised her hand, smiled and said, "Teacher, let me answer this question for her."

He glanced at the head teacher and coughed slightly.

There was a complicated expression on MissLi's face, both angry and relieved. It was the first time that she met such a student who had learned to get into trouble. It happened that such a student would not be easily shaken by the most assertive.

Had MissLi not figured out Zhou Xiu's character, I would have thought that Zhou Xiu had deliberately confronted her.

Forget it, let her have a look. Anyway, after this month, there will be no biological things anymore.

As time went by, Zhou Xiu's cell phone rang, and she didn't notice it; the school bell rang, but she didn't move at all; the sky was dark, and the evening self-study bell rang, and she had been looking at the book in her hand. The classroom was crowded with people coming and going, the excitement was extraordinary and finally dissipated, and everyone packed their schoolbags and went home.

Finally, the tidbits finished the homework, packed up the school bags and prepared to leave. She held her chin and snapped her fingers suddenly.

At this time, Zhou Xiu happened to turn the last page, she slightly raised her head like she was waking up from a dream, showing a relieved smile. At this moment, it was as if the spring was returning to the earth, the ice and snow melted, and the frozen world flowed in an instant.

Zhou Xiu closed the book and looked at her watch. She was a little surprised when she saw that the hour hand had already pointed to nine o'clock.

Zhou Xiu touched her stomach, hunger spread all over her body.

Xu Qing smiled, "Are you hungry? I thought you wouldn't be hungry."

He took apart the disposable chopsticks and moved a bowl of hot dumplings to Zhou Xiu, "Xuxu ordered it for you. Eat it while it's hot."

The tidbit hates iron and steel and said, "I'll take the time to give you some takeaways. Eat quickly. Only when I'm full will I have the strength to study."

Du Feiyang shook suddenly: "My God, Xiuxiu, you don't know how terrible the head teacher is standing behind you during English class in the afternoon, staring at you."

The expression of gratification and wishing to swallow Zhou Xiu made people look straight.

Zhou Xiu lowered his head and saw the steaming dumplings in front of him, with thin skins and thick fillings, revealing a bit of crystal clear green. At first glance, I knew it was her favorite leek dumplings. It is exuding an incredible fragrance.

Zhou Xiu felt warm, "Thank you."

She went out to wash her hands and feasted on her dinner.

The tidbit said: "Looking at you like this, I suddenly feel that the third year of high school is not terrible anymore."

No matter how hard the graduating class is, it's just this level, right?

When I took my schoolbag and walked out of the classroom, I was suddenly full of confidence in the future.


A few days later, Zhou Xiu received a courier. She opened it and found that there was a pennant inside, and Zhou Xiu was taken aback.

Zhou Xiu's neighbor Yu Qingyan took a look and exclaimed, "Who is so funny, giving you a pennant?"

The ten characters of "Three Good Youth" and "Excellent Communist Youth League Member" are written on the banner.

Du Feiyang took a look, and almost didn't laugh his stomach hurt, thinking that it was someone who was playing a prank.

Zhou Xiu: "..."

Zhou Xiu found a letter in the package, the handwriting was from the principal of Xiushui Village Primary School. She took out her mobile phone and found that there was a missed call from City X lying in the phone book.

The principal wrote in the letter: “Dear classmate Zhou Xiu: Hello, I have learned from classmate Xi that you donated the school’s 200,000 book funds, which surprised me. Your free book donation has given me Because of our great confidence, the words in the letter cannot describe one-tenth of our gratitude. We specially made a pennant for you, and I thank you on behalf of the children!"

Zhou Xiu couldn't help but curl her lips and smile after reading it.

Du Feiyang didn't know the truth, and he really took it as a prank gift to play with, and even planned to show it off and open the eyes of others.

Zhou Xiu patted Du Feiyang's hand off, "Don't touch it."

Although this way of gratitude was a little bit earthy, Zhou Xiu didn't dislike it. She folded the pennant and put it in the drawer.

Trivia just now took advantage of Zhou Xiu's opening of the letter and glanced at it. Knowing the origin of this pennant, her eyes suddenly narrowed.

It turns out that the books in the library were not donated by Yuan Shao, but by Xiuxiu? The tidbits shocked.

The scumbag in the class met and discussed who was so funny, and actually gave Zhou Xiu the pennant of "excellent Communist Youth League member".

The tidbit said: "Stop it, be serious. What's so funny?"

All the scholars: "..."

After Zhou Xiu collected the pennants, she took out her mobile phone to log in to her live broadcast room and took a look at her income last month.

I bought 200,000 books and subsidized Song Er to spend 50,000 yuan, plus miscellaneous training and supplementary lessons. The expenses of this summer vacation are a bit big, Zhou Xiu's savings quickly shrank, from the original 379,762RMB to 11W+.

Recently, the family wanted to buy a house with a mortgage loan, and Zhou Xiu had to give a part of support to the family to buy a house. As a result, there was not much savings left, and Zhou Xiu became poor again.

Zhou Xiu flipped through the backstage and found that in addition to the system rewards, fans in the live broadcast room also rewarded a lot. Zhou Xiu hasn't seen the gift list for a long time. This time she saw a fan nicknamed "XY" pop up and firmly ranked second.

"XY" received a total of 100,000 rewards.

Zhou Xiu was surprised. Most of her fans are students. How can students have so much money? Even those fans of the "struggling to make money" in the live broadcast room, who have relatively good backgrounds, have rewarded a few thousand yuan, which is considered a lot.

Zhou Xiu privately poked "XY" and left a message: "Thank you for your reward, but it is not necessary. Minors do not promote excessive consumption until they do not have enough financial capacity. If you regret and want to return the gift, I will contact you. The platform will return it to you. Thank you for your love."

"If you have any requirements, you can mention it. If I can complete it, I will try my best to satisfy you. Don't give a reward in the future."

After school, Zhou Xiu gave Zhou Cheng one hundred thousand yuan.

Zhou Cheng, who received this huge sum of money, looked complicated. He asked Zhou Xiu, "What does this mean?"

Although he knew that his daughter's live broadcasting study was very profitable, he never cared about how much money he made and had no idea about it.

Zhou Xiu said: "Use it to buy a house and borrow less. You are getting older, so don't work so hard."

"From now on... Go home early." Zhou Xiu said softly.

At this moment, Zhou Cheng's eyes were sour, he raised his head and turned his face away from Zhou Xiu's sight.

After a while, he said to his daughter, "No need. Although parents are uneducated and worthless, they still have money to buy a house."

He looked at Zhou Xiu's face of disbelief, squeezing his neck and emphatically said: "Really!"

Zhou Cheng returned the huge sum of money.

After Zhou Xiu talked with his father, she opened the live broadcast and continued to study.

Zhou Xiu must get the reward for the national biological competition.

She took out another book and scanned it page by page under the lamp. The review of the national game has come to an end, and the heat in the live broadcast room has receded, not better than before. Because the provincial competition eliminated many players, only single digits were shortlisted in each province.

"Efforts to make money for the country" came to the live broadcast room on time and said with emotion: "I came to today without knowing it. Thank you for your company."

"The anchor bought a lot of books again. Do you want to take the last time to give it a try? Then I will accompany the anchor to finish reading this set of books. But the reading speed of the anchor is a bit fast, and I can't keep up. You can help me a little bit. Circle the important points?"

"Try hard to IMO" clamored: "I don't want to watch biology, I want to watch mathematics! The anchor, let's learn mathematics!"

But no one paid any attention to him.

Zhou Xiu saw the message of "Strive for National Gold" and picked up the pen while reading and marking out the key points.

"Efforts to make money for the country" was very grateful, and the idea of ​​impulsive consumption suddenly surged, and he smashed many gifts madly.

In the evening, Xi Shaoyuan occasionally opened the live broadcast room. He found a private message in the background.

Xi Shaoyuan stared at this passage and was silent for a long time.

He typed a paragraph, then deleted it after typing it, and didn't even send the last four words of "no request". No reply means no request.

He watched Zhou Xiu's study live broadcast and saw late at night.

At twelve o'clock, Zhou Xiu closed the book and went to bed on time.

She typed a sentence: "There will be class tomorrow, goodbye."

"Goodbye anchor."

"see you tomorrow!"

Xi Shaoyuan pressed a bunch of planes, "88."


On weekends, biology competition class.

Zhou Xiu came to the classroom early in the morning. After he finished breakfast, Xu Qing came late. Xu Qing chose a position and sat down on Zhou Xiu's right.

Anyway, the empty classroom, just pick a seat.

"Xiu Xiu, good morning."

"Teacher early."

There were only two students left in the multimedia lecture hall that was once crowded. It was empty, and it was strange for Teacher He to look at it. He just walked through the scene and finished the last point of knowledge.

Teacher He smiled and said, "This may be the last time I will give you counseling. After this lesson, the teacher can quit."

"I don't have much to say to you, you are all reliable children, I believe in you." あ七^八中文ヤ

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