Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 129: (Minor repair)

Not to mention that the players on the field looked dumbfounded, but the audience in the audience fell into silence for a while when they saw this sea of ​​stars.

This is more than a simple question, ten starry sky walls quietly reveal a cold breath, this is clearly a weapon that can kill people!

"Fuck, I can't understand this subject."

"My eyes are so flowery, I can't see anything."

"How can there be such a difficult problem."

These beautiful starry sky walls made the students on the field feel dizzy, and they felt the insult from their IQ.

The timer went by every minute and every second, and a close-up of the contestant was shown on the big screen. A boy looked at the starry sky wall silently, his forehead was covered with sweat, his eyes were congested and red blood gradually appeared.

Yu Qingyan whispered: "I suspect they will be driven by this question. If we were to go up there, it would be impossible to find it in a hundred years."

Scumbags: "..."

Too real and uncomfortable to be real.

The host smiled and said: "I wonder if you would have the experience of looking up at the Big Dipper in the sky when you were young, looking for Orion and Andromeda? Come on, classmates, although the topic is difficult, you will surely find a breakthrough after calm thinking. point."

Zhou Xiu's clicker had several graphics, namely whales, cats, roosters, dogs... She walked around and looked at the ten walls.

Zhang Qi propped his eyelids with his hands, his eyes were astringent, and he walked back and forth. He walked around the wall again and again ten times.

Although the starry sky is beautiful, Zhang Qi at this time has completely lost his aesthetic ability and is close to the edge of collapse.

He is not an astronomer, and he has never done anything in his life to look up at the sky at night to find constellations!

Just when several teams gathered together to discuss how to find patterns, they saw a girl from Yude stopped under a certain wall.

She stared at the starry sky, raised her hand after thinking for a moment.

Another boy in Yude stopped under this wall at the same time and also raised his hand.

The two people seemed to be walking in the galaxy, walking to a certain place at the same time, and their index fingers fell to the same point.

Everyone turned their heads to see, the buzzing discussion suddenly disappeared, and the collective eyes were cracked.

Their eyes were filled with despair that was more suffocating than the answering session--

The scary thing is not that you are doing a very difficult problem, but that when you are racking your brains and scratching your scalp, the student next door has already handed in the papers.

Zhou Xiu was standing under a certain wall, her index finger touched a certain point, and she glanced at Xi Shaoyuan.

Xi Shaoyuan paused for a moment, and connected the remaining dots together, and the two of them drew a hand-painted whale together. A light blue whale lit up on the dark starry sky wall.

A piece of data quickly appeared on the scoring screen: "Team Yude 00:02:56"

The big screen gave these two people a close-up of their faces. In a dim starlight, the girl was wearing a snow-white shirt with a headset on her faint lips. Her profile was deserted and quiet, and her eyes seemed to hide the bright galaxy. .

A small light blue whale traversed between the two.

The boy's expressionless face lit up the remaining points. His cold and handsome face became alive as if lit by the stars, and a tearful mole at the corner of his eye was gleaming and moving.

The lit little whale suddenly started to swim, its tail glowing with beautiful blue light, and disappeared into the star sea after swimming around the wall.

"Oh my God!!!"

The single dog on the field screamed and growled.

At this moment, the hearts of boys and girls suddenly moved, as if they were shot by Cupid's arrow, and were instantly overwhelmed by pink bubbles.

This is too beautiful!

The scene exploded, how could the photographers of this show group catch the shots like this! Isn't this fairy-like lens really making an idol drama?

This is really a crushing of IQ and beauty, and it is a feast for Yan dogs.

Yu Qingyan suddenly covered his heart, yelled frantically, and shook the "Yuanyuan" card in his hand.

After the summer vacation, Lanxin silently ate the "boat ride" CP. She betrayed silently in her heart for a few seconds, and took this scene with her mobile phone.

After the little whale was lit, the two separated casually, looking for another pattern.

Under the other wall, Xie Cheng hesitated for a moment and stretched out his hand to connect a few points. At the moment when the index finger stopped, a golden rooster appeared in the star sea. It had one foot independently, its neck was turned upwards, and the flame disappeared. Up on the screen.

Several members of the Yude team stared at Zhou Xiu, who was the first to find the pattern. Zhou Xiu recruited the friends and whispered to them how to find patterns.

Halfway through hearing Qi Yaguang, he suddenly asked Xie Cheng, "Thank God, how did you find it?"

Xie Cheng opened his hand and said lightly: "I happened to see it, there is no way. Find it according to Zhou Xiu's method."

Everyone: "..."

This is too coincidental, right? I admire you……

Everyone listened carefully to Zhou Xiu's method, and suddenly confidence skyrocketed. When Zhang Qi looked back at the starry sky wall, he finally didn't feel like his brain exploded. He happily looked for patterns everywhere.

When Xu Qing passed a certain wall, a scene of the two finding a whale together appeared in front of him. He found a bird beside the whale.

Zhou Xiu lit up cats and monkeys in sequence on other starry sky walls...

The scoring screen showed a few more data: "Team Yude 00:03:12"

"Yude Team 00:03:15"

"Yude Team 00:04:21"


The audience's interactive wall quickly swiped the screen, "My God, blow up this team! They are too smart!"

"Seeking Miss Yude Xueba's contact information!"

"Ahhh, are these two people cp in reality? I have a sense of cp!"

This game is a visual feast for the audience. Technology and the stage are blended together, and the special effects are so beautiful that people feel deeply stuck in it. Each of the elite teams participating in the competition has its own characteristics, which makes people deeply worried and proud of it.

But for the participating teams, it has been shrouded in fear and never dissipated! After finally being assigned to Group A, and getting rid of the crushing of the gods of the Fourth Middle School, they have been living in the shadow of Yude?

It's cruel...

Yude looked for 23 patterns one after another, the remaining star spots on the starry sky wall were much less, and the rest of the team gradually began to find one, two... five, six, seven, eight.

Half an hour later, the game ended, Zhou Xiu found a total of six patterns, Zhang Qi found the most, eight. Yude got the highest score in the fun intelligence link, and at this time their points were gradually approaching the fourth middle.

Yude’s support group was so excited that they waved the light stick, almost bursting into their voices.

Lao Wang smiled from ear to ear. He put his hands behind his back and said proudly: "It's unexpectedly smooth. With this group of children joining, I hope to win the position of Southern Hegemon this year."

Southern Overlord? I'm not afraid of the wind being too big when I speak big words, and my tongue flashes. Yude was also embarrassed to come to Porcelain No. 4 Middle School, and the black face **** in No. 4 Middle School turned black when he heard it.

Another teacher let out a cold voice, "Bibi knows it."

After the host announced the results of Group A, he blinked mischievously, "Just now the fourth team in the answer session made a choice. Now it is the turn of the shortlisted team to make a choice."

"You can choose to continue to join the competition of Group B. If you succeed in the challenge, you will get points. In the end, the two teams with the highest total points will get the right to direct promotion to the national competition. If the challenge fails, points will be deducted and you may enter the knockout round. Do you choose to participate? ?"

She turned her gaze to the two teams shortlisted in Group A, and a simulated "bang-bang" heartbeat sounded in the field.

After the thinking time was over, the Ninth Middle School team resolutely gave up the challenge.

Zhou Xiu of Yude's team picked up the microphone and said lightly: "We all want to have a fun, so...participate."

As soon as Zhou Xiu's words fell, Yude's students were like chicken blood, and there was a lot of pride in their chests.

"Mom, Xiushen is so good! I am so handsome by her!"

"Have fun? Our school is a good show!"

The old Wang, who was so proud of his mouth from ear to ear, that the corners of his mouth flattened when he heard these words: Children are calm! Don't be impulsive!

He was really talking big just now!

Zhou Xiu considered that if she gets the right to get a direct promotion, everyone will not have to compete for the Southern Division rankings next weekend. She can also comfortably blow air-conditioning to review biology. Zhou Xiu did not want to miss this precious opportunity.

What's the point of participating in the competition if you don't even dare to play?

The game in Group B started, and the host announced the competition system. Each player will get a game console, and the gameplay is not much different from ordinary "Tetris".

The only difference is that there will be a vacuum area on the screen of the game console, where the situation is not displayed at all, and only the player's memory and logic are used to guess the position, deformation, and elimination of the block.


Xiushui Township.

With a "click", the TV was turned off. The smile on Zhou Kai's face disappeared quickly, and Zhou Feng gave him a triumphant glance.

Aunt Zhou scolded and put away the remote control, and said, "I know I'm looking at this money-losing guy! If you don't do your homework, you can get out and work for me!"

Zhou Kai spotted sister Zhou Xiu on a TV show for the first time, and saw her standing beautifully on the stage that was highly anticipated. Although Zhou Kai has not finished reading the rest of the content, Zhou Kai is very sorry, but he already knows the result of the game.

"Sister Xiu will definitely win, right?" He clenched his fists and smiled.

When I was young, my parents bought a game console for them to play. As a result, it was broken by Zhou Feng, and half of the screen had no patterns. He and his brother threw away the game console. But Sister Xiu picked it up. When she was bored, she would occasionally press it, playing in the mist for a long time, and playing with gusto.

Before, Zhou Kai didn't understand why she could have so much fun, but now he knows, he doesn't worry about the result of Xiu Sister's match anymore.

When Zhou Kai was cleaning, he found the dusty game console.

Yude Middle School.

The group leader of the third grade was in front of the TV on time. The tickets on the scene were a bit expensive, and she didn't buy it. Of course, she took up the precious review time of her top students for this program, and she was so sick that she could not wait for it to disappear in place.

It is never possible to buy a ticket.

As a result, she turned on the TV and became more and more fascinated as she watched, deeply attracted by Yude's school team. The leader of the team is nearly forty years old, and he has a kind face when watching a juvenile subject puzzle program, and the corners of his mouth rise unconsciously.

Oh my god, why didn't you find these kids so smart before? Why didn't you notice that these children are actually pretty? They are so talented, they look more dazzling than the top students in the fourth. They are the most watched existence in the audience!

When she saw Zhou Xiu confidently saying, "We all want to have fun, so we participate", her heart burst into flames. See how ambitious this is! How proud! This is the good boy Yude cultivated who will never give up easily!

As a result... the TV show just happened to be stuck at the end of this second.

A series of question marks appeared on the face of the grade leader: "???"

She was so angry that she ran away on the spot, and she wished to fall off the TV: if all her pants were taken off, would you show this to me?

She blasted Lao Wang's phone overnight and asked three times: "Did we Yude win last week? Did we get the right to direct promotion? The fourth high school score is higher or our score is higher?"

Her speech speed was exactly the same as when she was in class, and she burst out like a machine gun.

The old man, Lao Wang, had a pain in his head, and his eardrums were pricked by the super-high sound from the speaker. He slid his hand and hung up the phone.

Lao Wang picked up the phone and muttered to himself in wonder, "Strange, why did she become so concerned about the game?"

The grade leader who was hung up suffered a myocardial infarction. She opened Weibo and found several red headlines on it.

"#The ten most difficult questions in the history of "Intellectual Confrontation"#"

"#Does people with coexistence of face value and IQ really exist?#"


The grade leader searched for a long time and couldn't find out whether Yude had won or not. Her heart was overwhelmed. She was so angry that she dialed Zhou Xiu's phone...

At the same time, all Yude students who had not been to the scene watched the show on time. They made preparations for Yude to be shackled in advance to watch the game, but they did not expect to see it sling other schools along the way, with a sturdy record.

The school has shown an aura, almost giving people an illusion: mistakenly thought that it is a well-known key high school, a strong school that beats key high schools in various provinces, and a legendary high school and mysterious aristocratic private high school.

Alma mater... really **** strong? The crowd was in a trance.

Their hearts are warm, and a sense of pride spontaneously makes the groundhog scream. Ah ah ah ah, blow up my show god, thank god, Yuan Shao, senior Xu Qing, senior Zhang Qi, and sister Ya Guang!

They rushed to the forum proudly and happily, looking for brothers and sisters from the same camp, and venting their beautiful feelings together.

At the same time, Zhang Qi's phone was blown up again.

Zhang Qi: "..."

He looked at the phone with the information exploding with a dazed expression, and couldn't calm down for a long time: Xiushen is...is going to get out of the circle this time?



Mr. Lifetime: Xiuxiu! Female goose!

You are out of the circle!

(The groundhog screams

Xiuxiu: Oh...

Keep your head down and continue writing biology.

Ping Shengjun: Tsk, incomprehensible style


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-0623:57:14~2020-04-0723:08:17~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: 1 cloud group;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of what you say; 17869610, shadow, 24154435, 10 bottles of small bottle caps; 5 bottles of D---W, Ji Jin; Lingluo and Jiang Er'er drink more water today Are you 2 bottles; 1 bottle of Beet, Mo Yiya, Mo Jiu Li, Cai Cai Love Orange, Jessie, and His Royal Highness Qi Qi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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