Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 132: 132 (minor repair)


These trivial things were of little importance to Zhou Xiu, but they were different in the eyes of the two old men.

Aunt Niu looked at this silent girl, her brows and eyes were smooth and calm, and she felt that her worries were unnecessary.

The splash of clear water flowed down, and the girl carefully picked out the lotus cores, the grains were clean and intact.

Zhou Xiu hesitated for a moment and asked: "Aunt Niu, can I cook something to take to school tomorrow?"

The aunt of the Xi family nodded, and asked her a little strangely: "Is the food in the dining hall unappetizing?"

Of course, the real reason cannot be told to them. Zhou Xiu just shook her head and said: "I like to eat what I make."

"Aunt Niu, let me help you cook some dishes."

The system suddenly said: [The meaning of education is to make people develop diversified, and learning is diversified. In addition to homework, it is also necessary to cultivate the necessary skills in life. 】

[Please learn to make a "Plum Fragrant Sweet and Sour Short Ribs", reward 5RMB. 】

Zhou Xiu's eyes fell on the kitchen materials, which happened to have sour plums and spare ribs. The eyes of the system were sharp enough to find these plums and pork ribs among many ingredients.

Zhou Xiu didn't fret about the kitchen. The country girl knew how to cook at a very young age. Dad Zhou is relatively thin and can't work hard in Tian. But they often go out to make wedding banquets for the villagers to earn extra money.

Zhou Xiu often lay hands with Zhou's father, so the cooking skills are also okay.

Aunt Niu was about to decline Zhou Xiu's kindness, but the butler was very in favor.

"Okay, Xiuxiu, come and try it."

The system lists the steps and methods of the plum fragrant sweet and sour small row. Zhou Xiu strictly follows the method to blanch the small row in a pot under cold water and stir-fry evenly. Red tune sauce, chopped green onion, **** and garlic for later use. Green plums, rock sugar, and stir-fried short ribs, add seasonings, sauces, and boil to collect the juice.

The butler looked a little surprised at her skillful movements. But I quickly understood that children from poor families were in charge early.

Zhou Xiu made one dish, and Aunt Niu made four dishes and one soup.

The butler said to Zhou Xiu, "Xiu Xiu, you call the young master down to eat."

Zhou Xiu nodded and walked to the second floor. She knocked on Xi Shaoyuan's room and found that he was not in the room, but was doing homework in the study.

The study door was ajar and did not close. The boy's study was fully heated. He was only wearing a thin T-shirt with his sleeves rolled up to reveal tight, muscular arms.

He was making a call with a mobile phone in one hand, his expression indifferent, but his brows were stained with haze.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you come back. It's just a birthday."

"Is that Zhou Xiu, oh, I get it."

The moment Xi Shaoyuan hung up, he opened the door and saw Zhou Xiu who was about to knock on the door.

He took out a wad of banknotes from his wallet, and said flatly: "My mom asked me to give it to you. This week's living expenses."

This rich kid doesn't seem to have the concept of money. A stack of banknotes is thick, or even thousands of dollars. It was heavy in Zhou Xiu's hands, a little hot.

Zhou Xiu was stunned.

Xi Shaoyuan frowned, "Not enough?"

Xi's mother would give her son one hundred thousand pocket money every month, which is not a big head. Since the year he was in high school, Xi's mother has kept several funds in his name and let him take care of it himself. The annual dividend profits of these funds are very impressive.

Xi Shaoyuan and his friends can almost eat thousands of yuan for a meal outside.

Zhou Xiu shook her head, "Thank you, I don't need it."

Xi Shaoyuan took out all the money in his wallet and added it to Zhou Xiu’s hands.

He emphasized impatiently: "Take it well."

He glanced at the malnourished, washboard-like girl in front of him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Xi Shaoyuan wouldn't believe that there is such a thin girl, who is so miserable that she doesn't look like a girl.

Girls should be soft, sweet and carefree.

Xi Shaoyuan knows that the girl in front of me is deeply accustomed to pretending to be pitiful and pitiful.

Zhou Xiu still wanted to refuse, but Xi Shaoyuan glanced at her impatiently, exhausted his demeanor, and went straight downstairs.

He didn't bother to care about this little money with Zhou Xiu.

Through the look in Xi Shaoyuan's eyes, Zhou Xiu seemed to read what he meant: ugly people often make trouble.

There may be another kind of understanding: he thinks he wants to welcome or refuse.

Zhou Xiu had to accept the money, wait for him to buy a gift for him on his birthday, and return the money.

Zhou Xiu counted the money in her hand, a total of 45 pieces, she was taken aback.

Xi Shaoyuan's casual attitude just now seemed to give away paper instead of money.

When Zhou Xiu was still struggling for five yuan, she was already able to use the money to hit people at will.

Zhou Xiu is now a little bit able to understand the mental journey of "Zhou Xiu". Faced with such a big temptation every day, I can't help but have illusions. Although the Xi family's attitude towards her was cold and indifferent, it was not good, but she did not treat her badly in terms of food and clothing.

【juvenile! juvenile! Your mind is dangerous now! 】

Zhou Xiu smiled, went back and found a paper box again, wrote the word "Xi" with a ballpoint pen, and put the money in it.

[I will study hard. 】

The heart of the system fell back into the stomach. Seven or Eight Chinese is the fastest^ mobile phone terminal:> Xi’s villa is very large, and there are many rooms that can’t be finished. Usually there are only two old people living with the young master of the Xi family, looking empty.

Until dinner, Zhou Xiu saw that there were still two sets of bowls and chopsticks, and this feeling of emptiness became more intense.

Zhou Xiu took out the vocabulary and memorized it while eating, without squinting.

Xi Shaoyuan took a few more pieces of plum fragrant short ribs to eat, and seemed to like it very much.

After dinner, Zhou Xiu took the initiative to wash the dishes and prepared the lunch to take to school the next day.

She made two coconut-flavored steamed buns and made a plum-flavored chop with the remaining ingredients that were not used up to be thrown away. During dinner, Xi Shaoyuan frequently clipped this dish several times, and Zhou Xiu didn't dare to touch it at all.

The rice cooker made a "ding" sound, indicating that the ribs have been simmered.

Zhou Xiu ate a piece and didn't feel her eyes squinted. She reached into her pocket and found five yuan.

[The reward for "Meixiang Sweet and Sour Short Ribs" has arrived. 】

Late at night, Zhou Xiu received a call from home.

This time it was from Zhou's father. When the call came, Zhou Xiu was preparing for her homework.

Dad Zhou said, "Xiuxiu, your mother-in-law called you this afternoon, right?"

"Xiuxiu, I'm sorry, but it's no use dad. Don't listen to her. You have to study hard. Dad asked your third uncle to find a job on the construction site. When the spring begins, he will go to the city to work. You read."

The middle-aged man on the opposite side was a little choked, his throat seemed to be blocked by cotton.

Zhou Xiu's writing on homework stopped, and the wind roaring outside the window seemed to stop.

Zhou Xiu's heart seemed to be blown.

She curled her mouth and said, "Okay, I'll wait for Dad to come."

Zhou Xiu's parents are very typical country folks, who do more and eat less, and never complain. Because she couldn't give birth to a son, she was crushed by Grandma Zhou for half a lifetime.

Zhou Xiu stopped the pen and began to write again.

She spent the whole night writing down half of the chemistry test questions, a few test papers, memorizing two texts, and some dictation and small essays...

At dawn, Chuxu rose.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning came in through the window, Zhou Xiu stretched her waist and went to wash her face.

After washing up, she made breakfast easily. After breakfast, Zhou Xiu hurriedly rushed to the school on the first bus.

On the bus, Zhou Xiu's mind rang a bunch of sounds.

[Complete the 11.20 homework, the correct rate is 95%, the reward is 15RMB]

[Complete the 11.21 homework, reach the correct rate of 95%, reward 15RMB]

[Complete the 11.22 homework, reach the correct rate of 95%, reward 15RMB]

[Complete 11.23 homework, reach the correct rate of 95%, reward 15RMB]

[Young man, please don't work so hard! 】


When the tidbits came to the classroom, for the first time in the world, I found myself that Guaiguai, who always stood upright and listened to the class, was sleeping at the same table at the same table.

She stepped on the morning reading bell and knocked on the desk.

"Wake up."

Zhou Xiu woke up sleepily, and leaned aside to let the tidbits sit in. Handed something to the tidbits.

Trivia: "???"

"what is this?"

"Eat." The courtesy exchanged, giving her juice back.

After opening the bag, I saw that it was a hot coconut-flavored bun, and I ate it unceremoniously.

"Well, it's delicious."

Yesterday, Zhou Xiu noticed that the tidbit likes to eat coconut-scented desserts, and ate two of them in one breath. She was relieved to see her eating happily.

The class bell rang.

Zhou Xiu stared at the face of Teacher Huang in the first class, struggling for a long time, and gave up the task of actively answering questions.

There is a 30RMB reward for this task, and Zhou Xiu feels a little sad to miss the money.

I previewed these contents in advance yesterday, and after doing a lot of homework exercises, Zhou Xiu easily understood the new contents learned today. She started to do her homework frantically.


[Complete the 11.22 homework, reach the correct rate of 95%, reward 15RMB]

[Complete 11.23 homework, reach the correct rate of 95%, reward 15RMB]

Zhou Xiu pursed her lips, [I need money very much now. 】

[Okay, dear, you want to make progress, there are any postures here! 】

The system has released a new task: [Books are the ladder of human progress. "Reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people smart, mathematics makes people thorough, and science makes people deep. Please don't use the library carelessly! Reading for 2 hours a day can receive 5RMB rewards. 】

[‘If you have a kind of thought, I have a kind of thought, exchange each other, each of us will have two kinds of thoughts, even more than two kinds of thoughts. "It’s not advisable to work behind closed doors, so please enthusiastically communicate with people around you and start learning! You can receive 5RMB for 5 exchanges per day. 】あ七^八中文ヤ

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