Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 134: 134


Teacher Huang met the strange eyes of the students, his heart was blocked, and his face was like a black pan.

After copying the surveillance video, he turned around and couldn't help but sneer, and sneered from between his teeth:

"What are you doing in a daze, without having to go to class? Learning is not active at all, but this kind of thing is very active!"

"Go back to me all and go to class!"

Only Zhou Xiu was not interested in watching the surveillance. She returned to the classroom long ago and immersed herself in writing homework.

After the monthly exam, the students of the whole grade were idle and gossiping in private. After spreading for a long time, Tieba's technical stickers have covered tall buildings, and public opinion tends to two possibilities:

1. Zhou Xiu directed and acted in this play, and the persecuted delusion was too serious. 2. Teacher Huang has planted and framed him. Anyway, it was always made by the people in Class 24, and Class 24 is not a serious class at first sight, and it is such a bad thing.

It's better to study more rocket classes when you have time, and focus your energy on your studies, so you can take the Tsinghua Peking University exam early.

Xu Qing flipped through the pages and deleted all these messy analysis posts as an administrator.

Du Feiyang was so angry that his soul came out of his body, gritted his teeth: "I said this kind of superior tone, why is it so familiar to me?"

"Looking at the ID, it turned out to be from the Rockets class!"

The scumbags of Class 24 saw these posts, and the whole class was not good. They wanted to roll up their sleeves and go to the Rockets class to do another one.

That night.

Teacher Huang copied back hundreds of G videos, stayed up all night and watched it, and found a professional friend to analyze it together.

The next day, with a pair of flushed eyes, he snorted and said to Zhou Xiu:

"The monitoring has been edited chaotically, incomplete, and cut very professionally, to some level. But for the time being, the possibility of you cheating is ruled out."

He grunted again.

He took the video and played it frame by frame, and asked Zhou Xiu a series of questions with a serious expression, and then lowered his head to tick and cross the paper.

Zhou Xiu saw Lao Huang's eyes blushing, with a look of vicissitudes of life.

She put down the pen in her hand and said sincerely: "Teacher, this matter is causing you trouble. I asked them to delete all those posts. After clarifying this matter, I apologize to you. This matter is up. So far..."

"It's a waste of teacher's time."

Teacher Huang almost didn't mention it, "No way!"

He gritted his teeth and said: "Can't stop here!"

Zhou Xiu looked at Teacher Huang and said sincerely: "Teacher, I believe you will not do this now."

The tidbit also said: "Teacher, I am willing to believe you too!"

The scumbags have laughed enough these days, and the facial muscles have been sore for a few days. This scene is inexplicably funny and humorous: I didn't expect that when the whole year began to doubt Lao Huang, Zhou Xiu was willing to believe him.

The scumbags were inexplicably complicated, and they held their faces in meditation:

What kind of tricks did their class have?

After a while, the students from Class 24 looked at Zhou Xiu's serious expression, and suddenly stood up one by one, shouting loudly:

"Xiuxiu, you don't want to pursue this matter, but we have to pursue it."

"Teacher, I am willing to trust you!"

"Teacher, I am willing to believe you too!"

"Sorry, I misunderstood you!"

Now it's not just Zhou Xiu's personal problem. Their class is actually ridiculed by outsiders collectively. The students in Class 24 have no other strengths, but special care for their shortcomings.

It is necessary to resolve external issues and then focus on resolving internal conflicts.

In this lesson, Lao Huang finished with his face black.

It is better not to have this kind of trust!


The scumbags began to mobilize their power, looking for clues.

Unexpectedly, Huang ordered two classmates from the Rocket class to come out. One of them was Lu Lingshan. The top students in the Rocket class were shocked...

They stood up, raised their eyebrows, and asked Teacher Huang unconvincedly:

"Teacher Huang, what do you mean?"

Old Huang grunted coldly.

"You should study hard! If you have this kind of time to be nosy, you have already been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

After half an hour, the girl who was called out returned to the classroom angrily. Lu Lingshan's expression was faint, but she didn't see anything.

The girl who was called out for questioning, Yue Shi said mockingly: "The teacher in Class 24 is simply insulting."

"There is no evidence, because I have spoken to Zhou Xiu and believe that I have stuffed her with the test paper."

"Lingshan is even more innocent, because I met Lingshan the day before the exam, so he thinks Lingshan sent me the test paper."

The top students in the Rocket class were shocked, and their jaws fell to the floor.

The whole class of them felt uncomfortable, and the cosmic-level Porcelain actually came...

Top students: "???"

"Do the students and teachers in their class have brain problems?"

On the same day, Huang edited a technical analysis post and posted it to Post Bar as a response to the cheating incident on the "monthly exam".

All the students in the whole grade went to see it, and knelt after reading it.

"Why do I know every word? I can't understand even one piece of it. This technical post is too badly written, and I am outraged."

"I have finished reading it on my knees, weeping back to make up for mathematical logic and mathematical probability."

"Fuck, Wang Zhai, thank God here, please kneel down and thank God for translating these mathematical language into words that an adult can understand o(╥﹏╥)o"

The scum from Class 24 was even more confused.

They opened Lao Huang's response post and saw a bunch of forms.

Time-logic analysis table.

Location-logical analysis table.


All kinds of O, X, P.

Lao Huang explained: The video has been replaced and edited by very professional people, but don't worry, the mathematical logic is enough to break all these illusions.

He first used a bunch of dense data, integrated all the school's surveillance, and logically analyzed the clipped part of Zhou Xiu's surveillance video, who was there and guessed who might have stuffed Zhou Xiu's test paper.

He then integrated the surveillance video taken a few days before the monthly test (part of the video of Lu Lingshan handing over the test paper has been deleted), and speculated that Lu Lingshan had obtained the test paper and handed it to Yue Shi.

But few people can understand what he wrote.

The Rocket class student looked angrily, "???"

"The teacher in their class deceived people so much and wrote a bunch of messy things, lying on the heads of Lingshan and Yue Shi?"

"Lingshan doesn't recognize Zhou Xiu at all! Lingshan gives Zhou Xiusai a test paper? Haha—"

"The teacher in Class 24 is afraid that he won't be able to find the Back Pot Man, so he will throw the pot waywardly?"

"Lingshan, don't worry, we will never accept such a sentence!" The top students of the Rocket class were touched one after another, and they were furious.

Anger was ignited in their eyes.

Lu Lingshan is the goddess in the eyes of boys in all grades. His family status and grades are so good that he can beat Zhou Xiu a few streets. Looking at the past, she can't find any better than her. She framed Zhou Xiu?

Zhou Xiu is crazy to want to be famous!

The paleness on Lu Lingshan's face hadn't recovered yet, she nodded when she heard the classmates say so.


Class 24 was so lively that it exploded.

The scumbags were excited and excited, doubtful but could not believe it.

Unexpectedly, what Zhou Xiu said casually at the beginning would actually become a fact! Although they thought that touch porcelain is mostly made up of porcelain before, but oh-

We Lao Huang also said that Lu Lingshan framed Zhou Xiu.

The scumbags knelt down holding Lao Huang's post and asked Zhou Xiu, "Xiu Xiu, you can explain to us, what does this mean?"

Zhou Xiu watched for a long time before slowly saying: "This has something to do with big data. He uses big data to analyze and calculate the probability of occurrence of various events and predict behavior."

"Although the video uploaded by Tieba is incomplete, the video surveillance in other parts of the school may be complete."

"For example, mutually exclusive events: It is impossible for the highlights to appear in both the A teaching building and the B teaching building at the same time.

Opposing events: If the tidbits are not in the school, they are outside the school. He built a mathematical model, like a traffic light at an intersection, stopped at a red light, and walked forward at a green light, guessing where each suspect was at the time and who was most suspected of stealing and jamming the test paper. "

"The video has been cut so much that it is difficult to judge who is likely to commit the crime, so he used mathematical logic to rule out the suspicion of other people committing the crime and locked the target person."

The scumbags were shocked.

Although it all sounds like Chinese, I still don't understand it.

Du Feiyang choked silently, "Old scalper?"

The students from Class 24 burst into tears. Why did they tell me such cruel facts? What kind of experience it is to feel that IQ has been crushed.

Mom, I want to go home to make up maths!

"Kneel down."

"In order to find out the truth, Lao Huang also worked hard. No wonder I always feel that the hair on his head is a little less these days."

"Cao, he always scolds us for trash, and I will never dare to refute Lao Huang. It turns out that in his eyes, stocks are really more interesting than us."

The student scum in Class 24 suddenly cheered up:

"Brothers and sisters get up and ask the Rocket class for an explanation. What's more, Lu Lingshan, a green tea bitch, pulled the entire class out of the water. I scolded Xiuxiu and scolded Lao Huang."

"Can you still have some Bilian'er!"

"It's no wonder they reacted so fiercely in the post bar, and they persuaded us to read more. It turned out that it was the thief who called to catch the thief!"

In Class 24, the licking dogs who liked Lu Lingshan burst out of all three views, and they became silent.

They didn't want to believe this fact, and they didn't carefully analyze Lao Wang's technical analysis posts, and they hesitated looking at Zhou Xiu.

Tan Ming suddenly said, "Wait, what do you mean Zhou Xiu?"

"Ms. Huang wrote these things, regardless of whether it is right or not, you just press your head and say that Lingshan framed you? Does she need to frame you?"

Zhou Xiu shrugged and said nothing.

The tidbit slapped the table vigorously, "Tell me what do you mean, you mean Xiuxiu and Lao Huang frame Lu Lingshan?"

"Hehe, is Lu Lingshan's face so big?"

But the nature of the scumbag made them calm down instantly.

Zhou Xiu saw the scumbags in their eyes, "He scolded you for not being as good as barbecued pork, don't you want him to admit his mistake?"

Du Feiyang became angry when he heard the stalk of "char siu".

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