Learning Makes Me Rich

Chapter 162: (Minor repair)

Zhou Xiu tried his best to listen to Xi Shaoyuan's explanation without prejudice. Later, she found that Lao Wang was right. Xi Shaoyuan's methods and ideas are worthy of reference.

Until he finished the last question, Zhou Xiu was still immersed in a series of wonderful mathematical formulas.

Zhou Xiu took advantage of the examination papers and asked: "Why did the teacher say you didn't participate in this year's competition?"

Xi Shaoyuan's reaction was slow for a few beats when he heard the words. After a while, he said casually, "He said nonsense."


Lao Wang finally had some conscience. When he was eating, he remembered that the two students in his office were still hungry. He ate two meals before the cafeteria closed.

Lao Wang returned to the office after eating. He was very pleased to see his two students still discussing and studying in the office. He smiled and handed the box lunch to the two lovers: "I've made lunch for you, come and eat."

Zhou Xiu said "thank you" and went to the table in the corridor of the classroom to settle lunch.

Lao Wang Yu said earnestly: "I hope you can all win gold medals, but one of you doesn't like to learn, and you are late and leave class twice a day; the other is just studying biology some time ago. It won't work if you don't watch you.

"Shaoyuan, turn around to help me call Xie Cheng, Yaguang and the others, and go to the math class to do special exercises in the evening for self-study."

Holding the lunch box, Xi Shaoyuan suddenly couldn't eat.

"Why, you are not happy?" Old Wang asked sternly.

Teacher Wang has no opinion, and Zhou Xiu certainly has no opinion. Normally, this is a math competition class of 300 yuan per section. Now it is not only free, but it has also become a small class tutoring. After saving a lot of money, how could Zhou Xiu have any opinions?

Zhou Xiu shook her head and said, "No, it's just embarrassing to occupy the teacher's private time."

Lao Wang went to make a cup of wolfberry tea and said leisurely: "It's okay, just give you some test papers to write, and I will supervise you when I have time."

Zhou Xiu & Xi Shaoyuan: "..."

Zhou Xiu took out his mobile phone and told Xie Cheng and Qi Yaguang the news. Qi Yaguang sent a string of happy words: "Okay! Pharaoh is really good at thinking for us (*^▽^*

Xie Cheng, who was online on QQ, did not reply for a long time. After a while, he replied with a lonely question mark.


Xu Haobo and others, who received the bad news, choked for a long time and were speechless: "..."

In the evening, Xie Cheng, Qi Yaguang, Xu Haobo, and other students gathered in the math class, and Lao Wang issued test papers to them.

"One copy per day, written until the beginning of the league."

After finishing writing, Lao Wang immediately corrected the test paper. With a series of scores of more than 50 points, everyone immediately realized the pain of Zhou Xiu that morning on Sunday.

Qi Yaguang concealed the test paper bitterly, thinking deeply. Xu Haobo tilted his head and asked Zhou Xiu, "How many points do you score?"

Zhou Xiu was correcting the wrong question, she replied without looking up: "103 points."

Before Xu Haobo had time to praise Zhou Xiu, Zhang Qi on the side said with a heartbreak: "Chengcheng scored 121 points in the test! Domineering, I can finally suppress my show."

After 89 points in the test, Xu Haobo still remembers the happy, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Xie Cheng: "..."

Lao Wang said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone. There is one more tonight. It will be no problem to be able to enter the national competition at 70. I will give you a review one by one. Would you like to listen?"

The children suddenly raised their heads and looked at Pharaoh. Pharaoh picked up Xie Cheng’s test paper and leaned back in his chair leisurely. The old **** was saying: "Chengcheng writes very well. Are you studying partial differentiation recently Is it okay to use partial differentiation to solve this problem."

He looked at the bewildered eyes on the stage, coldly snorted, and then picked up the chalk to briefly talk about the knowledge of partial differential, and recommended a few suitable textbooks to them.

The multimedia classroom is brightly lit, the teacher and the students discuss and communicate with each other, and sometimes a low voice erupts, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

At the end of self-study in the evening, the students passing by this classroom looked enviously at the group of great gods in the classroom, and couldn't help sighing: It was great.


The next day.

When Zhou Xiu came to the classroom, she just put down her schoolbag and found that the atmosphere in the classroom had become unusually active. The classmates who had been suppressed by study for a long time looked like birds out of the cage, and there was discussion everywhere.

Zhou Xiu asked what happened to the tidbits, and the tidbits had just finished writing a test paper.

The tidbits turned a page of paper and said to Zhou Xiu: "They are like this every day, leave them alone."

After Zhou Xiu flipped through the forum, she understood why the tidbits were too lazy to answer.

It turned out to be the school’s annual event kicked off. Next week will be the top ten singer shows, followed by the school basketball league. The league is not finished until the November Games, and there will be Christmas Carnival and New Year’s Day art in December. Party...

There are so many activities that people are overwhelmed, and the high school students who have been depressed for a long time feel a sense of liberation.

Zhou Xiu flipped through some photos on the forum, and she was stunned for a few seconds the moment she flipped it.

There are photos of her eating Dongpo meat in the canteen in the forum.

Why did the photo of sleeping on the table spread to the forum?

In addition, there are photos of Zhong Simiao of the liberal arts class watering green plants, photos of Qi Yaguang writing test papers, photos of blue core playing the piano...

The boys are even more diverse. The photo of Xi Shaoyuan with mineral water topping last year, the ID photo of Xie Cheng, the photo of Tan Ming playing basketball, the photo of Xu Qing cut off in the admissions introduction...

Zhou Xiu came back to her senses and turned off the phone.

Du Feiyang came over and said: "This is the selection of campus'image ambassadors'. Last year, the monitor received the highest number of votes. I also have. Xiuxiu voted for me so that I can fulfill my dream of enrolling a student resume before graduation. "

Last year, Xu Qing got the highest number of votes, not because he was the most handsome and with the best grades, but because all the 24 classmates were canvassing for him.

Ahem, Du Feiyang took Zhou Xiu's mobile phone and used her ID to vote for herself cheeky.

A system message popped up on Zhou Xiu's page to vote for Du Feiyang to canvass votes. A few minutes later, Du Feiyang's votes rose visibly.

"Xiu Shen is worthy of being Xiu God, yeah, thank you Xiuxiu!" Du Feiyang said.

Tan Ming scolded Du Feiyang for "shameless", but he was unwilling to vote in previous years. This year's mentality has become different, and he is a little eager to try.

Although Tan Ming's performance is not as good as Xu Qing for the time being, in fact Tan Ming's overall quality is no worse than Xu Qing.

Regardless of his appearance and family background, Tan Ming is the former captain of the school basketball team and led the school team to win a third place in the city; the sports art cell is well-developed, and the award of musical instrument dance is soft.

Tan Ming jealously snatched Zhou Xiu's cell phone from Du Feiyang, and asked Zhou Xiu jokingly: "Vote for me, right?"

Without waiting for Zhou Xiu's answer, Tan Ming madly pressed the button and voted for himself with the remaining two votes.

After witnessing all this, Xu Qing calmly lowered her head and continued to look at the review materials on the desktop, and the word "naive" floated in her heart.

A certain technical emperor posted some short videos edited by himself from the "Intellectual Confrontation" program on Yude's forum.

Several team members either calmly or violently brainstormed, because in this video, the votes of Xi Shaoyuan, Xie Cheng, and Xu Qing have already exploded. No matter how you talk about canvassing votes, it is useless.

Tan Ming doesn't care about the number of votes. He sees Zhou Xiu's two consecutive #s to choose campus representatives together~ I have voted for Tan Ming classmates#, and he is enthusiastic.

Under the dynamics, the comment floor was quickly swiped, "Fogcao, does Xiushen support Ming's senior?"

"Xiu Shen is so insightful! I also think Ming-senior is so handsome!"

Zhou Xiu took out the test paper sent last night and started writing.

Yu Qingyan’s tablemate swiped the video and said excitedly: "Come on, Yanyan will show you the benefits."

Yu Qingyan watched Xi Shaoyuan's participation in the "Intellectual Confrontation" contest, and watched it with the same table, while making a groundhog-like cry.

The nymphomaniac of her holding her mobile phone has already taken the group around her to learn.

Zhou Xiu suddenly turned around and asked Yu Qingyan: "Did Xi Shaoyuan not participate in last year's math competition?"

Yu Qingyan said without raising his head: "I participated."

"Then... he didn't win the prize?" Zhou Xiu was a little bit confused. Last year, only Xie Cheng went to the winter camp. It stands to reason that Xi Shaoyuan's level shouldn't have been able to make up for the league.

When Yu Qingyan heard the pause button pressed here, he looked at Zhou Xiu, "No, it seems to be late for the exam."

Having said that, she grabbed Zhou Xiu's hand and solemnly said, "Xiu Xiu, you have a good relationship with Yuan Shao, right? I beg you, this time you must let him take the exam and supervise him, okay? He— "

Zhou Xiu didn't think of how to answer. She and Xi Shaoyuan weren't really "good relationship."

Holding his mobile phone and smiling happily, Tan Ming was stunned, wondering if it was a shadow left by the time he chased Lu Lingshan.

Zhou Xiu and Xi Shaoyuan got involved again, and Tan Ming was uncomfortable. Xu Qing and Xie Cheng had a relationship with Zhou Xiu because of their studies, and his reaction was not that big.

But Xi Shaoyuan is also worthy of being a dog?

He twitched his lips and said mockingly: "What is Zhou Xiu, he likes not to take the test. If you like it, go after it yourself, and talk about him all day. Is it annoying?"

The tidbits of the homework he was working on, looked up at Tan Ming in shock.

He was afraid that he had eaten dynamite. There was a nickname in the last life called Tan Dao? It is not a day or two for Yu Qingyan to propose Xi Shaoyuan, and the request she made to Zhou Xiu just now is actually not too much.

After noticing the deep ridicule in Tan Ming's eyes, the tidbits said in his heart: Dare to love not to eat explosives, but to drink a ton of vinegar.

In addition to the tidbits, other students were also shocked, and the chattering voice was much quieter for a while. They were dumbfounded, to explain what's going on?

Such an ungentleman is unexpectedly embarrassed!

It is not a day or two for Yu Qingyan to like Xi Shaoyuan, everyone is used to it. Moreover, there are not a few students in Class 24 who like Xi Shaoyuan, and everyone is a fan of Yuan Shaoyuan.

After Tan Ming finished speaking, he found that everything was quiet. Xu Qing was looking at him with joking eyes. He knew that he had said something wrong.

Tan Ming's heartbeat went up for two hundred yards, and he gave Zhou Xiu a guilty look. He found that Zhou Xiu didn't look at him at all, but was lowering his head and writing homework.

After Tan Ming had a guilty conscience, he played haha ​​with Yu Qingyan and fooled the past.

"Well, I didn't mean to laugh at you. It's just... well, I was wrong."

But Yu Qingyan didn't accept such a fool at all, why did he disss Xi Shaoyuan in front of her? It was really annoying to talk about it!

She glared at him and gave him an angry look: "If an apology is useful, what do you want the police to do?"

Tan Ming stood up straight and apologized. He said loudly, "I'm sorry, Qingyan! May I ask you to book a restaurant for a crispy Daifu dessert?"

He blinked at her and hinted, and said quietly: "Please, please, your ancestors calm down, okay?"

Yu Qingyan was immediately critically hit by her beauty, and Tan Ming's stinky temper was not a matter of a day or two. Although there was an urge to choke him to death last moment, Yan Gou was like her, facing Tan Ming's handsome face, and the fire was gone.

With such a face, a bad temper is easy to be forgiven.

Yu Qingyan said: "What is the crisp big blessing? I'm going to eat the palace banquet in Qidao Alley, and pour a bowl of bird's nest!

This is a private kitchen prepared by the descendants of the chef of the imperial kitchen in the Qing Dynasty. A five-figure meal can only receive ten guests a day, and a personal butler is provided during the meal.

Tan Ming: "..."

"Well, drink one bowl and pour one bowl."

Yu Qingyan killed Tan Ming for a while, grunted contentedly, and the storm came to an end temporarily.

Time between classes.

Xu Qing discussed with Zhou Xiu about going to the opening ceremony of the school games. He looked at Zhou Xiu and asked with a smile: "Can Xiuxiu go to the opening ceremony of the games after the math league exam?"

Zhou Xiu didn't reply right away, thinking for a while before replying: "Look at everyone's opinions."

Xu Qing smiled, just look at everyone's opinions.

Zhou Xiu looked at the tidbits. Last year’s opening ceremony was held by Zhou Xiu and Xu Qing. This year, there should be a substitution.

Last year's sports meet was clearly printed in Zhou Xiu's mind. At that time, it was also discussed who should lead the opening ceremony. Unexpectedly, another school sports meet was ushered in in a blink of an eye.

The year really passed so fast.

I was about to take out the tidbits of writing the problem in the exercise book, turned around and said: "Xiuxiu, don't look at me, I'm not free."

"Du Heng will come over to teach me math that day."

All the scholars: "..."

Sister Xu has become completely unlike Sister Xu, she only has study in her heart, and only examination papers in her eyes. If they hadn't remembered the bet, they would have thought that Sister Xu was just looking for her brother-in-law to show her affection.

Now... Brother-in-law may just be a tool man.



Trivia: Your brother-in-law wouldn't want to see me wearing short skirts and stockings

He is so old fashioned:)

Du Heng: Who said that?

Come to my room and show me

*Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-06-0823:54:15~2020-06-1000:10:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: hhmm2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: Bare, 67 bottles in a mouthful; 40 bottles of the fairies when you mess with it; 20 bottles of Ni Xiaoshou and thin; MHUNM, the little moon, eating cute and growing up, Venus’s look back, who are you, heavy 10 bottles for returning to thirteen years; 8 bottles of Tan Mushroom Cool? 8 bottles; D, 6 bottles; 5 bottles of Mudie, Yuexue; 3 bottles of sugar beet; 1 bottle of Ji'an, Yangy612, Yanyanyan, Qu Jing, Jessie, Weiweiliang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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