Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 124 - A Case Like Never Before Part 1

"Are we going back to the base? Finally back to the base?" for Alan, the feeling was unreal. They were finally done with the mission and now they could return home. Well, as close as home could be in this world.

He would get to meet his brother, Jean and others once again after so long. The only contact he had with his brother had been the small message he had sent to the other in his free time. 

He would also need to tell him about his accident and the new powers he had acquired as a result of that collision. It would not be pretty but his brother would understand.

And he would help him as well should it cause problems in the future. 

"Unless something else shows up, the base is our next stop" Alan desperately wished that nothing would show up now.

He just wanted to relax for a little bit more with his loved ones. Also, he needed time to figure out his powers and how to control them. He had a feeling his situation was more complex than he had first thought because new possibilities kept on opening up.

And he was starting to feel a connection with this world like he had never done before.

"Do you want to take the wheel for some time Alan?" Mark asked, his face having the lines of fatigue visible. Normally, he would have avoided Alan's driving but there was no harm in the other practising with Rika there to look after him.

Besides, his brain was about to shut down after a whole day of activities. He had yet to rest fully with everything going on.

"I'll take the wheel if you want me to" Mark passed the other a grateful smile and changed seats. Rika was sitting in the centre now, her face turned to keep an eye on Alan. Mark wanted to sleep but he needed to check his system even more.


System mission: Finding the other rays of hope. (Complete)

Perimeter: Find and fix the communication to other bases (Mim 2) to have a better chance of human survival. The location is pinned on the map.

Reward: Condition for the hidden mission met. Context key available (current number: 3/3)

(Note: Timer for the hidden quest would start as soon as the rebellion arc is done.)


This was something Mark had waited to not think about some time now - the rebellion. All this while, he had no outside contact except Liam and occasionally Luna. He had no idea what the rebellion was even doing right now.

Honestly, whatever Zeno decided to do did not matter to Mark as much as his companions made him do. The poor kid was being led on right now and he was being used so hard that it was not even funny.

Mark could sigh and let it all go. He doubted he would even have the time to visit the small clearing he wanted to use the keys on. He gave the map a last look before he decided to shut it off and go to sleep for a little while.

That had been the plan before his system decided to buzz back to life and alert him that he had a message.


Are you nearing our location? The Map shows you are near.


Luna was the one messaging him which was rare. Generally, they only passed updates to each other and left any other conversation to Alan to handle. Mark had already warned the other about the changes in Alan and that had not gone over well with the other.

But in the end, the other had understood why that had happened and he had not decided to flip over. The experience the other had in the future had shaped him well at least.


Let me check as well. You are awfully near to us. What are you doing this out on the deserted side?


Technically, it was not really a deserted site but it was not overly fertile either on this side of the map. Luna and his team had been tasked to find the farmland for future use which should be on the opposite side.

To see them here was a surprise for sure.


We found it but there was news of a rare monster sighting in the area so we decided to check it out. Bring Rika here to observe the remains if she likes. The body did not disappear at all.


The body did not disappear? That was peculiar. The only body that had not immediately disappeared had been at the start and Suzy. the start ones could likely be excused because things had not really started yet then.

But none had sustained themselves in their deaths after the world update except Suzy. so, were they dealing with another case of the divine beasts? Or was this something completely different in its approach?


Stay there and do not touch anything. We will arrive in a few hours


Luna was close but not that close. Mark could start to make his way toward their site now and arrive in the next 3-4 hours of non-stop driving. The crucial part was not to touch the body unnecessarily.

"Alan, change of plans. We are meeting your brother first" Alan jumped at the news but he looked happy at the news. And then a little scared for reasons Mark could understand.

He had to add the, "He knows and he's not angry" which relaxed the other. Finally, the other nodded and changed the direction as directed by the map.

"Why are we meeting them? Can we not go back to the base first? I still need to categorise the data you provided me with and work on the vial with my team" Naturally, Rika was not an expert in biology but chemical science.

She was sure this yield of Mark would prove to be a big help in cracking out the mysteries of these monsters.

And Mark even had such nice gifts for her which would help her out further into her studies but he wanted her to wait even longer. It was a shame.

"He said he found a body similar to Suzy that did not disappear upon death. He is asking for us to check it out as well" which piqued Rika's interest. Suzy's body had been interesting as a study kind of perspective.

Rika could not make head or tail about the biology but she knew from the forms that there was a difference in the composition and hormones it produced in Suzy's body. The forms said that they had not yet been able to crack the mystery and it would take time.

Rika itched to have a go at the puzzle herself and run some tests. Maybe she would discover something they had missed? After all, the doctor had been in grief when he had done those tests which Rika would not be subjected to.

But she had already fled the case and there was no way to go back for more. However, this was another opportunity for her to be able to do so.

"Then let's go. Alan, will you be comfortable?" the kid looked tired but also determined. He had changed from this experience.

Changed in the ways unseen to Rika and even Mark. he had become a new person so Rika was not sure how much he would enjoy revealing this part to his brother yet.

"It's cool if we go. I'll take the turn then" Mark did not say anything when Alan took the back turn to chance routes. Even when Luna's team was in their way, they were not in their direct ways.

They had to go a little out of their way to reach that place the other party had made their home in. the place was rocky and filled with gravel of every kind. Luckily, their vehicle was heavy-duty and could easily wither the harsh ways of the land.

Their car tire also burst two times in the journey which was rather unfortunate but Mark was able to repair it with Alan's help rather easily. The teen really had developed superstrength which allowed him to easily pick up the front part of the car.

He had to act like it was tough to pick it up as well in case Rika got suspicious but the female was rather busy with herself. Being outside generally took its toll on the hygiene of the others and the female waws still not over the whole 'female problem' of hers.

By the time she was back, they were off once again to the main party of this reality. 

And they met them outside ruins, alerted by Kuro's growls to stop before they hit the fast pacing Jean who had appeared right in front of them.

"What are you doing here? Where were you even? Who asked you to come" Jean asked in an annoyed voice. But Mark looked past it all to the happy look she hid.

"Of course my brother did" Alan replied back which started a whole string of friendly banter and arguments.

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