Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 132 - Unresolved Sorrows Part 1

The pain was receding now, its evidence lasting as just a shadow in Mark's mind. He was coming about now and he could see the other people also regaining consciousness. Most of them were unharmed and even untouched by the smoke.

The explosion had not even caused the wall to cave in on itself. To Mark, it felt more like a prank than a warning itself which was equally good and bad. 

"Hey, are you alright? Are you dizzy? Any other effects?" Mark blanked a few times to clear the smog away and the pain also faded slowly. He was alright once again in a matter of minutes.

He could not understand why the resistance would do something childish like this. Had they messed up on the explosions? Or was there something Mark had not been told about this whole operation that he should know about?


World quest unlocked: Criterion reached 

Quest name: The rebellion 

Part 1 - Help the rebellion make the final preparations before the actual start of the rebellion. (Completed)

Reward: Access to part 2, important materials, Vial material of your choice (Have 2/3) 


Part 2 - Head back to the base and make sure the vile is completed on time. 

Part 3 and above - still to unlock. Finish part one for further instructions.

Perimeters: The vile plays an important part in the future. Make sure only the chosen ones get vile into their veins.

Reward: Access to part 3. Monster material

Click enter to accept


So the first part really was over. It was rather anti-climatic when all things considered. Mark was not sure how much he preferred like this to the original thing he had been thinking about.


Report to my office ASAP


Mark did not get to relax before he was sent the message by Liam and it sounded urgent. Since the other was calling for Mark instead of messaging him, Mark could only assume that it was important for him to actually appear in person.

He took a last look at the field but he knew he could not do anything for these people. Most of them were hurt mentally and needed familiar support, none Mark could provide at all.

He did think to ping the resistance first but then his eyes met with unfamiliar pair who nodded at him and flashed him a sign carried by the resistance.

The other wanted to talk which would delay Mark but still, it was better to tell the other that he will be unavailable for the next few hours.

"The great one wants me to tell you that you did well. It's such an honour to be told that. Would you go back to the base now?" the other asked, his voice really low to not allow anyone else to overhear them talking.

It was so soft that Mark could have missed it had he not been who he was. But he did hear that voice and he did know about it all the same.

"Sorry, I'm being called in for interrogation for the attack. I might be indisposable for the next few hours. Tell that to our boss" The other nodded, his eyes going wide in surprised horror.

"Oh, of course. I forgot that it was a possibility. I hope you come back soon" the other gave Mark a small nod before he turned his head away. Mark also walked away, not looking back at the person at all.

And just like that, the interaction was ended on an abrupt note. The other was taken in for checking while Mark made his way to Liam's office unnoticed. It was likely that Liam had an inside mole who would have helped Mark getaway.

After all, the shopkeeper could not be absent from the official count without raising more questions.

As soon as Mark saw Liam, he wanted to deck the other but En's presence stopped him from doing so. He did not know what the other was doing here but he did not like his presence where.

"What was that all about. I thought we agreed that no people would be involved in this fiasco and yet there were so many that were caught in the explosion" En was angry at Liam which was nice to see.

It was nice to see that Mark was not the only one who thought that it was a fucked up plan on the other's side.

"An no human got hurt. Most of these people are just data without even consciousness so it's not like we're facing a loss. I made sure the real people were out of the way long before this plan was put into motion. Besides, don't you have a place to be enforced En? I'm sure your little charge is not stable enough to be left alone" Mark recognised the attempt for what it was - a way to change the topic.

And En fell for it, line and hook as he always did. What an idiot.

"My charge is stable enough and unlike you, I make sure they are well taken care of before I leave them. You should worry more about your own people's safety right now" En's tone was not happy.

"I will take your words into consideration next time then. Ah, Mark, well done on the job there" En tended at his name but then forced himself to relax. Mark did not really care if he made the other uncomfortable at all.

"The resistance will lie down for a few days now. We have enough time to check out what was in the gas. I smelled something sweet but you could never know with these chemicals and human brain" Mark addressed Laim, ignoring En who was discreetly trying to gain his attention.

"I see. I will tell Rika to observe the sample residue we found and inform you what it is. Now, I believe I have a lot of work to do. Also, don't forget that you are on a time limit from both sides enforced En, do what you need to and do not have regrets" the last words did strike Mark as odd.

But En? He looked almost devastated at those words. His lower lips shook almost visibly which was a big sign that those words had shaken him.

"Timer? Still? Have I not proven myself? Liam, you promised me. LIAM!" but the other turned a deaf ear to his pleas. He also disappeared behind the doors of the storage leaving them both behind.

"En, you alright?" to say that Mark no longer cared for En would be a lie. Somehow, the other was still regarded as a friend in his memories. Also, the more he saw of this world, the more he understood En's decision to not make Mark aware.

In the end, Mark did believe he would have been happier not knowing but it would also have been terrifying to die not knowing anything. 

But maybe that was also a form of mercy En had been trying to give him.

"I am not alright but I will be. Mark, do you have time tomorrow? I would like to repair our friendship before, ... never mind that. Just make time for me tomorrow alright? If you want to bring your other 'friends' then I won't even mind. I just need a chance to repair our friendship"

The other looked lost all of a sudden and shaken as well. This was the first time Mark had been faced with such a situation and he did not know how to face En.

The very next second his system buzzed with a notification that informed him that he needed to report to the labs. Rika was calling for him right at this moment which meant that it was urgent this time.

"En, let's meet tomorrow and clear the air between us. I do not like this awkwardness as much as you don't like it so we'll put it past us" of course they should have done it long before today but they had not had a chance to.

"Tomorrow then" En watched Mark go with an almost lost feeling. He had come here as a spy, an imposter and he had been expected to abandon it. He had been told long ago that this was not real and he was not from here.

He had been told to not get attached because one day he would have to leave it all behind.

But he had gotten attached. To a fiery spirit in the shape of his best friend, to a sweet child who was suffering so much because he was incapable of choosing but tomorrow, he would set it all straight.

He would have to because it was the only chance he would get. The only time he would ever get to be in here at all actually.

He would have to leave soon after all. That was all he got from Liam's words and the headquarters only reaffirmed his words even more. En was here on a short-timer now and he had to make every second on the clock count for something.

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