Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 138 - Unplanned Expressions Part 1

Mark was looking forward to it for now. It would be fun to freak everyone out for no reason. And if you could not catch the sarcasm in his thoughts then it was your own fault.

He wanted for the signal to go off and then he had the other at the gunpoint, ready to pull the trigger.

"Do not move an inch" and everyone froze.

The silence took over the room and for the first time in forever the whole place descended into a silent version of itself. Then all hell broke loose in a huge explosion of noise which Mark should have expected. 

"What's the meaning of this. Mister Liam, what is going on here? Are you not going to explain anything?" Everyone acted confused but one could not forget that some of these people actually knew nothing about what was going on here. 

"Sit down Kevin, even I am confused about what all of this is about. But we cannot act as we please or we will give these people exactly what they want from us" Liam tried to be the voice of reason and Mark wanted to laugh at the other's words. 

Of course, then he did not because that would be inappropriate and blow Mark's cover as well. 

"Can you hold me a little lighter? I feel as if you're cutting my air supply" Fidi whispered and Mark wanted to hit him instead now. The guy did not even need a lot of oxygen to function and there was no way Mark could allow him to tug freer than he already was. 

"Sit still for a little while. We will be out of here in no time" Mark felt the sign against his side and felt Fidi settle down. 

Alan, who was taller than him had Vodi in his grasp who was behaving much better than Fidi was behaving in his own and Mark felt envious. But then again, he was not sure anyone would believe if he held the female hostage either since he was not the best specimen of masculinity, despite him having a gun aimed at the other's face.

"Now then, let's talk business. I'm here representing the resistance and we declare our independence right here and now in front of all the present base leaders. We want you to vacant this base and to leave all our people alone. If not then these people here would not survive for much longer" Mark made a show of clicking the safety off of his handgun.

He aimed the gun at Fidi who was radiating amusement. Mark just wished it did not show up on the other's face. The gun would be useless anyway since the other was a divine beast.

"So, why should we care? Do you really think the life of two people is greater than everyone inside the base? Fun fact, you can kill them and then we'll catch you and lock you up" the one who said this was definitely not in the know.

The female looked serious but Mark could tell she cared about herself more than anything else. Maybe it was the shoes she had that were so rare in these times and were in perfect condition. Surely she had never ventured out herself but felt justified to gove out orders.

"Oh, then you would also not mind that we have bombs to blow this place up should our demands not be met? And as soon as these hostages die they will go off" those were the same bombs which had been planted in the cafeteria.

Mark was still not sure what was contained in those bombs but it was non-lethal at least. 

Liam stiffened at his words, his eyes looking at Mark in question and Mark might have forgotten to inform the other of this tiny detail. Not that it mattered much right? Those bombs were harmless.

The female who was so brave a second ago now looked scared. Her eyes darted from Mark's face to Liam's then back to his and he saw the fear of death inside them.

"Y-You cannot do that or you will r-risk the wrath of our bases. M-My husband would make sure you die" ah, so she was a figurehead. Marks should have known from her attitude but he had not been sure of it till now.

"And you all would still be dead. Now then, if you all would allow me a passage with our hostage, I would take my leave. If you do not vacate this place in one day then we will take it as a declaration of war and would be forced to retaliate" no one said anything but the space being provided to them meant they could leave now.

Mark kept the other at the mark and slowly inched out. Every time someone made an obvious move Kuro growled in a warning which put them back at their place. So far, no one has tried anything stupid.

Well, it lasted as far as them getting to the room's gate.

"Wait, take me as a hostage too. I cannot be sure that you will keep your end of the bargain and not of everyone here. I would like to go with you as insurance" the first person who had spoken up made the demand again.

Kevin was his name or so Mark remembered. Honestly, this person had definitely left an impression on Mark and he did not know why but the other gave off a very familiar feeling to him, even to the point of him being scared.

And it was not only him who tenses but also those in his grasp. The body of Fidi was solid as a rock but also had a slight tremble to it. This person was not ordinary at all which meant Mark should stay as far away as he could.

"I think you should not move an inch if you value yours and everyone else's life. I will not hesitate to shoot if you did" the other just looked even more amused at those words.

"Now, don't be hasty. I was just joking about my previous words. You see, I'm a sympathizer for your cause and was looking to join the resistance. Why don't I help you out in your cause?" Mark felt his grip loosen for a second in surprise and someone shouted 'now is the time' but there was no attack.

Kevin had somehow blocked every attack aimed their way and Mark had not even noticed what the other did.

"Listen to him, Mark. if he decided to fight then we cannot win" for Fidi to say this the other had to be remarkable at his job. That meant he was a human either. Another divine beast? Or someone higher?

"Kevin, are you betraying us? Do you have the slightest idea what you are doing?" the female from earlier asked, her eyes boring holes in Kevin's back but he seemed not to even feel it. 

His smile did not falter even when everyone else had given up on the topic.

"I will do as I please. Now then, what do you say Mark?" Mark stiffened at the address. He did not like the way the other said his name. It felt far too personal and made it seem like the other knew him.

The other did not know him personally so he should not be using that tone.

Still, Fidi's warning helped Mark decide what he wanted to do next. And he wanted to play safe so he accepted the transfer.

"Kuro, keep an eye on him" Mark made a show of assigning him to Kuro but he knew that she was no better than a harmless kitten in front of this man. Once they were out of the range and into a more secure position, mark let Fidi and Vodi go.

Then he turned toward the newest addition in thor group, Kevin.

"Who are you?" Mark asked, his voice serious and commanding. The pressure over them increased for a fraction of a second and Mark felt his knees buckle but it was gone the very next second.

Mark felt as if the other had not even moved a single inch ever since they had arrived in this new location.

"Able to feel my aura despite not being one of us. Able to feel like us despite not having an aura yourself. Now then, won't the better question be - What are you, Mark? What exactly are you?" the other looked at Mark but to Mark, it felt like the other was looking deep inot his soul.

He wanted to look away but the pull of power would not allow him to look away.

"What are you doing here? Non-interference, wasn't that what you all decided?" Fidi asked the question in a small and tense voice. He did not look straight at the other but that was the only one he could be addressing.

"Now don't be like that my dear snake, I'm here to follow orders just like you. I need to make this rebellion a success after all" Those words rang a bell in Mark's mind but he did not know why.

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