Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 151 - The Secret Base #1- Part 1

There were things left to do but first.

"We need to pack. A long journey awaits us ahead of here. Did you inform Luna about our whereabouts?" Alan nodded and Mark finally pulled himself up. It was time things started for real, the era of humanity was about to come back and this was the very first step into that journey. 

"Brother does know where we are but are you sure you want him here? He's rigid and not going to be a lot of help" Which was likely true but he was another heavy hitter, perhaps even the best out of them ever since he took the vial. Mark knew the other was powerful but this would be on a new scale now. 

And such an ally would be invaluable once they enter this situation since they were going into a situation they had no idea about. Anything after this was an uncharted territory that was terrifying to think about. 

If possible Make would not have changed the course of the events but he had been left on the unknown side without any knowledge of anything it helped in its grasp. He needed every advantage he could get and there was no bigger golden finger than Luna, the very protagonist. 

"Still, he should hurry up to meet us. Wasting time is not something we can afford in this situation. I'm also sure we were being kept an eye" Mark could feel numerous presences looking his way but none was looking at him specifically. That was the only reason he felt comfortable enough to stand there and discuss everything in the open. 

Maybe Alan understood it as well because he did not make any obvious moment. His eyes did sharpen all of a sudden, which was enough to clue Mark about his true condition. He was alert and ready to take action. 

Mark tapped a silent treatment signal on his arm and then released a fraction of his power. This was a technique they had to work on in secret but it did finally work when those eyes began disappearing from his person. The release of Alan's energy acted as a distraction for those insect type monsters, making them confused and thus, helping them clear the way. 

In a matter of minutes, they were free from any surveillance nasty could leave. As a precaution, Mark had left a vague message behind which would lead their pursuers on a wild hunt for him while he bided his time but it was not fool-proof. So he had to make a plan which he could fall back on in case everything went wrong. 

In the end, he could not think of anything but a vague note so this was what it came down to. Mark made the compromise but the feeling of wrong and danger did not go away. 

It did not go away till this moment when they were finally able to escape their security system with practice ease. Only then did he feel comfortable enough to show his hand fully. The car zoomed past the base, but no one was alerted by the noise. Mark made sure he took Alan out every day at this exact same time to 'teach how to drive'. No one paid attention today as well, as it was a routine they followed. 

Alan did know how to drive but the others did not know that which worked to their advantage. Before they knew it, they were out of the base area. 

A spot shines bright red on Mark's map and he instantly recognised it for what it was, the beacon he had given Luna to use as a guide map. The other was near and he was guiding the trio toward himself. 

The first one to spot Luna was Kuro, her making everyone else alert. As soon as she started to growl, Mark knew the other was in a manageable range and Alan stood up to greet him as well. Mark just watched the reunion happen, watching and waiting for them to finish before he intruded on their sibling time.

When they separated, Luna did not waste any time in reaching the rest of the party and mark was happy to see him come alone. He had asked the other to not alert anyone but Luna was a moody person and prone to doing what he wanted.

"Did you really find a secret passage? And it might turn out to be useful? Is it something related to 'that' problem?" Since Mark had already informed the other about the situation, they had agreed to never say it openly because there could be consequences.

"Yes, that and more. I wanted to check it out but doing it alone is a gamble. That's why I need your help, to make it even more secure" the other only nodded, his expression curious and also guarded.

"Because I'm the 'protagonist'. I did read your notes but isn't their information lacking in them? I'm not sure if we can trust that guide any further" Mark already knew that, especially in his own case.

"Liam is taking it into consideration but that is not our concern for now. What we need to do is to find out the secrets this place hides. Have you brought the thing I asked you to bring?" of course, simply going to the place with the keys was not enough.

They needed an additional vile sample with them to finally reveal everything, that was what Mark had learned. As soon as he got the time, he had taken out those papers retrieved from the underground area and tried to read them.

Nothing seemed to be working in deciphering them except when Kuro had accidentally dropped the vile sample on top of it. The area where it had fallen to shown with a strange light but only for a few seconds.

This meant that they needed more but they lacked the materials needed to make more, Liam had made sure of it.

So they had to rely on Luna to smuggle some.

"I have some old samples in the back with me. Could not get the newer ones or the finished samples to not raise questions" which was fair. Since the old vile had worked once, it should work in the future as well.

Mark had never wished to have Rika with them more than he did at this moment but the female scientist was under strict observation from Liam and could not possibly help them right now.

And Mark could not even blame any of them since they were trying to keep up appearances with their people, but he could certainly be disappointed with the result that had emerged now.

"We can chat as we move. We should move now before the eyes rest back on our person. People will be suspicious if they saw me near the central base" that was right, this was still too close to feel comfortable.

Mark took the driving seat and as soon as everyone settled down they were off to the forest. For the first time, Mark felt as if the landscape had changed in a way that was fundamental.

The deserted town from where they had taken the supplies was now more, having fallen to a rampaging colony of monsters and as they moved through the area, they felt their presence even more accurately.

Mark did not allow the party to stop there and set up a camp, no matter how much Alan wanted them to. He kept on driving before his senses deemed it safe. He even scanned the area with his system to check for any hidden missions or similar circumstances but there was nothing except a boss near the checkpoint.

It took them half an hour to dispose of it before they set up the camp in the safe zone. It was actually nice, to finally be able to relax and Mark felt his headache come back at that moment. 

Thankfully, he had stocked up on the medicine and one pill was enough to knock him out. He was asleep before the other two finished and they allowed him to sleep with any judgement. In the morning, everyone pretended nothing happened yesterday and the packed up the camp to get on the move.

Once Mark entered the forest area, his system issued a warning but then quieted down. It was much easier to navigate this time and with both Luna and Alan around, it was child's play to clear the area.

This time though, Mark decided to forgo the checkpoint in favour of entering deeper. Since there was likely another checkpoint deeper in the territory which would act as a better resting place. 

But they found the place they needed to before they found the other checkpoint and Mark neared the level.


Secret Base #1 - Locked (3/3 keys)

Unlock: Yes/No


Mark took a deep breath, bracing himself. This was the moment that had been building up ever since he had saved Rika back then, this place and its secrets.

He would finally see what lied behind this door.

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