Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 172 - Fire - 3

"They are under my protection. Do you want to make an enemy out of me" Yun's voice held a pitch that was inhuman, almost the same frequency as a whistle when made by a flute? His face also looked a little different, his eyes pupil-less and terrifying.

If there was one way to categorise the situation, then it would be to say that it was about to become a bloodbath pretty soon and no one would be able to escape its grasps. The air had already tensed with the killing intent, making it difficult to breathe. Especially for Luna and Alan who were in full human form. 

"M-My Lord. Please calm down or we won't survive" A brave monster pleaded to Nathan, his last mistake as those fiery red eyes focused on him, killing intent visible in them. The monster gulped his saliva down in fear of things that were about to happen but he still held his ground. 

"You dare to question me? I think you don't remember whom you are facing here" The monster braced himself for the impact but it did nothing to save him from the force of the blow that rained down on him. Nathan did not move as blood splattered on top of him, his impassive gaze looking ahead of him without any emotion. 

"You are the same as ever, not caring about life at all.. Is this how to plan to live your life out in the future? As a mindless doll to be controlled?" Yun's words did their job in enraging Nathan and he attacked the party. It was easy to dodge the clumsy strike but the debris in its wake did cause a lot of problems for the party. A few of the flying pieces pierced Luna's arms causing bleeding but he could not stop to examine it. 

"I will do as I please. There is no need for an insect like you to try and understand my motives" The person sounded pissed at the almost insult that had been hauled toward him. The cracks in the earth widened when he lifted his heavy fist up and Alan gulped at the sound of the impact. Had it touched them then they would have surely been put out of order for now. 

"Calm down. Why are you getting so emotional over nothing? You even burned down the sanctuary in order to lure some pests out" Yun's taunts further enraged the man who decided he was done playing around. The inscription appeared on his arms and the teasing atmosphere changed in an instant. It went from teasing to tense. 

"This is bad. You need to run now or I can't ensure glue safety" The teen whisper-yelled to the trio behind him but it was already too late for them to be able to run. 

A boulder emerged from the earth and took Yun out by surprise. It was aimed at his abdomen and knocked the wind out of him in an instant. He did recover quickly but it was not enough for him to be able to create an opening between the heavy rocks that had emerged in between him and the other two. 

"I hate his abilities" Fire was weak against the ground and as a being of fire Yun could not take out Nathan fully. Even his divine fire could not burn through the rocky surface of these structures without extensive preparations. 

If Nathan went after those three the Yun would certainly find himself not in time to help them. He needed to think of a way to get out of this situation and to be able to help the other two out. He needed to tap into his divine form which he had avoided doing for a long time now. 

"They better be worth it" The teen muttered as he began to gather his power. He needed to concentrate to wake up his true form. It was a pain but it was much more powerful than a human shell. It was strider as well and would take the hits better than a human shell would. 

The more power he pulled, the sharper his senses turned out to be. He was beginning to feel the heat inside his heart as well. The flame of his core burned bright and it began to take over him in a matter of minutes. His limbs gained an extra shine as more and more fire rushed through his bond and made him bear more power as a result. 

He was at the end of his connection when his senses picked up a disturbance around him, causing him to dodge the incoming attack as well as the attacker. Flames covered the places he had just been as rocks met the burning amber, not one giving way to the other and the clash left the landscape destroyed. 

"Your flames burned this place down and you blame me? Someone is getting a little more than arrogant now" the person who walked out of the darkness was more animal than human, his forelimbs almost touching the ground as he walked ahead.

"Oh, and that is a problem how? I made sure no one else was caught up in the fire. Unlike you, I care about normal lives" the flames burned away at Yun's skin, breaking it at places where feathers seemed to be coming out and giving the teen a monstrous look as well.

"It is still better than you and your hypocrisy of caring about everyone. Isn't your caring only entended to those who believe in you? So, between you and me, what even is the difference?' the ground rose to meet the empty air where Yun had been seconds ago.

The other dodged it in a matter of seconds, his wings expanding behind him like an angle's halo and increased his speed by a lot. The fire burned at his command, only to meet the ground beneath the beast who had jumped high, his claws extended into an attacking pose.

Yun avoided those claws midair, his wings aiding him in getting out of their range as well as propelling him into a safe spot to counter the other.

"You are right, I am a devil. That's why I have more cards up my sleeve" the teen retreated to the side, his steps deliberate and calculating. His whole attention was not at the battle in front of him but behind him.

There was a sound of an arrow being released which was the agreed point of communication Yun had agreed upon with the guardian. His body manoeuvred itself out of the path of the arrow and it met the other beast.

"Y-You tricked me" the beast had realised the truth but it was too late for him to beagle to avoid the incoming arrow. He was struck down in an instant, his claws clipped by the injury he had sustained.

"Do not be a kid. You knew this was going to happen eventually when you decided to go against us. Now do not blame us for your foolishness" the teen scolded, his voice neutral and his eyes dimming a bit at the display in front of him.

"C-Curse you. You were working together with each other all this while. You t-tricked me" the guy cursed but he was losing consciousness fast. The other two could only look on to him in sympathy and worry as he took ragged breaths in his lung.

"It is still not too late. You can join us and denounce the curse bearer. We will welcome you as a brother-in-arms" the guardian extended his hand to the dying monster, his eyes holding the last threat of hope for the other. He had wanted not to kill the other but Yun said there was no other choice but to end the other's life.

"G-Go to hell" Nathan lifted his hand and slapped away the guardian's hand with whatever power he had left inside him. It was all he had been left with because he blinked his eyes for the last time before he had to shut them down forever.

"A loss but one we are happy to bear. We should hurry and harvest his core before anyone else shows up. I don't think we can risk it" the guardian looked at the corpse of his once-friend for the last time as he approached it.

The body had not bled to death but it had died in agony, the worst of all deaths they could have gotten. The person had so much promise and now it was all gone in an instant from their side. 

"My name is Alex. I wanted you to know since I always felt as if we could be friends" the whisper was let out in the wind, no one left to hear it at all but the guardian still felt better having said it out loud. It felt as if he had failed his friend all over again but he hoped that Mark would be able to save his friend in time. 

This was all the hope he had been left with.

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