Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 186 - Meeting Their End - 3

And that's what happened. The further they went in, the lax the security was. Once they reached the inner part, no one turned to even look at them. Luna looked surprised to see all this happen but Mark had anticipated this happening a long time ago.

It was really easy to navigate from there. All they had to do was go in a straight line. They reached the central door pretty soon and Mark had a feeling they needed to cross it to get to the one he had seen before. The road to the saviour was open and soon they would know that identity as well.

"What kind of magic is this? Is no one going to try and stop us?" the kid could still not wrap his mind around this concept. It had been a similar experience for Mark in the beginning as well. It had been a hard pill to swallow but it had explained so much about this world as a whole. 

"These people have never been developed, not even with a personalty stimulator. They just exist to make up the missing numbers" and they would all perish once the incident started to happen all over the world. But Luna did not need to know this right now.

There was something to be said about the feeling of being in a place you were not supposed to be but Mark had broken into too many strongholds till today to let him phase him. It was like a normal day in his life now, even when the emergency situation no longer existed.

"I'm sorry" Luna bumped into someone and Mark felt his breath getting caught in his throat. Would the AI finally work and recognise them as intruders? Would they finally be booted out of this area?

But all his worries were for nought as the shadow turned around and moved away. The man, or well, the empty body, did not even have another glance behind it as it moved away. Mark felt his breath return to normal and his hand unclench once the situation resolved itself.

"Saved. I thought I was a goner. How is this company still running with that kind of employees" Luna asked, his voice breaking at the start? He had control over his emotions by the end but it still felt like a dangerous situation to him, his senses picking up on an unknown power.

"Oh, you doubt my company? But it is one of the most successful ones in this world. It's lovely to look at as well, won't you agree Mark?" Mark felt his shoulder tense at that contact, his mind thinking of thousands of ways to dispose of this danger.

When he moved to act, the hand retreated and as did the body. His tenseness must have given something away because the female sighed at them both. Her eyes bored into Mark's own and he recognised her. Though it took some time, he knew that female and he knew her importance.

"Base chief, we well, not our base chief but I was not sure I caught your name ever" It was the female base chief from the second base he had visited. So she was alive? Of course, she was since their base had not yet been targeted. There were people still there who could help him out.

"Do you have any idea what happened? One day Liam lost connection and the next day we found ourselves back in the past without him and his ideas. We all are a little confused" the female asked, her voice pinched in worry.

"I would like to know everything as well. And the location of the washroom if you please" Luna inserted himself into that mix and the female's eyes moved to him and widened in wonder. She had recognised him at once and then looked back at Mark in a questioning manner. He could only nod his head at her observation.

"Oh, I see. So this is what happened? Time travel or a soft reset? But you still have your memories? What about Liam? Any idea where he is?" Mark looked at the side to avoid those eyes. That was all the confirmation the female needed. 

"He left us? He was killed? Who was able to do this amazing feat? God, I want to gloat but we have lost connection already. It is worrisome news" it was worrisome news indeed. Especially when it was concerning Liam, their most responsible member.

"We need to gather everyone who is left. I have important news to tell everyone" there was no point in hiding the other's base now. Mark was not sure if there was any all ally left on that side and he needed to find the rest of the divine beasts as well before they turn against humanity.

Nathan would be another problem if he was still alive but that was a talk for later. Right now, they needed to regroup and think through their actions.

"Give me a day or two and I shall have everyone present. You need to act as you did in your previous life till then. I will ask the chief to repeat your incidents as they were and you should be good to go. What about this kid? He looks familiar" Of course Luna did.

The kid was looking around worriedly and spookily and Mark felt bad for him. The kid had no business being here yet but he had been dragged into everything. H gave a signal to the other and saw her eyes widen at the realisation. Now she knew as well and will help Mark train him into a better person.

"Hey kid, would you like to learn self-defence?" Mark handed the responsibility of teaching the kid to the female. He had never been able to beat Luan till the end so he had no hope of being his teacher even now. Besides, he had an even important thing to do now and that was to make his body adjust to a gun again.

"I will look forward to your message then. I hope you find the others soon" the female waved him over, her eyes fixed on the teen who was trying to golf the gun but his grip was all wrong. Mark allowed the female to guide him as he left the scene.

The outside air felt cold and nice on his face. It felt refreshing as it parted the summer heat and gave rise to the cold of the night. Mark walked without any aim, his eyes wandering all over the place but it all felt foreign to him.

He had been here before, lived here all his life and yet he cannot recognise it for its worth. It all felt like something new but better to him. He wanted to hold it close and protect it all. But it was no longer his to protect. 

Thai world, these streets, they no longer recognised him as their own and he could only move on as his mind blanked in memories of the past. Had he been here before? Definitely but why had to be been here before? He had no idea and his brain constantly slipped this information out.

Mark hurried to his home, his eyes looking around for signs of danger that must be hidden in the shadows. The feeling of being watched did not go away and it was clear that he had a shadow behind his footsteps. He took a few sharp turns in hope of losing that shadow but nothing worked.

The faster he went, the faster the shadow went. His current body had no means of outrunning, not to mention, outfighting that person following him. He stopped and turned around in hopes of catching the other side unaware but there was no one behind his back as well. 

The danger came closer and Mark took in a deep breath and he turned around as well and had a scalp in his hand to defend himself if he needed to. He felt the purr in the air before he had a heavy body on top of his own and a pair of amused eyes looking back at him.

"Missed us? We decided that since you were not going to visit us first then we will have to be the ones to do so" Yun looked back at him, his eyes laughing at Mark's current position. Kuro just affirmed her position on top of Mark's body by putting her weight more firmly on top of him.

Mark let out a small laugh, his eyes pulling up in amusement as Kuro affirmed her position and Mark found it difficult to breathe. Kuro seemed not to notice but Yun did and he pushed at Kuro to let him go. The feline growled but finally let him go.

Mark took a deep breath as he finally got his freedom. He had a pair of friends in front of him who was highly usable.. Finally, he was getting somewhere and they had a way out.

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