Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 203 - The Forbidden Pandora - 2

Mark had to assume that the other party was telling the truth now. There was too much evidence in favour of Rao's speaking for it to not be true. So this was who Mark had been before he had gone into the game. He just hoped that the room would provide him with much more information than the world had.

"Let us meet in time for breakfast. Also, make sure you lock your room and stay vigilant when you are in this house because there are a lot of backstabbers here" Mark understood the tense feeling he was getting at the breakfast table because he had felt eyes on his back and they had not been the friendly kind either

. He nodded back to the other to show his gratitude before he closed his door and bolted the door shut. Achieve it to the curtains back to look at the view outside before he sensed danger and close the one again. He could officially say that he did not like this house.

The day was finally here. This was the day they would end it all and bring this world to a state which was not in immediate danger of being blown away. Mark was as ready as he could ever be for something like that to happen. 

It had been a dangerous and nervous night for him, waiting for things to blow over finally but it had happened in the end. Mark had waited for this moment for a long time but now that it was finally here, it felt as if he was going to like his guts out. He had been that nervous about his choices as well. Not to mention, all the small noises he could hear outside his door throughout the night. He had felt sure that he was going to die tonight.

"Oh, you made it alive. I was so sure they were going to dispose of you tonight" Mark felt a shiver go down his spine as those words hit him. He really had been in danger tonight, hadn't he? He was so glad he had decided to take Rao's advice and bolt his door shut. He was sure that was the only reason he had stayed alive today. Mark was not sure, but he has a feeling he was not liked here.

"Don't pay too much attention to them. They will not harm you in broad daylight but I cannot say the same about nighttime." The breakfast was awkward. The workers did not stare but their silence was beginning to get on Mark's mind. They were far too observant and unnerving for Mark to feel comfortable with. Rao likely felt the same, since he navigated the situation to get them both out of there.

"We have a meet-up spot ready. Let's start heading back there for now" Mark did not question Roa's word choice or tone. He felt the same dislike for their contracted workers. Why had they kept them at work for so long? Even if they did want new workers urgently, could they not find anyone better suited for this job?

"Why do you even put up with these fools? There are so many better people inside this world who appreciate this opportunity much more than this snuck-up batch" Mark was certain of this fact. He had seen the condition of the world below and he was sure that any one of them would do anything to get a space up here. They would also be much more loyal than their current servant batch.

"If only things were this simple. Not only would the new servants, but our whole family would be affected if he decided to do such a thing. This was one of the reasons I decided to leave home" there was a better look in Rao's eyes before it faded away into a neutral expression. He looked a little lost in his thoughts, so Mark chose not to disturb his peace. But the other decided to turn towards him and continue their earlier conversation.

"You know, it surprised me when you came back and you were far more changed than I could have ever hoped for. I never thought that you would ever speak up or even stand for the people below. You never showed an inclination for the same before your memory loss. Maybe this was a good thing for you" this was just another set of contradictory words Mark had heard for his character from the same person.

So far, he was not able to make out what kind of person he had been based on words alone. Even the glimpse of his home life did not tell him what kind of person he had been.

There would be more chances to get his memory back. This was what Mark believed as he left the home. Rao let him around the places since Mark had no idea where they were even going. Barring their estate, most of the cityscape looks similar. It was difficult to tell where they were exactly and the map did not help. Had Mark been alone, he was sure he would not be able to make it back to his house or the headquarters.

Thankfully, Rao did have a car despite all the things he said. She drove fastly through the empty city space and reached their destination in record time. Mark, I would not say that the other was among the best drivers he had seen but the other certainly knew his way around this cityscape.

There was a feeling of tension as they entered the building. Unlike yesterday, the lady at the reception did not stop them to question. She had recognised them from their face alone and she was not about to embarrass herself for a second time. She waved them inside and they walked as fast as they could to get to the destination. The other two were waiting for them in front of a closed-door which said 'confidential'.

"Did you get the permission to use this freely? We will have to dig in a lot to find the exact moment to strike the virus down" Rao did not wait for a greeting when he shot his words. The other two still did not look happy to see him, but they have adapted to his presence. It was not like they could get rid of him anyway and did not want to jeopardize this mission.

"Would it get permission to use it freely but not for long. We will need to finish this all by tonight." Liam had a lot riding on this mission. Not only because of the higher-ups but also because he had burned a lot of bridges to get to this point. A lot of favours had to be called in to make this one use possible and there was no way they could get permission to do this one more time.

"One day is enough for me to get this way out of the system but it depends on who we are sending inside as well. They need to play their part perfectly" everyone glanced toward Mark as Rao said that. It looked as if they had already decided who would go inside. Mark did not agree with your choice but he had no voice in the matter. He would have to be the one to go inside and make everything alright again.

"Do not put a lot of pressure on yourself or you will fail before you even start." En tried to make him feel better but it only made him feel worse. He had just been handed the fate of this world and it told him not to be nervous? His face like you said it all because the other did not try to console him once again. Now it was Mark against the world.

"Make sure you have gear properly installed over your person. We will not be able to reach you otherwise" Mark did not know what he was doing, but thankfully for him, others did know how to make him presentable. There was nothing for a moment before a shock passed through his body and made him lose his consciousness. It was not like going to sleep which happened in an instant but a gradual process where he could feel himself sinking deeper inside that void.

It was a terrible feeling to feel his body and not be able to move it in any way. The void did not allow any movement and it held inside it. There was a feeling of despair inside him which made him want to start running away but his body did not cooperate with him in any way. There was a feeling inside him that said he would not be able to move ever again.

And then, the light started to flood his eyelids. The blank space beside him started to morph into different colours and shapes. They gradually solidified and formed a very familiar landscape in front of him.. He was finally back inside the game.

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