Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 208 - The Will To Change (Extra - 2)

"Please come back when you have your priorities straight and do not have the stench of filth all over yourself. No matter how much you wash, your essence of a low-born would not change and people like you are not welcomed here" Rao had no idea what they were talking about but he wanted to help Milli feel better.

He saw her and another child with her, their hands clasped into each other tightly. Rao felt his chest tighten at the gesture and wanted to turn back but he could not. He had to face this reality right now.

"She has a rough road in front of her. That kid with her, he is likely someone from the lower words" he was? But he looked so ordinary? He looked like Rao and Mark and Milli and did not deserve to be treated like this? But he had been and he would be again. This was the kind of world they were in after all.

"Let's go back. I am sure mother and father are worried about us. They wanted to take us back ASAP after all. It's best if we do not get involved with them right now. Hey, Rao, wait" Mark creid out but the elder did not listen to him.

What did the whiney baby behind him know of struggles. He had been handed everythinhg since birth and did not even care for what he did not have. He was not like Rao or even Milli who was crying in front of them.

Mark did not feel anything about anyone else and this was clear to Rao once he looked deeper into his character, but Rao was not like Mark. he cared and he wanted to help the other out if he could. He might  not like his familly but it did have influence.

"What is the matter here?" Rao asked, trying to channel his mother's aura. She was someone everyone outside of thier family feared. No one would go against her word once they were given out.  If he could channel her aura, then no one would be able to question him.

But his words did not seem to be impressing the other side but Milli did give her a small glance in gratitude. She seemed to be recovering from whatever that had transpired and Rao felt happy to see that. Maybe now she will give him the time of her day.

"Mister Rao, Master Mark, welcome back" the gatekeeper called back to the two, his voice full of surprise. Rao did not want to talk to the guard but he could not avoid him as well. There was a stalemate in this situation before Rao decided to break it. 

"Will you answer my question now?" Rao asked in an impatient voice. He looked really peeved out that he was being ignored. He even ignored Mark who was giving him an evil eye. He could not let it go. Not now that he was so close to his objective as well.

"I am not clear about your question Mister Rao. Can you please clearify it?" it did not miss Rao how he was called Mister while his brother had been called Master. The first time coould have been a coincidence but this time was no mistake. This was a delibrate attempt from the other side at showing him down. 

Not that he was going to fall into that trap again. Not infront of Milli and her new friend. He woudl show them how cool he was and then they would respect him. There would be no mistake in that.

But that was only possible if this gate keeper here did his job and allow Rao the same respect he gave his brother. But of course this was not going to happen. His brother was too important for them, too different than him to really consider Rao as worthy of the same status.

"Ahh. Please pardon my brother. I think he misunderstood something. I will be sure to go ahead and habve a talk with him. Please have a nice day" Mark came between him and the other which startled both of them. This was very uncharacterstic of Mark and they all knew it.

"No, I understand Master Mark. I hope you have a safe journey home" the other said as he greeted his brother instead of Rao. It felt really bad for Rao to experience but he was used to this by now. He could easily swallow the disappointment that was rising inside him.

He could not, however, swallow the ball of rage that was building inside him. How dare Mark tell him what to do. Rao was the elder one, the fourteen years old hier. He should be the one they all come back to answer, not his younger and inexperienced brother.

"Let's go" Mark tugges at his arm sleeved and Rao saw red. He pulled his arm out of the other's reach and decided to leave this area as soon as he could. The humiliation was too much for him to take. They saw his brother and not him at all.

"No. you let me go. I am done with you" maybe they all thought of him as mentally challanged for freaking out at such a small thing but it was not a small thing for Rao. This had been building up for some time now and he could not help but finally let it all out.

He didnnot hear their words, he did not see the servant's eyes narrowing at him before he bolted form that place. Mark was calling him back but he did not hear him. He could notbhear anyone over the ringing inside his ears anyway.

So he ran and ran till he could not so not more. He was sure someone was tracking him right now. They were always tracking him anyway and it could just not be helped at all. Anyway, he was finally out on his own now and he could see the world through his eyes.

And the first thing he wanted to do was to see the downside. He had heard so much about that palce that he could just imagine it in his sleep. He was curious to see how his fantasy held in such a place. Was it really as fascinated as he had hoped it to be?

Rao could not help but get excited. 

This was why he decided to head there right at that moment. He duked the guards folllowing behind him and made his way to the elevator district. He did not have a permit but he knew how to get down without it. 

He had no practiocal knowledge but he had seen a man do it before. His biggest advantage was that he had a lot of money in his hand. People liked money so they will like Rao as well. Once you had enough money, no one was your enemy except the society itself. 

"Can you help me out" Rao flahsed a stack of cash he had toward the counter. The other side made a show of not seeing his cash but he sae interest shine inside their eyes. They made a geature for him to get away before someoen made their way toward them.

"You want to get down there kid? Come with me and I will show you the way" Rao followed behind the man,. He knew he coukd not trust them but they would not risk harming him either.

He looked to be from a well off family and no one wanted trouble with a higher family here. He was as safe as one could be here and they all knew it as well. He was easy cahs and they would not say no to him. Rao wanted to take advantage of this fact as he did go down.

"Sign here and here. We will come back to retrive you later kid. Will 4 days be enough time for you to come back?" the officer asked, now a little owrried that the kid's parents would knwo where he had gone to. 

They would not be in trouble legally but there were too many factros for them to consider. Rao understood this and decided to reassure them with a nod. He would be back by then anyway so there was no need for them to worry as well. They looked relieved as well.

Rao had his first look at the world below as he was in the elevator. The ones born in the upperworld generally avoided that palace like a plague, too afraid of going back there but Rao was different. He was enchanted and fascinated by all that green.

He felt as if he had found his place to belong and now he no longer wanted to leave it. He would make sure that side would see the view they deserved to see soon as well.. He was going to work for them and make things better for them. He made this promise to them and to this world

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