Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 43 - The Message In The Notes Part 2

When the door opened, Liam had been organising his data files as his system had far too much information from the outside world. This was a crucial work that he had been selected for through a touch trial and he would see it through to the end.

His world counted on it too.

Alan and Mark entered and he watched in fascination as the party of three made it safely back. They were not in Liam's personal office this time but the central one under the command centre as he did not want to have his personal space invaded.

"Did everything go well?" Liam asked but his voice betrayed how uninterested he was in the conversation. Of course, since Mark and Alan had made it back alive then it was likely that the mission was complete.

That was all he was concerned with.

Of course, Mark's and Alan's personal health was an issue since he did not want them out of commission too soon. They were a variable factor at the present time but they were not indispensable at the moment.

Alan was the key to keep Luna in line and a word here and there was enough to make him agree with Liam's thinking if he worded it right. And the teen could come in handy if the hints the development team had provided were true.

But that had happened before the virus had started to corrupt the file, so he could not be sure how much of it was retained in the file.

As for Mark? Well, he had thought to use him as a 'protagonist' first instead of Luna. He had thought that if the events did not start at all, then everything could be prevented.

That had been his nativity talk and things progressed just as they were supposed to, just worse.

Now there were too many factors that could destabilise the storyline but they had already become a separate entity so their death would not impact the progress at all.

But, as much as this was a problem, it was also a solution for the future. He had something over Mark, his life and the debt could be used to bind him to their side. There were tasks that the main force could not perform at all but someone had to do those.

Depending on NPC's to do those was a huge risk, so Mark was the best choice. Liam would be sure to extract every small drop of usage from that character before he left him for the dead. Besides, for some reason, En had gotten attached to the data that made up Mark.

That blow wouldn't be beneficial at all, neither to him nor to the missions and definitely not to his own world.

"We have everything you asked for. It's in my inventory" Mark took out the material from the inventory and it splashed on his floor with a wet sound. The transparent material flew and stuck to the tiny orbs.

The monster's eggs - he needed the abnormality for the scientists to work on. This was the first clue to the mission that allowed character evolution and finally turned it into the fantasy story that it was set out to be.

"You did well. Do you want to tell me about something else? About how you cleared the area?" Liam asked as he narrowed his eyes at the group. Something felt different with that group, something felt as if it had shifted and he wanted to know.

"What else is there that you don't already know about. The mission was tiring though, so I hope I can leave early from here"

But Mark did not feel like someone he could easily manipulate, especially in recent times. The attitude Mark showed toward him was friendly but not really a close type of friendly.

It was a 'We're strangers so I'll show you courtesy but only be wary of you being a stranger' kind of friendly. He could only guess what they did there. Maybe follow the guide and leak the gas? Or was there some other hidden way?

It looked like he would not get much out of this. He'll have to investigate it further but in the meantime, he'll keep an eye on them both. His system could not hack Mark's since his data did not match the database but Alan was free to be used.

He'll be keeping an eye on this case personally then, no need to involve others.

"I see. Thank you for your help this time. I'll be sure to tell you if anything else comes up in the meantime and you'll be compensated accordingly. You'll also get a new post to earn points to exchange things here inside the base" Liam kept his voice low and soft but inside his mind, he was scheming about what to do next.

He could utilise this development in so many different ways but he needed the time to think. He watched the party leave, his mind running a thousand miles per hour before he finally decided to pass the message to the scientific team who hurried inside.

"We have the samples we need, now process them according to the instructions. I want results and I want them fast. Someone tell me about the progress of the first team with Luna'' There was no time to be wasted and he had plans to make.

He would make sure that his world would make it out alive, even if he had to crash and burn this one. His society depended on him doing things right and he would always choose his own world over everything.


Mark was not sure what he had expected out of this meeting with Liam. He already knew that he would get no answer, but maybe a hint or clue about the current situation would be appreciated. But things would not be that easy at all.

At least it had ended in a calm and composed manner.

"I'm tired and hungry. Want to head to the cafeteria?" Alan asked and Mark turned toward the teen who looked more tired than hungry.

"Let's go. Then I'll accompany you to your room" the teen nodded as he picked up Kuro in his arms and followed after him.

The cafeteria was hustling and bustling with people of different ages and sizes. It was certainly more crowded than before and it was now divided into an overcrowded civilian section and a team section.

Alan, without hesitation, moved toward the team section and sat down on the first table he could find. Mark followed behind him and sat down with him but he felt a little hesitant to do so as dozens of eyes focused on his person.

It creeped him out but he ignored it in favour of focusing on Alan. The teen was explaining to the people around him how Mark was his 'special guest' here and it was clear to Mark that this was not a place he would naturally belong to.

He was here because Alan had invited him here. Because Alan was Luna's brother and he had saved 'Protagonist's brother'.

"What would you like to have Mark? My brother gave me a big allowance so I'll treat you this time" Mark remembered that Liam had said something about points and shops which meant that there was a currency system here.

He'll look more into that when Liam finally provides him with his post but for now he would have to depend on Alan since he did ont have any points on him right now.

"I'll take anything you fancy" Mark replied and the teen beamed before he was off to order. It felt even more lonely and dangerous to be alone than to be with Alan. Kuro was not helping as her very presence was a trouble magnet.

No one actually approached him which was a miracle since he had an animal with him but that could be attributed to Alan's company. People trusted him as he was Luna's brother and that somewhat extended to him and Kuro too.

It was as thin as a thread though.

"Sorry, I was gone for too long. Here, try this out since this is really good" He was handed a bowl of noodles and the teen had one in front of himself which he seemed to be devouring. Mark began to eat his own but he could not taste them that well.

The system was dulling his sense of taste along with emotions since the centres were close inside his brain. It sucked but it was an acceptable alternative.

Once the food finished, the teen seemed to lose whatever energy he had. The movements of the smaller body became sluggish and uncoordinated which made it difficult for the teen to even walk.

Mark helped him reach his room before he deposited the teen into the nearest bed before leaving. The corridors he took were empty of people and those who bumped into once were the random NPCs.

Soon the back area was visible again to him, the tree in the centre shining pillar attracting his attention by its mere presence and mesmerising him.

Still, the tired pull of sleep was much stronger right at the moment and it compelled him inside his room. The distance was covered in a flash and Mark fell onto his bed.

He expected the dream to come early but it did not happen. His brain refused to shut off and the darkness crept over his senses. He opened his system and his eyes were faced with the message from before, opened and tempting.


Warning: New data found - dissolving and decoding.

User data found - user - unidentified - classified information - ERROR

Keys found to the message - 1/3

New mode unlocked - click to view the clue (caution - user is advised to be alone while viewing this mode)


And he clicked on it to unlock it.

And the world shifted with a rock, the whole sky lighting up with coded words as it glitched - visible outside his window.

And there was only one thought inside his mind - 'I should have done this in the morning'

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