Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 61 - The Guilty Conscious Part 3

The resulting stalemate was an acceptable outcome for Mark. In retrospect, the opponents in front of him were not someone who he could just beat in a fight. Their power and skill set were unknown.

One was even a divine beast, likely older and more experienced than Kuro. His partner, the female, looked not too impressed but even her bare arms sang of strength, having enough power to stop Kuro all by herself.

"Kuro, step back. I'm afraid they're friends this time around too" Kuro was not bulging but her ears did move in his direction, meaning that he had likely been heard.

This really was a curious outcome, one Mark had not considered possible but he should not be that surprised. It was a well-known fact that DNA splicing was a core mechanic that was later introduced in the game which allowed humans to gain animal powers.

So, it should be no surprise that there were some grounds in the base DNA between humans and these monsters that overlapped. The normal gene pool did not allow such close relations and safe introduction so it should be assumed that these creatures were somewhat humanoid.

Still, to see them standing right in front of him in human form took him by surprise.

"Vodi, step back. If they are offering help then they are friends" Mark was not sure if this was how it went, but the calm and smiling face in front of him was offering an out to him so he should take it.

"Kuro, come back here" Mark finally decided he needed to drag the jaguar back by her fur. Kuro did follow his instructions in the end, but it was not with a happy growl she gave out.

The other female, the black-haired, dark-skinned and likely older female watched warily. Her eyes were focused on the jaguar with an interested gaze but she did not allow her curiosity to overcome her senses.

Not to mention, she was not the only one. The snake was watching the interaction all the while with a relaxed and happy smile but Mark could feel the curious fascination right below that calm facade.

It spoke of violence and greed of the likes he had never felt before and it left an almost slimy feeling in his senses. The less he interacted with these two, the better it would be for all.

"Will you tell us how we can help you? Are you after the dual cores?" It might not be a wise choice, to be so upfront about things and yet Mark decided to do exactly that.

"Oya, you know about that too? Tell me, doctor, is it also something you studied before or is there another reason you know about it?" Mark did not fancy that smile at all, the voice now just bubbling behind that facade which was bubbling with something dark.

It was bound to explode anytime if he did not stop the other and Mark was not sure he could.

"Keep yourself in check Fidi or I'll be the one to end you right here. They would not be happy should you blow this base up before time" Vodi, the female he was not sure about spoke up, her hand almost coming to rest on the snake's white head before it fell off onto his shoulder instead.

The rage and violence almost vanished under that touch and the smile turned just a little more genuine. Mark felt himself calm down at that.

"I see, I see. This gentleman must have a reason he knows about all this, right?" The tone had not changed at all, but Mark found himself much less scared of that voice for now.

"Indeed, I do have my reasons and the most important one being - I want you gone from this base without causing a mass panic" Mark did mentally curse himself after those words were out but then tried to calm himself down.

Those were vague spoilers for what was undergoing in the base currently but he was not sure if the others had picked up on that or not.

"Causing a panic would be unwise right now, but I'm not sure we can trust you human yet. Your change of heart is a little concerning to us" the female spoke this time, her suspicion clear from her moments and Mark felt himself sweat.

At that point, Kuro also decided that she had enough of this and her claws almost came in contact with the other two who dodged.

"Kuro, no. What's wrong with you today?" Kuro had no guilt on her face, the calmness covering the usual playfulness and somehow her aura had shifted.

Once again, the snake was looking at the black fur body with interest, his gaze not moving away for a few seconds.

"Her code is incomplete, a rare occurrence for the divine beasts but not unheard of. I don't know what her purpose was supposed to be but I believe I have a proposal for you that will be...mutually beneficial for both of us" the smiley face was once again back and Mark felt his heart sink.

Those words were enough for him to guess the likeliness of what was wrong.

Kuro's initial data was planned to be with Maya but since Mark was in possession of her now, it was incomplete. Maybe it was also the reason Maya was so fixated on Kuro a while back, her data made her do so.

It was a compulsion for them and explained so much.

"I,.... I was not aware. You can help me?" Mark asked, his voice almost taking a defeated tone. Kuro was his companion, the only one other than Alan and he did not wish to lose her if possible.

His words caused the snake's smile to widen just a little more and the female also gave a small nod of acknowledgement meaning that he had likely been accepted into their party for now.

"Yes, but you'll need to do your share of work too. I'm sure it will be a happy friendship for all of us here" this was not friendship, it was a working relationship but if the other wanted to label it as such.

It worked just fine for Mark.

"I'll get you the cores you need and in return, you help me with Kuro. That's the deal alright?" There was no visible confirmation but the atmosphere spoke of the agreement that was just made.

"We'll hold you to it. But do hurry or our 'creator' would get angry at us. It's not a fun experience for anyone involved and people die as a result of it. We'll see ourselves out then" Mark was half listening to those words, his hands and brain trying their best to contain Kuro.

But his ears did catch the words 'creator' which brought a series of new questions to speculate. Was this the person who created the Virus, the game or was it a part of the code but was to be expanded on further?

There was also the question of whether he should tell Liam or not. He could tell him about the creator but he had no source he could pin it on. To tell the other about this encounter was to open a whole new can of worms.

And the final nail in the coffin was the secret of the system he was keeping. Those consequences were still not known to him and that made him hesitate to answer the questions.

"Let's go back Kuro, please calm down" the jaguar's agitation was still not gone but she did seem calmer with only both of them around.

Mark scratched her behind her ears which finally snapped Kuro out of her mood and soon she was back to the smaller form.

Mark had no idea who those creatures had entered the base or how they had gotten out, but their human forms might be the key. It would not be too bold to assume that he would meet them again and very soon at that.

The day's excitement had drained Mark though, and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. The bed was not comfortable but it was heaven to his tired body and it did not take long before the morning came around.

But the good thing about being back in the base was that Mark could take it slow now. His duty did not come around till the evening which left him enough time to strategize for his next move.

The first thing on the agenda was to find out more about the dual cores. There was just so much that his system could tell then without hitting the confidential section which was something he could not access.

It was an addition that came after the update and was frustrating to his research.

But he had to find another source of information and he had to do it fast. Luckily, he did know someone who fits the role perfectly and could help him out too.

It was time to pay a visit back to Rika.

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