Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 67 - Gaining The Trust Part 3

The atmosphere seemed tense which was appropriate given the situation.

"Come inside and close the door behind yourself. It'll be better if someone else does his best to not let secrets slip to other unrelated people" that was a persona, one Mark did not think he deserved.

He could see Luna clench his hands at that confirmation and Mark felt his anger drain a little. Right, this wasn't about him but about Liam and Luna.

He was just the instigator.

So Mark did as he was asked and walked inside once he closed the only escape route from the room. The sense of danger thickened and Kuro let out an unhappy growl unconsciously which startled him.

So he left her at the table near the door and made his way inside alone.

The other two seemed not to pay any special attention to him and even as he took his seat, he could tell that they were far more occupied with each other than to be concerned with him.

Liam finally did turn to him, his face showing a disapproving expression.

"I confided in you because I trusted you Mark but I see I was wrong to do so. Luna finding this out could jeopardise the whole progress we made" the youngest flinch but his face did not move from its impassive state.

Even if Liam was talking to him, everyone knew his words were meant more for the youngest than for Mark.

"You confided in me because you fucked up so don't put this on me. Besides, too many people already know so adding another one into the mix should not hurt. Besides, consider our current position" Liam seemed to understand his words but he did not look any happier.

Well, it was not Mark's responsibility to make the other happy. He was just doing what he needed to survive.

"We are all data? Do our lives even matter?" Luna could, apparently not keep quiet and the outburst could be seen from miles away.

"Of course your data matter. If it didn't then I would not be here wasting my time. I would be with my family instead, living a happy life out there" there was silence but it was not a peaceful one.

The tension was still cracking in the air and it just seemed to be boiling even more in this condition.

"I want you to tell me the truth and maybe it will convince me not to share it with everyone else in this base" that jolted Mark too.

That one line held far too much power and the other didn't even realise it himself. Things were already delicate enough but if they added other variables into this mix, then the pot will spill over even before they could do anything.

"H-hey, let's not be hasty. Even if this world is made up of data, we do exist. Besides, I'm not even sure if we're part of a program anymore. Have you noticed that ever since that update people had become more self-conscious?" Mark diverted their attention to another topic in an attempt to stop the other.

And it seemed to work since that face just changed from a frown to a thoughtful expression.

"I did have a talk with the coding team but they cannot find any special abnormality in anything yet. But the behaviour of these people is quite strange. Most of them are not behaving like an NPC at all" Those words seemed to be of interest to Luna who finally calmed down.

"I did notice that too. Even my team who never questioned me before had started to ask various questions. I thought it was because of Alan but I guess it must be something different after all" fight seemed to be leaving the younger and Mark felt himself relax just a little more.

The earlier air somehow felt lighter but no less dangerous than before.

"Are you over your bitching fest now? Can I go back to my room? I need to leave Kuro there and prepare for the afternoon shop" Mark was tired of this talk and he was sure that he had only been called after Liam and Luna had already talked this through once.

Mark was not actually needed here, was he? It was just to inconvenience him.

"Wait, I'll escort you. I might trust you but not that animal. It's a divine beast, I know it is. Don't try denying that at all" Mark shut his mouth all at once. "I do not trust it without its leash whom you are not"

Ah, Mar had forgotten. If this person was from the future then he must have known about Kuro and Maya. No wonder he seemed spectacle of Mark so much.

At his side, Liam just let out a sign of pain and Mark knew he was on his own now.

"Alright, come with me. I think this is another thing you need to know" the other gave a nod and Liam did not interrupt Mark when he stood up to leave which he took as a sign for permission.

Not that he needed it, but getting one was still nice.

Once they both were far away from the room, Mark turned toward the younger who stood taller and bulkier than him.

"Kuro has been bounded to me this time around so you don't need to worry about her going on a rampage. Maya is not involved this time around and I would like to keep it as such. Don't mention Kuro in front of her" the other had questions and Mark knew that as soon as he saw the look on his face.

Luna had to take some time to gather his own thoughts. Everything was confusing now and he was not used to such a situation. Maya had been a crucial factor last time and for her to suddenly be replaces spoke volumes for the changes that were going to happen.

It was not something he was prepared for when he woke up today and yet he found himself in such a ridiculous situation once again.

"Can you control it?" this was what Luna finally settled on, the only thing that mattered. Maya had struggled with the divine beast at the start and it had been rough.

One of the biggest battles had been when the divine beast had unleashed its full potential and other divine beasts had invaded as a result. Most of the people had died but somehow they had survived.

It had been thanks to Maya though. She and her divine beast, who finally submitted to the girl.

"Kuro is her own person so I won't say I can control her. But rest assured that she will not lose her composure and put us all at risk. Should it happen, I'll kill her myself" the other sounded confident which did assure Luna a little.

This person was an enigma to him, his mere presence an obstacle to the future he knew.

And yet he could not think of this person not being here for now. His brother liked him, almost worshipped him and spoke about him all the time. Luna felt as if he already knew this person without knowing him at all.

And then there was that scene in his memory - of being saved and being told to run so very long ago. It was this very face, he could never forget it at all.

But Mark had denied it to his face before. Would he deny it once again if he asked?

"You were the one who saved me that long ago, weren't you?" the other stopped walking, something flashing behind his eyes and Luna waited for the answer he already knew.

"If I say yes, would anything change at all?" yes, yes it would. Luna had regretted his powerlessness that day, made it his driving force even.

It was what kept him going, to not be faced with that situation once again and yet this person stood in front of him.

Was this his saviour or his doomer?

"I can't say for sure. I have looked back at that figure covered in blood and yet so brave for a long time now. But you" he pointed to the other who stood impassively in front of him "You defy everything he stood for and yet you are the same as him. I can't seem to separate you at all and it worries me"

In his mind, Dr Mark and that figure were on different scales. It made him off balance to think otherwise.

"Then think of us as different people. I'm not that person any longer and that person was never me anyway. We are two separate beings so treat us as such. But perhaps extend some of that trust to me?" the last part was a question but those words seemed to lighten Luna.

Yes, this was something he could do.

"I guess I will try. I still don't trust you though" and even though Luna said that he knew that the bud of trust was beginning to form inside him.

"I expected as much but remember Luna, this is a game and a game is designed to be beaten. every mission and problem has a loophole, no matter how worse the situation gets" those were the parting words the other said.

And this would set the road for the future of that world.

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